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File: 84 KB, 784x763, occultpepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14950016 No.14950016 [Reply] [Original]

Enough is enough and i had enough of this faggotry for it is all so tiresome...
All mystical/spiritual paths of any merit transcend culture,conditioning and lead to the same destination for there is one absolute truth beyond the appearance of things while the retarded arguing over semantics whether its higher self or no self doesnt matter.
Religions are dogmatic bullshit for such spiritual teachings have long ago been usurped by its own egregore, that which only cares to feed and increase its own capacity . Think of a company that wants monopoly over the market such is religion.So why would an individual subscribe freely and enslave himself for mere bread crumbs and a false promise of eventual freedom. Spirituality is not supposed to supplement your culture,politics,identity or way of life as some retards might proclaim ,
no my friend you have been lied to and mistaken. There can be no fulfillment,meaning ,peace nor satisfying transcendent happiness found in the material world therefore everything else should be a supplement for your spiritual life.
It is our purpose to realize our innermost nature,break free and go beyond the maze; otherwise you will forever be stuck in suffering going in circles until you had enough and ready to see beyond the illusion.
No matter what you read if it doesnt feel real, if there is no inner core transformation then it is not true nor real for you.A thought of god is nothing more then any other thought.
You can only follow the inner divine compass guided by eternal timeless love which is not of this world.
Blind faith cannot sustain you forever at some point you must reach true knowing such that it kills any doubt, a threshold from which there is no going back; such is the purpose of every man and woman yet they are free to partake in game of suffering as long as they like.
You must know god as you know yourself and know yourself as you know god.
Find that universal principle that binds everything to itself.
Deepen this realization for as long as it takes.
Look within and pay attention to divine clues.
>Good fortune to your journey traveler.

>> No.14950231

you don't understand religion

>> No.14950276


>> No.14950319
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Religion is a control meme for the masses, a spiritual fastfood band aid to fill the markets demand of the spiritually devoid. Another product under '' authentic'' label that always ends up as yet another subversion of ego mind.

>> No.14950336

you don't understand religion

>> No.14950344
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you dont understand god

>> No.14950355

you are falling for the most retarded common sense OP, le ''religion doesnt save what saves is living by yourself, just believe in yourself!!'';
spirituality is to be prioritized, and all cultural, political and way of life should (and are) elements of its tradition. it seems as though you advocate for a secular spirituality which ends up not being spiritual, being the vulgar ''ubermensch''

>> No.14950372

useless posts

>> No.14950383

Absolutely based.

>> No.14950386
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Based, mysticpilled and enlightened hermetino occultino pepe
christcucks btfo

>> No.14950411

christianity is the only genuine mystical tradition, the rest will always fall in rationalism and gnosticism; they all begin with the certainty of knowledge to end up in doubt, speculation whereas christianity begins with (true) gnostic faith which leads to the certainty of the monadic-triad triadic-monad God

>> No.14950453
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You are confusing eternal self with egoic self a common mistakes if you lack spiritual insight, the experience of union with eternal self. We must first be in harmony with whole of universe then any action that arises from that awareness is right and most noble,moral action as we are most alike the creator. In such unity we do not act from egoic scarcity and need but rather from boundless pleasure and abundance supported by good will and genius of the timeless creator.

>> No.14950469

are the archons even trying any more bros?

I'm starting to think they've gotten depressed. This really isn't meeting my expectations, like I just got a sense they're phoning it in.

>> No.14950514
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Archons dabbing on any genuine seekers they aint even trying anymore

>> No.14950519

yeah bro the eternal self bro thou art that broo
we must be in harmony with the universe brooo

you are the new agey ensample of spiritual deficiency

>> No.14950559
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Be in harmony with the universe!

>> No.14950588
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“The Soul appears to be finite because of ignorance. When ignorance is destroyed the Self which does not admit of any multiplicity truly reveals itself by itself: like the Sun when the clouds pass away.”
- Shankaracharya
Truth is always the same and absolute
I have compassion for you as i know you're getting cucked and mogged by Maya matrix but eventually it is your destiny to follow this path perchance even in next few lifetimes.

>> No.14950635

yeah i have read shankara but you are the kind of person that made me refrain from continuing in this path, it is so easy to fall for this new agey ''spirituality''; by the way i like the hindu tradition and wouldn't like to destroy it as you made clear in your op

>> No.14950641

Problem is that the Vedanta was a secret teachings given only to initiates after a lifetime of study and service in the exoteric religion, and after having accomplished their duties towards the family and society and retired to the forest. It was never meant to be given to dopehead teens and stupid whores in yoga pants. But now the cat is out of the bag.

