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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 970x647, 148764-gadgets-review-amazon-kindle-oasis-2019-review-image1-gmszqrf6pd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14951425 No.14951425 [Reply] [Original]

you have 10 (ten) seconds to explain why the FUCK you don't read with an e-reader right now?

>> No.14951431

They are shit.

>> No.14951443

But I do

>> No.14951450

Because I want to be able to read my books during the upcoming societal collapse.

>> No.14951481

I recently purchased a paperwhite.

>> No.14951485

If it breaks I loose all my books and probably need internet or something to recover them, if not a hard drive which requires electricity so if this world came to a relative end it would be useless. Apart from that I would consider buying them for books that I feel aren't worth paying for and wouldn't care if I lost

>> No.14951502

>world comes to an end
>have to haul around hundreds of pounds of books instead of a small portable solar-powered charger

>> No.14951530

>preppers on /lit/
how are you guys any better than the schizos on /pol/?

>> No.14951537

I'm not a prepper at all.

>> No.14951661

i have a phone

>> No.14951674
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Fuck off dumb zoomers

>> No.14951730
File: 40 KB, 550x367, dffbae9e302d8290b4552f3104f37046_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a phone

>> No.14951840

Install koreader

>> No.14951885

Great taste.

>> No.14952029

I want to pass down physical things to my son

>> No.14952036

I’m not a 40 year old woman in 2010

>> No.14952071

i don't own one, im broke, and i like the touch of paper pages on my fingeys

>> No.14952078

im a legit skitzo please don't lump me in with /pol/

>> No.14952308

Bitch, you already spend I bet half your fucking day before a screen, what's the problem with reading on it? Have you ever heard of dark mode? Of blue light filters?

>> No.14952325

Bruh, an e reader is an investment, drop 100 bucks then you can have anybook for free

>> No.14952425

That would be a hypothetical situation, because I own a Kindle Paperwhite and exclusively read on it now, even my NIV Student Bible.

>> No.14952465

Mother fucker, I am 26 years old and my vision is shit. I have no idea if it's just because I was born with shitty eyes, but I need to take my glasses off now when reading a screen, and I have spent a lot, a lot of time in front of screens. Having an ereader with big font is nicer that using a phone.

>> No.14952483

>not strong enough to carry 100 pounds of books let alone 1000
>will be forgotten in history as a loser while my physical library will live on into future generations
>can't burn spare books
>solar power wont work if the sun is blocked out
>electronic device implanted with tracker sends pings to authorities

>> No.14952620

i do. likebook mars, exclusively with pirated books and manga. pretty comfy.

>> No.14952632

LED is all around garbage. E ink is the future.

>> No.14952687

what does /lit/ recommend for e-reader and I'm not interested in spending money on e-books I would only pay for physical books.

>> No.14952703

I like the feeling of a real book.

>> No.14952764

Books feel nice and look good on my shelf

>> No.14952862

A Kindle Paperwhite. A second hand one will do.
Install Calibre and libgen that bitch.

>> No.14952977
File: 47 KB, 512x500, kindle-touch-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would rather not give big bad Amazon the power to delete my books for any reason. physical books also leave a more lasting impression on you than ebooks.
that said, I've had pic related for years, it's very good.

>> No.14953374

i own an e reader but mainly just buy physical books so i can put them on my bookshelf :)

>> No.14953463

>physical books leave a more lasting impression on you than ebooks.

>> No.14953478

What if it's the sun itself that's the problem? Check out the Carrington Event of 1859, that would probably fry most consumer electronics across a whole hemisphere, and the Earth missed a similar storm in 2012 by only nine days.

>> No.14953760

book printer go brrrrr

>> No.14953766

Seems like you should just read books.

>> No.14954091

If the sun can't shine on the Earth's surface, there will be no food either.

