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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 213 KB, 1800x2663, CompletePersepolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1494366 No.1494366 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think /lit/?

I read it, and I kind of think it is bullshit that it is advertised as a "graphic novel". The images add next to nothing to the narrative, so it is essentially a really long picture book.


>> No.1494370

preferred the film

>> No.1494372

I loved the movie, keep meaning to get this. I really don't like graphic novels, the pictures are distracting and I hate sifting through the pictures for the novel. The only comic book I ever managed to follow was Jhonen Vasquez's JTHM and Squee because I was a deep angsty teenager back in the 90s/early millennium.

>> No.1494375


I would say it is worth a read, even with my criticism. And I didn't know if this is more /lit/ related or /co/ related. If anyone could let me know that would be great.

>> No.1494380

The board is divided on /co/ vs /lit/. I liked it a lot, but then I'm not a typical verbal reasoning person. Or at least, it's not my strongest point.

>> No.1494405

Your criticism is actually a selling point for me considering what bothers me about graphic novels. Thanks for the recommendation, next time I have spare Amazon cash I'll probably pick it up.

As for graphic novels I'm ambivalent and pretty much think it's a case-by-case scenario. They stretch into both mediums, but the bulk of them are mainly /co/ material.

>> No.1494411

A bulk of them are named "novels" to change the demographic, frankly.

V for Vendetta is a case in point; early parts are not so well put together, some of the dialogue is a little dodgy. It is a little amateurish, considering it is trying to be something more like literature and less like a comic. The end of V for Vendetta is closer to literature than to a comic though.

>> No.1494412

the arguments ITT are completely beside the point, IMO. What I found valuable about this story was the perspective of a modern, intelligent Iranian woman when all I get from every other source is mobs burning US flags and hurling rocks. Who gives a shit what the format was?

I found it engrossing and highly informative.

>> No.1494414

That says a lot about what sources you go to.

>> No.1494417

>take bratty younger brother to Hot Topic
>see Persepolis being sold at the register
>well, I won't be reading that any time soon
>a few years later it's required reading for some college class
>it was actually a pretty enlightening narrative about what it's like to live in Iran
>what the fuck was it doing in Hot Topic?

>> No.1494428

>OH NO, it's mainstream and cannot be good
Hipster detected

>> No.1494436
File: 114 KB, 592x845, Hot Topic Naruto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has nothing to do with being "mainstream," dumbass.

Do you have any idea what kind of fucking trash Hot Topic sells?

>> No.1494444

Is it now? Sounding more and more like a pretentious hipster to me each time you post.

>Do you have any idea what kind of fucking trash Hot Topic sells?

>> No.1494457

he's clearly jealous of your Naurto headband, Jack Skellington socks, and your super goth Invader Zim corset.

>> No.1494456

You are biased by terrible stereotypes.

>> No.1494475

Who isn't?

>> No.1494481

It was really really bad. Pretentious as hell, the drawings were awful. And I can not understand why she thinks her life is interesting enough to read. Comic books allow the author to show (often incredible) things, but when the images don't add much to the story it all, the book fails miserably.
Persepolis wasn't even as good as Maus, but at least it wasn't as bad as Blankets or American Splendor.

If you want to read pretentious comics (aka Graphic Novels), read: Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Sandman etc.

>> No.1494483

>And I can not understand why she thinks her life is interesting enough to read.
Sounds like butthurt to me.

>> No.1494486

I liked the movie :3

>> No.1494503

Well I am pretty mad actually, so many authors seem to think that writing about their uninteresting life, in 'graphic novel' format, makes for good literature.
>American Splendor
>True Story, Swear to God
>Fun Home
Et cetera.

>> No.1494507

Dude, she grew up in Iran between the time of the Shah and the Islamic revolution which replaced their Westernized civilization with theocratic rule. Not to mention it's from the perspective of a woman, which gives it a different cast to the events because of women's place in fundamentalist Muslim traditions.
That's interesting, get the fuck over it.

>> No.1494508

Despite all the ridiculous hate in this thread, I liked it. It's not "literature" (it's a comic book you cunts), but still, I learned more from it about life in Iran than any book I know of. And that's fucking useful. So fuck you cunts for saying it ain't literature and therefore bad, I won't ever go out partying with you shitheads because you'll probably go for some shit like "that stripper ain't hot because that girl's got a dick". So fuck you, sou're no fun AT ALL

>> No.1494510

I know. It's like "fucking hell, can you stop going on about living through a revolution and civil war and not seeing your family and shit". Just whining all the time. When's the last time anyone talked about Iran anyway? Moar liek Boran, amirite?

Certainly no celebrity autobiography.

>> No.1494519

Holy hell that was funny.

Anyhow, yeah, it's literature.

>> No.1494527

inb4 "It's not literature" "It is literature" ad nauseum.

>> No.1494536

>ad nauseum
Nice try.

>> No.1494547

I will try to proof read my terribly important posts next time. I know how you all hang on my every letter.