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14947397 No.14947397 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons, recommend me books that are so disturbing, so fucked up, it will stain your mind. Similar to Peter Sotos. Also if you have any of his books, please post them.

>> No.14947421

No, you fucking sicko.
Try read the Bible instead.

>> No.14947426

I've read a lot of disturbing stuff but I'm not sure if any of it has "stained my mind." I think when visceral/disturbing stuff shows up in innocuous or unexpected places it tends to be more traumatic.

Anyway Hogg by Samuel R. Delany is very graphic but it's pretty cartoonish. Peter Sotos I think said it was like a Tom of Finland drawing.

>> No.14947430

I've read Hogg. Disgusting for sure but not so disturbing. Sotos's work just gets inside your brain and it's pure sadism.

>> No.14947433

Done that.

>> No.14947479

I mean, there's De Sade

>> No.14947513


>> No.14947529

Holocaust/gulag/torture literature

>> No.14947557

Michael Gira of Swans wrote a book called the consumer which you can find online. Some a look at the chapter names should tell you what its like.

>> No.14947569

Already read it. Recommended 10/10

>> No.14947610

my diary desu? But what's that? I just recommended that you read your own diary? You've been asleep this entire time? No.. that's impossible you're reading a thread on /lit/, an uninspired thread at that, though jeeringly beyond reproach in a cozy crack of mediocrity. Anyway, I will cum in your mother's vagina on April 17th 2020. Hope you got scared, no refunds.

>> No.14947614


>> No.14947638
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James Havoc.
Also any book published by Creation Books

>> No.14947772

My diary desu? You're fucking pathetic. Why talk about your mother like that son? If I didnt cum in her cunt, you wouldn't be existing

>> No.14947778

No anime shit

>> No.14947784

The man so prolific that an entire genre of sexual disfunction was named after him is boring.
You cringe fucking edgelord.

>> No.14947786

I've read his Satanskin. That looks interesting, thanks!

>> No.14947792

Nah, not boring at all. You're just anime sucker, which is tons more boring lol man it's just a cartoon, a drawing, get a life

>> No.14947796
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It's actually good and fits your criteria. Your loss.

>> No.14947801

Psychopathia sexualis by Krafft-Ebing

>> No.14947802

In my taste, hentai/anime in whatever category is boring.

>> No.14947806

Somebody redpill me on sotos. Is he worth reading at all if one isn’t a sex pervert?

>> No.14947811

>sex on roof

absolutely degenerate

>> No.14947813
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>> No.14947817

You dont have to be a sexual pervert to like it. I've read 5 of his books and looking for more. Its about pushing your limits and hes very opinionated, I especially love the open letters that he has in his books. It's just pure psychology and its playing with your mind. To know if it's worth reading just read it. In my opinion his books aren't hard to read, quite easy actually.

>> No.14947819

I would normally agree, as there are things that are definitely more extreme in content, but they're just retarded edgefests and don't feel transgressive or emotionally effective. This is not that way, though. The story is about the author's interpretation of Wittgenstein's Tractatus, for example. There's a particular chapter that's definitely one of the most upsetting things I've ever read.

>> No.14947824
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Also look into Iron Gates, only ever read the first chapter and the writing was pretty average desu but apparently it's meant to be super dark and ebil

>> No.14947829

Seeing these cartoon characters, to me it's not serious, what ever they're doing, whatever they're talking about. It doesnt make me think, no food for thought. Anime is just jack off material for people who enjoy this type of shit.

>> No.14947838

It's a story that you read, you know? It just has art, music, voice acting, etc. to accompany it. Your primary interaction is reading it.

>> No.14947841

Thank you so much for this list! Really recommending - story of the eye, american psycho, the heart is deceitful above all things, Hogg.
I've never read selfish, little though. If someone has it please post it, so people who want to read it will see it.

>> No.14947845

Thanks. Do you think he really fucks with kids or just writes about it?

>> No.14947850
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Improved chart

>> No.14947867

I dont think he fucks kids and people in his circle say that he is different in person that the stuff he writes about. And the band Whitehouse that he was in, they kicked him out of the group for not being edgy enough like in his books. They even called him "boring heterosexual" in real life.

