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14965323 No.14965323 [Reply] [Original]

>Finally read him
>Beyond good and evil is just Ted Kaczynski's manifesto "Industrial Society and Its Future" written 100 years prior

why didnt you guys tell me he was based

>> No.14965336

Yeah isn't it amazing? Who knew

>> No.14965354

Kacszinsky is profoundly Nietzschean.
Btw Hitler's interpretation of Nietzsche is canonical

>> No.14965356

Nietzche retroactively stole Kaczynsky's ideas.

>> No.14965385

>Hitler's interpretation of Nietzsche
Where can I read it

>> No.14965629

>There are few pains as intense as ever having seen, guessed, or sympathized while an extraordinary person ran off course and degenerated: but someone with an uncommon eye for the overall danger that “humanity” itself will degenerate, someone like us, who has recognized the outrageous contingency that has been playing games with the future of humanity so far – games in which no hand and not even a “finger of God” has taken part! – someone who has sensed the disaster that lies hidden in the idiotic guilelessness and credulity of “modern ideas,” and still more in the whole of Christian-European morality: someone like this will suffer from an unparalleled sense of alarm. In a single glance he will comprehend everything that could be bred from humanity, given a favorable accumulation and intensification of forces and tasks; he will know with all the prescience of his conscience how humanity has still not exhausted its greatest possibilities, and how often the type man has already faced mysterious decisions and new paths: – he will know even better, from his most painful memories, the sorts of miserable things that generally shatter, crush, sink, and turn a development of the highest rank into a miserable affair. The total degeneration of humanity down to what today’s socialist fools and nitwits see as their “man of the future” – as their ideal! – this degeneration and diminution of humanity into the perfect herd animal (or, as they say, into man in a “free society”), this brutalizing process of turning humanity into stunted little animals with equal rights and equal claims is no doubt possible! Anyone who has ever thought this possibility through to the end knows one more disgust than other men, – and perhaps a new task as well! ...
yup he was based

>> No.14965886

good you saved from reading Kaczynski
I had enough cringe with neetzsche

>> No.14965929

What does he mean by the Objective man? Can somebody give a modern example

>> No.14965984

>read BG&E
>refutes free will but then criticizes the skeptics for not believing in free will and being soft pussies

literally what did he mean by this

>> No.14966112

But that is based
>why didnt you guys tell me he was based
Oh so we agree

>> No.14966140

Free Will** is not the same thing as free will

**copyrighted by 2000 years of religious forming of "conscience"

>> No.14966145

>Beyond good and evil is just Ted Kaczynski's manifesto "Industrial Society and Its Future" written 100 years prior
this is bait.
This is the complete opposite of what Kaziskisnskinzki wanted, btw. The very last thing he wanted was for "humanity to exhaust it's greatest possibilities", seeing as he wanted to destroy all technological progress that would get us there (galactical domination, the uberman, artificial planets, etc etc). Khazinskinska was a resentful idiot (an "environmentalist", another one of those "modern ideas" Nietzsche would've laughed at profusely).

>> No.14966162 [DELETED] 
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>Btw Hitler's interpretation of Nietzsche is canonical

>censored his books
>ripped away entire chapters from Thus Spoke Zarathustra where Nietzsche rails against the State as the ultimate form of slave mortality
>Used fake letters from Nietzsche's sister to try to shoehorn anti-semitism into his ideas
Fuck off /pol/nigger.

>> No.14966166
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>Btw Hitler's interpretation of Nietzsche is canonical

>censored his books
>ripped away entire chapters from Thus Spoke Zarathustra where Nietzsche rails against the State as the ultimate form of slave morality
>Used fake letters from Nietzsche's sister to try to shoehorn anti-semitism into his ideas
Fuck off /pol/nigger.

>> No.14966175


>> No.14966184

>(galactical domination, the uberman, artificial planets, etc etc)
yeah lay off the marvel, bugman

>> No.14966198

Kaczynski is a compodium of Nietzsche, Marx and Freud.

>> No.14966247
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Kaczynski in general rejects leftism and especially intersectionalist politics as pointless. He certainly dosn't have a Marxist view of history. He only cares about capitalism as a manifestation of the technological system, essentially the same as centralization: a hydra's head of technology. Where do you get Marx from him?

>> No.14966282

Little men who come into philosophy and can't see 300 years in either direction, past or future.

>> No.14966338

This chart is actually pretty fucking based. Thanks to whoever put this together.

>> No.14966352

"The door will stay barred against these intruders,
however much they push or pound their heads against it! You need to have
been born for any higher world; to say it more clearly, you need to have
been bred for it: only your descent, your ancestry can give you a right to
philosophy – taking that word in its highest sense. Even here, “bloodline”
is decisive. The preparatory labor of many generations is needed for a
philosopher to come about; each of his virtues needs to have been individually acquired, cared for, passed down, and incorporated: and not only
the bright, light, gentle gait and course of his thoughts, but above all the
eagerness for great responsibilities, the sovereignty of his ruling gazes and
downward gazes, the feeling of separation from the crowd with its duties
and virtues, the genial protection and defense of anything misunderstood
and slandered, whether it is god or devil, the pleasure and practice in
great justice, the art of command, the expanse of the will, the slow eye
that hardly ever admires, hardly ever looks up, hardly ever loves..."

