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14961437 No.14961437 [Reply] [Original]

Female authors: why do they suck so bad?

>> No.14961440

Never struggled for their art.

>> No.14961503

They don't.

>> No.14961526

the question of an imp-brained, generalising peasant

>> No.14961544

Females who write write to live, while males write to say something.

>> No.14961553

Because you are resentful that it is easier to get published as a woman in present year

>> No.14961583


>> No.14961597

The female mind works in a disgusting way. The male mind is beautiful.

>> No.14961603


Women, being the children of Gaia, are also "closer to the Earth" than men are, and so they have a harder time grasping, contextualizing, and understanding Ideas than the children of Uranus. Conversely, the latter sort has a hard time fathoming the ways of the former sort, their unboundness by Ideas, and their sheer closeness to the chaos of Nature.

>> No.14961607

The male mind is autistic, insecure, and feels the need to make self-aggrandising statements like this in order to counterract that insecurity. If you were truly confident in the male superiority, you wouldn't need to disparage the fairer sex in order to demonstrate it, it should be self-evident.

>> No.14961609

Arundhati Roy and Ursula LeGuin are two of my favourite writers

Also Claudia Grey writes the best Star Wars novels by far.

>> No.14961612
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White knight simp detected

>> No.14961617

>If you were confident what you say is true, you wouldn't need to say it
What a fucking retard you are.

>> No.14961626

No stimuli to improve.

>> No.14961630

Did I touch a nerve? Read my post again. Putting women down in order to build men up is a tactic as dated as it is lacking in self-awareness. True masculinity needs no qualifications, such as "The female mind is disgusting". Fragile masculinity, on the other hand, has to do everything it can to reassure itself of its value.

>> No.14961633

because they won't suck your weenie

>> No.14961647

Not him, but do you genuinely believe that there's any reason for a man to care about your idea of masculinity, you fucking tranny? Lower your fucking voice when you haven't the slightest idea about the topic at hand.

>> No.14961652
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It's useless, anon. Even if you name female authors you like, you will only get pic related.

>> No.14961659

>Star Wars novels

I'm fucking done.


So chaponiggers and leftypol are invading again, huh. I'll sit this one out until this storm of shit blows over.

>> No.14961669
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>Fragile masculinity

Lmao, I've never heard a single male ever user this term, except for males that were so emasculated that they pretty much qualify to be females.

Tell me, good friend, why do you speak about a subject you have no idea about? who are you, as a female, to understand what masculinity is or isn't and dictate it to men?

>> No.14961672

I am a man. I simply have enough confidence in the ineffable beauty of my own masculinity that I don't need to augment it with petty reductive disparagements of women. That is the sign of a feeble mind.

Also, your reply is not an effective rebuttal of the points I made. Can you point to exactly where in my post my thinking has gone wrong? I'm being genuine, I only wish to improve, and I can't do that unless i have actual criticism to address.

>> No.14961677

See? My prediction came true already.

>> No.14961678

discussions of my identity are irrelevant non-criticisms of the content of my posts. If I am so wrong, the least you could do is offer me the courtesy of picking my argument apart.

>> No.14961689

First answer is the best.

>> No.14961691

Your writing style tells me that you're either a woman, a tranny, or an extremely effete male organism. Again, why should any man care about your concept of masculinity regardless of whichever of these groups you belong to when you haven't the slightest idea about it?

>> No.14961692
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>> No.14961694

>I'll sit this one out

is that what you said when your parents told you about primary education

>> No.14961695

They don't experience hardship and are therefore shallow. Also, they don't have the right incentives because they know that if they fail some beta cuck will take care of them. And if they suck society will say that she is a genius and "so brave".

>> No.14961699

I chuckled

>> No.14961700


Gooey holes.

Lower intellect.

I did however, enjoy ‘all men are mortal’ and ‘wuthering heights’, very much.

>> No.14961701

That is still not a criticism. My writing style only appears "feminine" because I am not adopting the predictably antagonistic tone that you have chosen for yourself. I ask again, please point to the specific aspects of my post which are wrong, and the ways in which they are wrong. I merely wish to improve.

>> No.14961707

your question was answered when you finished typing its first word

>> No.14961712

People like you usually think, that there is no such thing as one work being objectively worse than another.

>> No.14961717


>> No.14961720

The level of s o y in this post

>> No.14961724

No, in all matters concerning art and/or entertainment go there is not, as those appeal to inherently subjective tastes and opinions.

>> No.14961730

gamers rise up

>> No.14961734


>Fragile masculinity

Nice troll, homo.

R u 4 realz?

Wut about fragile ‘cuntulinity’? You seen that shit, yo?

>> No.14961736


>picking my argument apart.

I'm sorry but you have no argument, you are using the basic tactic of "if you think X, you must be insecure" which is exactly the kind of sophistry used by people unable to respond to reasons and factual evidence, not that any was truly shown in this thread, but such a basic instinct to attack the masculinity of people disagreeing with you tells much

Again, the only people I've ever seen questioning the confidence of men are females or obviously weak men, hence why this speech is unacceptable to me.

>> No.14961737

Women are above criticism (because anything you say is muh sexism). How can you expect that someone improves if they are shielded from any criticism?

>> No.14961738

And that applies to philosophy too.

>> No.14961739

For shame. I feel like Diogenes, not an honest man in sight. All I wish for is to be proven wrong, and yet you are incapable of levelling even one criticism at my posts.

>> No.14961740


>> No.14961745


I already rekked u, u clown!

>> No.14961750

>you are using the basic tactic of "if you think X, you must be insecure"
You have poor reading comprehension, anon. My jab about insecurity was simply an entry into the crux of my argument, which is that only weak men feel the need to disparage women to affirm themselves.

I am not criticising all men in general, nor masculinity as a concept more generally; I seek only to criticise the men who lack the self-confidence to affirm themselves without relying on a contrast with the negative connotations of the woman. Why not address this point?

>> No.14961781

Do you speak like a faggot the same way you write? I want to punch your teeth in.

>> No.14961784


>disparage women to affirm themselves.

They ‘bleed’ out of their nethers once a month and are incapable of reason. Are you being serious rn?

>> No.14961785
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Stumbled on this Wikipedia Gold today.

>> No.14961792

This is a weird thing to say: even considering that old white guys decide what the "classics" are, there are still a couple women on the list, and they're among the most prominent.
Jane Austen, for example is one of like, 5 authors that even the most uneducated mong would know about.

>> No.14961794


>> No.14961798


‘Literary diabetes’!


>> No.14961800

that was the original post I was addressing, and it clearly demonstrates the kind of unreflective, "male good because women bad" dichotomy that I'm talking about. Continuing to shit on women does not change this. You still have not given me a valid reason for why I should think otherwise.

>> No.14961802


“old white guys”

The gods of earth.