>> No.14954098

I use my other currently reading books as a little stand to put my kindle on so I don't have to reach down as far

>> No.14954105

Actually there will be a lot of food because all the animals will die without you even needing to hunt

>> No.14954160

books are more comfy :3

>> No.14954294

Book smell

>> No.14954644
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, F5DAE431-3F9A-4846-AB9C-EDE686C707F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this Kobo Aura One and it's just perfect. One of the undetachable thigs of my life

>> No.14954939

It seems that the tech development and prices have stagnated. E-ink screens are still slow (but generally fast enough for book reading).
You'd expect to find a decent reader for under $100 nowadays, but nope. They're still $130 or more. No cheap chink clones either.

>> No.14955020

>he doesn't have calibre

>> No.14955115
File: 477 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200326-085435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the Nook Touch but I accidentally cracked the screen. I'm broke so I haven't been able to get a new one. For the moment, I'm using the Lithium app to read ebooks; reading on a phone isn't as good as eink reading but it does the job.
Pic related.

>> No.14955131

Looking good anon. Can you read at night with it? Btw, is that Vietnamese?

>> No.14955153

audiobooks are better

>> No.14955198

lmao nice coonsooming breeder bait

>> No.14956614

I think we all now (((who))) to thank for that

>> No.14957486

Quality of cheap chink clones will be awfull, dummy. Also these devices will have a big problems with DRM and widespread bookselling services

>> No.14957886

>Sun Burns out
>Also no electricity
Dude there'd be no light left at all then. Unless you know braiile how are you going to read?

>> No.14957949


I lose shit all the time. I bought a fluorescent yellow backpack, specifically so I wouldn't lose it, and I recently lost it.

If I bought an e-reader, I'd lose the fucking thing.

>> No.14958000
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only correct answer, its great for making notes because you can read .pdfs without sacrificing marginal damage to your eyes w.r.t. monitor light emissions

>> No.14958188

do you have ADD?

>> No.14958207

I like the tactile sensation of physical media, no eye strain from a lit screen, and the fact that books can't run out of batteries or need to verify digital copywright to use.

>> No.14958229

I do but I only use it for 1/3 of my reading.

The best for reading comprehension is to constantly change the medium you read.

So I rotate between a physical book, then one on an ereader then a pdf on my computer

>> No.14958251

>its great for making notes because you can read .pdfs
None of the ereaders I had could handle pdfs for shit, which was super annoying when I was studying. Are there any devices nowadays with good support for pdf?

>> No.14958457

great doujin, I've used a couple of times now

>> No.14958477

I don't read

>> No.14958491

That's all I've been reading with for the past few months.
I prefer paper but free books are fucking sweet

>> No.14958495

so you dont know what an e-reader is

>> No.14958716


>> No.14958727

Why would anyone want to hold something while fapping?

>> No.14958736

Sounds like you have bad glasses if you have to take them off.

>> No.14958755

yes and yes

>> No.14958759

It's been proven they don't much for retention. Physical books are perfect.

>> No.14958802

>It's been proven they don't much for retention

Where? It's the same shit.

>> No.14958820

lol no, they've done a study. retention is lower on such devices. I saw it some months ago here on
/lit/. Will look for the link.

>> No.14958854

So it's some half-remembered made up bullshit?

Even if you posted a source I bet it would be some Daily Mail article.

>> No.14958859

No, it was from a science journal. Looking...

>> No.14958868

/lit/pol/out/ schizo reporting in.
You cunts laughed at us, but when there's no toilet paper left on the shelf, and the supermarket is closed, I'll be laughing from my network of subterranean tunnels stocked with 24 months worth of supplies

>> No.14958926

I already bought the books.

>> No.14958950

Found it.

>> No.14958988

I use my ereader for books in other languages and some fiction, as I like the built in-dictionary; and physical books for philosophy and studying because you can underline and take notes.

Evey now and then I buy physical books tho, but my ereader costed like 100 bucks and I've read dozens of books on it.

