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/lit/ - Literature

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14955854 No.14955854 [Reply] [Original]

>Without believing in a future life, I don't see what will change if I am remembered as a director or a pedophile. I only ask that my ashes be scattered near a pharmacy.
>"I have never read Ulysses, Don Quixote, Lolita, Catch 22, 1984. I have never read a line by Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence; The same goes for Dickens and the Brontë sisters."

>> No.14955862
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>> No.14955884

based retard but this exposes him as a pseud

>> No.14955908

what's lit's favorite woody kino? mine's stardust memories

>> No.14955929

Radio Days

>> No.14955936
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I'm yet to watch it mate. In fact I'm yet to watch many of his old films (I've only seen Sleeper and Manhattan Murder Mystery). I've really only seen the recent ones Match Point, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Midnight in Paris, Blue Jasmine, Irrational Man. In my defense, I've read all the books he hasn't read.

>> No.14955947

Always knew he was a pseudo-intellectual moron. Some of his films are very good (Manhattan, Midnight in Paris, Blue Jasmin), but he makes one every year and most of them are fucking shit. He fucked his underage step daughter and a lot of his movies are about himself because he was unable to write about other people. Always the 'neurotic genius' who was completely absorbed with his own life. It just shows that someone with a extremely narrow horizon like him was still capable of creating great art, sometimes. But he got punished for his selfishness and now he will be remembered as a child molester forever

>> No.14956009
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>> No.14956018

He's so based. I love seeing mediocre moralfags like you seething

>> No.14956046

is it "Apropos of xxx"? Also in other languages?

>> No.14956054

Nobody will give a shit about this gossip but many will remember his films.

>> No.14956066

Zoomer please go back to plebbit

I disagree. Some of his films were great but not god tier. He's no Fellini, Coppola or Bergman. He will be forgotten at some point and the process of forgetting will be sped up by the fact he literally fucked his adoptive daughter lmao

>> No.14956084

it wasn't his adoptive daughter, it was his crazy wife who collected children like pokemons' adoptive daughter. and they're still toghether

>> No.14956103

>I mean hes no peepee or feweewee bu hes alright i guess
Film snobs are the worst, acting like staring at a screen is an accomplishment

>> No.14956110

>I have never read Ulysses, Don Quixote, Lolita, Catch 22, 1984.


>> No.14956114


>> No.14956119

woody allen is shit tier pedo.
polanski at least made good films.

>> No.14956195

You probably are the first to suggest, like, Card Against Humanity at parties.

>> No.14956220

Lit snobs are the worst, acting like starting at a paper page is an accomplishment

>> No.14956236

is Philip Roth the Woody Allen of /lit/ ?

>> No.14956252

what are some good polanski? chinatown was mediocre desu

>> No.14956287

Complete Retard

>> No.14956299
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Rosemary's Baby, Tess, The Fearless Vampire Killers, Ninth Gate, Repulsion, The Pianist. Chinatown is one of the best scripts of all time

>> No.14956321

calm your fedora, m8

>> No.14956333


>> No.14956336 [DELETED] 

>chinatown was mediocre desu
go choke on a fucking cock

>> No.14956360

vampire killers is one of the worst movies ever made. put that pipe down son

>> No.14956393
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Your loss, it's essential comfycore

>> No.14956395


>> No.14956413

Imagine mentioning 1984 and Catch 22 like they're the same as Ulysses and Don Quixote. What a pseud

>> No.14956414

‘Chinatown was mediocre’ was a stupid opinion fedora or not.

>> No.14956419

Naw, Orson Welles was right about him, he's pathetic

>> No.14956421

>naming a bunch of classic books in the same breath
yeah total pseud!!11!

>> No.14956425

>I have never read Ulysses, Don Quixote, Lolita, Catch 22, 1984. I have never read a line by Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence; The same goes for Dickens and the Brontë sisters."
Why do people brag about things like this?

>> No.14956551

It was his wife's adopted daughter, not his. He cucked his wife with a younger woman, that's all.

>> No.14956559

O.W.: I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man.

H.J.: I’ve never understood why. Have you met him?

O.W.: Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.

H.J.: He’s not arrogant; he’s shy.

O.W.: He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

>> No.14956565

Oliver Twist, Ninth Gate, Ghostwriter.

