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14943972 No.14943972 [Reply] [Original]

"Classics" you think will be forgotten eventually.
George Bernard Shaw, Zweig, Bulgakov, and Poe for me.

>> No.14943986

Poe is so ubiquitous in at least the English-speaking parts of the world, especially the US, that I do not think it is possible for him to be forgotten.

>> No.14943997

James Joyce. Nobody will care about him in 300 years if humans are still around

>> No.14944004

Brecht. He was a midwit who couldn't produce anything timeless. His plays are already outdated, in a few years he will be forgotten.

Don't think so, Ulysses is too important. Maybe his other works will lose significance, but not Ulysses.

>> No.14944019

Zweig amd Shaw are trash

>> No.14944027

Zweig was never a classic and has already been forgotten.

>> No.14944048
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being burned by the nazis gave him a little more of life
Stevenson, Kipling, Chesterton.

>> No.14944072

MUh patriotic and children writer, only britbong rated this faggot seriously.
Overrated literature for plebs

>> No.14944096

>Stevenson, Kipling, Chesterton
Why do you hate turn-of-the-century Brits?

>> No.14944113

Ulyssed is a landmark no matter how you look at it. The Cult of Joyce has survived(and thrived) for a century now, a fad would have died out already

>> No.14944121

Poe will never be forgotten, the others yeah.
If Rushdie is remembered at all it will be for the controversy, nobody will actually read his books.

>> No.14944134

Imagine how confused students will be when the read ulysses 3 centuries from now lmao

>> No.14944211

>Brecht. He was a midwit who couldn't produce anything timeless. His plays are already outdated, in a few years he will be forgotten.
You don't seem to have any idea about theater.

>Stevenson, Kipling, Chesterton.
Eh, these are already forgotten outside the anglosphere.

>Bulgakov, and Poe
Bulgakov is very likely the most popular and highly regarded writer of post-avantgarde Russian lit. Not going anywhere soon.
Poe was extremely influential in Europe and is the perfect bridge between "fun" and "serious" literature, his position is therefore very secure.

>> No.14944274


>Bulgakov and Poe

Based. Fuck those guys.

>> No.14944279

Most of them. Few writers will survive; only a few will even barely scratch their names onto syllabi for graduate courses and maybe get read. The reverse of this question, actual lasting classics, would at least be answerable. This thread will degrade into another endless "famous author actually sucks" shitshow.

Joyce living is one of the only certainties. He is the closest thing to Shakespeare the novel will ever get

>> No.14944300

>He is the closest thing to Shakespeare the novel will ever get
This brings an intresting point
Who's the most consistently good novelist?

>> No.14944301


>> No.14944306


I liked both The Satanic Verses and Midnight's Children but I haven't bothered to pick up his newest book since it just feels like an "I'm out of ideas until I come up with something better and this is a placeholder", type of book.

>> No.14944322


>> No.14944326


>> No.14945235


>> No.14945255

Dosto's prose sucks though

>> No.14945269

He has so many good novels it's a bit ridiculous

>> No.14945270

F. Scott Fitzgerald
John Updike

>> No.14945319

Chaucer has been around for nearly a millennia now and has had direct influence on shakespeare. He's not going away, no matter how insecure of cuckoldry you are

>> No.14945325

Shaw is not trash. He's the second-best English language playwright after Shakespeare. Beckett wrote in French.

>> No.14945332

How anyone could say this when jonson exist is beyond me

>> No.14945488

>nearly a millennia
>600 years
>nearly 1000 years

>> No.14945495


>> No.14945496

To kill a mockingbird, lord of the flies, all of Toni Morrison, the color purple, catch-22, slaughterhouse 5,

>> No.14945633

Poe founded the short story, detective story, influenced horror genre, influenced the french symbolists and Nabokov, so filtered

>> No.14946059

>shakespeare of the novel
no. joyce is far too difficult for that.

>> No.14946103


>> No.14946187

agree on Updike. He's already fading.

>> No.14946205

>Poe founded the short story
No he didn't you retard.

>> No.14946209

fucking based

>> No.14946211
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>> No.14946218

I highly doubt this considering his English is the most readable middle English and will be studied by undergrads forever.

>> No.14946337
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>> No.14946658

I get the coke nose, but wtf is up with that niggers mouth? His face is just so bizarre

>> No.14946674

Macaulay and other historical works known more for their prose than their modern historical worth

>> No.14946684

you people are delusional

>> No.14946822

That's why he's a horror writer.

>> No.14946857
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all of them