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/lit/ - Literature

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1495934 No.1495934 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, help.

I am currently working towards a BA in literature but I just don't care. I keep thinking I like literature but I don't. I like science fiction and fantasy writing, but I myself do not write. I get very much into whatever book I'm reading, but I am not sure if I want to have my career situated around that. I currently work at two libraries and while one of them is awesome and small, the other just seems cold and dark and full of old people. I'm 24 years old and I don't want to get comfortable in a place I don't want to be in. What other career options do you think I have? If I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, but not academic literature *nearly* as much, what do you think I ought to look into that would be more satisfying than working with upper-middle-age women in poorly lit old buildings? I'm finding it very hard to motivate myself to finish my degree which I think will be pretty worthless, and I know I'm going to get a lot of "walk it off, pussy" posts but I don't care. Any help is appreciated.

>> No.1495941

what the fuck can you even do with a degree like that?

>> No.1495944

Wtf are you doing doing a BA in Lit? I agonised over the decision for ages, I chose it because it feeds into the career I want and because reading books is my life. Why the hell did you choose it?

>> No.1495949

You need to make the distinction between books and literature. When people refer to literature, they mean the academic texts you don't enjoy. So, if you don't enjoy those, don't major in literature.

In other words, change your major to something else you enjoy.

>> No.1495954

I didn't really choose it, it just seemed like the only thing I thought I had enough interest in to work towards. I already had taken a lot of english classes before I had decided on it, and had most of the credits taken care of. I'm just a year or so away from finishing now, but I have realized from taking *only* english courses that I really could give less of a shit. I would much prefer to sit down with the professor and discuss the material rather than write an essay, any day of the week.

>> No.1495955


Should have gone to a better university. That is what I do for my degree.

>> No.1495957

Since I'm working so much, the school I go to is mostly independent study and meeting up with the teacher every couple of weeks. But the writing required between visits is fucking torture for me, and I am completely unmotivated to do it.

>> No.1495965

yeah i was in exactly the same position op. somehow managed to struggle though my course but the strain/ unhappiness caused some serious consequences/ mental instability etc.
Three years down the line and I'm living in an alley at the back of a casino, eating from a dumster and having unprotected sex with a 55-year-old schizophrenic woman who wears a surgical mask and barks at the moon when she's on her period.
good luck out there kid, you're gonna need it.

>> No.1496005
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>> No.1496055
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ITT; Daniel Kharms

>> No.1496069


woops, this isn't a new thread, but here anyways:
They call me Capuchin

They call me the Capuchin. For that I'll tear the ears off whomsoever it may be necessary, but meanwhile I get no peace from the fame of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Why did he have to know everything? How to swaddle infants and how to give young girls in marriage - I would also like to know everything. In fact I do know everything, except that I am not so sure of my theories. About infants, I certainly know that they should not be swaddled at all - they should be obliterated. For this I would establish a central pit in the city and would throw the infants into it. And so that the stench of decomposition should not come from the pit, it could be flooded every week with quicklime. Into the same pit I would also stick all Alsatian dogs. Now, about giving young girls in marriage. That, in my view, is even simpler: I would establish a public hall where, say, once a month all the youth would assemble. All of them between seventeen and thirty-five would have to strip naked and parade up and down the hall. If anyone fancied someone, then that pair would go off into a corner and there examine each other in detail. I forgot to say that they would all have to have a card hanging from the neck with their name, surname and address. Then, a letter could be sent to whomever was to someone's taste, to set up a more intimate acquaintance. Should any old man or woman intervene in these matters, I would propose killing them with an axe and dragging them off to the same place as the infants - to the central pit.

I would have written more of the knowledge within me, but unfortunately I have to go to the shop for tobacco. When walking on the street, I always take with me a thick knotty stick. I take it with me in order to batter any infants who may get under my feet. That must be why they called me the Capuchin. But just you wait, you swine, I'll skin your ears yet!