>> No.14959043

Why does my ereader sometimes display ads for gay romance novels while it's sleeping? Imagine if my mom came in my room the other day when it was on my desk

>> No.14959063

Reminder that Amazon can literally delete books they don't like from your Kindle.


>> No.14959067

Just stop making excuses and come out of the closet

>> No.14959075

>registering your kindle
>having an amazon login from your kindle
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.14959354

interesting, thank you, but as someone who studies a bit of psychology (yes its kinda an iffy "science"), i suspect its probably due to people paying less attention to it than it being strictly a problem with the e-reader format, though admittedly that is indeed a problem with the e-reader i guess

>> No.14959371

e-readerfags completely and irrevocably BTFO

>> No.14959390

when the worst hit city in the world (wuhan) still had electricity/water/groceries during their lockdown I knew this would be a big nothingburger

>> No.14959484


Sometimes I like to think that if I have physical books I can get other people to read them, because they'll have the social obligation to return it, but they'll also have to read it to avoid the shame of not having done so.

Also a stack of physical books that I haven't read are more likely to get me to read them than one ereader with a million unread books on it. In sight, in mind.

>> No.14959494

i like paper

>> No.14959509

>world comes to an end
>ash clouds obscure the sun
>this retard is trying to read on a dead solar-powered tablet
>instead of making candles out of materials found in the environment and reading paper books
okay pal lol

>> No.14959527

>ash clouds are obscuring the sun
>he's worried about having books

>> No.14959531

>ash clouds obscure the sun
Where the fuck does that even come from

>> No.14959892

Late convert here. Spent years telling people there is no such thing as an "e-book", books are on paper, you young whippersnappers!
Realized that I didn't read much anymore, decided to buy Kobo Aura One to get me back in character.
Life changing, almost religious experience. Scales fell from my eyes, and books, yes e-books, are beautiful again. Never read so much so fast in all my life. Interested in literally everything. Except that Rene Guenon freakazoid. Can't stand that weirdo.

>> No.14959940

>Have Kobo H2O
>Want to spend another $300 on a bigger, higher resolution display
fuck me anon tell me I'm a faggot

>> No.14960451

pseuds will never justify themselves, they spend all day on computers and phones but then having a device to pirate ebooks for free and read on is just too much for them

>> No.14961020

I like having melotonin in my brain.

>> No.14961046

>If it breaks I loose all my books and probably need internet or something to recover them
>would rather not give big bad Amazon the power to delete my books for any reason

just download calibre.

imagine not taking the opportunity to torrent and read books whenever you want. it's the least i could do after being fucked by the publishing industry with textbooks.
>paying for books

>> No.14961090

the apocalypse, duh

>> No.14961099

And soon after they shall rot in the ground. You want to eat an eight month dead capybara?

>> No.14961110

Bollocks. I was looking at getting an ereader and making the switch. I'm out of room for any more bookshelves. Where are these things supposed to go?

>> No.14961114

my iPad with True Tone is more than good enough.

>> No.14961156

spare books to light fires

>> No.14961160

autism. this looks more harmful to the eyes than a normal screen

>> No.14961162

I forgot to mention that the only place it will stop shining is wherever anon with ereader is.

>> No.14961180

I lost mine and I'm too poor to buy another one

>> No.14961198

Its because your glasses act as a green house. Just like you can use them to burn stuff with reflected light, LED screens go through the glass and form a spear into your retinas.

>> No.14961199

I would get one but I don't know which one is actually worth getting. It seems like paperwhite is the consensus but I also don't want to fall for some meme piece of trash if it turns out the people who said get it are just contrarian fags and there's a better option

>> No.14961204

I had one but a nigger stole it. I needed a new one anyway.

>> No.14961208

I have a paperwhite and it works just fine. It's just a device for displaying words on a screen, how much convincing do you need?

