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14964536 No.14964536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ drug?

>> No.14964541


>> No.14964558



>> No.14964559

n i c o t e i n e
i a
c a f f e i n e
o f
t e
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>> No.14964560
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alcohol and nicotine

>> No.14964565

After years of experimentation with everything save meth and crack, this is my conclusion. Everything else takes you out of yourself in a way that is decisively not /lit/. The only other contender would be speed.

>> No.14964585

based frog

>> No.14964945
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fuck fuck fuck fuck
I haven't smoked a cigarette in three days because of this yellow fever going around
and I'm just
I'm just

>> No.14965008

I love drugs so much but I have stopped using them due to health reasons. Here is my list of the most epic drugs ever
1. alcohol. Just keep drinking vodka all day, speed up the drinking at night to fall asleep. Repeat until out of money or in hospital.
2. Nicotine. If you can afford fags, buy them, and smoke frequently throughout the day, then chainsmoke at night when drinking fast. If you have no money, get snus.
3. Opiates. Codeine, tramadol, or red Kratom. Take these on days when you cannot afford alcohol. Take a huge amount in the morning and top up twice, once at lunch and once at dinner.
4. Caffeine. Drink coffee/monster frequently throughout the day. Mix red bull in with the vodka at night to make things go even faster
5. LSD/RC hallucinogenics. Take very high doses of these. All in one go. If it takes 10 doses to kill you, take 9 and you'll win.

Alcohol and cigarettes are the best. If you can get a girl to stay with you at all times while on a bender, you will be very happy. Otherwise you will be very sad

>> No.14965152

ketamine for sure

>> No.14965608

meth/coke/alcohol if you write
coffee/cigs if you read

>> No.14965630

Absolutely this, I use to be a bit of speed freak, and while it might be considered trash /lit/erature I tore through King's catalog. Nothing like reading IT and tweaking.

>> No.14965823

Heroin is for tryhards.

uwu im so down and depressed muh opiates muh junkie aesthetic wah wah wah

Meth is way more /lit/

>> No.14965826

Not a drug that makes you noticeably stupider like DXM.

>> No.14965880

If inability to communicate experience is stupidity, wouldn't all drugs make you stupid? And yet that's not the truth, which is to say anon is retarded.

>> No.14965934

robo is my choice too. Sends you to another plane, still remember all of my robotrips. I've had some great ideas and great laughs on it.
Embarrasingly, I got excited that robocough released new packaging
I mean if you space out between several weeks should be plenty safe. Don't have to do it everyday.

>> No.14965941


>> No.14966038

Meth, baby

>> No.14966086

In order of /lit/ness:
Alcohol (Whiskey > Wine > Beer)
Nicotine (Pipe tobacco > Cigars > Cigarettes)
Everything else is less /lit/

>> No.14966255
File: 8 KB, 190x190, F6B89B47-D91E-487D-BAD5-E26492040746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LSA (from morning glory seeds or Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds)
Amanita muscaria (AKA fly agaric)
Pure hash

Doper’s Dream by Thomas Pynchon

Last night I dreamed I was plugged right in
To a bubblin hookah so high,
When all of a sudden some Arab jinni
Jump up just a-winkin’ his eye
“I’m here to obey all your wishes,” he told me,
As for words I was trying to grope.
“Good buddy,” I cried, “you could surely oblige me
By turning me on to some DOPE!”
With a bigfat smile he took a hold of my hand,
And we flew down the sky in a flash,
And the first thing I saw in the land where he took me
Was a whole solid mountain of hash!
All the trees was a-bloomin’ with pink ‘n’ purple pills,
Whur the Romilar river flowed by,
To the magic mushrooms as wild as a rainbow,
So pretty that I wanted to cry.
All the girls come to greet us, so sweet in slow motion,
Morning glories woven into their hair,
Bringin’ great handfuls of snowy cocaine,
All their dope they were eager to share.
Well we dallied for days, just a-ballin’ and smokin’,
In the flowering Panama red,
Just piggin’ on peyote and nutmeg tea,
And those brownies so kind to your head...

