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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 220x314, the sun also rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1497108 No.1497108 [Reply] [Original]

"It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night is another thing."


>> No.1497114

“I can’t stand it to think my life is going so fast and I’m not really living it.”

>> No.1497117


That's the at the end isn't it?

I remember reading it and feeling really sad anyway.

>> No.1497123

Fuck me, the parallelism between that statement and my life is just...Jesus...I'm gonna go take a walk.

>> No.1497126

No it's in one of the earlier chapters.

The last line is Jake saying to Brett, "Isn't it pretty to think so?"

>> No.1497137


Oh yeah, on the coach, right?

That line you posted really does stand out though.

>> No.1497142
File: 39 KB, 1277x528, rapierwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're reviving old threads

>> No.1497144

>if we're reviving old threads

>> No.1497152

this thread has had multiple lives

it literally haunts this board

>> No.1497157

Then I will bump this thread everyday and make it the longest lasting thread ever to have been on /lit/

>> No.1497162


maybe it'll live long enough to reach some sort of nirvana and just simply dissipate

>> No.1497165

anyone else remember choral music / tea / classychat thread

that was a good thread

>> No.1497189


>cool kids ss their own threads and repost them

>> No.1497207

this post is simply gross

of all the things you could've attacked me for

arrogance, paltry attitude, "delusions of grandeur"

you instead went flailing about with your little sausage fingers on that large, crumb filled, sticky keyboard of yours

>> No.1497214

Well, you seem to already be aware of your shortcomings.
That's like picking on a short kid for being short.
He can't help that he's height challenged.
Just like you can't seem to help that you're a pretentious asshole.
No reason to make fun of people for who they are, just what they do. :D

>> No.1497228

pretentious is the wrong word

nevermind, I'm too tired to start this

want to talk in the Gatsby thread?

>> No.1497248

No, pretentious is the right word.
I'm not basing it on just this post, but of everything I've ever seen you post.
You often attempt to impress others by making it seem as if you know more than you actually do.
Therefore pretentious was the exact word I was looking for. :)

>> No.1497251
File: 7 KB, 258x195, MrsR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misunderstand, i was going to say something clever

>You often attempt to impress others by making it seem as if you know more than you actually do
this is what wit is though, taking small truths and making them profound

I would say that you actually have to know very little

which is why it is such a unique gift

>> No.1497254

It is also the definition of pretentious.

>> No.1497256

then i will accept this pretension

I would rather die than to give up my one true concern at the moment

that is, to be completely and utterly glittering in everything i do

>> No.1497258

>>say something
>Fabulous !!GXZe+d0RTva

>> No.1497262

>*say something clever

serves me right for posting in the morning

f- y'all I'm outta here

>> No.1497263

You keep trying to sound intelligent by using big words, but you've got a shaky grasp on how they fit into sentences and everything you say is badly phrased, when you're not misusing the word entirely.

You think that you are being incredibly witty, so much so that you took a screenshot of your own post, but you really, really aren't. (Whatever you're trying to say in that ss, it doesn't make any sense. At all)

Pretentious is exactly what you should be called. Or possibly brain-damaged. It's too soon to tell.

>> No.1497266

>Stagolee !0Pey/QLK3E
next to nothing was being said

>> No.1497274

point out to me which words in my posts have been either large, misused or both

and you just can't get so mad over simple screenshots

they cost neither you nor me anything of true worth

>> No.1497278

Well, you use pretentious a lot, yet had to be told the definition, pretty much, before you realized that you fit under it's umbrella of awesome.

>That was wit, didyagetit?

>> No.1497282

it's awfully easy to read hemingway.

put on some big boy trousers. step away from faux machismo.

>> No.1497283

you can't make wit your bitch like that

she is a lady, respect her

you fell back on what could be identified as a witty rebuttal after failing to point out the flaws you previously accused me of

a forgivable crime

>> No.1497288


>different poster

>>1497263 isn't me. :/
I'm sure he'll be back with a scathing collection of misused words.
He seemed much more into knocking you down a peg than I am.
I'm just here for the tee shirts.

Though I have to say, when you try to personify things, and sound all artsy and dramatic in your speech, you kinda come off as a bit of a douche.

>> No.1497291


Tripfags like you who go out of their way to call attention to themselves detract from the level of conversation on this board and indeed flout the very spirit in which 4chan was created by needlessly turning conversations toward themselves in a place where identity should be irrelevant.

Taking screenshots of your own posts and putting them in unrelated threads is an egregious and frankly laughable failure as a poster and as a self-respecting human being.

>> No.1497293

artsy and dramatic...

I don't think you understand me as a character

>> No.1497295

You're not a character.
You're a kid who carries around a name and a tripcode like an internet badass, spewing pseudo-intellectual bullshit throughout the wasteland that is referred to as /lit/.

>> No.1497304
File: 6 KB, 183x276, Archie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not pretend this was before a gated community

there are so many imageboards to tripfag on, you don't think i would choose this on on a whim do you? i truly enjoy my literature

I feel no need to justify my actions; I am a modern personality

unaddressed complaints are vaild

I think i should go to bed now, I'll read your other posts in the morning

good night

>> No.1497315


>Please do not pretend this was before a gated community

I didn't say that.

>there are so many imageboards to tripfag on, you don't think i would choose this on on a whim do you? i truly enjoy my literature

I don't care.

>I feel no need to justify my actions; I am a modern personality

I'm sure you don't and I'm sure you are.

>unaddressed complaints are vaild

My complaint is that you are a poster of extremely poor quality.

>I think i should go to bed now, I'll read your other posts in the morning

This will be my second and my last.

>good night

I hope you wake up with motor neuron disease.

>> No.1497318

>Please do not pretend this was before a gated community

Right there. Read that fucking sentence out loud. Yoda, was it, taught you to speak?

>> No.1498152


>> No.1498174
File: 41 KB, 450x450, smokey_the_bear_large-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet another thread has fallen into the mangling hands of the tripfags.

Congratulations, Anons.

Remember, only YOU can refuse to acknowledge tripfaggery.

>> No.1498196
File: 122 KB, 1021x663, tripfagslit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anon, batuchka!

>> No.1498214
File: 290 KB, 638x919, 1291121724016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have returned

you seem to hate not only me but my more exceptional qualities, such a person is no fun to argue with

nothing about my post was false, if you have a valid complaint i would make it a hobby of mine to address it

tripfags are the oligarchical and undeniable identifying personalities of this board

you seem sort of... oblivious

>> No.1498314

Good luck doing that without attack bears.

>> No.1499016


>> No.1499030

you really gonna pull this shit?

ill sage my way out then

>> No.1500788


>> No.1500939

They put it near the end in the movie, but not *at* the end. That ruined the film for me.

>> No.1501461


>> No.1501470

I hope you're trollin'.

>> No.1501591

I got in a fight with Fabulous the other day. I have since come to the conclusion that he is both a skilled and unique troll.

>> No.1501675

>nothing in this thread is about the book
>me likey bouncey me likey bouncey
>what you dumbasses sound like

>> No.1502016


>> No.1502383
File: 277 KB, 706x903, Ernest Hemingway (1923).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1503462


>> No.1504447


>> No.1505581


>> No.1507032


>> No.1507102


I wish death upon everyone in that picture.

>> No.1507286
File: 21 KB, 400x311, s.a.d.cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not in that picture. im crying alone in the back alley.

>> No.1507288


Then you live...for now...

>> No.1508523