>> No.14961213

Unironically to impress girls. I've noticed they usually take an interest in my bookshelf. I remember one of them told me, ad verbum: "Wow that's an impressive collection"

>> No.14961225

Socrates in this thread

>> No.14961237

The leather binding, the teeth of the paper, the whisk of the sliding page. In the beginning the book resists; the binding pulls the first 50 pages on herself but your hands won’t stop holding her down. The book is a whore in your hands and eventually she lies open defeated. Lying on the park bench with the book on the concrete pavement you read on; this time, the pages slight with an index flick. Then book gets her energy back and attempts to run away. But again you hold the pages open, and her secrets belong to you.

What about e-readers? They are pornography, a separated love. The rubber back gives away to your fingertips, and cold flat plastic rejecting your thumbs. Its lightness reminds you that there is no book in front of you. Just a version removed from the form.

>> No.14961262

What e-reader would you guys recommand ?

>> No.14961280

I do whenever I can't find them in paperback but honestly after reading off an ereader (admittedly a rather old kindle touch if that's what it's called) for like 5 years, I realized I still like paperbacks or even hardcovers a lot more
haven't tried a more modern ereader tho

>> No.14961852

This and close to this, Books are a legacy of knowledge. They can last centuries at least, and resist electro magnetic impulses and are not affected by computer viruses.
If our world should disappear in this centuries, our books will be a legacy of our era.

>> No.14961865

I won't get an E-reader until they have the form factor, aesthetic, tactile sensation and weight of a moderate hardback book. Until then I'll continue reading books.

>> No.14961868


not lindy

>> No.14962047

>I am retarded

>> No.14962373

Check the Dasung paperlike monitor.

>> No.14962385

I'm poor

>> No.14962461

I'm using the Kindle app to read on my phone recently, paired with the audiobook it certainly makes reading easy, convenient and cheap.
I still miss the physicality of the book though. There's something about printed paper that's more comforting, easier on the eyes.

>> No.14962497

Wouldn't it make sense then if your spending all day on screens to want to take a break and move away from computers?

>> No.14962504

You fetishize books but call ebooks pornography?

>> No.14962633


>> No.14962639

Well i have both for a decades. I used both for a decade. And in the end, physical paper book is superior. The next day you instantly find when you stopped reading. You memorize the content slightly better. And again, those last centuries, perhaps millennias if stored in optimal conditions. One global efficient virus and all electronic content is erased. That's why in ghost in the shell stand alone complex season 1, last episode the Laughing man (Aoi), which is an ultra geek, read physical books. Physical books cannot be tampered like ebook could.

>> No.14962661

Something 10 inch at least. So you can read .pdf and book in small characters without zooming.

>> No.14962682

When the lights go out for good, what will charge the battery on your E reader?

>> No.14962699

If it reaches that point you'll have more things to worry about than reading.

>> No.14963071

because I am not poor.

>> No.14963104

I swear people who think like this must be genuinely retarded (sub 85 IQ)

>> No.14963112

This. The reason my wife went on a second date with me was because of my bookshelf, unironically. However I never read them, I just buy my favorite books as paperweights and only read on my Kobo.

>> No.14963120

100+ posts later still no one has posted the correct answer: most books don't exist in an e-book format yet

>> No.14963128


>> No.14963144

You are joking, right? Check out gen.lib.rus.ec and MyAnonymouse. 99% of all books still in print are available in EPUB

>> No.14963226
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does anyone have a fallback i can set that contains all accents from most european countries as well as regular roman script? i keep getting question marks on letters like the polish or w/e slashed l, umlaut o, etc.

>> No.14963282

>still in print
a sizeable portion of my books are art books, and the other sizeable portion are by #rare authors. i don't have an MyAnonymouse acct but iirc libgen is king anyways, and i suspect about 50%+ of my library doesn't exist in a digital format

>> No.14963290

>50%+ of my library doesn't exist in a digital format
Name 10 books

>> No.14963296

all the bad reviews on amazon are complaining about kindle version

>> No.14963301

i never get sore eyes from screens, is that bad?

