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14945058 No.14945058 [Reply] [Original]

Jews are an amazing group of people that have given the world so much in every field. What other books can help me learn more about them?

>> No.14945082

The story of the Jews by Simon schama
The last of the Just is good fiction

>> No.14945095


There are so many good books about this I don't know what to pick really.

>> No.14945097
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>> No.14945102
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>> No.14945117


>inb4 thread get's shut down

>> No.14945119

On "On the Jews and Other Lies" and Other Lies

>> No.14945123

ethnicity is a spook

>> No.14945126


Ethnicity is nothing more than a shared cultural and history between a group of people that lived in close proximity for centuries

>> No.14945137
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The holohoax is a spook.

>> No.14945146

Paul Johnson is a good author and all of his books are highly informative.

Intellectuals - Paul Johnson
Vision of the Annointed - Thomas Sowell
Feet of Clay - Anthony Storr

The Source - James Mitchener
Jewish Supremacism - David Duke
The Jewish Century - Yuri Slezkine

>> No.14945329

The Pity of it all

>> No.14945459

unironically why do people on 4chan hate jews so much? do they just think its cool?

>> No.14945471

mostly insecure and resentful white losers who have never achieved anything

>> No.14945472

>Intellectuals - Paul Johnson
This may be the worst book written

>> No.14945491

What if u ‘achieve’ something and hate the Jews? It’s also funny you assume /pol is mostly white instead of Muslim, Hispanic, and Jewish.

>> No.14945499
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>> No.14945505

I never mentioned /pol/.

>> No.14945514


Look, ethnicities are eternal primordial identities. I'm not the guy who said they're a spook, but the alt right has taken the idea of ethnicity to absurd stretches of what it actually is. Ethnos itself is a shared identity by a group of people living in proximity that develops overtime, there's no such thing as ethnos based on genetic purity.

>> No.14945519


>> No.14945521


*are not*

>> No.14945530
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>> No.14945536

I think the alt-right misunderstands ethnicities. "White" is not an ethnicity but a race, which is only one component of an ethnicity.

>> No.14945540

Not America ;)

>> No.14945563

Why do retards try such poor baits, can you not suck so much dick anon . Put some effort in it

>> No.14945567

>the truth is bait

>> No.14945573


Ethnicities can transcend race

>> No.14945579

None of these classification schemes are scientific.

>> No.14945584

You can disprove the Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid scheme? How?

>> No.14945589


What do you think about central Asians who are a mixture of Caucasian and Mongol? The boundaries aren't always as clear cut

>> No.14945604

Would you say the same for different types of dog species?

>> No.14945607

Jews are smarter. In other words they hate Jews for a similar reason they hate niggers.

>> No.14945608
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No, they're biological phenotypes. They change over time, but slowly enough (outside of conquest scenarios) that a continuity is maintained. A people's culture and history derive from that shared genetic pool, and their relative relatedness is both testable and readily apparent (nor does it imply any notion of mystical 'purity' — you're not even trying).

>> No.14945609

Dog breeds are all one species - canine.

>> No.14945617

In New Spain there were names for all sorts of combinations.

>> No.14945619

But there are different dog breeds? What animal has one breed? This is ridiculous anon, there’s clearly different races of human from a geographical and biological point of view, your sleazy capitalist tricks don’t fool anyone

>> No.14945625

Sounds like a spook to me

>> No.14945631

There are genetic clines that can be subjected to rough cluster analysis. The drawing of lines is ultimately arbitrary.

>> No.14945634


The differences between humans and dog's isn't comparable, and it's often been exaggerated to dehumanize and oppress people. All humans share a special bond between each other, made in the image of God to be stewards of this great planet

>> No.14945637

I dont think race has much to do with intellgince. for example 50% of violent crime is commited by black people but just in america. seems to be more of a culture problem than a race one.

>> No.14945644


A big problem with black crime is toxic masculinity that stems from black hip hop culture

>> No.14945647

fuck, what a faggot lmao

>> No.14945650

'White' is just a loose catch-all term to describe the European genetic cluster (a closely related array of ethnicities which demonstrably exists). You can argue about how imprecise such taxonomy may be, but if it was truly 'meaningless' then you wouldn't be able to recognize clusters like Europeans and Africans by sight (which you can) and confirm that observation with genetic testing.

>> No.14945652

Do you propose putting the negroids in camps where they are domesticated and trained to behave like the Chinese do to the retarded muslims they have to deal with?

>> No.14945655

Stay on topic faggots. Who gives a shit about niggers? This thread is about based Jews.