>> No.14961805
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a little spice added at the end of this one.

>> No.14961812


“See” what?

You are not a particularly adept argumentalist, and worse, you’re exceedingly boring.

>> No.14961816

I see a lot of fragile feminity among most women today. There are too many irrational angers that doesnt make sense too me. Like, calm down bitch

>> No.14961824


I already addressed this point, yet this... whatever it is, was too fragile to respond.

Haven’t quite figured out what ‘it’ is yet.

>> No.14961825

>You are not a particularly adept argumentalist
Saying so is meaningless. You need to demonstrate why that is, and you have yet to do so.

>you’re exceedingly boring
Then why are you replying to me?

>> No.14961833


Kanye West is one of the most famous individuals in the contemporary world.

Think ont!

>> No.14961835

Are you trying to imply the excellent works of Ursula K Le Guin or Celia S. Friedman are suddenly not valid because there's women whose writing many people don't like?

This is the crux of the matter. Individual male authors are judged individually, they are not held to a collective standard. Nobody thinks men can't write because of Edward Bulwer-Lytton and his writing. Yet men do think all women can't write when they see 1 woman whose writing they don't like.

>> No.14961839

Only autismo female writers are worth reading.

>> No.14961842


I'm the one with poor reading comprehension? You literally are saying :

>I seek only to criticise the men who lack the self-confidence to affirm themselves without relying on a contrast with the negative connotations of the woman.

No one is affirming himself as a man in this thread, people are just stating they don't like female authors, you're just projecting that as an affirmation of their masculinity, but it never was the case. OP just said "Female authors: why do they suck so bad?"

He didn't say "I'm so great, because I'm a male, and males are superior to women since female authors are bad" you're just extrapolating this statement from the simple idea that females writers would not be as good as male writers, but it doesn't exclude the possibility that good female writers are better than OP or me, OP could also be a women and this statement would still be valid, your whole argument is just a projection of what you expect OP and others to think, it is not rooted in reality.

>The male mind is autistic, insecure, and feels the need to make self-aggrandising statements like this in order to counterract that insecurity.

>I am not criticising all men in general, nor masculinity as a concept more generally

On top of that you're able to contradict yourself in the span of 15 minutes

>> No.14961844


>You need to demonstrate...

I already did.

>why are you...

Because I thought you wanted a chat?

>> No.14961850


>Ursula K Le Guin

She’s quality ‘teen fiction’!

{ :)

>> No.14961853


Such as?

>> No.14961856

She's quality fantasy fiction, on par with Tolkien. If you're one of those that thinks fantasy fiction is teen fiction, then you're saying Tolkien is quality teen fiction.

>> No.14961858

>Women, being the children of Gaia, are also "closer to the Earth"
>"closer to the Earth"
99% of outdoors people are male, and that is only a slight exaggeration. Most women I meet hate being outside or getting closer to nature.

>> No.14961860

key word being contemporary. there's always trash that sinks to the bottom as time passes. Jane Austen has clearly already stood the test of time.

>> No.14961862


>Celia S. Friedman

Literally whom?

Is she fried tho?

>> No.14961867

It is self-evident. OP didn't ask if there were any good female writers, he asked why there aren't any.

>> No.14961870
File: 400 KB, 700x1200, c-s-friedman_1991_black-sun-rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>To date she has published thirteen novels, several short stories, and a sourcebook for White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade role-playing game. Originally a costume designer by trade, Friedman began her publishing career in 1986, and quit costuming in 1996 to write full-time. She was nominated for the John W Campbell award for Best New Writer in 1988, her novel This Alien Shore was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year in 1998, and The Coldfire Trilogy was a finalist for NPR's Science Fiction and Fantasy Vote.

>> No.14961871

LMAO so true.
>B-but they post images of the "goddess" in their instagram

>> No.14961872


>on par with Tolkien

Calm down!

Tolkien is definitely the exception to the rule.

>> No.14961873

I think it's fine to envelope or to warp themselves into a more androgyny, masculine qualities or entities, like Camille Paglia for examples - but it's also need to be admitted that it is no longer feminine.

A lot of strong feminine voice are just another masculine desperation wrapped under isolated themes.

A genuine femininity is lost in 21st century as we all know it.

What that had made women original and great is lost nowadays.

Whatever persistency and strong quality in women today can be found in men.

>> No.14961877

Virginia Woolf, Anne McCaffrey

>> No.14961878

>No one is affirming himself as a man in this thread, people are just stating they don't like female authors
Once again, your reading comprehension falls short of the mark. My very first reply was not to the OP, but this post: >>14961597. This is the post in question that I said demonstrated the insecure need to affirm masculinity at the expense of femininity.

That said, you're right that my initial claim about "the male mind" was far too generalised, and for that I apologise. I should have been very clear about the kind of masculinity I was criticising. I appreciate that you have been able to point out at least one flaw in my argument.

Everything else in your post, however, is simply misguided and doesn't correlate with the things I've been saying at all. I wasn't addressing the OP at all, and yet for some reason you seem convinced that I was.

>> No.14961882


Great cover painting.

Can’t be Michael Whelan can it?

>> No.14961883

You just know you had to google female authors to come up with this.

>> No.14961888

Because only man was created directly in the image of God. Man was molded from the dust of the earth but woman was molded from the rib of man. Women are a derivative creation. Man is the image of God, woman is the image of man, or rather the image of the image of God.

>> No.14961890

She is on par with Tolkien, dude. The Earthsea trilogy (A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan, The Farthest Shore) is a masterpiece of fantasy. If you consider Tolkien an exception, then she is worthy of being considered an exception too.

>> No.14961893


>A lot of strong feminine voice are just another masculine desperation wrapped under isolated themes.


In fact, ‘wut’ to your entire post.

Which is your native language?

>> No.14961894

This also extends to the reason for their creation. Men were created for God. Women were created for men. That is the reason that they exist.

>> No.14961895

Please don't project your ignorance on people who actually read.

>> No.14961899


>> No.14961903

>She is on par with Tolkien, dude.
0/10 you were being convincing up to this point but you totally gave it away dude

>> No.14961914

>fringe teen fic literal who "author"
Yeah I think I'm gonna remain "ignorant" on this one.

>> No.14961915


Well I’d certainly never heard of her.

What is the etymology of ‘friedman’, anyway?

>> No.14961917

Gave away what? I told you my opinion anon. I know you're an incel so you're not going to accept it but that's what I think and I stick to it.

>> No.14961922

>ignorant and proud of it
This is the person that starts threads like this.

>> No.14961923

Nice projection lmao

>> No.14961924


Hey, I enjoyed the books quite a lot... when I was nine.

No, I’m kidding. They’re lovely.

>> No.14961928



Is that a Japanese dialect, or something?