>> No.14963306

You do get sore eyes. You are just so used to it you don't know it. It's scientifically proven that looking at E-Ink and Paper is better for your eyes and a screen.

>> No.14963329

Will a bluelight filter work just as well as e-ink?

>> No.14963335


>> No.14963337

>but iirc libgen is king anyways
not even close. libgen sucks ass for non textbooks. bibliotik is king.

>> No.14963348

that's invite only.

>> No.14963354

Been there, tryed that, no.

>> No.14963362

it's easy to get an invite to and worth it.

>> No.14963363

thanks gonna order one

>> No.14963418

not even going to reply with artbooks or "weird-genre books" or "pulp (non)fiction" because thats too ez:

>a few erotic texts
>two books by Stanley Keleman not on libgen
>an anthology on dreams which is/was the standard text of its time, and another on phil of mind
>the psychoanalytic mystic

not going to continue because perhaps i've underestimated the difficulty, but again i haven't even dived into the "ez pool" yet

yeah i was on bib for a while until i was banned for stupid reasons. i had a small wishlist and they had none of the titles. not to say they aren't good 'n all, but they just didn't have some of the stuff i wanted

>> No.14963426

Mail me the Kobo H20 (it it's in decent condition), anon. This way we both win: you get to spend some money on a new, updated ereader and I get to do some reading.
It's still isn't the same an an ereader.
I wish there were shipper (but decent) alternatives. I guess the ereader market is niche and that's why they're expensive.
I'd myself get one that can handle epubs. IIRC, the paperwhite only accept .mobi and you must convert epubs to that format before reading them.

>> No.14963601

I don’t want to

>> No.14963650

I want to like them but it just doesn't feel right. Holding a book feels much better.

>> No.14963916
File: 36 KB, 585x250, C652ACAE-3C75-4B19-BCDB-2B52A698A56B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pornography is fetishization of the virtual image; love is love of the object or real image.

>> No.14964127

you are mistaking the medium/format with the actual content which is the text: your fetishization of the virtual is manifested by the idolization of the representation (the book medium) instead of the real content (the text); unless you have something to say about the actual medium itself.

>> No.14964289

>what is a case

>> No.14964294

>I'm using the Kindle app to read on my phone recently
>There's something about printed paper that's more comforting, easier on the eyes.
maybe its because you're reading on your phone you literal mongoloid

>> No.14964325

4688653492899421356884378 percent chance minutes before the world

>> No.14964326

the text is intended to be read in book format by authors working after the invention of the printing press. The text and medium are both necessary for the message, like it is with beauty and art, soul and flesh, physical laws and machines.

>> No.14964433

anyone have the newest kindle oasis? I like the general look of it but it almost looks...idk flimsy? like it wouldn't feel comfortable to hold vs the paperwhite

>> No.14964513

What websites do y’all use to get free e books?

>> No.14964563


>> No.14964570

because i read to get away from screens. there's no point in reading if i'm frying my eyes looking at a screen while doing it.

>> No.14964582
File: 171 KB, 1200x675, Kindle-Oasis-case-Amazon-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like it wouldn't feel comfortable to hold vs the paperwhite
I have one and the edge on the back allows you to grip it in one hand and use your thumb to push the forward/backward button so you don't get your fingers smudging up the screen

>> No.14964587
File: 74 KB, 742x745, 7D90FC1B-0140-40C3-B781-F9EE1E6F1368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because i read to get away from screens. there's no point in reading if i'm frying my eyes looking at a screen while doing it.

>> No.14965361

proper digital ink ebook readers are about as friendly towards the eyes as normal books: they absorb light instead of projecting it. thats why you need external lighting when using an ebook reader, but most ebbok readers also have the option of a back light anyhow

libgen is the most popular choice

im not going to continue this line of dialogue, so you can assume you "win" this dialogue; but in any case i don't most artists would mind reading books on an ebook reader, much like most directors or singers would mind their analog stuff being watched/listened to on digital formats.

ofc some people care, but in any case you are ~free~to~enjoy~it~however~you~like~

>> No.14966876

This is talking about digital screens like a phone or a computer retard. E-readers don't use digital screens.