>> No.14950686


>> No.14950728

That entire act is an expression of the truth. We preserve the truth in traditions but it does not mean things always have to be such and such a way. There are pros and cons to most things. when the esoteric reveals itself in an exoteric form it is dependent on the subject as to how high or low they will go, just as it always has been. So it doesn't matter how much it appears to be revealed or hidden.

>> No.14950751
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There is no 'new age spirituality' its just mind retardation of people who cannot see beyond the appearance of things, even a single quote can make any sage of old a 'new ager'
Tradition is nice only for aesthetics but not to be taken too literally .
Osho put it well when he said u cannot follow anyones footsteps in this journey and adherents of a religion are trying to become carbon copies of the one from whom the religion started.
True initiation and spiritual insight comes from upper forces themselves not gurus.
'I have neither Guru nor initiation,
I have no discipline and no duty perform.
Understand that I'm the formless Sky,
I am the Self - Existent Purity.'

>> No.14950767

cucked goy.

>> No.14950786

Who said anything about guru? Also my point went miles over your head. This anon is right >>14950519 low intelligence people like you are the reason why Eastern philosophy is pure cancer and a destructive force in the West. This is coming from someone who likes and studies these things.

>> No.14950908
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You must dissolve your butthurt trauma energy young disciple otherwise you cannot hear the divine.
I understand your foolishness is common symptom for the uninitiated for you simply cannot see beyond the form and mistake the finger pointing towards the moon with the moon itself many such cases.
Good luck in next lifetime heh.

>> No.14950950

>tradition is nice only for aesthetics
you absolute cumbrained dumbfuck are you even aware of the metaphysical symbolism present in ALL traditions be it hindu, islamic, christian, etc?
even shankara resorts to traditional symbolism in his writings, you are a new agey hylic

>There is no 'new age spirituality' its just mind retardation of people who cannot see beyond the appearance of things, even a single quote can make any sage of old a 'new ager'
yeahh your e not your body broo you are like.... All! youre the universe haha

counter-spiritual cancer

>likes Osho

>> No.14951126
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>but uhh its all new age conspiracy uhh
Spirituality is not for npcs that follow in line traditional dogmatics they cannot confirm themselves yet blindly follow.
>yeahh your e not your body broo you are like.... All! youre the universe haha
“You never identify yourself with the shadow cast by your body, or with its reflection, or with the body you see in a dream or in your imagination. Therefore you should not identify yourself with this living body, either.”
― Adi Shankaracarya, Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination
Hard filtered by the upper forces stay in your cubicle hylic wagie and much luck next lifetime.

>> No.14951222

>Spirituality is not for npcs that follow in line traditional dogmatics they cannot confirm themselves yet blindly follow.
what Christianity actually teaches
>Christian concepts of faith (pistis) were borrowed from Greek rhetorical notions of pistis.[6] Christian pistis deems its persuasion in a positive light as the New Testament concepts of pistis require that a listener be knowledgeable of the subject matter at issue and thus able to fully assent.
what you're describing
>Fideism (/ˈfiːdeJJzəm, ˈfaJdi-/) is an epistemological theory which maintains that faith is independent of reason, or that reason and faith are hostile to each other and faith is superior at arriving at particular truths
> they cannot confirm themselves yet blindly follow.

>> No.14951246

very based
gnostic truth

>> No.14951390

tradition is conditioned by revealed metaphysical truths, but you understand neither of them

>citing shankara again missing completely the point
you can't even realize how shallow your ''spirituality'' is if you think i implied you are somewhat your body now.
you are beyond any intellectual effort for salvation

>> No.14951446
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And how many did those traditions enlighten and how many did it lead to pointless wars and genocide?
They are outdated methods not relevant to the current development of mind .
You have been btfoed 1 shankara quote after another at this point its just masochism .
Anon you're fetishizing your trauma , heal your subconscious.
Instead of reading of which you clearly do not comprehend i suggest u meditate until you reach the actual experience of spiritual insight/stream entry. much luck.