>> No.14961929
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>the fairer sex

>> No.14961930


Once again, your reading comprehension falls short of the mark.
That poster never stated that he was better than women himself, he never explicitely affirmed himself as a male, in fact he could very well be a she, she/he said verbatim

>The female mind works in a disgusting way. The male mind is beautiful.

If he is a man, he didn't affirm himself in any way, he just said he thought the male mind was better than the female mind, yet again, you are fighting a ghost.
Your own reading comprehension is sub-par and you are projecting and extrapolating what people are saying to justify your own flawed logic and beliefs.

This statement could also have been "The female is caring and nurturing, the male mind is selfish", which is a statement clearly opposing females and males, and clearly stating women are better on that specific aspect, yet it is likely that you wouldn't have said anything.
Also this statement is something I agree with, but it doesn't mean that I am a woman willing to assert my feminity by putting men down, that is a rubbish thing to imply.
Maybe people actually believe these things to be true, and not everything people say is about twisted psychological mechanics.

>> No.14961932

>when presented with a reality that contradicts his own, he rejects reality and starts throwing a tantrum, like a child upset Santa is not real
Yeah, you're an incel.

>> No.14961939



Wew! Stuff just got real!

Can you please describe yourself, anon.
Just generally, so I know wether to be savage with you or not.

>> No.14961941

>throwing a tantrum, like a child upset Santa is not real
>he is adding details to it.
Totally not a projection bro. Tell us more about the day you found out Santa wasn't real

>> No.14961943


What’s that got to do with stuffing your meatshaft into a femhole?

>> No.14961956


Your own reading comprehension is sub-par

Isn’t ‘sub-par’ good?

Wait... are we using golf terminology?

>> No.14961959

Who's adding details, anon? You're the one who, when presented with successful female fantasy authors, childishly tried to dismiss the fantasy genre as "teen fiction" (with zero basis for that other than your personal dislike of women in the genre) and refused to expand and correct your knowledge, the mark of the true cretin.

>> No.14961960


Whoops, didn’t green text!

>> No.14961962

Incels are rejected because of their awful personality, which this thread is full of examples of.

>> No.14961963
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>Who's adding details, anon? You're the one who, when presented with successful female fantasy authors, childishly tried to dismiss the fantasy genre as "teen fiction" (with zero basis for that other than your personal dislike of women in the genre) and refused to expand and correct your knowledge, the mark of the true cretin.

>> No.14961964

read carrington
read dorothea tanning
read unica zurn
read woolf
read dickinson

>> No.14961965

Flannery O’Connor is good so is Edith Hamilton

>> No.14961967


You’ve made a composite of your imagined foes, fair anon.

Take a breath and sing a sweeter song.

>> No.14961968
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>Incels are rejected because of their awful personality, which this thread is full of examples of.

>> No.14961971
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I'm not a native speaker but I'm pretty sure sub par means below average, at least that's what the oxford dictionnary states

>> No.14961973

>That poster never stated that he was better than women himself, he never explicitely affirmed himself as a male
Regardless, he was affirming masculinity at the expense of femininity. There is no wriggling out of this. As I clarified in my previous post, that is not a criticism of all men, but a criticism of a particular attitude that defines some men.

Also, it is very telling that you are more than happy to criticise me for making assumptions about someone's gender when they make weighted statements in favour of one gender over the other, but you are not willing to criticise the sheer volume of posters like >>14961647, >>14961669, >>14961691, >>14961720 and >>14961736, who all made assumptions about my own identity. If you're going to hold me up to a certain standard of scrutiny, it would be wise to do the same for yourself.

>This statement could also have been
speculating on hypotheticals is irrelevant. Why not address what has actually been said, instead of moving the goalposts to things that haven't been said at all?

>not everything people say is about twisted psychological mechanics
you are on 4chan(nel), mate. Everything everyone says on here is the result of twisted psychological mechanics.

>> No.14961980



Are you eight years old? Serious question.

Ted Bundy had a ‘sub-par’ personality, and he received plenty of moist correspondence in the clink.

You’re being very silly.

>> No.14961982
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>There is no wriggling out of this.

>> No.14961984



Incels are rejected because they look like shit, I've dated girls I treated like absolute shit, and they never left me or protested, I even have a friend who is constantly cheating on her gf, because he's a 8/10 and she's a 6/10 she stays with him even though she knows very well what he's doing, most women will literally let you shit on them if they feel you are above their league.

Only the leftists unable to get pussy actually believe that the shitty personality of incels is the cause of their lack of success with women, it is the other way around, their looks give them no success, and they develop a shitty personality because of this. Whereas the ugly leftist believe women to be perfect because he's always been told so, so he hates himself and never develops a true hatred for women, he even thinks he'll have a chance if he defends them.

White knights and Incels are exactly the same type of men, they just have different ideologies.

>> No.14961985


Well thanks. I may have learned something in this thread.
I’m sure some bastard corrected me on that one, once upon a time. I’ll show them next time.

>> No.14961988

shut up retards arguing about this wont do anything

>> No.14961990


Arguing about what?

>> No.14961997
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Are you so mad at someone not hating women you think everyone who likes female authors likes them because he wants to fuck them? Truly incels are mentally ill.

>> No.14962010
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>wants to fuck them
>implying you can get sex

>> No.14962017

I told you to stop projecting, anon.

>> No.14962021

>no u
LMAO the perspicacity of male feminists

>> No.14962023
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>Celia Friedman is as good as Tolkien

>> No.14962025


75% of people with IQ's over 130 are men.

85% of people with IQ's over 140 are men.

Someone truly brilliant who is going to write a masterpiece of fiction is going to be Male 85% of the time.

It's not an accident that if you look at lists of the greatest novels that are not written by feminists women make up between 10-20%. That matches their share of the geniuses in the world.

>> No.14962027


Who wouldn’t want a big, chunky, fried piece of that?

>> No.14962028
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>Nice projection
>If you think X, you are insecure
>Incels struggle with women only because of their personality
>Only a pathetic virgin would say this
>Your opinion is clearly an indication that you did not stick your reproductive organs inside a woman's reproductive organs

>> No.14962029
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Every time someone posts shit like this, I counter with some real life posts and conversations.

>> No.14962041


>Mentally ill person harasses a women

Can you tell me how exactly this counters my point? Besides, I really doubt the guy is a 10/10

>> No.14962044


Oh Ghod, not cold hard truth! This is a lit thread, for heaven’s sake. Can’t we just talk about Mia Angelou, or something?

>> No.14962045

wtf don't share your private messages on the internet like that anon...

>> No.14962053




>> No.14962054
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>> No.14962055

He shares the same mental illness incels have,
arrogance and narcissism, that makes incels repulsive to women.

>I really doubt the guy is a 10/10
Exactly. His personality is the problem, not his looks.