>> No.14945659

I genuinely believe this is one of the best book titles in world history

>> No.14945662
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>> No.14945663

>All humans share a special bond between each other,
“Except for white men they bad and have to pay.” Anon don’t give me this kindergarten bullshit, go to any black urban neighborhood and tell me they’re made in gods image.

>> No.14945676
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>> No.14945678
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>> No.14945683

Sure, but not all Euros are the same. They are different ethnicities. Ehtnicity = race + culture + language + whatever. Euros only share the race aspect. And according to /pol/tards, "white" only means the fairest kind of Euros, that is blond, pale skin, and blue-eyed.

>> No.14945685

>t. 50IQ literal retard
why do successful jews hate jews?

>> No.14945686




However I have known wonderful black people, the problem isn't race it's toxic masculinity

>> No.14945692

Only on the edges sure, I’m just saying there are general characteristics and beliefs exclusive to certain groups, I still treat people like individuals, but there’s still some truth in group identity that has been subverted in the name of global consumerism to make corporations omnipotent, and forcing groups to get along and live together will/has had consequences.

>> No.14945699

>However I have known wonderful black people, the problem isn't race it's toxic masculinity
Jesus you are pathetic. Women are vindictive and volatile, stop putting them on a pedestal. Most men are weak and do whatever women want, fuck off

>> No.14945701
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It's a complete mystery why people resent jews.

>> No.14945707

wtf no.

>> No.14945717


Imagine being less tolerant than a puppy?


>> No.14945718

Flavius Joesephus! The original jew who wrote the Antiquities of The Jews. It is also available on librivox.org as an audio book.
It really is an amazing listen.

>> No.14945721
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>> No.14945722

While that’s ostensibly a Jewish problem, there’s many white and Indian people on board with this. The average Hasidic Jew or middle class Jew could not care less. It’s a class issue where most of the upper class is Jewish. Jews have the greatest variance among ideology and iq because Jews aren’t a real race, but various Slavic countries with a little middle eastern genes. The commonality with ashkenazi Jews and Assyrian Jews etc. is slim at best

>> No.14945729

I judge people by individuals, I’m just saying progressivism is a capitalist tool to make the population docile and willing to consume together. I’m sorry to insult the large corporations and government that cares about you so much.

>> No.14945730
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What ought to be done then? You say it isn't racial, although it obviously is as these races all live in the same area of the world, under the same culture and under the same conditions. But let's assume that it's culture, because culture doesn't stem from race or anything, how do you fix them?

>> No.14945733

I was giving an example on how culture is a bigger deal than race. even if there is some conspiracy to control the world in isreal it probably has nothing to do with jewish immigrants in america or the rest of europe
so basically jews want an ethnostate for themselves? I can see how thats retarded.

>> No.14945743


There are a lot of Jew's who are against the state of Isreal just saying

>> No.14945744

Niggers are cringe no matter the continent. Jews are based and smart no matter the continent. Jews are the only ones who can cuck and control the so-called "master race." God, I wish I was a Jew.

>> No.14945755

teach people to respect others beliefs and to not resort to violence.

>> No.14945764
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There is no conspiracy, just people of the same faith and stock working together against other collectives. When white people do it this is called "racism" but when everyone else is doing it this is just business as usual. Jews are extremely ethnocentric, that's why they haven't dissolved into the rest of the American population like the European immigration mostly did.

>> No.14945773

That's not enough. Milquetoast heory isn't enough when you have basic needs and live in a shithole of a place.

>> No.14945774

Yeah, that has worked just fine up until now, I don't even need to recite the crimerates, do I?

>> No.14945777
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>> No.14945779

The difference in crime stays when you account for wealth.

>> No.14945800
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You know that if you actually go read what this man said, you'll realise that he's against muslim immigration in general because he consider them barbarian, yes? This include muslim migration to europe.
This picture is litteraly lying. You people consider jews liar and hypocrite but you're far worse than them. At best you're too stupid to double check blatant propaganda.

Get gased.

>> No.14945810

Blacks commits more crime in america because they're culturally irish, read Tomas Sowell.

>> No.14945815

I'd say a bigger problem is the lower average IQ and high frequency of 2-repeat allele MAO-A

>> No.14945819

All the colours are false perceptions of electromagnetic radiation, which only varies in wavelength and frequency.

The real redpill is recognizing that some "colours" impart more energy than others and that the most powerful energies are outside of human vision.

>> No.14945830
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>literally says he wrote an article in favour of mass immigration to Australia and gloating about it while he wants none of it, not even a little in Israel
I thought people here could read.