>> No.14966322

>Fly Agaric
Was Pynchon a desperate teenager?

>> No.14966356

He’s never mentioned DXM in his works, so far as I know, but yeah, pretty much, except he was about 36 when GR was published. LSA and fly agaric can also be pretty intense in high doses, nothing to scoff at just because they’re legal.

Fuck I wish I had a cute /lit/ gf to eat morning glory seeds with

>> No.14966379

That passage anon posted mentions DXM.
And yeah, not scoffing. Most intense drug experience I've had was DXM. All those drugs have a reputation though.

>> No.14966390


but really: the patrician choice is your loved ones

Or just all of them

>> No.14966755

Gold spray paint in a folded sock

>> No.14966814

>take opiates when you can't afford alcohol

What fucking world does this guy come from, I need to know so o can go there

>> No.14966856

The greats rarely used drugs during their process, save mild stimulants such as tea, coffee, or tobacco. Hemingway never actually wrote drunk and edited sober, but had taken his writing very seriously. The best writers who've experimented with hallucinogens used the experience as a bit of a kick for their creativity, but seldom regularly used while writing their best stuff. Drugs shouldn't be memed for this purpose, as nothing can be a crutch for bad writing. If you're good, you're good, and if you're bad, only practice and reading can help you; drugs will almost certainly make you so much worse.

>> No.14967607

Adderall, nicotine, and caffeine nowadays, maybe alcohol and weed like 70 years ago.

>> No.14967774

>red Kratom

Love reading on this stuff

>> No.14967789

Holy moly ..: thank you anonymous, I never decided to google “Romilar” until just now. I can now confidently remember to in every DXM trip I have, that the great Thomas Pynchon has also done this.

>> No.14967803

I got confused here. I always remember opiates as cheap because I got 200 tramadols for free one time. In some euro countries you can scam opiates for free if you are on welfare and get a prescription

>> No.14967840

Great post. Upvoted. Wholesome plus one hundred. Epic cuckold moment.
Drugs are based. You are cringe

>> No.14967852

Does this stuff have the same horrible flavor of Robitussin?

>> No.14967858

It’s more concentrated so it’s supposed to be better. Small so that it fits inside of your palm. Still tastes pretty gnarly, but you could chug it in one go like it’s a shot, and it’s also a lot cheaper, giving you more DXM for less money, compared to buying multiple robitussin.

>> No.14967897

Where would you buy that?

>> No.14968185

Google “robocough”

>> No.14968253

>You could chug it down
Is it thick though? One thing I really can't stand about orbit is that it comes in the form of a thick syrup, so it tends to stick and linger in your mouth. I physically flinch whenever I recall the flavor of the stuff, I've stayed away from it for that reason alone.

>> No.14968298

It’s actually really fluidy/liquid, not as thick and gooey as robitussin. Again, it still tastes pretty bad, but a chaser afterwards helps.

>> No.14968341

None. Drugs are inherently immoral. The body is of divine nature. Man was not gifted flesh, so that he may ingest substances that deter the body's homeostatic state. This state, is in perfect, godly harmony. It facilitates Vitruvian symmetry. It is the representation, not of man himself, but of the divine essence. Man is mimetic. Drugs are deceitful. They prevent self-actualization. How can one not seek excellence in the mind, body and spirit? Anyone, who does drugs, is a piece of shit.

>> No.14968347

I can never bring myself to finish reading this particular brand of bait, probably because most anons fail to do it well

>> No.14968389

It's ok to admit that you are spiritually inferior and ingest the poison that the devil left behind to tempt mankind into the blissful chains of physical pleasure, thereby winning another damned soul.

>> No.14968400

I bet you can't even bench twice your weight or run a straight 5k.

>> No.14968445

Using a caduceus instead of a rod of Asclepius is not very /lit/

>> No.14968705

Vitrivius had his ratios off and DaVinci had to correct it

>> No.14968743
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>cough syrup