>> No.14952018

dubs of truth

>> No.14952194

>all christian dogmas are retarded and the other ones are called mysteries basically just because they can't rule either way on them
yeah very mystical and shieeet

Christianity is the lowest form of religiosity. Nothing but abstractions bordering on atheism and then what essentially just amounts to a historical particularity(Jesus having lived in a certain place at a certain point in time and he be done stuff) on top of it.

>> No.14952307
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>religions all bad
The truth expresses itself via religion so that it can save everyone, down to the last man. Philosophy cannot save. Subjective speculation cannot save. Only God and his religion can save man. Religion is the vehicle of truth.
Find truths religion and be free.

>> No.14952324

>the highest salvific religion is the lowest
Christ is the eternal tao. Anyone seeking the truth is drawn to Him.

>> No.14952342
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Double based

>> No.14952358
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>Christ is the eternal tao.
How very subversive of you. Not only would you smash their temples and hack their statues to bits but then you'd tell them that what they thought was the Tao was really just some jewish guy that lived and died 2000 years ago in Judea.

The only good Christians is a dead Christian.

>> No.14952361

>christianity is the only genuine mystical tradition
Nice joke. Christianity has no genuine mystical tradition. Read up on Vajrayana or even just Kabbalah or Sufism. It's completely eye opening.

>> No.14952593
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Religion corrupts the truth just look at the results of it so much suffering the complete opposite of spiritual ends ; dualistic ego mind just subverts it to its own end it becomes but just another addition to ones owns identity and rarely goes beyond that.
Look at the anons above entangled identity with tradition easily butthurt.
Their practice is outdated for our times as we live in age of far more advanced obstacles and traps. Also a massive problem is focus on the outer ,the profane rituals, diets etc which god doesnt care of in the slightest. Since u are christian i recommend you Meister Eckharts sermons very illuminating tho he almost got burned as a heretic.
Ultimately the only thing you can trust is the inner mechanism god left inside us to find the right path back to him its a journey different for everyone.

>> No.14952638

>they are outdated methods
>osho lover
you didn't even get my point lol modernity-ridden hylic

>> No.14952696

Chirstianity is the tradition based on pure gnostic charisma and its theology is sustained by Revelation; there is no mystery greater than the monadic-triad triadic-monad God.
There is nothing close to its mystery, all other traditions are the same in their core and in their metaphysical peak and none of them have the mystical apophasis of the 1=3 3=1 God.

>> No.14952733
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What point was that?
I am telling you look beyond the many appearance and guises of infinite .
Dont attach too much to the old sign posts , draw wisdom that can be drawn but keep looking.
The absolute constantly manifests itself in many systems through time to deal with ever advancing matrix illusion.
Ego trap of older=better is highly retarded
If you have the inner insight you can spot the patterns in mystical teachings which overlap.

>> No.14952771

>there is no mystery greater than the monadic-triad triadic-monad God.
This is not a mystery. This was a compromise decision by a council. If you wish to read some actual traditional esotericism read some Kobo Daishi, particularly on the ten stages of mind. Contemplation on Vairocana is a proper mystery.
>none of them have the mystical apophasis of the 1=3 3=1
In Kabbalah there are the 10 Sephirot. In Buddhism there is the trikaya (and certain sects even four of five bodies). I know you want to think it is some special thing that only Christianity has, but that's not very unique.

>> No.14952807

The trinity is not mystery because they're all known to each other perfectly. Any supposed ineffable nature of Him are therefore not inherent but just bad theology and/or your God being an asshole that just want to look mysterious and spooky by hiding.

>> No.14952844

>father, father, why have thou forsaken me?
Christ deprived himself of the Father when he went into Hell. Read Hans Urs von Balthasar. Christ incarnation certainly separated him from the Trinity in a way the eternity will not be.

>> No.14952934

>This is not a mystery. This was a compromise decision by a council.
supported by the Revelation and its Scripture. Councils were held in order to dispel heresies.

>traditional and mystical

all existence and all knowledge is posterior to the trinity, the ousia-hypostasis God is as such because He cannot be objectified; true theology is apophasis and the apophatic way is the only way to approach Him, the best way to know Him is to know how one cannot know him.

>Any supposed ineffable nature of Him are therefore not inherent
again, his very essence is the summit of apophasis

>> No.14952942

Monism is retarded.