>> No.14945842
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>race is only about color

>> No.14945852

>Be jews
>Contribute unbelievable amount to humanity despite being less than 0.1% of the world population
>Be oppressed group throughout all history and go throught the most tragic event in human history because of whites deeply rooted narcissism in addition to medicore IQ and lack of ability to self-reflect
>Get up everytime and still remain at the top by a margin becasuse of superior genes on average
>"Muh juzz"

Jews are beyond empathetic people.

>> No.14945872

No. Ethnicity is biological, all those things derive from that biology. Yes there are many different European ethnicities, but they are relatively closely related (compared to other clusters).

You are strawmanning hard. How about you dont resort to 'hurrrdurr /pol/' and I won't resort to 'hurrdurr reddit'.

>> No.14945876

I didn't say anything about melanin. This is not a matter of chemistry but of optics.

>> No.14945880
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>> No.14945883


Variation of genetic features among human populations =/= race being real

>> No.14945894

>Contribute unbelievable amount to humanity despite being less than 0.1% of the world population
Most of it only helps Jews or corporations/government

>Be oppressed group throughout all history and go throught the most tragic event in human history because of whites deeply rooted narcissism in addition to medicore IQ and lack of ability to self-reflect
The Jews weren't the only victim of WW2...

>Get up everytime and still remain at the top by a margin becasuse of superior genes on average
In terms of money-making and spreading vanity throughout society in the name of 'liberalism'.

>"Muh juzz"

>Jews are beyond empathetic people.
Humanity as a whole is empathetic.


>> No.14945901

If race ain't real, how come dat nigga black?

>> No.14945904

Yes! Shalom aleichem, my fellow man.

>> No.14945905


The hatred of Jew's is largely if not entirely religious. Asians don't have a seething obsession with Jew's for example. Jew's have always carried a mytho's surrounding them

>> No.14945908

That's generally how races works. Even on dogs.

>> No.14945914
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>> No.14945915

>literally says he wrote an article in favour of mass immigration to Australia and gloating about it while he wants none of it, not even a little in Israel
Yes because israel is surrounded by muslims who are, according to him, uncompatible with the principe of democraty.


He literally describe islamic immigration as sending europe into a fucking dark age.

>Your pic
I don't even know what it's implying. Do you think it's a jew admitting that democraty are run by jews? He's probably addressing antisemitic theories. That's another problem with /pol/fags, their room temperature IQ

>> No.14945923

Asians have their own Jew-like equivalent, the Chinese.

>> No.14945931
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Because jews don't pass and can't infiltrate them. Imagine a kike trying to pull the fellow whites garbage in an Asian country.
>Herro ferrow azians, *squints eyes hard* we are rerry rerry bad people us azns! We should kill ourserves now and take in brased brack prerpo~
Nor do their fake appeals to humanism and shit work either there.

>> No.14945933

In what way are they 'false'? Are you saying there are no locaziations in spectrums? Wow man, you're fucking cooky.

>> No.14945937


>> No.14945939

Most place on earth have their own jews, a recent exemple would be the rwanda genocide. The people being genocided were being stereotyped as smart parasites exploiting the true builder of the country who were of course the ethnic majority.

I think middle man minority is the name given to those kind of groups.

>> No.14945941

East asian religions certainly affected asians lack of ego compared to whites.

>> No.14945943
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>> No.14945954

You can't see colour. You create colour in your brain after seeing light, which is colourless.

>> No.14945958


Take your meds

>> No.14945964

Spoken like a true cuck.

>> No.14945971

>fake article
I though the jews were the liars. Why are you acting like a jew?

>> No.14945974


The Chinese aren't really comparable to the Jew's, they're not a vagabond ethnic minority in Asian like the Jew's have been in Europe. Chinese are more similar to Anglo's in the Asian sphere

>> No.14945976

Hahahaha pesky Asians... he’s right though and based. Send link?

>> No.14945977
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I took the redpill, it's too late. Seriously, how can you even deny it? Although you aren't even trying to. Kikes run Hollywood, the press and all the big publishers. Is this a bad thing on its own? No, the problem is that they don't like the goyim very much and are hostile and what they produce and do with this reflects that.

>> No.14945981


Asian's have been generally friendly towards Jew's and vice versa, Jew's are only wealthy and successful in the west because Catholics made them bankers

>> No.14945984

How can I become a Jew?

>> No.14945985

>they're not a vagabond ethnic minority in Asian
what. There was plenty of chinese immigrants who became middleman minority.

He can't because it's false you retard.

