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File: 50 KB, 399x399, RealAmerican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14943282 No.14943282 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books on the revival of the American ethnic identity? I’ve been reading about it recently but everything I find is on the historical identity, not the current state of it or a potential revival in its consciousness of itself. The most I can find are posts on neoreactionary and alt right sites and subreddits, which is a bummer because I’m not particularly interested in either ideology. Even most of the books I find on “American nationalism” are either on civic nationalism or white nationalism, not nationalism for the American ethnic group. Most of the people I see calling themselves American nationalists or AmNats today are insufferable Catholic ironybros. Many, including Nick Fuetnes, aren’t even ethnically American. I’m not even necessarily looking for books on nationalism though. I just want stuff related to the identity itself and its future.

>> No.14943290
File: 379 KB, 1200x1552, John Jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say the American ethnic group, I will post some quotes on it.

"With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice, thatProvidence has been pleased to give this one connected country, to one united people; a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established their general Liberty and Independence." - John Jay, The Federalist Papers

>> No.14943297
File: 202 KB, 768x574, AngloSaxons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In the case of the United States, the national ethnic group was Anglo-American Protestant ("American"). This was the first European group to "imagine" the territory of the United States as its homeland and trace its genealogy back to New World colonists who rebelled against their mother country. In its mind,the American nation-state, its land, its history, its mission and its Anglo-American people were woven into one great tapestry of the imagination.This social construction considered the United States to be founded by the "Americans", who thereby had title to the land and the mandate to mould the nation (and any immigrants who might enter it) in their own Anglo-Saxon, Protestant self-image." - Eric Kaufman, American Exceptionalism Reconsidered: Anglo-Saxon Ethnogenesis in the "Universal" Nation, 1776-1850

>> No.14943310
File: 71 KB, 845x388, the yankee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14943336


>> No.14943348

>American ethnic identity
You mean putting all the Caucasian races from Europe through a meat grinder and pretending they're all the same?

>> No.14943369

>American ethnic identity
>shows picture of an Anglo-Irish Jew
TOP KEK That's all you need to know

>> No.14943385

Not exactly. All groups are a mix of different groups. The French are a mix of Gauls, Romans, and Franks. The Americans are mostly a mix of English, Scottish, Dutch, and German but also French Huguenot, Swedish, and Welsh. Other ethnic groups immigrated here and some assimilated but many are white ethnics living in the US, such as Italian Americans, Greek Americans, or Jewish Americans. Those people are not the ones I'm talking about. I actually think the pan-European White identiy has some issues and is preventing the American identity from making a comeback.

>> No.14943391
File: 134 KB, 426x656, Invisible Man - Ellison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any good books on the revival of the American ethnic identity?

>> No.14943392

I posted that picture because of the character Daniel Day Lewis is playing, not because of Daniel Day Lewis himself. I know he's not an American.

>> No.14943395

It was pretty much just Anglos for a long time.

>> No.14943400

I've already read this, actually. Not a bad book. Not what I'm looking for but you probably already knew that.

>> No.14943406

>book by some negro

>> No.14943407

...whence came all these people? They are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes... What, then, is the American, this new man? He is either an European or the descendant of an European; hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman, and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations. He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds.... The Americans were once scattered all over Europe; here they are incorporated into one of the finest systems of population which has ever appeared.

>> No.14943423

How is what you're looking for not white nationalism? White nationalists are generally pretty hostile to the Hispanicization of the US

>> No.14943488
File: 16 KB, 320x218, 1411339657518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14943519

White nationalism is pan-European. Think of it like Polish nationalism vs. White nationalism. Polish nationalism is specifically for Poles. I'm talking about Americans, not whites as a whole.

>> No.14943662

"The native American by the middle of the nineteenth century was rapidly becoming a distinct type. Derived from the Teutonic part of the British Isles, and being almost purely Nordic, he was on the point of developing physical peculiarities of his own, slightly variant from those of his English forefathers, and corresponding rather with the idealistic Elizabethan than with the materialistic Hanoverian Englishman. The Civil War, however, put a severe, perhaps fatal, check to the development and expansion of this splendid type, by destroying great numbers of the best breeding stock on both sides, and by breaking up the home ties of many more. If the war had not occurred these same men with their descendants would have populated the Western States instead of the racial nondescripts who are now flocking there." - Madison Grant, The Passing of the Great Race

>> No.14943677

I love that movie. Sorry for ruining WASP America.
t. Irishman

>> No.14943681

All because of a bunch of nigger slaves lmao

>> No.14943751

I forgive you.