>> No.14952969

>its Scripture
It isn't. And often times they would even change the scripture to support it, the most infamous corruption of course being the Johannine Comma.
Nice lack of argument. Buddhism has a longer history than Christianity and an actually established mysticism unlike the trampled out gnostics and the handful of Christian mystics that have popped up throughout history. You are free to read some sutras or just continue to cope with your lack of understanding.

>> No.14953064

buddhism is heterodox hinduism, it is a post-upanishadic sect, it is revolutionary and counter-traditional.

>Johannine Comma.
care to explain how this is relevant at all to compromise a doctrine reaffirmed many other times throughout the Scripture?

>> No.14953079

And Christianity is heterodox Judaism. If Christianity was traditional they would still follow the law.

>> No.14953113

the other way around, judaism is heterodox christianity; from the beginning the Scripture convey the Christian doctrine.

>> No.14953119

Okay retard.

>> No.14953341
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It is good to go beyond the chains of dogmatic religious traditions, but it is a mistake to think they are absolutely devoid of spiritual truth, wisdom or value; do not reject them in their entirety, just do not allow them to enslave you.

>> No.14953384

how do you not deviate from a free interpretation of Jesus' sayings, Scripture, its mysteries and even its organization without a tradition? Tradere - is the chain of Revelation, connecting the divine and the human.

>> No.14953437

The interpretations (opinions) of traditionalists are not infallible.

You yourself must decide what you personally believe is true. Even if you assent to the authority of a tradition (or the opinions of those traditionalists) you yourself have decided that that particular source of religious truth is trustworthy.

So either way you are relying on your power of reason and spiritual insight to decide.

>> No.14953455

>The interpretations (opinions) of traditionalists are not infallible.
Are you sure? Christian tradition isn't apostolic? Grace does not bestow infallible gnosis?

>> No.14953461



sometimes this


>> No.14953517
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I dont completely reject since i can recognize inner truths that align with the teachings , one must constantly check in with his inner compass to confirm reality of conceptual claims for otherwise he might fall back in traps of the Maya maze

>> No.14953530

>Buddhism is heterodox hinduism

Different guy but you should read some Evola and Coomar

>> No.14953533

Based and deep.

God refers to himself in the plural even in Genesis. Even the Quran does this, and no there was no royal "we" in the hebrew. And to think 'we' is royal and fitting of God is to say he is not only 1 but also many, i.e Trinity.

The OT prefigures Christ and prophecies him constantly. God is both one and many (3). Christianity resolves all dialectical problems. Wake up!

>> No.14953537
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Amen brother.

>> No.14953538

No I dont think any mortal human can be infallible.

When a tradition claims to be infallible, it is just fallible humans asserting their fallible opinions that that tradition is infallible.

If God makes certain humans have infallible gnosis for whatever reason, through grace or other means, then God could make any favored person infallible regardless if they belonged to a supposedly infallible tradition or not.

>> No.14953573

i have read a few things from coomaraswamy and intend to read evola soon

well said; most of them fall for the traps of dialectics which end up conditioning the absolute divine

then you don't believe in any relationship between the divine and the human and reject the Incarnated Revelation denying the very core of what it is: Christ's divinity and humanity bound together

>> No.14953897
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>All mystical/spiritual paths of any merit transcend culture,conditioning and lead to the same destination for there is one absolute truth beyond the appearance of things while the retarded arguing over semantics whether its higher self or no self doesnt matter.
Somewhat true, but more bougie than true. Shadilay all the same

>> No.14953914

you dont understand how to reply to a post

>> No.14955389

No, he's right.
God is the Universal Self of humanity.
The Godhead is in it's own quiet realm of solitude entirely detached and unaware of creation.
However, through identifying with existence itself("Before Abraham was, I am!") we truly are the God viewing His creation.

>> No.14955568

>all existence and all knowledge is posterior to the trinity
doubt since the trinity doesn't even exist
>the ousia-hypostasis God is as such because He cannot be objectified
Yeah he can. Jesus and the Holy Spirit does it all the time.

Anyway no need to respond to this. Your religion is cringe and you'll never get Neoplatonism or any other deep metaphysics to fit with the mental retardation that is the Bible.

>> No.14955628

Okay larper. Go read some origen.

>> No.14955675
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>Go read a christian

Life is too short to waste on bad metaphysics. Imagine knowing there is an ocean of Greek and Asian monistic/non-dual metaphysics and then reading Christians attempt of trying to mesh what they know second hand from the pagan Greeks with Christianity.