>> No.14945986

He's a hypocrite, plain and simple. He's demonstrating concern for the future of his own people, but encouraged European Australians to surrender such in-group preference.

Hah... Pound wasn't a jew, just a wise European who recognized their subversive campaign.

>> No.14945988
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marry a jewess

>> No.14945991


I also took the "redpill", but eventually I grew up and can look at the world with nuance and subtly instead of shoving /pol/ fear porn down my psyche. Things are not as simple as good tribe vs bad tribe, the world has never worked like that

>> No.14945993

They invented Hollywood, though. It's 100% their invention. They didn't infiltrate like they did in other fields

>> No.14945999

Pound was Anglo, bro.

>> No.14946000


>what. There was plenty of chinese immigrants who became middleman minority.

What are you even talking about?

>> No.14946003

What's your favorite Jewish author?

>> No.14946005

Cervantes and Proust

>> No.14946006

>but encouraged European Australians to surrender such in-group preference.
Well no he encourage them to tell muslim to fuck off. He doesn't seems to mind the other group tho, but maybe it's white genocide for you? Anyway, the biggest problem with immigration is people not fucking enough. If white were doing that then there would be no replacement.

>Hah... Pound wasn't a jew, just a wise European who recognized their subversive campaign.
oh so just a guy you agree with saying thing you like, gotcha, very convincing image.

>> No.14946007
File: 1.10 MB, 1602x1308, four-jewish-books-of-white-genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is actually true desu.
Nepotism is a huge component, but sure, their start in usury was what made the big families rich as fuck.

>> No.14946010

Broch. Maybe Kafka, too.

>> No.14946012

>chineses migrate to another ching chong country
>they go from rag to rich
>get dabbed on by a seething population

another exemple would be koreans living in americans black cities, they are hated for being successful too.

>> No.14946017

Based. I wish germany got nuked into oblivion after wwii

>> No.14946019



Does this make them bad people? Considering that they were a largely oppressed minority in Europe, it makes sense that they protected and helped each other. We turn a blind eye to how much the Catholic church played a role in fueling hysteria against Jew's during the middle ages.

>> No.14946025

Saved. Got any more Jewish /pol/ pics?

>> No.14946029

>save a fake article screenshot
as expected of /pol/, spreading lie wherever they go.

>> No.14946032

You're missing the point. However stimuli may be phenomenally represented in our experience, variations in our experience logically necessitate variations in the stimuli. It follows then, that for relative similarities in representations to be apparent, that such localizations must exist in the stimuli. You've already admitted to the existence of localizations in the spectrum of light (differences in wavelength and frequency). Just look at how sneaky your language is... "it only varies"... Oh ok then, it -only- varies so the whole notion of variation and localization is a fraud. Fuck YOU

>> No.14946035

that /pol/tard thinks other cultures don't do the exact same thing

>> No.14946038

it's for the memes and shitposting bro, I don't really care as I'm Jewish myself on my mother's part.

>> No.14946042


It's dangerous the amount of disinformation that get's spread around /pol/, they accuse Jew's of using propaganda but the shilling is unbelievable and 99% of people will never check to see if the source is accurate. The people who perpetuate this stuff are genuinely evil people in the truest sense of the word

>> No.14946049
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>Does this make them bad people?
No such thing, it's bad for you if another group does it, good for you if you do it and they don't. Hence the jewish tactic of invoking the sin of "racism" while serving their own interests without regard for fairness of any kind. I actually admire how absolutely lacking in conscience and scruples they are, but they are not my people so I have to be against it and this isn't something you can switch sides in.

The biggest problem lies in white people and Christians not serving their own interests first and instead letting the jews abuse them so and now kill them off. It's just stupid.

>> No.14946051

Nope, sorry. Europeans are extremely empathetic, and this is why they are so vulnerable to being 'gamed' by outgroups who retain their in-group preference (like jews).

They have disproportionately contributed to science though, which is why I wouldn't mind them at all IF they weren't also so disproportionately subversive to white nations.

>> No.14946052

No race isn't real. There is only humans and then germans.

>> No.14946067

Can you see infrared light?

>> No.14946070

Here you go.


>> No.14946078
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>> No.14946091
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It's true that reality is highly nuanced, but it's also true that there are general paradigms. In other words, the 'rule' isn't obviated by its exceptions.

>> No.14946093


Everyone has the same interests, food, shelter, acceptance and love. This tribal shitflinging is holding humanity back

>> No.14946094

Jesus was a Palestinian who spoke Aramaic and had Arabic features, yet Jews claim he is their own. Albert Einstein is one of the smartest men in the world, yet his ideas were mostly stolen from other scientists.

