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14967018 No.14967018 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as cyber-buddhism?

I do believe the closest one can be to detach from material existence is through the Internet.

>> No.14967024

>t. pants on head

>> No.14967030

I study it with the thai ladyboys on pornhub

>> No.14967050
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uggghhh, two things I hate!

>> No.14967056

If Guenon was alive he would live in /x/

>> No.14967087

Buddhism is not about detaching from material existence.
The internet is actually as anti buddhist as you can get

>> No.14967109

select one

>> No.14967368

care to elaborate?

>> No.14967393

Unless you conceive of the internet as extra-material or post-material

>> No.14967448


You can't detach from materialist existence through a world facilitated by the material.

>> No.14967468

>what is death

>> No.14967488



>> No.14967489

>I do believe the closest one can be to detach from material existence is through the Internet.

Buddhism is not only about detachment from material things.

>> No.14967525

cyber taoism maybe
humans should live closely in accordance with nature as possible supposedly
if humans are nature then our technology can be explained as being nature playing out its course, meaning the internet is in accordance to nature. beavers build dams, humans build computers
also, the i ching or some shit was like some early as fuck Taoist binary shit. the concept of ying and yang in different configurations is the same as binary code being used to simulate shit. imo taoism predicts simulation theory

>> No.14967739 [DELETED] 

How is the internet anti-Buddhist?

>> No.14967856

>how is being glued to a screen an attachment?

>> No.14967869

transhumanists approve

>> No.14967911

Dalai Lama, or some other teacher sait IT guys should watch out, because the may rebirth into computer.

>> No.14967968

Only if your so absorbed in whatever mindless drivel your consuming that you cease to have any trace of ego and become the mere determination of market forces.
Ha, Karmic forces as market forces, would Land-fags approve?

>> No.14967995

Stop trying to use buddhist aesthetics to justify your decision to become a tranny.

>> No.14968056
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>>14967968 also me
I think its a purely aesthetic phenomenon.

>> No.14968084

Good point, OP

>> No.14969258

nick land has literally written about this
r/acc dudes had realized that their anti-anthropocentrism converges with buddhism on many points

>> No.14969320

Stop trying to bend the human to be compatible to technology, instead of bending technology to suiting the human.

>> No.14969435
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Buddhism isn't about trascending the flesh or the human condition or even the material world.
Buddhism is a doctrine of awakening, which is impossible as long as the mind remains clouded (the awakening is possible only for male human warriors, although any being can practice it and reincarnate into a male human warrior).
The internet, through its endless flux of novelty and informations, binds the individual to others, is a palliative for loneliness (which creates more attachment to company) and clouds the mind.
One of the reasons individuals today have less memory and less attention span, and overall less intelligence, is the internet.
The internet enslaves you even more than your biological desires (hunger, thirst) due to the effects it has on the mind.

>> No.14969466

This, the internet is only made possible by the endless regress of material struggle it took to construct it. This world is very big, OP.

>> No.14970860

Your true being is already attached to your physical body. I'm not thinking on the Internet as getting your ass in front of your computer, phone and xbox all day--or may be yes; let me elaborate.

Does losing your leg get you closer to Nirvana? Since you have lost one way to connect to the World (al of the nerves on your leg) you might think so. But the path to illumination is not through physical detachment but through spiritual one. And I do believe that exploring the Internet with a virtual avatar actually helps you understand that your body is, in fact, also another avatar, just another representation of what you are. Kinda in the vein that Pynchon tried to explain it on Bleeding Edge.

>> No.14970873

Is this on Fanged Noumena? I just got that book

>> No.14970888

Technolgy has been bent merely to human desire. it is cute to believe that technology is "corrupting" us with its "anti-human nature", but reality is it has just been a way to express human nature ad extremum.

>> No.14970912

>binds the individual to others, is a palliative for loneliness
How is this not a good way of reaching enlightenment? In asuba bawana you combat bodily desires by exposing yourself to the pure nature of flesh (a discomposing body). Why can't one deal with its attachment to society by exposing oneself to a discomposing society?