>> No.14955745

>there is an ocean of greek and asian monistic/nondual metaphysics
Exactly. And they all end up being the same: sterile dissolution and confusion into a One. Perichoresis is supra-monist, supra-nondualist.
>y-you dont get it
You have no idea against what you post.

>> No.14955803

>ours is better because we have the Biblical doctrines of a personal God that really do cares about and loves us <333<3 and he be steering this ship for us <3<3
No. The Christian God is not in some way the completion of what the ancient was doing. Believe it or not they weren't tearing out their hair as they couldn't get their systems to work and just dying for someone to come along and fix their formula.

Copypasting Neoplatonism and cramming Jesus in there doesn't make it superior. It makes it something completely and utterly different. Inferior in every way. It's Neoplatonism that doesn't really work but for the masses.

>> No.14955878
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>I'm going to heaven...
>I'm going to heaven...
>I'm going to heaven... and they're not
>Yes I know I'm going to heaven and they're not...
>I have worked
>I am better
>Where are you...

>> No.14955899

>immediately goes to strawman
Christians literally every fucking time

>> No.14955909

>Christ is the eternal tao
Heretic. I'm not a Christian but stop apologizing for people that would literally burn you alive without a second thought

>> No.14955912
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Fucking based

>> No.14956003

Im seething over here!1 Funny enough me and my ilk learned from the Christian tradition, mostly from just the Bible, before we learned anything of the others. and in this experience I had a great proof that God reveals himself to me. If you're not LARPing, you may realize that it is possible to only have a literalist interpretation of esoteric stuff. But I saw the esoteric even when it was hidden, because that is the advantage of Christianity. If someone cannot perceive depth in anything but their own tribe then I tend to doubt their claims of wisdom. Knowing a rule book of metaphysics is not the same as expressing metaphysics that you've experienced for yourself. Metaphysics itself is nothing. It is the equivalent of dogma in religions. God is universal and thus shines through everything as much as he can. It's hard to escape from the fact that God is a supra-personality, only minds are capable of having wisdom or love. You would think that if one knew that God was a mind that they would know that he is a personality, since they are the same damn thing.

>> No.14956028

>The Christian God is not in some way the completion of what the ancient was doing.
Agreed. He is the complete transcendence in relation to the others.

>It's Neoplatonism that doesn't really work but for the masses.
And actually it is the so-called metaphysicians that can't understand the absolute transcendence of the 1=3 3=1 God. I really appreciate Platonism, but the One becomes indigent of its own emanations/processions, not to mention the complete dissolution and confusion in It.

I posted what he posted ipsis litteris lol

>> No.14956039

>And actually it is the so-called metaphysicians that can't understand the absolute transcendence of the 1=3 3=1 God.

Probably because that’s fucking retarded

>> No.14956091

Triangles are three sided because they represent the most primordial reality. Circles are a different expression of that same reality. The smallest perfect unitity is three. The first perfect number is 3 because 1+2=3. The next perfect number is the number of man 6 because 1 + 2 + 3 = 6

>> No.14956116

>He is the complete transcendence in relation to the others.
Go pray to Jesus, loser. Neoplatonists have better things to do than to try and find shards of wisdom in the genealogy of the Jews; known as the Bible, and then blowing them severely out of proportions trying to pretend they're the end of wisdom.

Your Neoplatonic larp trying to convince yourself and others of Christianity is equally cringe as when Sufis talk about how beautiful the Quran is.

>> No.14956124

>Dude an omnipotent totally transcendent concept NEEDS church bro
>Dude it totally NEEDS a holy text!! and a canon!
>Dude despite it being completely foreign, we have to pick out VERY specific and limited features from our environment to describe it

It's all so tiresome, brother.

>> No.14956171

Except your triangle showed Moses his backside, sent prophets just so he could later fulfill them like he's some chessmaster, picked one irrelevant tribe as his bestest of fwends, nuked a city, compared goyims to dogs, and sends people to hell/heaven for an eternity if they be goofin'.

You're forced to expound on everything retarded in the Bible to make it work. Unfortunately for you most people rightly decides not to do that.

>> No.14956227

>no literally dude, we believe our Church are the true™ disciples of Christ, and, well you know, narrow is the path...