There is a reason why these people got expelled from 109 countries throughout history. Pro-tip: it's not everybody else's fault.

>> No.14946097

tfw when no jew gf

>> No.14946101


Nice copypasta

>> No.14946102

>Jesus was a Palestinian who spoke Aramaic and had Arabic features

>> No.14946108

We do not need perpetual growth. Allowing a perfectly natural demographic/economic contraction would lead to boom of our own population. I don't buy into your cancerous neoliberal growth-at-all-costs GDP worship.

>> No.14946110

History books and wikipedia. Even scientists who did facial reconstruction of what his face mostly looked like, came up with the conclusion he looked very Arabic.

And Albert Einstein had a controversy where he was exposed for stealing ideas. Google it.

>> No.14946112
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It's sort of funny, because I initially hated Jews so much that I found Schindler's List comedic, but now I'm a bagel chaser par excellence and unironically want to become Jewish/learn Hebrew.

>> No.14946120

It's a war tbqhwy, fighting fair when your enemy doesn't is a sure way to lose.

>> No.14946127


One thing I find bizarre about racism is how those who hate specific racial group the most always have a fetish for that race's women. It's similar to homophobes who obsess over homosexuality, but are homosexual themselves. I've seen this shit in people I've been friends with, dude is a huge racist but secretly has a thing for black chicks or Jews. Human beings are hilarious if you take a step back from politics

>> No.14946129
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Still missing the point (intentionally).

>> No.14946130
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The problem of the jews in particular is that they can masquerade as Europeans and this made it even worse, as Europeans weren't always this bad and jews encouraged this from within the people. It would have been a harder sell coming from a machete wielding negro.
Not at all, everyone have opposing interests and if you don't look out for them you will end up extinct. There are only competing groups and if you don't compete you die. That may be harsh but that's just the reality you have to live with. Tribes with strong cohesion and loyalty, while also attacking and destroying others, as the jews do, have the best shot at long term survival. Altruism is a death sentence for any collective.

So I really don't expect the jews to be any good towards their enemies, if I could trick them into being that stupid then I would but that's the scam they're running and have done for thousands of years.

>> No.14946131

Being honest with Jews is like being honest with a scammer. You won't get much except an empty wallet and a sour taste in your mouth. And all the retards on here who think Europeans actually like Jews in any way, we don't. We just keep it a secret so the media doesn't harp about it, but Jews are known for running shoddy businesses

>> No.14946134

"initially" as in from when I got redpilled. I didn't hate Jews when I came out of the womb or something. Poor choice of words.
I didn't have the fetish when I was still antisemitic; the development of the fetish was arguably *the* thing that got me out of it. Although, I think I was subconsciously already a bagel chaser, because most of the chicks that I crushed on through out my life looked Jewish in retrospect and I didn't notice they were Jewish until I developed my Jewdar.

>> No.14946135

The point is that you only use the word "light" when it suits you. You play games with categories.

>> No.14946145

If I convert to Judaism will I be in the Jew club or will I be seen as a second-rate Jew?

>> No.14946147

>Contribute unbelievable amount to humanity despite being less than 0.1% of the world population
You could say the same about several European ethnic groups but no one does. It's always just "Omg only the Jews are so awesome and do all these awesome things despite being so small"

>> No.14946148


Nothing lasts forever, I'm not going to participate in a gang war. My only obligation is towards human beings who are my brothers regardless of color, if someone needs help I will help.

>> No.14946151

Half of these contributions aren't even real contributions. Never mind giving Jews credit if their achievements were actually theirs, but literally every single achievement they've ever had has just been something taken from somewhere else and labelled differently.

>> No.14946153
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It's not that weird, probably genetic, when you conquer another people you also take their women and impregnate them, this is a form of genocide to destroy opposing collectives. Just won't work on the jews since they don't have any real generic cohesion. The instinct remains though.

>> No.14946154

They subcosciously desire them and want their genes.

>> No.14946156
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>thread about anti-semitism
>halfway through, people start arguing about dog breeds and photons and shit

>> No.14946160

Shut the fuck up

>> No.14946163

>You could say the same about several European ethnic groups

No you can't, not even close.

>> No.14946164
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>The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler

>> No.14946166

In theory you would be no different than a Jew from birth, but in practice it depends on the Jews around you, I suppose. I think there is a certain stigma with conversion just because you are getting married with a Jew, and not out of actual interest but don't quote me on that.