>> No.14966355

He didn't though

>> No.14966385

And now for one magnificent lie, in the belief of which, Oh that we could train our rulers! [...]
The tale must be imparted, first to the rulers, then to the soldiers, lastly to the people. We will
inform them that their youth was a dream, and that during the time when they
seemed to be undergoing their education they were really being fashioned in
the earth, who sent them up when they were ready; and that they must protect
and cherish her whose children they are, and regard each other as brothers and
sisters. [...] These brothers and sisters have different natures, and
some of them God framed to rule, whom he fashioned of gold; others he made
of silver, to be auxiliaries; others again to be husbandmen and craftsmen, and
these were formed by him of brass and iron. But as they are all sprung from
a common stock, a golden parent may have a silver son, or a silver parent a
golden son, and then there must be a change of rank; the son of the rich must
descend, and the child of the artisan rise, in the social scale; for an oracle says
’that the State will come to an end if governed by a man of brass or iron.’

I put it together, thanks.

>> No.14966409


>> No.14966434

In doing all the things you allege he did, Hitler would only have proven to be a true student of Nietzsche, in that he subordinated truth to his Will to Power instead of some crypto-Christian or slave-moral imperative to supposed hermeneutical accuracy, which your post betrays.

>> No.14966451

Oh yeah the big ubermensch who necks himself after losing the war

>> No.14966463

Beside the point brainlet

>> No.14966469

your hero is a pussy lmfao

>> No.14966487

Nietzsche would have approved too lol

>> No.14966498
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Yeah he did. Neck yourself.


>Nietzsche has famously been misrepresented as a predecessor to Nazism; he criticized antisemitism, pan-Germanism and, to a lesser extent, nationalism. Thus, he broke with his editor in 1886 because of his opposition to his editor's anti-Semitic stances, and his rupture with Richard Wagner, expressed in The Case of Wagner and Nietzsche contra Wagner, both of which he wrote in 1888, had much to do with Wagner's endorsement of pan-Germanism and anti-Semitism — and also of his rallying to Christianity. In a March 29, 1887 letter to Theodor Fritsch, Nietzsche mocked anti-Semites, Fritsch, Eugen Dühring, Wagner, Ebrard, Wahrmund, and the leading advocate of pan-Germanism, Paul de Lagarde, who would become, along with Wagner and Houston Chamberlain, the main official influences of Nazism. This 1887 letter to Fritsch ended by: "And finally, how do you think I feel when the name Zarathustra is mouthed by anti-Semites?"

>Peter Gast would "correct" Nietzsche's writings even after the philosopher's breakdown, and hence without his approval.

>Section VIII of Beyond Good and Evil, titled "Peoples and Fatherlands", criticized pan-Germanism and patriotism, advocating instead the unification of Europe (§256, etc.). In Ecce Homo (1888), Nietzsche criticized the "German nation" and its "will to power (to Empire, to Reich)", thus underscoring an easy misinterpretation of the Wille zur Macht, the conception of Germans as a "race", and the "anti-Semitic way of writing history", or of making "history conform to the German Empire", and stigmatized "nationalism, this national neurosis from which Europe is sick", this "small politics".

>Nietzsche heavily criticized his sister and her husband, Bernhard Förster, speaking harshly against the "anti-Semitic canaille":

>"I've seen proof, black on white, that Herr Dr. Förster has not yet severed his connection with the anti-Semitic movement ... Since then I've had difficulty coming up with any of the tenderness and protectiveness I've so long felt toward you. The separation between us is thereby decided in really the most absurd way. Have you grasped nothing of the reason why I am in the world? ... Now it has gone so far that I have to defend myself hand and foot against people who confuse me with these anti-Semitic canaille; after my own sister, my former sister, and after Widemann more recently have given the impetus to this most dire of all confusions. After I read the name Zarathustra in the anti-Semitic Correspondence my forbearance came to an end. I am now in a position of emergency defense against your spouse's Party. These accursed anti-Semite deformities shall not sully my ideal!!"
>-- Draft for a letter to his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche (December 1887)

>> No.14966503
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>Georges Bataille was one of the first to denounce the deliberate misinterpretation of Nietzsche carried out by Nazis, among them Alfred Baeumler. In January 1937 he dedicated an issue of Acéphale, titled "Reparations to Nietzsche", to the theme "Nietzsche and the Fascists. " There, he called Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche "Elisabeth Judas-Förster," recalling Nietzsche's declaration: "To never frequent anyone who is involved in this bare-faced fraud concerning races."

>> No.14966508
File: 45 KB, 579x124, socrates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the greek word is literally θεος in the text. God is correct here.