>> No.14947879

Also about the kid fucking, he doesnt write that HE fucks kids. It's from the perspective of serial killers or rapists mostly Ian Brady

>> No.14947885

Nah, he just has a weird autistic obsession with sex crimes

>> No.14947889

Fascinating, thanks for the info.

>> No.14947898

This makes me less hesitant to investigate his stuff

>> No.14947916


Also I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.14947951


>> No.14948111


>> No.14948569
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I'd be really surprised if this wasn't an influence on Sotos's writing even though I've never seen him mention it. Extremely similar manner of taking a lurid sex crime case and "writing over it" by filling in gaps and exploring the perspectives of victim and perpetrators in first person, obsessing over minute details of crime scene photographs, sudden shifts into vulgar, accusatory language, just violent and unpleasant all around. Plus she was part of Dworkin's milieu, who he brings up constantly. If you haven't checked out her two fiction novels, Mercy and Ice and Fire, those are pretty intense.

>> No.14948817

Very possible! Thank you, I will check it out

>> No.14949372


>> No.14949436

Maybe I'm jaded, but Hogg wasn't that bad. I thought it had some interesting things to say about feminism and power relations.

>> No.14949957

Houllbecq, Babyfucker, Hogg

>> No.14950041

I'm having a hard time finding any of Sotos's books online, James Havoc too. Not on libgen or anything

>> No.14950199

Lordotics: https://mega.nz/#!ktsWhKBJ!bbeaHmgXAAl16OLOKxfnfMTUQYS0cQRYk8kJpI4eC7Q

PURE and Parasite have been floating around online for years but are better left for later.

>> No.14950277

Holy and Christpilled

>> No.14950494

I have all of these. Does anyone have more?

>> No.14950499

Thank you my friend, this stuff is really fucked I have no idea why I am reading it, I recently read story of the eye and that freaked me out but there is a lot going on in it which is quite interesting. I hope Sotos can pull something similar off for me

>> No.14950501

Do you have more?

>> No.14950530

I think that's everything on the net. I wish someone would scan those ridiculously rare Waitress issues. There's one currently bidding at over $200 on eBay and it's a fucking stapled pamphlet.

>> No.14950539


>> No.14950561

He himself didnt sell his books so fucking expensive. It's crazy how other people are selling it for so much

>> No.14950595

obligatory de Sade
a tomb for 500.000 soldiers (Eden, eden, eden by the same author but i havent read it yet)
James Havoc is like the prev book amplified ad infinitum, just pure senseless description of filth if you're into it

>> No.14950615

that man is right. read Kolyma Stories, it's not full of sexual degeberacy like books i've recommended above, but Lord, how profound and dull the misery is in it.

>> No.14950664

>PURE and Parasite have been floating around online for years but are better left for later.
where does one find them? i'm not very acquinted with english book piracy. whatever i cant find by plain search is usually on flibusta for russian lit.

>> No.14950727

Pretty sure they're still on Soulseek even though it's primarily a music downloading platform.

>> No.14950791

The people who read him probably do

>> No.14950796

fug, searches yield no results, maybe i'm doing it wrong

but bros, i just found a good collection, including Pure zines and Parasite, on piratebay

>> No.14950812

im retarded and copied the wrong link
https://www.pirate-bay.net/search?q=sotos?q=sotos it's the only result for this search

>> No.14950978

God none of this shit is available on ebook format and all his books are out of stock.

>> No.14950998

Actually some Australian (naturally) child sex criminal was reported to have had Sotos stuff in his book collection, but unless you're particularly sadistic and ignorant of context, it's probably some of the most sex-negative literature around. People seem to get the idea that it's cloying 1970s NAMBLA shit or pedophile apologia, but extreme sexual compulsions are portrayed entirely as destructive of the self and others, and especially in his later writings, as impossible to justify to yourself as you age and look back at yourself degraded to the status of an animal. It's not surprising that he likes Andrea Dworkin so much considering that she went on and on about sexual liberation being a mistake.