>> No.14962061

It was more than 10 times, but on second thought, maybe he should have realized he was hurting your feelings.

1. You should have mentioned that he was hurting your feelings.

2. You should have responded with this after like five messages or something...

:3 just trying to fix the world.

>> No.14962062

I don't think you're mentally ill anon, stop being so hard on yourself!

>> No.14962064


Genuine comedy with a surprisingly poignant epilogue.

>> No.14962065
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>> No.14962068

>Please leave me alone. I have already explained myself to you.

/lit/ can't read.

>> No.14962069

>that broken spirit in the third conversation

>> No.14962073

That's why I'm talking about you, anon.

>> No.14962077

No I can. You're not explaining WHY he should leave you alone. That's called CLOSURE.

You can't just tell people to leave you alone you retarded bitch. And what if it's not a good reason?


>> No.14962082


Are you that oblivious, do you really think all incels are mentally ill?

You have 1 screenshot as proof? Lmao

The vast majority of incels hate women because they have had zero success with them, besides, the majority of incels never even had a gf once, so this "break up" conversation doesn't even represent most of them.

I am right, Incels have no success because they are way below average in terms of looks, this kind of behavior and the classic hatred for women is just a byproduct of this fact.

Women don't care about personality as long as you look good, trust me on this, I have dozens of example just with my own experience.

Women only keep this narrative alive to justify their rejection of the ugly and to make them look good

>> No.14962086
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>I dont rape anymore its cool

>> No.14962088


What makes genuine incels repulsive to women is ‘bitch tits’!

You’re welcome for the insight.

>> No.14962091

>Women only keep this narrative alive to justify their rejection of the ugly and to make them look good
You're on to something here, anon :3

But the issue is that we need the women to admit it, if the women don't admit it then all is for nought.

>> No.14962092
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I like how artificial these are, the person who made these made sure to include pictures of the participants to drive an agenda.

>> No.14962093

Uh, ok... I hope that thing with your gf turned out fine for both

>> No.14962101


Has this become a /pol thread?


>> No.14962105

I'm growing tired of seeing these threads every time I check /lit/, you faggots don't read, just stop pretending. Eliot, Austen, Dickenson, Shelley, and O'Connor are literary giants; you'd know that if you actual read instead of shitposting and arguing in the same thread every other day. Yes most women are fucking retarded and this is especially true for the modern women, but the authors I listed above have better and more inspired work than 99% of authors.

>> No.14962106

Or maybe all we need women to admit is that 'you say this thing because you don't want to be around that person or thing because that person or thing looks bad and you think you look good and dont want to look bad'

This sort of philosophical attitude towards reality is really terrible, and shows what a terrible person they are.

>> No.14962108
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>> No.14962109
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>Incels have no success because they are way below average in terms of looks
Nah, incels have no success because they are creeps.

>> No.14962110

>women are rational
WTF I hope this is satire

>> No.14962119


What’s the agenda?

Is it pro-tits or anti-tits? I can’t figure it out.

>> No.14962125

1. Isn't even hitting on her, nothing to see here, just wants to pick up a phone.

2. Good point about women. Wants to talk a bit more about philosophy maybe and movements.

3. Starts complimenting her (was scared to at first, absolutely adorable), but the woman doesn't reciprocate for some reason.

4. Responds ONCE after 5 texts.

5. Responds ONCE after 10.


I get he was being a bit rude towards the end there, but you are a bit of an asshole. :3

>> No.14962126


>> No.14962134

>They don't experience hardship
Fuck you. My grandmother suffered a buttload during her 82 years of existence. And she doesn't even get a nice conclusion since she shat out 6 boys and only a girl so she won't be getting the utmost care that those who spawned girls get in their last days.

>> No.14962135


>> No.14962136


Keep telling yourself that mate.

but honestly, try looking around you, especially guys who treat their women like shit, what is the biggest difference between theses guys and incels? You very well know it's not their personality because both have shitty personalities, so what makes them different?

Why is one alone, and why is the other in a relationship despite having the same personality?

>> No.14962140
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This board needs... feminism!

>> No.14962144


Perhaps, but should they really have been making sandwiches?

Do we humour femholes, or do we say: ‘thou art womb-man, relinquish thine quill and itch my crotch, in order that together we mayst perpetuate this folly that we together art’.

>> No.14962147

>Why is one alone, and why is the other in a relationship despite having the same personality?
Sometimes just sheer luck though, no offense.

An attractive person can be single for a while, or an unattractive person can not be single for a while as well.

What it boils down to my friend, is sometimes a philosophical choice. Trust me, I need my girlfriend to have a mentality towards others which is considerate and to care about people :3

But some aren't like that. Some are selfish, like how you're trying to portray the world. Not everyone is the same.

>> No.14962149

A genius once said:
“Men have complex minds and simple desires.
Women have simple minds and complex desires.”

>> No.14962150

mutual fucking is the closest thing we get to an equal treatment in relationship. this pic give me hope t b h

>> No.14962154

But that's not true either, as women can be extremely complex as well. :3

Some attractive women are geniuses, some attractive women are stupid.

It's one of the worst stereotypes ever, and for blonde women it's extremely overplayed. :3

>> No.14962155

So this is what they mean when they say 'have sex incel'.

>> No.14962160

>isn't even hitting on her
>wants to get her alone while talking about rape
Is this post mental illness or plain dishonesty?

>> No.14962162

Deeply read Emily Dickinson, "George Eliot", Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, Marianne Moore, Elizabeth Bishop, Anne Carson. These chicks are intrinsically magnificent, almost unbelievably ornate and kind, among the best that nature shaped in either sex, better from the outset than you will ever be. Take from them what you will, but never forget that intelligence is measurable only by amiability, art's residue, the image of any living planet, spectacular catalogues of jumping spiders and baroque oratorios and impatiens petals amplified by loupes wielded amid intense July sun, children of such free range that everything they say delights and informs you, exemplars of everything and everyone you need and want right now.

>> No.14962163

Jesus fucking christ. I always thought the tinder child molester bait reflected badly on women, but if the roles were reversed I would imagine the results would be the same, plenty of guys would have no problem fucking a female child molester.

These, on the other hand... I can't think of a female behaviour that would be in any way equivalent to this level of moral bankruptcy. I have never seen a woman react to rejection in such an abhorrent way. The majority of humans are evil pieces of shit, male or female, but these types of men are just the pinnacle of human garbage, no question.

>> No.14962164

Only AFTER all of that other stuff.... I mean, cmon don't you see how her behavior MADE him like this? This kind of repeated behavior?

Time to change :3

>> No.14962165


By ‘mutual fucking’, you mean ‘pegging’, right?

Very fascinating cultural phenomenon.

I wonder if Jane Austin would have enjoyed administering a vigorous pegging?