>> No.14956572

VIRGIN Welles jelly and projecting because no one wanted to fund his nonsense meanwhile CHAD Woody makes a movie every year since the 60s and still kicking! And living RENT FREE in millions of people's minds.

>> No.14956675

Citizen Kane is still the best film of all time. Woody Allen even admitted in this book that he never made a masterpiece.

>> No.14956705

Pleb. Keep with marvel movies, then

>> No.14956710

No that's gay but so is watching a movie during a party lmao

>> No.14956739
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Woody knew how to diddle a family member in public spaces

Today he's playing "Uncle Finger Puppet" with his retarded step-daughter

>> No.14956746

He is both a pathetic neurotic simping Jew and an artistic genius. The man’s output is incredible. I hate his protagonists but always find myself impressed with the dialogue of his films and the jokes.

>> No.14956760

Holy shit based Orson Welles

>> No.14956768

>Citizen Kane is still the best film of all time.
okay boomer

>> No.14956774

He was projecting btw. Takes one to know one.

>> No.14956783

anything with jack nicholson is basically boomer marvel

>> No.14956803

false equivalence, but you can cope any way you like

>> No.14956817

>He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation [...] a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
literally nothing wrong with this desu. welles always was a bitter old cunt whose quirks wore off very quickly once people realized he was unable to work with anyone at all, and a soundbite-ready gossipmonger at best from the fifties onwards

>> No.14956828

>It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest.
Whew what a humble lad! Carrying such a heavy cross.

>> No.14956854

if you have to fawn over fedora kino, atleast do it over something actually good like vertigo or rear window, not fucking chinatown

>> No.14956870

>and now he will be remembered as a child molester forever
you won't give a shit what people think when you're dead, to be honest I don't give a shit even now

>> No.14956911


>> No.14956917

>The Hitchcock defense

>> No.14956922

>I'm a boomer for thinking a WWII generation movie is better than a movie made by an actual boomer?

>> No.14956960


>> No.14956964

chinatown was good.

>> No.14957070

Except for Ulysses and Don Quixote I wouldn't call any of those works essential to the canon.

>> No.14957081

I don't call the canon essential for life

>> No.14957241

Either way the rest of those authors are for midwits, normalfags, and pseuds.

>> No.14957251

spoken as a true midwit pseud

>> No.14957257

Lolita is definitely essential to the canon.

>> No.14957274

wait woody is a jew pedo, just like polanski who is also a jew, and so was that schneider guy, oh and weinstein and epstein.


nope, can't quite put my finger on it,

>> No.14957283

was weinstein pedo? thought he just raped

>> No.14957285

No it isn't. What did it bring that's new to the literary world? It's prose is good but not groundbreaking or genre defining.

>> No.14957286

>nope, can't quite put my finger on it
It's selection bias. There's pedophiles in pretty much any ethnicity.

>> No.14957301

It's pretty much the gold standard in unreliable narrators.

>> No.14957343

Great spoof or homage to Fellini (8 1/2); my favorite's similar in this respect- Deconstructing Harry (Bergmann's Wild Strawberries)

>> No.14957377

Even if why would you brag about this?

>> No.14957383

It is the most well-known exploration of pedophilia in literature, it is often regarded as the second best novel of the 20th century after Ulysses, and it has led "Lolita" and "nymphet" to become dictionary words.

>> No.14957431

he is incredibly based. hating woody allen is an excellent litmus test for being an NPC, stupid, or both

>> No.14957450

That’s not the criteria for being in the canon.

>> No.14957507

7/71 based/replies ratio, so this is reddit now i guess

>> No.14957511

No, reddit filmmakers whose best films are about being quirky losers go into the dustbin of history. His films are and will be secondary classics, remembered as popular but without lasting viewership. I made it a long time not knowing him for anything but being a pedophile until I saw Annie Hall.

>> No.14957523

If you are an English speaker Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and Dickens really are. Plus bragging about non-reading is always such a neurotic quality. Look at Borges who claimed he was more proud of books he read then the books he wrote. Despite that Borges was a much better writer then Woody Allen, Jonathan Franzen, Kanye West or whatever neurotic pedo no one will remember in 100 years.

