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14961271 No.14961271 [Reply] [Original]

What was Smaug's net worth?

>> No.14961283

62 billion Dollars according to Forbes.
0 because he is dead, and fictional.

>> No.14961288

That's the movie version though.

>> No.14961615

5600 Urguukipanonese Biblidibubs

>> No.14961703

Never watched the Hobbit to this day. When I saw they were going to pad it for three movies and there were POC I insta dropped it.

>> No.14961708

>there were POC I insta dropped it.
Didn't see any blacks.

>> No.14961713

He invested it all in the stock market so I'm pretty sure he owes money now

>> No.14961715

The Dwarves are Jews and Jews aren't white according to nazis.

>> No.14961742
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Look again

>> No.14961779

what was his tax policy

>> No.14961811
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Get ready for black elves in amazons LOTR...POC already been cast.

>> No.14961818

Not surprised that shit went over martins head, dudes a hack.

>> No.14961820

3.2 bitcoins

>> No.14961840

It obviously wasn't worth much since he still got shot by an arrow


>> No.14961854

The dwarves aren't jews, they're golems. Never in the divine design, never the chosen people, full of a void they try to fill with deeds and treasure then returning to a void.

>> No.14961892
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Sure thing Moshe

>> No.14962012

The book stated that Bilbo’s 1/14th share was greater than the wealth of many kings. So at least 14 * (Some king’s net worth).

>> No.14962026

golems are literally jewish bro

>> No.14962036


>> No.14962037

>Look again
No thanks, once was more than enough.

>> No.14962043

Some king's or many kings'?

>> No.14962051

Some given king’s. Sorry, didn’t know how to phrase it cleary.

>> No.14962052


>> No.14962056

His theoretical 1/14th share because he ultimately only received as much as his pony could carry, two small chests mostly used to purchase back his furniture and silver ware which were auctioned off in his absence
Ultimately the journey was the destination! The real treasure was the adventure, dwarf friends and the magic ring!

>> No.14962075
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>Fili and Kili fucking die
fuck you Tolkien
you nigger

>> No.14962079

The fact that Bilbo never revealed the existence of the ring to Gandalf almost lead to genocide across middle earth.

>> No.14962085

Gandalf could have put it together though, sooner I mean

>> No.14962087


He does reveal the ring, just not the true nature of how he acquired it.

>> No.14962095

>rips off Wagner

>> No.14962100

No, he only reveals it to the dwarves when they’re holed up under the mountain, and it’s not stated whether the dwarves ever told Gandalf. I just read The Hobbit for the first time a few days ago (read LOTR years ago).

>> No.14962103

Does he tell Gandalf though?
I reread the book in January, I remember Bilbo telling the dwarves about it during the spider/ elves episode but Gandalf is off chasing the necromancer when that happens

>> No.14962143

His love of the halfling’s leaf had clearly slowed his mind.
No, Gandalf only becomes aware of Bilbo’s possession of the ring when Bilbo pulls his disappearance trick at his 111th birthday.

>> No.14962146

>No, Gandalf only becomes aware of Bilbo’s possession of the ring when Bilbo pulls his disappearance trick at his 111th birthday.
Ah yeah
I was only thinking about The Hobbit, it's been much longer since I've read LotR

>> No.14962816

>Yeah bro Tolkien stole everything from somewhere else, what he did was easy. Literally anyone could have come up with Tolkien's work, they just... didn't feel like it...

>> No.14962847

Gandalf and the dwarves know about the ring by the end of the Hobbit but Bilbo lies and said that it was given by Gollum willingly as the prize for winning the riddle game. This was actually what happened in the first editions of the Hobbit until Tolkien revised that chapter in the early 50s to bring it in line with how the ring is characterized in LOTR. Bilbo gives the new account as the true version of events at the council of Elrond and the discrepancy between the accounts is taken for evidence of the corrupting effect the ring had on Bilbo straight away.

>> No.14962883
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More like Smug

>> No.14962912

If Gandalf knew about the ring then why wasn’t it taken straight to Mt Doom before Sauron could rejuvenate his power?

>> No.14963110

Jews aren’t white according to Jews

Sounds like Jews to me

>> No.14963237

Because he didn't know for sure it was Sauron's ring until later on when he checked for the inscription at bag end having been to Minas Tirith to check the old scrolls written by Isildur and searching for Gollum up and down the wild. He didn't start to suspect it was the one ring until just before Bilbo left after his party and was acting really weird about the ring. It's all explained clearly in the chapter 'the council of Elrond'.

>> No.14963264

>rips off Beowulf

>> No.14963316
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You mean Fafner?

>> No.14963338

All people are of a color.

>> No.14963342
File: 310 KB, 1200x1190, Snorri_sturluson_1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Fáfnir?

>> No.14963345


>> No.14963388

Only Eru has a say in what happens to life proper – and Dwarves are imbued with the secret fire just like men and elves. They presumably go somewhere on death.

>> No.14963390
File: 80 KB, 925x864, questionmark_hair_ryu_umemiya__shaman_king_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically black is the absence of colour. So how can black be people of colour?

>> No.14963506

Hard to say. He invested all of his wealth into Hobbitcoin.

>> No.14964651

Ah, so his value was in the negative.

>> No.14964663


A lot, but the number is beside the point. The point is that Smaug read Adam Smith and implemented a good tax policy which enriched him with a minimum of inconvenience to the population.

>> No.14964778

Adam Smith said that the government should bury gold in the woods so that the poor have something to do during a recession.
What is doing Smaug other than providing the impoverished dwarves with busywork during the economic downturn? Everyone profits

>> No.14965208
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I wonder how Tolkien would feel about his legacy being whored out like this

I also wonder which one of his greedy ungrateful offspring forked over the rights

>> No.14965229

Investing in gold, pretty smart

>> No.14965237

Tolkein wasn't a racist and would probably be PC if he were still around. He even regretted making the orcs so one dimensionally evil

>> No.14965263

Tolkien was a cuck

>> No.14965381


Tolkien based his characters on real European groups. Elves were nordish, Hobbits were Irish, Dwarves were German. The archetypal Jew was Saruman the White, I am not sure what group Gandalf was.

>> No.14966201


About tree fiddy

>> No.14966514

Oh no, another dumbass who gets mad at out-of-context quotes on the internet.

>> No.14966522

What was Aragorn’s tax policy?

>> No.14966531

>Dwarves were German. The archetypal Jew was Saruman the White
Dwarves were Jewish, their language was based on Hebrew.

>> No.14966564

This. Why people purposefully ignore this. And Wagner's dwarves were also perceived as Jewish. It was a trope back then.

>> No.14966573
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>back then

>> No.14966585

Does anyone have the atheist professor copy pasta with grr martin and the Tolkien student about this?

>> No.14966651

Just /pol/ shitheads all the way down in here anymore...