>> No.14962166

What behavior, stating her intentions clearly and sticking to them?

>> No.14962167


Oh you're absolutely right, some women have good personalities, and some even date below their league because personality is more important to them than looks, but this is far from being the majority of women in my experience.
All I'm saying is that looks is extremely important for most women, those who don't have it fail repeatedly and become resentful, so much that they may even push away the few women who would have dated them anyways, but it remains true that with the same shitty personality, a good looking man will find success, I've seen Tinder screencaps from friends who would call a feminist woman a "dumb whole to fuck" and that would turn her on, trust me, when you look good you can get away with A LOT.
If an incel suddenly becomes a 10/10, he'll have no trouble finding a girl, even if he keeps his personality, besides, there isn't many men who despise women more than those who fuck 5 a week, trust me, they see women as inferior creatures, even worse than what incels think, yet they get laid all the time.

My point is: personality isn't what makes incels unsuccessful, looks is

>> No.14962170


No I think that’s ‘get fucked, incel’.

>> No.14962172
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The level of mental gymnastics required to justify or rationalise such appalling conduct is amazing. There is no way this is not bait.

>> No.14962173

lol, not him, but lol

>> No.14962177

>I have never seen a woman react to rejection in such an abhorrent way.
>women don't commit "honor killings", mutilations, destroy property, make threats
Get real

>> No.14962179

There is something called 'love' which can make pretty much anyone fall for each other. If you think love doesn't exist, then forget about analyzing reality, some people stick with each other through various life events because of love, not because of looks, personality, or anything else. (although the emotional connection is what made this possible in the first place).

I think love can be influenced by physical attractiveness, but it's not the whole picture.

By not letting him come over and then after that not thinking it's adorable he's embarrassed to compliment her.

>> No.14962182
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>Abstract: Sexual exploitation research has focused on men as perpetrators of exploitative strategies. To date, the presence and nature of women’s sexually exploitative strategies has not been empirically tested. Replicating the procedure adopted by Goetz, Easton, Lewis, and Buss (2012) using a male-only sample, we examine the relationship between sexual exploitability and attractiveness in a female-only sample. Women (N = 151; 83% White; Mage = 22 years) rated photographs of men displaying various levels of exploitability cues, and then completed the Components of Mate Value Survey and the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory. As found in men, women similarly use cues of incapacitation and manipulability to infer sexual exploitability. However, unlike men, only some of these manipulability cues (those indicating that the man is easily seduced; e.g., flirty, having promiscuous friends) were associated with short-term attractiveness. For women, cues of genetic fitness (e.g., intelligent, facial attractiveness) were associated with short-term attractiveness. Although mate value did not affect these relationships, the relationship between perceived exploitability and short-term attractiveness did depend on sociosexuality. Sexually exploitable targets were perceived as more attractive short-term mates for sexually unrestricted, compared with sexually restricted, women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)

>> No.14962183

I mean, I'm definitely not saying the blame is to lie entirely on her side. :3

>> No.14962186

And that's also terrible, seeing as reality is not about manipulating others. Typically manipulative people end up alone and around no one because everyone understands what they are trying to do :3

>> No.14962188
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Well, it's not like either men or women take female rapists or even pedophiles that seriously as a general rule. Most will agree that for some reason "it's not as bad as if a man did it".
Also, never seen a dejected woman falsely accusing a man of rape, huh? Or a mother turning her children against their father, claiming that he had molested them just to ruin him. Look up Ella Draper, and how she manipulated her children, Alisa and Gabriel, to falsely testify against their dad.
There you have an example of female behaviors that is not only equivalent, but surpasses that level of moral bankruptcy.

>> No.14962191


>I have never seen a woman react to rejection in such an abhorrent way.

The same way I've never seen a CEO violentely protest on the street, when you have much to lose you become violent and stressed.

It doesn't mean the CEO is a better person than the minimum wage worker, it's just that the minimum wage worker has much more to lose.

Men on the bottom of the dating pool react very badly to rejection because they know how hard it is for them to find someone, being rejected means they have to keep griding for weeks, maybe months

even the ugliest girl can find a guy in a week on hook up apps, why would she be upset, she knows this rejection has little impact on her

>> No.14962194

I think that's why the dear rapist chads >>14962065
>>14962054 are attractive to women

>> No.14962197

Rape is the opposite of manipulating people, you retard. If you've been accused of rape, you didn't do a very good job of manipulation did you?

Retard. It's a different issue entirely. :3

>> No.14962208

She has no blame at all. The creep shouldn't have insisted they met in person when she doesn't want that and he shouldn't have started making sexual innuendo she never requested.

>> No.14962210
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>Abstract: Women’s intrasexual competition has received significant attention only in the last decades, with even less work investigating women’s defenses against such aggression. Yet, we should expect that women can (a) grasp which perceptually-salient cues evoke same-sex aggression and (b) strategically damp the display of (some of) those cues when aggression risk is greatest, thereby avoiding the potentially high costs of victimization. Women selectively aggress against women displaying cues of sexual permissiveness (e.g., revealing dress) and/or desirability (e.g., physical attractiveness). We find that (a) women (and men) anticipate greater intrasexual aggression toward women dressed revealingly versus modestly, especially if targets are attractive. Employing behavioral and self-report measures, we also find (b) women create outfits baring less skin, select more modest clothing, and intend to dress less revealingly to encounter other women, flexibly damping permissiveness cues depending on individual features (physical attractiveness) and situational features (being a newcomer) that amplify aggression risk.

>> No.14962215

He was just coming on to her (and apprehensive at first, which any rational women, putting herself in his shoes as most women do, would think is adorable).

This woman is just a selfish asshole.

He is a rapist weirdo, but I'm just saying. :3

>> No.14962220


>> No.14962222

All penetrative sex is rape. The guys who get away with it are master sociopaths.

>> No.14962226

>The male mind is autistic, insecure, and feels the need to make self-aggrandising statements like this in order to counterract that insecurity.
In that twist, contortion and eternal conflict lies beauty, anon.

>> No.14962230

>the manipulative sex

>> No.14962235

I'm only hearing this shit on 4chan... ffs.

Sex is a co-operative act. I don't fuck my girlfriend unless she's in the MOOD YOU FUCK. IF SHES NOT IN THE MOOD SHE WOULD GET PISSED OFF IF I WANTED TO MAKE HER WATCH ME JACK OFF

It's how sexual attraction works in general, fuck. :3

>> No.14962236

She's not obligated to like him just because he's desperate for sex, his inadequacy is his problem. The fact he thinks he can hurt her just so he can get his way is disgusting.

>> No.14962241

As if anyone is going to let a limp faggot like you tell them about 'true masculinity'.

>> No.14962242

>I don't fuck my girlfriend
That's because she doesn't exist.

