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/lit/ - Literature

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14946076 No.14946076 [Reply] [Original]

>get texted by girl during quarantine
>Can I share something I wrote? I'm not sure if I should but you have such a literary soul
>Sends in depth, beautiful and passionate love poem
>I...I am speechless. I feel the same about you
>It's actually for someone else but I thought you could give me input

>> No.14946082

KEK! shadilay dear anon, I would nope the fuck out of that one!
>mfw cucked

>> No.14946086

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe you said I feel the same about you.

>> No.14946088

Fuck anon. Once had a cute girl ask me to proofread a presentation she was giving. Half way through she told me she was so happy that she had friends like me. Never helped her again

>> No.14946099

bro when I was like 11 I had a bunch of "friends" who were girls and I used to buy them shit from the canteen all the time. "Oh Anon you're like such a brother to me" Oh god thinking about it makes me want to neck.

>> No.14946133

if she said the words "literary soul" she is cringe and you should tell her she is cringe while sending her frog images.

>> No.14946149
File: 84 KB, 784x763, occultpepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon that was sad and vile but it happens to the best
I can help you but you must have courage to execute
Search for Goetia occult and get yourself any practical book on it can recommend Carl Spartacus
Now find the ritual with Sitri and use it to create a craving in her for you.
There are other spirits for sexual/love manipulation as well.
Dont be ashamed egyptian priest class incels used upper forces for same material gains tho they were a bit more extreme for example a woman craving overcomes her mind that she cannot sleep nor eat until has sex with the priest.

>> No.14946157

post the poem or i shall not believe this

>> No.14946183

>for someone else
Could be 5D chess cause she pussied out telling uwu at the last second lmao

>> No.14946186

based cope

>> No.14946197
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nigga there ain't no pussy good enough that warrants playing with dangerous shit that i don't understand. fucks sake.

would you use a uranium fuel rod as a back scratcher? like what the fuck man.

>> No.14946213

Supposing the poem was addressed to you, is this how you would answer a love poem?
>I am speechless. I feel the same about you
This sentence in response to a love poem? She might have actually wrote it for you but was underwhelmed by your response.

>> No.14946228

Lmao. Based

>> No.14946250
File: 124 KB, 1440x1080, ultraman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a bad love poem and she responded with a way better one about getting molested and being happy that someone like me like her

>> No.14946254

when i was in kindergarten i helped a random girl put her backpack on a hook and told her she was my girlfriend. i did this for 3 weeks and got tired of helping her, so i told her i didn't want her to be my gf anymore. she started crying so i walked away. i never even knew her name lol.

>> No.14946265

Damn what a savage

>> No.14946277


I’ll just copy and paste it

Your eyes are daises resting on a pond,
Beside which spirits play sweet melodies,
Their glance is like the waving of a wand
Whose spell sends starlight through my memories.

From pink memories it flows through the times
So in the present starlight fills these rhymes
And you are all I think to call divine!

>> No.14946290


>> No.14946296

well she cant spell and is clearly a lesbian, so i am not sure why you were interested

>> No.14946300

>in iambic pentameter
Damn she was a keeper sorry anon

>> No.14946320

Bruh I feel bad for you that must suck

>> No.14946325
File: 379 KB, 725x945, occultpepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bitch my dear anon , do not worry for there are protection from angelic and divine names of god within the ritual
You have the chance of rising and controlling the mundane .
This event has potential to set you a completely new path for good or bad the journey will be worth it.
Peoples thoughts and beliefs arent their own its one of the biggest scams you can use it to your advantage.
>I entice you mortal with infinite earthly treasures free of charge just merely sign the deal its standard ToS i wouldnt want to bore you with it.