>> No.14966887

Not possible when it's in airplane mode. I have never taken mine off airplane mode, I load books onto it exactly the same way as loading files onto a flash drive.

>> No.14966903


>> No.14966904

>you can only get an ereader from amazon
Stupid fuck

>> No.14966942
File: 81 KB, 210x142, svjekt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

support my local library.

>> No.14966950

What about when it is closed?

>> No.14966959

wait, read over the weekend nad plan my reading around it. you can get any book you want from interlibrary loan for free unlike e-readers. just wait. as for canolia virus i just hang out and read books my mom has lying around she is a lit professor.

>> No.14967192

imagine having to charge a book

>> No.14967255

imagine having to pay for a book

>> No.14967316

I do both. I pirate all my lit off sites like libgen, or get them off gutenberg, and go through them once with an e-reader. If I deem the book good enough to have a copy which I can peruse at my leisure or reference, then I might decide to buy a copy.

E-readers are good because you can just change text size and have a massive font and read as though a huge cascade of words was flowing past your eyes. It actually feels better to me than flipping pages. The weakness is that it is inconvenient for referencing and returning and savouring your favourite passages. Also the dictionary function and quick reference for footnotes is a boon for e-readers.

Honestly the whole debate is just another form of diversion from actually reading books, so threads like this should die.

>> No.14967324

of course you are

>> No.14967338

They're not gonna survive an EMP retard.

>> No.14967342

I bet you've never read on an iPad, let alone one with True Tone
of course it isn't, but it's still great on the eyes and if you already own an iPad wasting money and space on something only slightly better for reading only doesn't make sense

>> No.14967360

joke's on you, crystalline is already a lens burning your retina.

>> No.14967365

using e-readers make me want to snooze
somehow books keep me awake

>> No.14967421

this board intentionally becomes boomers whenever ereaders come up, all because they cant admit they like the consumerist aspect of books kek

>> No.14967447

I'm poor

>> No.14968270

They're cheap

>> No.14968308

I wish my Paperwhite had physical buttons to change pages. Would have cost like 2 cents per unit on the production line and made the thing 100000x better.

>> No.14968531
File: 9 KB, 200x200, fragezeichenmödchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which e-reader can you recommend? is the upgrade from the regular kindle to paperwhite worth it, for instance?

>> No.14968609

because i can't put an ereader in a bookshelf to convince people i'm interesting

>> No.14969249
File: 471 KB, 1600x900, 0136FF3A-E9A9-4489-93D1-7853C4FF5003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. They hurt my eyes and are weird to hold and obnoxious to charge
2. You can’t find half the shit I read. Anything out of print is basically absent, let alone anything without an ISBN number.
3. They look and feel ugly and monstrous compared to books, which you can smell and molest to your hearts content, and also write notes in.
4. I am not gay

>> No.14969418


>> No.14969612
File: 3.78 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20200328_155638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently broke my kobo's screen by stepping on in trying to get up from bed

>> No.14969832

>...and also write notes in.
>4. I am not gay
Pick one

>> No.14969838

Notes are based fuckbucket

>> No.14969931

Because I read on my phone. It means two times more page swipes, but that doesn't bother me at all and at least I have one thing less to carry around.

>> No.14970230

I do because I'm a man of intelligence and I can buy books cheaper that way

/lit/pol/ here
Should start going to out

>> No.14971861
File: 48 KB, 1200x630, horsehead-nebula-astrophotography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't want stay even more time in front of screen, but I am thinking of getting a Kindle or some shit.

I have no space to store books, its a shame to read something once, shove it away on some storage room, just to get rid of it some time later.

Will I regret it?

>> No.14971937

because my blood isnt 50% onions