>> No.14962244

>She's not obligated to like him just because he's desperate for sex,
Actually I think this gives him an edge over someone who doesn't need it as much.

I think that's how attraction works, and if you're in a club or a bar, the women clearly go towards the man who needs it the most.

>> No.14962247
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>Women, including feminists, are more attracted to ‘benevolently sexist’ men, defined as men who view females as pure and nurturing but also weak and needing extra care, suggests a new study.

>Abstract: Benevolent sexism (BS) has detrimental effects on women, yet women prefer men with BS attitudes over those without. The predominant explanation for this paradox is that women respond to the superficially positive appearance of BS without being aware of its subtly harmful effects. We propose an alternative explanation drawn from evolutionary and sociocultural theories on mate preferences: Women find BS men attractive because BS attitudes and behaviors signal that a man is willing to invest. Five studies showed that women prefer men with BS attitudes (Studies 1a, 1b, and 3) and behaviors (Studies 2a and 2b), especially in mating contexts, because BS mates are perceived as willing to invest (protect, provide, and commit). Women preferred BS men despite also perceiving them as patronizing and undermining. These findings extend understanding of women’s motives for endorsing BS and suggest that women prefer BS men despite having awareness of the harmful consequences.

>> No.14962249

Nah, man. Women hate sex. They only do it because it's supposed to persuade a provider to stick around. Deep down, all acts of sex are rape; there's no such thing as consensual sex from women.

>> No.14962251

She does exist and she's an amazing woman with beautiful blonde hair.

I cherish her every day and thank her that she's there for me. For anything I need for her to hear.

>> No.14962253

>He was just coming on to her (and apprehensive at first, which any rational women, putting herself in his shoes as most women do, would think is adorable

No, some creep you don't desire coming on to you is not adorable, it's disgusting.

>> No.14962254

>Women hate sex.

>> No.14962257
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>Star Wars novels
the absolute state

>> No.14962261

>She does exist and she's an amazing woman with beautiful blonde hair.
Hair on your palms is the first sign of madness, anon.

>> No.14962262

Women's desire doesn't work like that. It can change depending on the amount of effort the man puts in.

Just for fun the other day I decided to hit on an instagram model and ended up vid chatting her in no time. :3

I mean, ffs you guys, it doesn't take much to get there. You just gotta be dogged.

>> No.14962267

>Women hate sex
Lol we have an expert here.

>> No.14962269

Heh, okay. So let your rage blossom. It won't do anything about her. I'll have her come over again later this evening and we can talk about her day at work. It's what we do every day because I have a girlfriend who exists and 4chan is how I pass my time in between talking to women :3

You're a loser for no reason.

>> No.14962271

>Women's desire doesn't work like that. It can change depending on the amount of effort the man puts in
This mentality is how you end up served with a restraining order.

>> No.14962275


>> No.14962276

Trips of truth.

>> No.14962277


>there's no such thing as consensual sex from women.

Well, consent can now be retrospectively revoked, by law.

>> No.14962278

And that restraining order means you've done a good job (if you really loved her).

Maybe she'll think about the restraining order, and look back and think about you. (I think the court process might require you to give your number for the court documents, so if she wanted after the restraining order is over, she has your number also)

>> No.14962279

Your opinions are worthless.

>> No.14962281
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>Abstract: Two studies examined the connection between women’s sexual orientation, their sociosexuality (i.e. willingness, attitudes, and desires associated with uncommitted sexual behaviour), and Dark Triad traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy). Both studies found that moderately bisexual women reported less-restricted sociosexuality, as well as higher levels of Dark Triad traits––particularly psychopathy. In both studies, sexual orientation differences in Dark Triad traits were mediated by sociosexuality. Study 2 confirmed that the relationship between women’s sexual orientation and sociosexuality is curvilinear, with moderately bisexual women (i.e. Kinsey 1–2) reporting heightened sociosexuality compared to other groups. These results are consistent with the conclusion that moderate levels of female bisexuality may be a by-product of selection for traits that result in less restricted sociosexuality. At either end of the orientation continuum, women who report exclusive or near-exclusive homosexuality or heterosexuality report more restricted sociosexuality and lower Dark Triad scores, compared to women nearer to the middle of the continuum. As such, the aetiology of moderate bisexuality in women may be distinct from the aetiology of exclusive or near-exclusive homosexuality in women.

>Unlike women, sociosexuality does not differ across men’s sexual orientation groups (e.g. Schmitt 2007; Howard and Perilloux 2016). Considering sex differences in the distribution of sexual orientations and the lack of male sexual orientation differences in sociosexuality, it is theoretically inappropriate to assume that the bio-developmental foundations of bisexuality or homosexuality are the same in men and women (e.g. Diamond 2013; Bailey 2009; Bailey et al. 2016; LeVay, 2016). For these reasons, the focus of the present study is women.

>> No.14962287

I've known girls who are super smart, get the highest grades, but are vapid in every other respect. Clearly they see the world in a different way.

>> No.14962288

This post should be considered evidence to declare you mentally deficient.

>> No.14962289

Dat post-restraining order fuck. Feels good man.

Nah after the restraining order you fuck her friend, then she gets jealous and wants to see you, but then you throw the restraining order in HER face, as revenge. That's how it's done.

>> No.14962293

>I'll have her come over again later this evening and we can talk about her day at work
Many hands make light work, I'm sure.

>> No.14962296
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>writer of genre fiction
of course this was what you came up with, it should be no surprise that the white knights in this thread are bugmen reading fantasy and scifi

>> No.14962298

Talk about a redundant law.

>> No.14962299


>I ‘vid chatted’ an ‘instagram model’... I’m chad now.

Okay dudemer!

>> No.14962301

Yeah. Pretty nice quote too

>> No.14962303

pls be joking

>> No.14962306

You shouldn't insult us like that you know. That's unfair :3

>> No.14962307

Have you done that? :3

>> No.14962314

Like Diogenes, you present yourself as a moron and spew nonsense and then proclaim yourself the victor when no one will humour you. The entire point of this here discussion is the inferior ability of female authors. This is supported by the lack of worthwhile literature written by women. The rest of the point is supported by the average level of stupidty encountered among everyday women, the gall to suggest that they are in any way not inferior to man is enough to make any reasonable creature dismiss them (you) instantly.

>> No.14962317

Leave Machie out of this.

>> No.14962322

>lack of worthwhile literature written by women
Still ignoring all the examples given ITT huh? There is no hope for you people.