>> No.14946169

You can though. Germans have a huge number of nobel prizes, so do the French and the British.

>> No.14946176

Yes, well in that sense predators and prey (and competing predators) have the same interests.

It is neo-religion of equalism is holding everyone back, because it mandates that we lie about our natures (which means we can't plan effectively with due consideration to those natures).

>> No.14946177

>Shlomo Sand
Fucking lol, I'm dying

>> No.14946184


Human beings don't need to treat each other as predators and prey, we're all the same species. Also the majority of animals are peaceful, only a minority are active predators. Human beings aren't even supposed to eat meat, we've just been role playing this entire time

>> No.14946189

This would all be fine and dandy if our world leaders had the same idea of peacefully coexisting as you do. But the truth is; they just don't. Our world leaders still wage tribal wars to this day, Israel is a very clear example of that.

>> No.14946192

The Scots alone have contributed more to the technical fields than Jews have and there's only 5 and a half million of them.

>> No.14946193

No, you're the one playing games. Are there localizations in spectrums or not?

>> No.14946195
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They aren't your brothers and that's the point. Would you also give foreign occupiers ammunition to shoot your fellow countrymen with? Shine their boots perhaps? Same thing really.

>> No.14946199


There are a lot of Jew's who don't support Isreal, you don't have to participate in the sins of the elite, your own karma is your own, and most people are normal everyday folks regardless of creed

>> No.14946206


I don't believe in the concept of nations, it's all a spook.

>foreign occupiers

Imagine living with this kind of paranoia direct at fellow human beings

>> No.14946207

>There are a lot of Jew's who don't support Israel
Yeah? Where are they then? Have they ever achieved anything, or tried any kind of peace talks? No they haven't. The Jews who get their way are the ones who are in full support of Israel, weaponised and bloodthirsty. Get it through your head, this world isn't rainbows and sunshine. People don't care about coexisting. They care about money and power.

>> No.14946222


I'm a mutt anyways, if the Jew's are getting roped I'll get roped alongside them. I'm not going to justify cruelty and hysteria against my fellow man. The world is a complicated place, but perpetuating evil to fight against a perceived evil is still evil

>> No.14946226

People like you will die out because you're too weak and passive to do anything. Sorry dude, it's just the reality.

>> No.14946233

Hahahha... Ok, there's no point in taking you seriously anymore.

On the off chance that you're actually serious, you know nothing about nature:

>> No.14946237


We're all going to pass away regardless of if we "win", this life is a gift not a competition

>> No.14946238

That's completely wrong.

Literally more than 25% awarded to jews, probably even more if you count those who have jewish genes but aren't considered jewish.

>> No.14946239

I really do wish people thought more like you, but they just don't dude. And I agree, we're all just ants on a piece of dying mould that is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.14946245

There are not. You may subdivide and subdivide infinitely like a fractal, but that is a false perception of a continuous whole. What you can see and what you cannot are the same thing. Therefore, race is not real.

It's pretty straight-forward, I don't know why you're having trouble with this simple and intuitive concept. The sky isn't blue. Every child knows this.

>> No.14946249

Based and hagis-pilled

And what about competing predators? Very (((selective))) response.

>> No.14946263

You just can't think outside of an individualistic box, can you? 'Mutt's Curse' I suppose.

>> No.14946268
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I have changed my mind because of your beautiful view on life, friend. I have but one request, anon, would you go to Israel and help them open their hearts and borders for their fellow men also? I know they have hardened their hearts towards the brotherly black men and more than any other people done such evil to the Palestinians that they need not only feel guilty over it but invite the wonderful Palestinian people back into their homes, that they may live in prosperity and harmony together.

It will be difficult at first, the poor Palestinians face a big disadvantage in society and must be given special treatment to become equals to the jews. Perhaps a quota of 50% Palestinians in all Israeli schools. And at least 30% of brotherly and kind Africans.

Perhaps the kind and intelligent Israelis can take some of the burden off America who cannot possibly deal with them justly. Maybe say five million of them or so, that they may live free without being incarcerated for crimes nobody should serve time for. Like attempted rape or murder, things that just went out of hand due to socioeconomic reasons you know.

I feel so filled with love and kindness for my fellow man. How nice of you to cure me of my hate. I would even follow with you and help you in this most worthy endeavour. Together let us make Israel the most diverse and tolerant of states instead of the most hateful and racist.

>> No.14946281

He's not wrong. We really are just a bunch of ants who won't mean much. This planet could literally get completely blown up if some psychopath decided to build nuclear bombs and just rain them everywhere. It's that easy to just destroy everything and our existence is incredibly meaningless.