>> No.14957532

you being a pleb is not a proof of anything

>> No.14957542

I like him more for getting cunny desu

>> No.14957567

yes actually

>> No.14957573

it is not even nabokovs best novel

>> No.14957860

learn English at least

>> No.14957888

this isn't r3ddit, newfriend

>> No.14958006

That or Crimes and Misdemeanors

>> No.14958017

It's really an obvious one, but Annie Hall.

>> No.14958037

Antz was my childhood. It was so good that I never bothered with Bug's Life. It still holds up after 20 years.

>> No.14958896
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Stardust Memories, Manhattan, Hannah and Her Sisters, Shadows and Fog, Annie Hall, Bananas, Take The Money and Run, Play it Again Sam, Sleeper, Interiors, Zelig, A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy.

These are his best movies.

>> No.14958921

>Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, D.H. Lawrence and Dickens really are
I don't see any of them as being essential English lit. Important sure, but not essential.

>> No.14958970

Dickens is very essential 19th century English lit, so is Woolf for the 20th century.

>> No.14959285

Wrong lol

>> No.14959287

You don't get it and I'm very embarrassed for you

>> No.14959295

It's cool. You wouldn't understand

>> No.14959298


>> No.14959312

Allen is less boundary pushing than Polanski is, but Allen is also way more consistent and diverse.
Both are amazing and anyone who disagrees has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.14959345

Take it to /tv/, bootlicker

>> No.14959444

Crimes and Misdemeanors is a perfect movie. The dead philosopher’s voiceover at the end while the blind rabbi dances is pure kino.

>> No.14960126

I really like some of his more recent films. Carnage is great fun and The Ghost Writer is complete and utter kino.

>> No.14960131

So boring seeing this posted, I like Welles but this is just tabloid rubbish that has nothing to do with films.

>> No.14960145
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I’m not even going to scroll down yet.

The Orson Welles quote better already be posted.

>> No.14960173


>uwu im le shy nerdy wallflower who epically roasts people on my tumblr blog, one day they’ll hear this lion ROAR

lol, get cucked cowardcels

>> No.14960258

Polanski has been horrible since the incident. Allen made two kinos in the 2010s: Blue Jasmine and Midnight in Paris.

>> No.14960263

can someone explain to me how midnight in paris is not an embarrassing, shallow film

>> No.14960271

Annie Hall. It's a perfect rom-com EVA

>> No.14961082

i really don't know, got 10 min in and had to turn it off. just too cringy. old woody is only woody

>> No.14961091

I like the dialogue and the sense of romantic longing for a past era one's never been in.

>> No.14961182

couldn't stand owen wilson's faggy character, i'll give it another shot though, i have the time

>> No.14961218

no love and death? no deconstructing harry? no antz?

>> No.14961232

Chinatown is the best movie ever made.

>> No.14961235

what's the second best?

>> No.14961249

My video diary desu

>> No.14961250

Watched 2 Woody Allen movies 10 years ago and they were the most pretentious shit I've ever seen.

Only literal faggots who are out of touch with reality enjoy these wannabe smart "movies"

>> No.14961264

>Only literal faggots who are out of touch with reality
where do you think you are?

>> No.14961318

The one about a neurotic Jew from New York

>> No.14961336

you're right, they're all m*n

>> No.14961468
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>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

>> No.14961733

Not surprising that /tv/ has better taste in film than /lit/.

>> No.14962347

The Ninth Gate, Oliver Twist and The Ghostwriter were good movies.

>> No.14962372

virgin Welles vs chad Allen

>> No.14962569

And he actually read books too.

>> No.14962620

David holzman?

>> No.14962628

Frantic and The Ninth Gate.

>> No.14962779

Like 5% of /tv/ has good taste, the rest is celebrity threads and blockbuster nonsense

>> No.14962881

I think this is just empty posturing. He told an interviewer that Epitaph of a Small Winner was one of his favorite books.

>> No.14962894

>not Jewish propaganda

>> No.14962950

soon yi recently wrote her perspective, she liked him because women in general liked him and she was no exception. it was fully consensual and after the divorce she wanted to be with woody (her father in name only, because of adoption) because mia was fucking crazy.

>> No.14963043

Joyce isn't fit to shine Dickens' shoes.