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14954312 No.14954312 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." They said to him, "Sir, give us this bread always." Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:32-35)

>> No.14954336
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It seems to me that Jesus here is pointing to His nature as the embodiment of the Logos of all life, but apparently some Christians believe this is about the Eucharistic ritual or other sacrificial meals. Suffice it to say, I find the Eucharistic/ritualistic interpretation of the passage unpersuasive.

>> No.14954412

Répondez s'il vous plaît !

>> No.14955549
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It's interesting how this parallels certain verses from the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew, where Jesus says that the birds of the sky need not work -- that God takes care of them.

>> No.14955555

So why are Christians still hungry?

>> No.14955606

Jesus is the “bread of life” in the sense that he nourishes people spiritually and satisfies the deep spiritual longings of their souls. In that sense, those who trust in him shall not hunger (John 4:14). Their spiritual longing to know God will be satisfied. Eternal life comes from eating his flesh and drinking his blood (“flesh and blood” refers to the total person)—that is, from believing in him.

>> No.14955651
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How can one satisfy the mind without satisfying the body?

>> No.14955687

>Sirach 24: 21Those who eat of me will hunger for more, and those who drink of me will thirst for more.

this also happens.

>> No.14955747

>never be hungry
>hunger for more
>never be thirsty
>thirst for more

>> No.14955802

Can you not see in your own life how it is? Infinite desire + infinite love are the twin abysses from which all life Springs. so it is just as right to say that you will thirst for more just as much as that you will not. That is the nature of everlasting life. If there was no desire there would be no satisfaction. Infinite satisfaction implies infinite desire.

>> No.14955872
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>I am the bread of life.

>> No.14955911
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>I find the Eucharistic/ritualistic interpretation of the passage unpersuasive.
>It seems to me that Jesus here is pointing to His nature as the embodiment of the Logos of all life
Why would these two things be in conflict? It's both, because it's very obviously a foreshadowing of the Last Supper like a lot of other passages talking about bread. Christ was even born in Bethlehem, which literally translates to "house of bread".

>> No.14955935

There is no breaking of the bread in the gospel of John.

>> No.14955956
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>the Gospel of John is the entirety of scripture

>> No.14955964

Well, it's the only eye-witness account of Jesus' ministry so I'm going to believe it above the rest of the NT canon.

>> No.14956074

Based. I too am a King James Only Gospel of John only Christian.

>> No.14956243
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Do you also, like me, prefer Parmenides to the Pentateuch?

>> No.14957351

>Jesus said

>> No.14957441
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I have a new translation of these verses:

>pic related

>> No.14957984

What did Christ say about anime?

>> No.14958791

>anime thread
based & bumped.

>> No.14958826

>Very truly, I tell you
Off-topic, but prefixing his statements like this is an obvious "tell" that Jesus is lying through his teeth. He would be so easy to beat in a poker game.

>> No.14958832

Please tell me you're joking.
John was the last written gospel, and it's the only gospel that doesn't go in a chronological ordering of events.
The Gospel of John is primarily focused on theology, and is there for a writing of "themes" rather than events.
If you want a "start to finish" gospel, read Luke-Acts. That book (which is now split into two) covers everything.

>> No.14958845

It's an attack on Judaism. The Bible makes sense if you read it through Gnostic lenses.

>> No.14958884

>John was the last written gospel

>> No.14959087


>> No.14959130
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>Jesus: I am real bread, by which I mean symbolic bread, and by eating I just mean following me, also do this in remembrance of me, even though its just bread, but im the bread, but the bread isnt me, im the real bread but you cant eat me
>Every single Church Father: You are mystically present in the body and blood during our liturgies, got it.
>Holy Spirit: fuck I forgot to tell them you just meant it symbolically, shit what are we gonna do?
>Jesus: lets wait until martin luther is born is FIFTEEN HUNDRED YEARS and then we'll correct this stupid mistake that every single one of my followers has made
>Holy Spirit: sounds like a plan

>> No.14959141

>The Bible makes sense if you read it through Gnostic lenses
yeah, the bible's gnostic, that must be why it PROMISES THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY ALONG WITH THE SOUL

>> No.14959171
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>applying human perception of time to divine entities

>> No.14959172

the Book of John is pretty Gnostic influenced though.

>> No.14959181

no it isn't

>> No.14959195

Is it too much to ask for a religion that follows the laws of physics?

>> No.14959216

Prove that the physical world actually exists

>> No.14959224

it is and it isn't, if you know what I mean. It is in some ways about "secret knowledge" and in-groups and out-groups, but it obviously doesn't incorporate the cosmology of Gnosticism proper. Plus it carries on a pretty constant conversation with the content of the Gospel of Thomas

>> No.14959232

Imagine being so retarded you don't understand basic symbolism

>> No.14959236

I mean Jesus' time on earth was supposed to be the be all end all of divine revelation. That's a pretty major thing to leave mal-interpreted

>> No.14959253

I don't have to; a religion shouldn't break the rules of the simulation it purports to explain.

>> No.14959272

Wait are you taking the bread thing literally

>> No.14959300

No, the resurrection, that's what I can't take seriously

>> No.14959305

It's not as if luther was a prophet and it's not as if there hasn't always been different readings of jesus. He gave us his word, all the revelations we would need, and left us to sort through it. The conflict between luther and the catholic church is no different from what happened to the gnostics, it's just humans being humans

>> No.14959310

John 6:63
63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

>> No.14959316

Why not?