I just wish the average person wasn't a moronic tribal ape who could only think in creeds or histories, and would recognise advancements as human advancements not racial ones.

>> No.14946287

You realize that people were making all kinds of advances in science and technology before the Nobel Prize was around you retard? Even then you fail to recognize the fact that:
>Anyone who's part Jewish is listed as a "Jewish nobel prize winner" despite the fact that they may not even identify as Jewish
>Many of those prizes are awarded to partners or groups of people and many of the ones awarded to Jews were also given to their non-jewish colleagues
>The majority of Nobel Prizes aren't given for some massive world defining breakthrough like Einstein but simply for small but notable contributions to a specific field of study

>> No.14946319
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What a heelturn, from a dumb /pol/ack to an enlightened and good-hearted person just like that, pretty much as nice and based as a jew now. Just goes to show that love will always win in the end and that there might be hope for humanity after all.

>> No.14946334

Continuity and localization aren't mutually exclusive... Can you understand that? All of existence is continuous, and yet varied. Variation means that you can demacate areas of relatively similar variation (there is nothing 'unreal' about such localizations nor the reasons we draw lines where we do).

If localization wasn't real, then you wouldn't be able to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms, despite them both being mushrooms. Really think about the full implications of the pure bullshit you are spewing.

I very much doubt you're comitted solipsist; you're either philosophically illiterate or just being disingenuous.

>> No.14946357
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There is no cosmic meaning, stupid. We are the ones who decide meaning. Your mind is a wasteland of silly platitudes and non-sequiturs.

Average people are moronic whether tribal or not — you are a prime example of this. Tribalism is simply a strategic adaptation, and given how things tend to play out it's more intelligent not to discard it.

>> No.14946359

Irony or baiting people for a response doesn't make you look smarter or better. It just makes you look immature. Don't participate in a discussion if your whole purpose is to just be a clown.

>> No.14946364

There is no cosmic meaning
Have you actually read what I posted, or did you just really feel like posting that? That's what I said.

>> No.14946365

LMFAO do you know where you are nigger?

>> No.14946373

Consider how much of your energy I have wasted tonight, and how little of my own I have expended? You have been Jew'ed.

>> No.14946376

Yes, I've been here since 2008. Back when this site had actual, well thought out posts before it got infested by zoomers like you who care about amassing (you)'s and being the next screencap or whatever.

>> No.14946380

I bet you have faggot, enjoy the nostalgia goggles

>> No.14946384

Sure dude. LMFAO, xD, lololol and all that good shit. Post it to your instagram meme page.

>> No.14946391

I truly apologize gentlemen. Please, continue your highly refined discussion on literature. I bid you all good day and good night.

>> No.14946402

It's up to us to decide what 'means much', and if we don't do so in healthy way (i.e. valuing our existence and that of our genetic cluster) then we won't be around much longer to promulgate our defective value system.

>> No.14946409

You overestimate how much effort and focus is required for me to btfo you, but thanks for finally being honest.

>> No.14946415

Sound isn't real either.

>> No.14946427

I tell you, anon, there wasn't a hint of irony in my post. Whatever makes you say such a thing?

>> No.14946437

Why is this 95 IQ reasoning so popular among lefties? Are they truly so immersed in the Freudian thought-matrix that they can't possibly believe that some things are not because you want to fuck X/Y?

>> No.14946468

>we're all the same species

I agree, anon! Let's start with promoting the mixing of ashkenazim with sub-saharan africans. The races must mix if we want to erase this archaic tribalism of ours!

>> No.14946475

When Europeans try to swing their balls around like >>14945852 is doing we get books like "Guns, Germs, and Steel" by (((Jared Diamond))) in response.

>> No.14946476
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>> No.14946477

Yes, a diverse Israel is the only way to solve racial tensions!

>> No.14946489

You do support it though? If you don't you're bigoted racist and probably OBSESSED with xenophobia.

>> No.14946626
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>> No.14946699
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I just got this book from a friend last week. Im expecting the usual celebration of the Jews, but what am I in for?

>> No.14946701

Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.14946702

but i thought slavery was based?

>> No.14946704

In-tribe nepotism while inside host countries. Napoleon made a meritocracy, that wasn’t good enough for the Jews.

>> No.14946708

Because you destroy their people by killing the men and fucking their women.

>> No.14946715

You would not be allowed Israeli citizenship because you wouldn’t meet the criteria for their mandatory DNA test. Could probably profit off of occasional nepotism in the West though.

