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14961635 No.14961635 [Reply] [Original]

I want to lose weight. I want books with characters that deal with body obsession or that deal with obesity.

>> No.14961642
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>> No.14961645

Since being stuck in self-isolation I've actually lost weight. Which is crazy because if I'm working I rarely eat breakfast, and eat a lot less throughout the day more generally. Now I eat three meals a day and snack constantly, but I'm still wasting away.

Just practise intermittent fasting, OP. Your body can survive for a very, very long time with only water.

>> No.14961649

I'm seething when I see fat people. I can hardly afford food.

>> No.14961709
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>> No.14961725

i lost like 35 kilos in about a year, ~110 to ~75. it literally is just putting the calories of all the shit you eat into a spreadsheet and reducing it by half. i wouldn't even say it required discipline because the things i eat now ended up being tastier on top of being healthier so i don't actually have any desire to go back to potato chips or whatever. why did nobody tell me it was this easy? from all the whining and arguing in the media i assumed dieting was complicated, torturous and unreliable but i guess it's just another instance of capitalism inventing imaginary problems so they can sell you shit.

>> No.14961754

build a distaste for fast food and sweets and exercise regularly. that's it.

>> No.14961768


>> No.14961889


>> No.14961907

War and Peace

>> No.14961918

have you tried just eating less?

>> No.14961957

No, it's the practitioners of obesity inventing rhetorical devices to justify why they shouldn't have to quit eating potato chips or drinking sugar-water. Frankly it comes down to economization for me. I'd rather eat 4lbs of vegetables and yogurt than 220grams of potato chips, because it's a lot more filling despite those two portions sharing a close caloric value.

>> No.14963596

I could give you a hundred advice that you won't apply so fuck this.
Just read Re:Trailer Trash, that's the only book I can think of.

>> No.14963611

saddest flash fiction lit has to offer. i wish no one was hungry.

>> No.14963660
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You don't need a book
1. Download MyFitnessPal from the playstore
2. Get a food scale
3. Calculate your TDEE here: https://tdeecalculator.net/
4. Find the 'CUT' section
5. Weigh your food and log it in the app, don't eat more than the number you found in section 4
6. Exercise

That's it bro. If you need some motivation I think David Goggins has a book but you shouldn't rely on motivation, only on self discipline.
Best of luck comrade

>> No.14963663

The Soldier Son trilogy by Robin Hobb

>> No.14963779

Will you read them on the elliptical?

>> No.14963839

literally all the average dick needs

>> No.14963868

American Psycho ain't bad to develop even more insecurities that might push you to change. Helped me lose weight when I was obese.