>> No.14962327
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>Abstract: Drawing on construal level theory, which suggests that experiencing a communicative audience as proximal rather than distal leads speakers to frame messages more concretely, we examine gender differences in linguistic abstraction. In a meta-analysis of prior studies examining the effects of distance on communication, we find that women communicate more concretely than men when an audience is described as being psychologically close. These gender differences in linguistic abstraction are eliminated when speakers consider an audience whose distance has been made salient (Study 1). In studies that follow, we examine gender differences in linguistic abstraction in contexts where the nature of the audience is not specified. Across a written experimental context (Study 2), a large corpus of online blog posts (Study 3), and the real-world speech of congressmen and congresswomen (Study 4), we find that men speak more abstractly than women. These gender differences in speech abstraction continue to emerge when subjective feelings of power are experimentally manipulated (Study 5). We believe that gender differences in linguistic abstraction are the result of several interrelated processes—including but not limited to social network size and homogeneity, communication motives involving seeking proximity or distance, perceptions of audience homogeneity and distance, as well as experience of power. In Study 6, we find preliminary support for mediation of gender differences in linguistic abstraction by women’s tendency to interact in small social networks. We discuss implication of these gender differences in communicative abstraction for existing theory and provide suggestions for future research. (APA PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)

>> No.14962333



But I have camped with a golden nymph in the budding spring... beside a clear flowing stream, with no cares, no inhibitions and no haste to return...

>> No.14962339

I actually had found many major differences such as what that had this research procured among male and female auteur filmmakers.

>> No.14962341

lmao this argument was over hours ago, how are people still seething over it?

Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.14962388
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You liked them when they went by male pseudonyms, though.

>> No.14962400

I like them when I throat fuck them and only then

>> No.14962402

Prove it.

>> No.14962409

Surely this echo chamber filled 99% men is a great way to understand women

>> No.14962412


This is a /lit thread, at least describe the sounds it makes!

>> No.14962417

George Sand and George Eliot are women who used male pseudonyms to get published. The same works that were rejected under a female penname were praised under a male penname. Same for the Bronte sisters.

>> No.14962424


Men are the witnesses of eternity. Women are it’s passage.

>> No.14962433


Amazing that it took this long for somebody to say it

>> No.14962437

It's been said since the beginning of the thread but incel gonna incel

>> No.14962439


You obviously didn’t read the thread.

>> No.14962440

gulp gulp gulp... *gasps* ... gulp gulp gulp...

>> No.14962441

This is the literature board. Of course I don't read, what do you expect?

>> No.14962443



>> No.14962447


>> No.14962450

the best place to understand women is the local lesbian bar in my city, even the bartenders are mostly women. the owner is man though.

I also would like to recommend reddit forum
https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ this is great sub to understand women from women perspective. anyway PLEASE don't disagree with their mainstream view in here. some people get banned real fast even though they're being polite about it. it's good to understand women but it's not for arguing, comparing different view or discussion.

>> No.14962452


James Joyce?

>> No.14962454

What is the onomatopeia for bj anyway?

>> No.14962463


Many and varied, I’d suggest. Limited only by your imagination, and the syllables we are afforded.

>> No.14962464

Some femoid "writer" should write an entire book with the sounds of her giving head. I'd read [thread]not really, but it'd still be more interesting then their "serious" "literature"[/thread]

>> No.14962466

Aside from the ones >>14962417 mentioned, there are these
"Murray Constantine" / Katharine Burdekin, wrote Swastika Night
"P.L. Travers" / Pamela Travers, wrote Mary Poppins
Even more recently, J.K. Rowling / "Robert Galbraith"

>> No.14962475

It should be lmao

>> No.14962477

>75% of people with IQ's over 130 are men.
Mensa is 1/3 female and 2/3 male according to their own study.

>> No.14962480
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oops... looks like someone doesn't know how to spoiler.

>> No.14962485


>> No.14962500
File: 1.92 MB, 320x179, thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women ever even read female authors?
But be that as it may, there are some good women writers, but none of them approach the greatest Men in either style or content: Shakespeare, Donne, Plato, Kant, Wodehouse...
Be that as it way, my favorite women writers are James Tiptree Jr. (despite her mental health issues which were reflected in her politics, she was a great writer) for fiction and Frances Yates for non fiction.

>> No.14962505


>> No.14962526

>none of them approach the greatest Men in either style or content
>greatest in style
This would be a bizarre opinion. I presume with Kant you're referring to content?

>> No.14962532

Good point, but not what I asked for. That anon claimed that "you", that is to say, I, liked them when I thought they were men. That's why I was asking for proof for such a baseless assumption about my persona.

>> No.14962534

>Do women ever even read female authors?

>> No.14962540

>basic english grammar
Pick one

>> No.14962597
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What's the problem with Anette von Droste-Hülshoff? I like her works.

Overall, it's probably a matter of communication. Men and women think differently, and if you consider the written word to be the product of one's thoughts, it becomes evident that female writers are not appealing to men.

>> No.14962608

It is obvious that he was addressing the participants of this thread.

>> No.14962630

Shush, this thread is no place for rational thoughts. Take your common sense and skedaddle!

>> No.14962650

>male author: the sky is blue
>female author: the sky is bl-omg did you see chad’s new puppy my aunt Karen’s lavender farm has a cute doggiwoggi that looks just like it hehe more women in tech

One is objectively retarded and the other isn’t.

>> No.14962654

Was he addressing you specifically?

>> No.14962717
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, E6C6CA27-E4E0-4455-A0F4-CB7D95E61D3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WhaaAaATt? You're telling me GEORGE ELIOT is ackshully a WOMYN? NO FR*CKN' WAY! I'm a retard who thought George Eliot was a man! Thank you anon and wtf I love women writers now? (because some of them used pen names as if that has fuck all to do with their ability)?

>> No.14962868

Female "literature":
>me me me I I I mine mine mine vagina me me me chocolate I I I menstruation mine mine mine patriarchy me me me

>> No.14962880

Youre the one objectively retarded I am afraid

>> No.14962893


You mean „women’s comedy”. The literature can be good but the worst shit is being marketed best. Olga Tokarczuk is pretty good

>> No.14962921

>Olga Tokarczuk
>Tokarczuk is a leftist, a vegetarian, and feminist.
>In 2014, Tokarczuk published an epic novel Księgi Jakubowe ("The Books of Jacob" in Jennifer Croft's provisional translation).
>The book earned her another Nike Award.
Gee I wonder why
>Its historical setting is 18th century Poland and eastern-central Europe and it deals with an important episode in Jewish history.
It's not hard to win big awards guys, take note.

>> No.14962947

>judging the quality of an author on things completely extraneous to the work itself
Kill yourself, midwit.

>> No.14962965

You first kike enabler

>> No.14962980

hahahahah women suck at writing hahahaha men suck at writing too hahahahah only people that can truly write are trannies since they have both the male and female experience hahahahaha trannies #1

>> No.14962988

anti-semitism is nothing more than a brainlet's rationalisation to protect themselves from acknowledging their own personal failings and incompetency.