>> No.14946775
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beyond god tier bait

>> No.14946779


>> No.14946955

Makes you think.

>> No.14947247
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i recommend these

>> No.14947305

I've been reading The History of Judaism by Martin Goodman. It's relatively recent, so critical opinion probably hasn't settled yet, but he focuses on historical Jewish theology , which is fascinating. It's very dense though, I have to constantly remind myself what these Hebrew terms are.

>> No.14947839

>a country where Jews don't influence public opinion is antisemitic
Not sure what you're trying to say

>> No.14947856

>Jesus was a Palestinian who spoke Aramaic and had Arabic features
Jesus was Greek and of Aryan stock. In the gospels he converses with Pilate, presumably in Greek since Pilate probably couldn't speak Aramaic.

>> No.14948263

what? everyone hates Jews, why do you think it's unique to 4chan

>> No.14948264

>source: Rodriguez p 385
kek, not only /pol/fag are liars but also braindead.

>> No.14948285

Goldman's History of Judaism is great

>> No.14948329

>We do not need perpetual growth.
Something that doesn't grow, die. Gas yourself, nihilist.

>> No.14948357

America is not a country, from south american countries they were expelled

>> No.14948402

>mandatory dna test

>> No.14948538

>Jews aren’t a real race
stopped reading there, kill yourself.

>> No.14948804

Read the New Testament retard

>> No.14948824

Easy to say from a position of great relative wealth and prosperity. The entire foundation of your life as a "gift" are the hundreds of thousands of people killed and impoverished by the hands of your ancestors. If you want your children to have the same opportunities as you, you can't afford to dismiss competition.

>> No.14948837


It's not a thought but an observation I've had with countless individuals

>> No.14950008

Why do /pol/ fags think Europeans exploiting other races for their benefit through colonialism and all that is good and based but jews manipulating all of us from the sidelines is evil? If they managed to outsmart us like that it just illustrates shows their superiority. I don't think it can be argued that any means they used are worse than those used by European colonialists.

>> No.14950039

They are retarded and can't think logically. If we were to follow their line of thinking, Jews exploiting euros is 100% fine since they are superior. LMFAO

>> No.14950092
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>If they managed to outsmart us like that it just illustrates shows their superiority.
It does show the superiority of their way and that's why I think we should adopt their racialist values you retard. You can't just say the jews are smart for putting their own race first and telling everyone else to not do so and then not take that to its logical conclusion. If you think jews are smart you must also think the national socialists and Hitler were smart for acting in accordance with their interests.

If you think Hitler was a dumb "racist" you must also think the same of jews. Be consistent.
>worse than those used by European colonialists.
Far, far worse. Colonialists were angels compared to the satanic jews. And honestly this is the trouble, if they were less good Christians then kikes wouldn't be teachings kids to hate them in schools today. They should have been more sinister, they should have been more cruel and ruthless.

>> No.14950104
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>> No.14950134
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I have unironically come to belive satanic ethno-fascism is the best way forward after studying the jews for some time now.
Not coping but adapting and learning, being a racist works as proven by the jews. Religion should be centered around race. Weaker races should not just be used but destroyed. The stronger must be subverted until they are weak.

>> No.14950145

good luck there buddy lmfao

>> No.14950147


>> No.14950158

I'm ethnically Jewish and agree for the most part. However, I think it gets fetishized too much as Jews are willing to turn their back on other Jews at their own convenience. Furthermore, a given Jew will be just as dumb as a given Anglo but the Jew makes more money and lives outside an urban area. I think it's more complex than defeating the Jews.

>> No.14950159

It worked for the jews and it will work for us.

>> No.14950181

yeah man the germans did a spiffy job lmfao and look at them now lmfao

>> No.14950182


>> No.14950236

>The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt.
I am currently reading the German version which is changed significantly but I think the most of it's content should remain. This first chapter is about history of the Jews since the French Revolution and general conditions that led to antisemitism being so powerful in Europe in the 20th century. She marks out interesting points about the Jews.

Worth reading

>> No.14950241

Yeah, there are failings. Such as the safety of jews in New York being sacrificed on the altar of some greater scheme for example. Or jews in Europe being persecuted by an influx of Muslim immigrants advocated for by jews. And of course they're also trapped in the same system even if their ethnic cohesion is stronger.

I'm not saying jews are the problem even really, the issue is with the Europeans not pursuing their ethnic interests above all and naturally it's more complex than simply dealing with the jewish question. But look at national socialist Germany, at the turn around. If only they had known the anglo was just as much their enemy and not taken on the slavs.

>> No.14950356

is spook a spook?