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/lit/ - Literature

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14959125 No.14959125 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14959162

Fucking hell man, you've already received plenty of examples.
That being said: Concierto Barroco by Alejo Carpentier is a masterpiece that, in my opinion, encapsulates the entire Spanish language - and therefore much of Hispanic Culture - in a brilliant few pages.
As Carpentier would describe it, the novel is akin to Baroque itself, a caged sun.

>> No.14959199

i haven't even gotten more than 10 examples

>> No.14959267

Very well.
Don Quixote (Cervantes)
The Bible (Reina-Valera)
Concierto Barroco (Carpentier)
Ficciones and El Aleph (Borges)
Cien Años de Soledad (García Márquez)
El Túnel (Sabato)
Artemio Cruz and Terra Nostra (Fuentes)
El Buscón and Marco Bruto (Quevedo)
Episodios Nacionales (Galdós)
Yo, el Supremo (Roa Bastos)
Facundo (Sarmiento)
Oráculo Manual (Gracián)
El Castillo Interior (Santa Teresa)

Those are in the opinion of a very well read native, some standouts prose-wise. Now please stop with the same post and try reading one or two.

>> No.14959299

hey, if you gave me 12 examples that means you have some more
post 'em

>> No.14959303

suck my dick faggot

>> No.14959307

have it your way then, i'll just keep posting this thread

>> No.14959330

lmfao how lonely are you

>> No.14959351

are you gonna go offtopic now? that's two wasted posts, posts that could have contained more suggestions of novels with exemplary prose in spanish

>> No.14959362

You're the shitcano with shit taste from the other thread, aren't you?

>> No.14959372

three posts now
is this what you do
pretend you're gonna have a conversation related to /lit/ and then not have it?

>> No.14959464

The anon that is insulting you isn't me, I wrote the prior list and the first response.
I do have a few other works in mind however, in spanish, I am much better read in poetry and theatre than prose proper.
I did not, and it was folly, mention Cortázar - he's great as well. For some reason Becquér's prose is incredible to me, far beyond his verses.

>> No.14959477

Gustavo Cortázar and Gustavo Becquér, correct?

>> No.14959487

Julio Cortazar*

>> No.14959526

Pedro Páramo

>> No.14959800


>> No.14959828

Any Garcia Márquez novel

>> No.14960440


>> No.14961333

Why don't you go ask them?