>it's s-so easy to w-w-win awards for w-writing b-b-books, r-right guys?
Pathetic. I can smell your disgusting, sweaty ressentiment through my screen. You are no different to communist scum who blame their poverty on people more successful than them.

>> No.14963030
File: 9 KB, 400x389, 81542203_3665283226880107_5997070798274166784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahahahah women suck at writing hahahaha men suck at writing too hahahahah only people that can truly write are trannies since they have both the male and female experience hahahahaha trannies #1
You're on to something anon..

>> No.14963049

Yes and the majority of people who qualify to be in mensa are not in mensa. It's a self-selecting group with of attention seekers so of course women are overrepresented.

>> No.14963050

Now THIS is podracing.

>> No.14963086

>Pathetic. I can smell your disgusting, sweaty ressentiment through my screen. You are no different to communist scum who blame their poverty on people more successful than them
Nice projection there lad
Also wasted

>> No.14963102


>> No.14963126

As a generalisation, just see the first reply.
Semantically they don't as a rule; off the top of my head Frankenstein is great. Women are capable of writing good literature but due to many factors the majority of them never have or will.

>> No.14963132

I'm not the one who was claiming how easy it is to win an award. If that was the case, why hasn't that anon won one already?

>> No.14963171

Gee maybe I don't want to waste months of hard work on a sycophantic book praising Jews and guilting my own people, but if you do that is the high road to success.

>> No.14963183

They have no penis, creativity is stored in the penis

>> No.14963280

>fragile masculinity
Where do you people come from

>> No.14963303

I never wash my dick, it smells really bad and has accumulated this white cheesy crust under the foreskin. Is that creativity?

>> No.14963310
File: 35 KB, 564x823, v04miq94xyb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do you people come from
Gee, I wonder where...

>> No.14963425
File: 1.60 MB, 245x180, 1582354749648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's quality fantasy fiction, on par with Tolkien.

Get the fuck outta here

>> No.14963465

more cope, Bob Dylan won the nobel prize for literature, he is a white male and doesn't even write books. What's your excuse?

>> No.14963473

I'd say Karen Travis as the best Star Wars female writer.

>> No.14963480

>Bob Dylan
>Bob Dylan was born Robert Allen Zimmerman (Hebrew: שבתאי זיסל בן אברהם Shabtai Zisl ben Avraham)
Apply yourself

>> No.14963486

holy based, how will he ever recover

>> No.14963495
File: 35 KB, 500x497, 3859e4144ae2fd112a8c66b8c77a1801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is nothing new. Observant old fags knew women were like this even before the internet. This Chad serial killer, who even killed a 9 year old child, had literally throngs of women outside the courthouse trying to get his attention.

>> No.14963499

>"""white""" man
I don't think it was the same dude. I think it was someone who agrees with me throwing me a soft ball, nevertheless...

>> No.14963717

>Where do you people come from
middling liberal arts programs

>> No.14963762


Zimmerman is, of course, a tranny-sniffing jew.

>> No.14963791
File: 11 KB, 203x248, 7159C919-7D74-4AF4-B17B-FDE8328542ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a question of propping up one’s own masculinity, feeling more manly and macho. It’s just a question of making fun of women, which is hysterically funny sometimes.


>> No.14963844

Name a single author / artist that has EVER listened to fucking criticism.

You think Salvador Dali would give flying fuck what some loser on the internet would have to say about his art?

Criticism isn't how you improve. Art is based on natural talent and nothing more. if you believe that Art / literature is something you can achieve through hard work and dedication alone, then son you are not yet old enough and the world has been kind to you.

>> No.14963922

>Art is based on natural talent and nothing more
I'm not the anon you're replying to, but people who say this are almost always talentless because they fail to acknowledge the tens of thousands of hours of effort to become an expert at something. There is no "natural talent", besides high IQ autists with photographic memories or whatever– there are only people committed to putting the work in, with or without addressing the criticism levelled at them, and those who aren't.

You think Salvador Dali just fell out of his mother's womb and knew exactly what he was doing without practise? You are naive as hell, man.

>> No.14964060

I can tell you're an unsophisticated person. Artists always and everywhere are immersed within a socio-historic context and display their work to an audience. That audience can consist be anything from a deity (in the artist's imagination if you don't believe in surpernatural), to priests, to a couple of aristocrats, to patrons, to large anonymous audiences, to pseud socialites to critics who write reviews. Regardless, there is always a complex relationship between the artist and his audience, even if the artist's intention is to shock, piss off or subvert expectations of the audience. It happens that in our society women "artists" feminism has become mainstream and criticism of them by colleagues is likely to attract bad attention from internet mobs and ostracism by media and publishers. Hence their are not only shielded from criticism but also from dynamic interaction with different views. You seem to be stuck within the Romantic mindset of the artist as misunderstood genius or prophet like Zarathustra on his mountain, which is an outdated take, boomer.

>> No.14964463

A woman is less than a man. It's a fundamental truth, that people try to overlook, but women were created of Adam (from just one of his rib even), for Adam. This is not a condemnation of women, this is simply the truth of the matter.
People want to ignore it, but that's why exceptionalism is always an arena for men. The greatest writers, scientists, athletes, warriors, innovators, theologians, politicians, leaders, generals, administrators, almost every exceptional individual has been a male. That isn't because of mysogyny, it's natural and spiritual.
Some fedoras won't take this seriously, but it gets proven correct time and time again in every field.

>> No.14964592

almost a good post until you bring up dali, dali is shit. a goofball. a quack

>> No.14964941

You forgot the tone of worry when you surprise them a headlock using your legs+the sound of them trying to tap out.

>> No.14965216

The anon I was replying to mentioned dali, I was merely using him as an example. That's not to say he isn't objectively skilled in his craft, though, regardless of what you personally think of his art.

>> No.14965221

oh my b, i can't read

>> No.14965400


>> No.14965652


You know, to be honest, there is a lot in her style who seems to be an enbryonic and crude Shakespearean love for metaphors. There is also something like the kenning of old nordic poetry. But she lacked the sensibility to know when to use the metaphors and when to be simple, and also not to go deep down in melodrama and rambling sentece structuring.

I dont really know the mysterious reason why some purple language seems so bad and others so supreme (like Shakespeare or Melville or The Book of Job).

>> No.14965803


Here, I knew somebody else would make the connection:


>> No.14966079

It's because women just kinda exist they aren't really "players"

Maybe feminism will change things

>> No.14966117


>> No.14966168

>they aren’t really players
Correct as they do not compete to reproduce
>Maybe feminism will change things
It hasn’t and it won’t

>> No.14966248

Because you have unrefined tastes

>> No.14966264

Greater variance in men means the extremes of any profession will be dominated by men.

>> No.14966291


>natural talent

Wew, lad!

>> No.14966803

What about pure technique then?