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File: 27 KB, 241x360, Catch22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14943816 No.14943816 [Reply] [Original]

About to start this. What can I expect?

>> No.14943909

Catch-22 by Joseph Keller

>> No.14943917

I'm halfway through it right now, it's funny and reminds me of the tv show MASH

>> No.14944141

theres gonna be words

>> No.14944166

A book that is by turns hilarious, depressing, frustrating, and uplifting.

>> No.14944177

The best Catch-22 scene (Clevinger's Trial) isn't even in the book.

Major Major Major Major comes close though

>> No.14944178

It's very funny and very sad at the same time. It's amusing, but nothing more than that.

>> No.14944364

It's a long comedy routine and some of it is funny.

>> No.14944400

this was the best book of all time when i was 16/17

>> No.14944436


>> No.14944445

It's pretty entertaining, it got more than a couple genuine lols.

>> No.14944453

"Everyone has a share."
Milo my favourite character.

>> No.14944548

Gets a bit weird in the second half, but stick to the ending, it's worth it

>> No.14944599

I could never get tired of reading this book. Favorite character is easily the old man in the brothel. Enjoy, OP.

>> No.14944805
File: 29 KB, 326x499, 51j0j+0LjxL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is, it's chapter 8 (Lieutenant Scheisskopf)
what edition did you read? I have pic related, it's in it

>> No.14945035

Lmao I didn't know German when I read the book but Scheisskopf means shithead.

>> No.14945042

Imagine unironically reading a meme book

>> No.14945057

Imagine not reading something that you might enjoy

>> No.14945201

I didn't enjoy it. Am I just autistic?

>> No.14945902

I thought it was shit honestly

>> No.14946011

I was told that the outline the story follows is a reflection of Yossarian's mental state. It allowed me to appreciate the book more as I was reading it.

>> No.14946540

Captain Portnoy's Complaint

>> No.14947343


It's pretty funny, show's the absurdity of war, and people that don't take anything whatsoever seriously. It's an amusing read.

>> No.14947359

Extremely based

>> No.14947365

Pretty much this. There are a few extremely poignant moments as well

>> No.14947410

Jewish """"""humour"""""""

>> No.14947414

This is accurate. It was one of the first books that I continued reading, not because I wanted to know what was going to happen or that I cared about any of the characters, but because it was so funny.

>> No.14947991

imagine thinking a book you dont find funny isnt funny because of something as meaningless as the authors race.

>> No.14947998

Jews are inherently unfunny, sorry.
Try being born as a real human next time, Moshe

>> No.14949354

/pol/ get out plz

>> No.14949369

>not finding Milo and his entire corporation funny

>> No.14950014

how are jews not human retard?