>> No.14966512
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>Nietzsche titled aphorism 377 in the fifth book of The Gay Science (published in 1887) "We who are homeless" (Wir Heimatlosen), in which he criticized pan-Germanism and patriotism and called himself a "good European". In the second part of this aphorism, which according to Bataille contained the most important parts of Nietzsche's political thought, the thinker of the Eternal Return stated:

>"No, we do not love humanity; but on the other hand we are not nearly "German" enough, in the sense in which the word "German" is constantly being used nowadays, to advocate nationalism and race hatred and to be able to take pleasure in the national scabies of the heart and blood poisoning that now leads the nations of Europe to delimit and barricade themselves against each other as if it were a matter of quarantine. For that we are too open-minded, too malicious, too spoiled, also too well-informed, too "traveled": we far prefer to live on mountains, apart, "untimely", in past or future centuries, merely in order to keep ourselves from experiencing the silent rage to which we know we should be condemned as eyewitnesses of politics that are desolating the German spirit by making it vain and that is, moreover, petty politics:—to keep its own creation from immediately falling apart again, is it not finding it necessary to plant it between two deadly hatreds? must it not desire the eternalization of the European system of a lot of petty states? ... We who are homeless are too manifold and mixed racially and in our descent, being "modern men", and consequently do not feel tempted to participate in the mendacious racial self-admiration and racial indecency that parades in Germany today as a sign of a German way of thinking and that is doubly false and obscene among the people of the "historical sense". We are, in one word—and let this be our word of honor!— good Europeans, the heirs of Europe, the rich, oversupplied, but also overly obligated heirs of thousands of years of European spirit: as such, we have also outgrown Christianity and are averse to it, and precisely because we have grown out of it, because our ancestors were Christians who in their Christianity were uncompromisingly upright; for their faith they willingly sacrificed possessions and position, blood and fatherland. We—do the same. For what? For our unbelief? For every kind of unbelief? No, you know better than that, my friends! The hidden Yes in you is stronger than all Nos and Maybes that afflict you and your age like a disease; and when you have to embark on the sea, you emigrants, you, too, are compelled to this by— a faith!"

>> No.14966527

You may paint it however you wish to cope.
Facts are facts.

Worshipping the State is slave morality.
Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.14966550


>> No.14966561


>> No.14966600

There are no facts, though. Only interpretations.

>> No.14966611

>Desert Solitaire
>This is America’s Walden
wtf did chartmaker anon mean by this?

>> No.14966620

>Worshipping the State is slave morality.
Did Hitler worship the state? No, he was the state. Hitler was a student of Nietzsche. Until he killed himself.

>> No.14966630

And his followers (like (You)) were lemmings.

>> No.14966825
File: 1.75 MB, 2304x2880, _ted_core jpg good (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, missed that in proofreading. Here's a version with what I meant, along with a fixed typo.

>> No.14966915

ok this chart is pretty good now

>> No.14966925

>he criticized antisemitism
yeah thats why he called them the progenitors of the victim mentality and said they used christianity as a revenge tool against rome. something polfags would never say oh wait

>> No.14966944

>bare-faced fraud concerning races
Nietzsche said that racemixing was generally bad because it combined the worst traits of the races and turned them into mediocre people.

>> No.14966972

You're still spelling Hesiod wrong though

>> No.14966982

>For skepticism is the most spiritual expression of a certain many-sided physiological temperament, which in ordinary language is called nervous debility and sickli- ness; it arises whenever races or classes which have been long separated, decisively and suddenly blend with one another. In the new generation, which has inherited as it were different standards and valuations in its blood, everything is disquiet, derangement, doubt, and tentativeness; the best powers operate restrictively, the very virtues prevent each other growing and becoming strong, equilibrium, ballast, and perpendicular stability are lacking in body and soul. That, however, which is most diseased and degenerated in such nondescripts is the WILL; they are no longer familiar with independence of decision, or the courageous feeling of pleasure in willing—they are doubtful of the ‘freedom of the will’ even in their dreams Our present-day Europe, the scene of a senseless, precipitate attempt at a radical blending of classes, and CONSEQUENTLY of races, is therefore skeptical in all its heights and depths, sometimes exhibiting the mobile skepticism which springs impatiently and wantonly from branch to branch, sometimes with gloomy aspect, like a cloud over-charged with interrogative signs— and often sick unto death of its will! Paralysis of will, where do we not find this cripple sitting nowadays!

And this was just his opinion on what happens when different Europeans mix with each other. Imagine if he lived and saw the level of race mixing going on today

>> No.14966983

>Kacszinsky is profoundly Nietzschean.
Nietzsche was profoundly anti-Kacszinsky, however. He embraced modernity and its consequences.

>> No.14967010

Where the book transcends is in acknowledging our worldview is the product of psychology, the objective follows from the subjective, and the author realizing it applies to the author. Where it’s retarted is Nietzsche not following through with that and accepting the inherent self-negation therein.

It’s an understandable fear of neurosis that motivated that willful blindness. Still...ubermensch?