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14970468 No.14970468 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when science contradicts the bible?

>> No.14970471

Science is wrong

>> No.14970475

We understand that it was metaphors anyway.
Possibly pointing to energy in the body or some shit like that

>> No.14970479

Goalposts are moved

>> No.14970482

We escort the nerd out of the theology department/thread

>> No.14970488

Modern man has a ridiculous belief that somehow, facts can prove something to be true
-paraphrased from Rene Guenon

>> No.14970496


Nothing. There are different ways of understanding the universe, the idea of "contradiction" is an oversimplification regarding the vastness of how we may use Reason. The Enlightenment confused science for a tool of deconstruction against the spiritual world rather than an addition to the intellect's comprehension.

>> No.14970500

The fruit was a metaphor for science. The more "learned" know to call science the work of Satan when it contradicts them.

>> No.14970519

Like when?

>> No.14970531

Science has show that donkeys generally don't speak

>> No.14970532

If you love the truth you'll submit to any new evidence that is discovered about reality, if you love lies like Satan you'll deny facts because of your feelings

>> No.14970558
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>Science has show that donkeys generally don't speak

>> No.14970603

>A miracle should have a scientific explanation, thats its meaning.
Get a lexicon already.

>> No.14970942


>> No.14970948
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>> No.14970962


>> No.14970994


>> No.14971652

nothing because we start at God not at nature so the way we interrupt the ever changing "facts" of science it's going to be interrupted through the lens of Christianity

>> No.14971663


>> No.14971673

For example? Oh, and, by the way, literal interpretations of the Bible are Protestant heresy.

>> No.14971686

>we start at God not at nature
>we start at God not God
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14971706

>I do not have facts to back this up

>> No.14971749

It was just a metaphor. All the other stuff is literal.

>> No.14971923

Step one:
Define "science"

>> No.14971993

is the bible any different than if some basedboys compiled the marvel universe into a text today? seems suspicious that a book written by wealthy jewish pharisees and translated by more jews is taken as gospel

>> No.14973333

The idea that donkeys don't generally speak is important to the miracle's context.

>> No.14973344

You learn that you should stop taking the Bible as a scientific manual. Or you just reject science when you think it attacks you and try to have faith in your religion since you think your religion is more important. But if their religion is so important, they should try to learn it better. if they make a good life and have a good Community then I suppose they have succeeded in life.

>> No.14973346
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What happens when something happens that the natural sciences can't explain?

>> No.14973359

It seems rather foolish to believe that every single jew ever is bad. Whatever if you want to hate the truth because you hate Jews then you reap what you sow. so I hope you're reaping and sowing some good things other than that.

>> No.14973364

I hate the Jews because I love the truth. Same as the apostles.

>> No.14973374

it's amazing how they all talk the same

>> No.14974502

I think St. Augustine said if it is so it isn't the bible that is wrong but humans intepreted incorrectly

>> No.14974766
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>> No.14974963

Its a religious book, not a science book.

Religious books dont need to be infallible in order to contain spiritual truth, wisdom, and value.

>> No.14974970

It doesn't, there can never be a conflict between the two.

>> No.14974978

yeah science is pretty badly or irresponsibly defined now. positivists like Auguste Comte are a good example of how it became synonymous with pretty much only modern methodology. aristotle was doing science just as he did theology and he didn't differentiate the two like how we do today.

>> No.14974982

yep, knowledge when deduced through physical laws of nature will never contradict God, its just that certain precepts became tangled up and now we have pretty mucha the most prevalent religion, scientism.

>> No.14975124

each time a fact is spoken a christian commits suicide by impaling themselves on a sharpened cross

>> No.14975131

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

>> No.14975138

Wrong non litteral Bible readings are just a step away from atheism . You can have them aftger the litteral of course

>> No.14975231 [DELETED] 

I hate Christians more than I hate niggers

>> No.14975282

>when you know literally nothing about biblical hermeneutics

>> No.14975327

Yeah those kind of folks literally think there's going to be some Godzilla-like Monsters roaming about when they read revelation.

>> No.14976412

we call science reddit and avoid thinking about it while indulging a feeling of superiority for being contrarians.

>> No.14976603


>> No.14976806

Two words: massive cope

>> No.14977085

It's one of the reasons why origen was condemned a heretic but sure

>> No.14977120


>> No.14977183

Nothing happens because bible has always been wrong xD

>> No.14977909

We admit that that Bible is frequently incorrect and the entire Old Testament is a work of the demiurge meant to deceive.

>> No.14977950

Some truths must be taken literally, such as the origin of the human race from Adam and Eve and their subsequent fall from holiness. Major events like the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, also must be taken as fact. Details in the historical books shouldn't be taken literally, due to the fact that those books weren't written with the intent of perfect historical accuracy.