>> No.14956233

>Dude an omnipotent totally transcendent concept NEEDS church bro
>Dude it totally NEEDS a holy text!! and a canon!
WE need it you absolute idiot

>Dude despite it being completely foreign, we have to pick out VERY specific and limited features from our environment to describe it
what is apophasis

exactly what a physicist says about metaphysics; shew who you really are huh

remember that the first requirement to be a jew is to be anti-christian

>> No.14956250

Please keep up these posts, keep pushing the conversation forward.

>> No.14956282

>i'll lower myself as a literalist low iq atheist devoid of any metaphysical/esoteric hermeneutical ability in order to prove how bible is bad
you're better than that anon

>> No.14956285

expounding on the mental illness both proves that there are a bunch of fools who think they know the truth and that there are those who can see the truth even in Folly. contemplating the Bible and finding truth in it leads to contemplating all of reality and finding truth in it. That leads one to realize that the truth is inside of them. I'm a Christian but I always rejected the church and I had nothing to do with what is not useful to me. I only search out the best of Souls and those are the ones I fellowship with. I don't want anyone to become a Christian, I want everyone to be better than a Christian. Variety is the spice of life. Look at nature, that's how I want things to be because that's the way things are.

>> No.14956338

One kind of spiritual experience is to feel very special since it appears that you have been shown great things and none of your brethren understands them. The path is narrow because the eye is simple/single. The path is narrow because there is one universal truth. One way, one life. In being immersed in such things you Proclaim "I'm the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me." Cuz it's true because you were true. Jesus only revealed the truth of his own experience and this hides in plain sight the universal truth. He was crucified because who among him understood him? Mankind's understanding of God kills God. the soul of Jesus might be older than us but we are his little brother.

>> No.14956370


>> No.14956406

>He was crucified because who among him understood him?
Fucking based. People like you give me hope.

>> No.14956432

>I'm the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but through me
I always find it interesting the stories of sufi and christian mystics who were put to death for saying basically this about themselves during fits of religious ecstasy.

>> No.14956528

Just dropping by to say that OPs collection of mystic Pepes is quite extensive which is pretty cool.

>> No.14957196
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This thread ironically diverged to its opposite of intention .
As i said many costumes of eternal self dont matter they are just sign posts, there is no 'right one' path and arguing over semantics is ego retardation to keep you in the false self loop.
It is best to develop the inner sense for higher force so you can directly focus on such ends without dogmatic obstacles.

Tune into that higher current of eternal timeless self for it is the highest good and you will see meaning, purpose ,divine pleasure pouring in.
Even in outer world suddenly a lot more syncronicities will occur as the outer world mirrors the inner , marcro-microcosm reflecting into each other , many more benefits will occur.

“When the Great Reality is not known the study of the scriptures is fruitless; when the Great Reality is known the study of the scriptures is also fruitless.”
― Shankaracharya
The experience/spiritual insight is priceless and greater than any religious words written or spoken


>> No.14957292

>As i said many costumes of eternal self dont matter they are just sign posts,
You're wrong though. There are certain of these costumes that would destroy all other costumes if they get the chance. So allowing them to deceit their way into prominence by them claiming that they're just like the rest is indeed an unvirtuous thing to do and it would severely damage the ability to realize the eternal Self.

The enlightened being is often talked about as he who can discriminate.

All roads supposedly leading up the mountain does not mean you have to accept that one path with a tollbooth and whose employees goes out at dark to trash to trash and obscure the other paths. If anything it would be better to go torch that booth and put the men there to the sword.

>> No.14957326

So are all religious writings useless? You did quote a religious man after all. Can you offer some guidance on how I can get on the right path? I am not in shambles but I yearn for spiritual truth and I don’t know how to approach in.

>> No.14957750
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The problem is you cannot understand(conceptual-mind understanding is not core understanding) until you realize it in your being and when you do then there is no need for reading such texts unless you enjoy the poetry of it. Its quite a paradox and many more paradoxes exist on this road.The stream of consciousness intuitively guides you after the insight .
Today we have the illusion of choice too many options to choose that you get paralyzed in your choice if would the right one.
You can only depend on your intuition here and you have to constantly test and you will be tested by life to apply spiritual teachings in everyday life.
Try different things and look into your heart for confirmation whether to continue or not.
As sages said people mistake the finger pointing towards the moon with the moon itself.
The collective entity of group thinking- egregore rises and uses that costume to its own end .People stop spiritual development and get deeper stuck in false self and adopting the costume as part of their identity. Defend it against others and recruit more people to it, only serves the egregore and doesnt go beyond the surface.