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/lit/ - Literature

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14958919 No.14958919 [Reply] [Original]

I've recently figured out that classical literature triggers a delightful reading experience within us specifically because it relies heavily on associations and references that interconnect ancient plays, novels, epic poems, philosophy and historiography to form an universe which solidly englobes the whole greek and roman literary compendium. You can read Aeschylus' plays and recollect the Iliad as you can associate Agamenon to it even without knowing the content of the plays, and in like manner you can recall your experiences of any previous text you've read by associating to them a familiar element. It seems like the ancients relished the usage of intertextuality and that might be one of the main reasons becoming knowledgeable about the classical world comes so easy to us other than being most likely a strategy used by the ancients to memorize texts. It's mindblowing that so many diverse genres can subsist in such an harmonious union, and no other cultural period comes close to it in terms of intertextuality. Is classical literature truly the work of Gods?

>> No.14959909

Now you know why Rimbaud was so popular so young--all he did was crack the code. Unfortunately you can't copy it now because it would just come off as being pretentious.

>> No.14960106

Tell me more about it, if you care.

>> No.14960149

Who is this girl you keep posting and how can I find more arts of her?

>> No.14960256

It's from a ALTER-EGO, a mobile visual novel.