>> No.14959332

Unless they find a corpse, nobidy can say for certain

>> No.14959338

The spirituality of the Gospels can be summed up simply as "the possibility of entering into divine intimacy". All that mutual-indwelling and becoming one with Christ and uniting over a meal and Christ becoming the sacrificial offering and all that--all that was the path to salvation in Judaism becomes crystallised as simply intimacy with Christ, and what better way to be intimate with Christ than to have Him literally, physically, enter your body as nourishment. There is a remarkable coherence and beauty to the mystery, and I think the truth here is revealed by the fact that a merely symbolic Eucharist is less beautiful. The real presence is an awe-inspiring teaching, and that's why you have Protestants all over the place returning to this teaching, because it is so in keeping with the way that Jesus loves us. To reduce it to a mere symbol is to fail to see how interconnected all of Christ's statements are, and how interconnected union with Him is. And there is the witness of literally every Church Father on this point. Not until the Protestant Reformation did theologians start rejecting the doctrine of the real presence, and even then not universally. 'High' Protestants still believe in the literal Eucharist too.

>> No.14959348

If it was a supernatural force that made the laws of the universe, why can't that same force break the laws?

>> No.14959355

Sounds like either the Church was right, or the Holy Spirit was lazy in guiding councils

>> No.14959357


>> No.14959361

>the flesh profiteth nothing
Then why was the word made flesh?

>> No.14959367

>a post that isn't sarcastic meme bullshit

>> No.14959463

Appealing to the ECF is the biggest cope there is.

>> No.14959605

i didnt appeal only to them, i appealed to every theologian up to the reformation

that's a 1500 year tradition

>> No.14959992

It's just another warning against idolatry. Moses physically led them from Egypt but not spiritually, it would be sin to worship Moses > God because of this. Basically fuck the physical

>> No.14960074


>> No.14960080

that is an extremely shit reading

>> No.14960313

Why would you stand in contrast to all biblical studies throughout the ages and just refuse to provide any substantive evidence for your claims?

>> No.14960333

You're in a cult.

>> No.14960631
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>muh Eucharist

>> No.14960707
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My view is minoritary but truth is not decided by consensus. One key argument you can make is that the Gospel of John has no equivalent to the Olivet Discourse, i.e. that it makes no reference to the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD. So it either post-dates 70AD by enough time that the memories of the event would become distant, placing its composition somewhere after 150AD, or it pre-dates 70AD. But we have manuscript fragments of the gospel of John from before 150AD, ergo it must have been written before 70AD.

>> No.14960729
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>Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you shall not have life within you. For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.

It's hard to get any clearer than this.

>> No.14960730
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>all biblical studies throughout the ages
Nobody cares about secular (((biblical studies))) on the /lit/erature board of 4channel.

>> No.14960736

See >>14955935
There is no breaking of the bread discourse at the Last Supper in the gospel of John. That's a startling omission if what Jesus is actually talking about is the Eucharistic ritual.

>> No.14960789

>God's foreknowledge is so limited that He needs to include every single detail in a single text, he doesn't know that other Gospels would be written filling in the blanks
>the bread was just lying there on the table, if it didn't explicitly write about breaking the bread, it didn't happen

>> No.14960811

>the Bible is divinely inspired
Take your meds.

>> No.14960820

The earliest reference to the Eucharistic ritual/formula is from Paul's 1st epistle to the Corinthians (chapter 11, verse 24). It's clearly a Pauline innovation that was added to the Synoptic gospels as the practice spread through the Church and became tradition.

>> No.14960832

See >>14955935 & >>14960736

>> No.14961031

why would it not be?

>> No.14961072
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>The earliest reference to the Eucharistic ritual/formula is from Paul's 1st epistle to the Corinthians (chapter 11, verse 24).

>> No.14961258

Paul's epistles predate the written gospels anon, with the exception of maybe (maybe) the gospel of John which could have been contemporaneous with his letters.

>> No.14961286
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Because it is inconsistent. God does not contradict Himself, but the biblical canon does. The canon was put together by fallible humans. You can add "under the guidance of the Holy Spirit" but that is irrelevant, as the Holy Spirit used imperfect vessels and these imperfections come across in the written text.

In short: the proof is in the pudding.

>> No.14961656

You're arguing without proof. Matthew was written 41AD, Mark and Luke was written around 60AD. John was written about 98 around Ephesus. There' no question he was last. We know for example he wrote Revelation in year 96 at Patmos when he was exiled

>> No.14961665

>You're arguing without proof
>proceeds to throw dates around as if they were fact
>ignores the argument
You're arguing without proof.

>> No.14961770

To save those in the flesh. To more directly communicate himself to us.

>> No.14962292

>You're arguing without proof
That's what you're doing, yes

>> No.14962421

No. :)

>> No.14962601
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Would it be correct to describe Jesus as a bread person?

>> No.14962927

Who reads Bible will be better off and who beleves in him will live fullfiled life. Jesus uses metaphor becouse he is talking about celestial realm, witch human mand can't imagine.

>> No.14963068

But aside from any possible popular traditional attributions there doesn't appear to be conclusive evidence that John the Apostle and John of Patmos were the same person though.
#dualist apostology

>> No.14964425

"Moses" means the whole Jew as a collective.

>> No.14964460

Explain further. Moses as an exponent of the "Law" is more appropriate, with Jesus as its replacement.

>> No.14964493

Not him but what I'm seeing is that Moses as the law is the copy in an image or in a shadow of the logos who is the spirit of the law. So the logos is the Tree of Life and Moses is the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.

>> No.14964502

And that is how this whole reality is and in trying to get to the truth.