>> No.14979070

Can someone post an epub of the Oxford King James Bible? The one I got from zlib doesn't open with MuPDF for some reason.

>> No.14979366
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Thats why sacred tradition and organised institution exists to define what are the dogma and what are the theologoumena, helping to guide and collect a correct exegesis and so on. Of course, Protestants would know tha... oh wait.

>> No.14979392

>It's one of the reasons why origen was condemned a heretic but sure
Origen was condemned for a specific form of Apokatastasis that went against resurrection of the dead and thought that demons could be said. Actually, it was less about Origen and more about Origenists.
In fact, most of his writings and exegesis were collected by Cappadocian Fathers like St. Basil and organized into a codex called Philokalia. And were used for centuries by the church fathers.

>> No.14979402

>that demons could be saved

>> No.14979412

>The fruit was a metaphor for science
No, for techne. Real Ellul.

>> No.14979418

Based quads.

>> No.14979460

Is neo-Luddism the real case for Christinity?

>> No.14979481

Recognize that each portion of the Bible has an expressed purpose and audience and that needs to be taken into account before declaring that "science contradicts the Bible."

>> No.14979500
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>> No.14979536

What happens when science contradicts Clifford the Big Red Dog?
Men wrote the bible. Godly men, perhaps divinely inspired even! Yet, men. Men can be wrong.

>> No.14981070
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When real life contradicts your ideology, your ideology is wrong

>> No.14981149
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Sorry but Origen was declared a heretic at the fifth ecumenical council

>> No.14982407

Think of it this way, there's a simulated world with AI actors. AI actors can learn all they want about how the simulated world works, for example, that a simulated ball bounces in a certain way, and it will have predictive power. However they will never become aware of the fact that they are in a simulation, that the ball ultimately bounces up and down not because of "gravity" or whatever, but because it was coded to bounce, and they will never learn how the code and their world truly works. It's the same with science and The Bible - science merely describes how the ball bounces. Bible describes how the universe really is.

>> No.14982938

the state of /lit/

>> No.14982946


>> No.14983019

>science is never wrong
>what are presuppositions

>> No.14983048

nigger im watching you
you are wrong
we are gonna fight to death just like sandniggers to see who is right

>> No.14983072


>> No.14983282

science is wrong, but it doesn't mean what you probably think of. Let me explain : science is changing constantly and correcting itself. What was thought as scientific fact earlier in the near future probably wont be cosidered as such. 2500 years ago greeks believed that matter consited of 4 elements. According to science then it was undeniable truth because current advancement of technology was able to let them understand reality at this level. .now with our modern technology science is able to let us understand reality at deeper level.But it is correct? current science will say so and according to itself it will be right . In 18th century scienstists believed that electricity was a type of fire. now with our technology we know this isn't true.but with their science it was. In 19th century people belived that there is nothing smaller than atom and that was scientific fact. until someone discovered electron. in 20th century Niels Bohr proposed planetary model of atom in which electrons orbited nucleus just like plantes orbit sun , and it was scientificaly correct and science then said it was true . now we know it isnt true. Now we know that electrons don't move like planets but they are rather clouds of probablity of some sort. Now we know this is true because current science says so and with our current technology we can belive this. but 300 years from now it won't be considered so true anymore , somebody will find better explanation and our 21th century understanding of the world would thought as funny myths some dumb people believed in those dark ages. Our current understanding of the matter is a little bit closer to the truth (we are able to create builings, advance chemistry and electronics at level our ancenstors wouldn't dream of )but still far away from it. the sooner you realise this the better. This is what mekes scientism false god.

>> No.14983293


>> No.14983297

Do you have examples of this happening?

>> No.14983302

Science is a method not a philosophy

>> No.14983414
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Science vs Religion is false dychotomy present mostly in protestant countries.( for example America) . it creates illusion in which you have to choose between one or another. Religion doesn't contradict science and science doesn't contradicts religion becasue they are two different fields.You could have ask what happens when literature contradicts history. Relgion deals with morality. When science tries to apply its blant matterialism to morality you get all those horrors of 20 century. You are asking what happens when science contradicts the Bible. All I can tell you is that if Bible was meant to be taken literally Jesus wouldn't have taught in parables.The Bible isn't meant to be science texbook , its meant to be an allegory for platonic metaphysics.

>> No.14983500
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The bible is largely allegorical, it is intended as the word of God to help you live correctly through the lense of human interpretation of history at the time it was written (though the New Testament should be taken literally most of the time). If you interpreted original theology literally then pic related would be the shape of the universe, though I’m sure there are people here retarded enough to say it’s true.

>> No.14983506

They never condradict. Science explains 'how', religion explains 'why'.

>> No.14983532

This is correct.