You really shouldn't use slurs, anon. It's not very nice. It is sad that so many good American men gave their lives in the war against slavery and blacks still resent their descendants. It would have been best if Sub-Saharan Africans had never been brought to the US or if they were returned to Africa following the war but sadly they were not. I think it would be best if they were just given their own country here now.

>> No.14943763

>It would have been best if Sub-Saharan Africans had never been brought to the US
> I think it would be best if they were just given their own country here now.

>> No.14943784

What would you propose we do if not give them their own slice of land where they already live? We can't ship them off to Africa. They are their own people now, distinct from the various ethnic groups on that continent. What country would take them? The American Liberians who moved there over 150 years ago have already had to flee due to ethnic conflict.

>> No.14943883


>> No.14943893

Eliminate them slowly until they disappear.

>> No.14943915
File: 38 KB, 807x380, schop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14943925

I don't want them (or any ethnic group) to disappear. I just think we would both be better off with our own countries. How would you go about "eliminating" them?

>> No.14943941

Here, have another Schopenhauer quote.

"The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate."

I don't agree with this quote, your quote, or virtually anything Schopenhauer wrote, but I think it's worth pointing out that he wasn't the egalitarian your quote makes him sound like.

>> No.14943976

Eliminating them from America, I meant.
>How would you go about "eliminating" them?
CIA tactics. Could be done in decades if they really wanted.

>> No.14944046

Sadly I've got nothing but discussion to contribute.

Is there a particular suit of cultures or traditions that you see as classically American? I think some of the difficulty in finding material on the subject would come from the topic not being well-defined, since the concept of American identity seems like it'd be subject to constant change, and since America itself is relatively young. I don't mean to pose this as if you're wrong, and I certainly think there would be a prototypical American, but I want to know whether there's a defined period, or group of people, or group of traditions that forms the identity of "American" for you. I'm a Canuck, so I don't know much of American history or culture.

I wonder about a similar problem when it comes to unified cultural identity in Canada. I feel as though there is a cultural backbone to Canada, but it's not very distinct or well-defined, putting it at risk of being lost. The size of countries like Canada and the USA means distinct groups can form and be quite easily insulated from the culture elsewhere (though maybe in practical modern terms this isn't so much the case, but certainly it mattered in the past). Trying to unite so many different people across such large spaces, while trying not to undermine smaller scale cultures seems precarious, especially with so many different origins of peoples. This makes me think of Canada's residential schools, which were (at least in part) meant to assimilate native Canadians into the modern culture (for better or worse).

While I can sympathize with the idea of ethnostates, I don't personally agree with the concept.

>> No.14944058

I don't understand what you mean by CIA tactics. Do you mean promoting propaganda to manipulate them to emigrate and not have kids?

>> No.14944086

i hope we eliminate you and people like you slowly until you disappear

>> No.14944118

>Is there a particular suit of cultures or traditions that you see as classically American? I think some of the difficulty in finding material on the subject would come from the topic not being well-defined, since the concept of American identity seems like it'd be subject to constant change, and since America itself is relatively young. I don't mean to pose this as if you're wrong, and I certainly think there would be a prototypical American, but I want to know whether there's a defined period, or group of people, or group of traditions that forms the identity of "American" for you.

The colonial period up until the late 19th century seem classically American to me. Read American literature from before the 1960s and especially from before the 1900s and you will see that there is a clear overarching American culture with many subcultures descended from our WASP core. In the mid-20th century, our old national myths of the revolution and civil war were superseded by the nation of immigrants and WW2 myths. That isn't to say that immigration and WW2 weren't important parts of our history but the shift in the public's imagination and the way we think about ourselves drastically altered what it means to be an American.

>Trying to unite so many different people across such large spaces, while trying not to undermine smaller scale cultures seems precarious, especially with so many different origins of peoples.

Russia is bigger than both of us and China is around the same size. If they can do it, why can't we?

>This makes me think of Canada's residential schools, which were (at least in part) meant to assimilate native Canadians into the modern culture (for better or worse).

We did something similar here in the US and I think it was a terrible mistake. I think the indigenous nations are their own people distinct from Americans and I want them to retain their own traditions and culture.

>While I can sympathize with the idea of ethnostates, I don't personally agree with the concept.

That's kind of how I feel as well. I don't think an American ethnostate is feasible. I also don't really want to forcibly remove anyone here, or at least no one who is here legally. My main priority right now is just to help revive our ethnic consciousness.

>> No.14944191

What do you mean?

>> No.14944277

>We did something similar here in the US and I think it was a terrible mistake. I think the indigenous nations are their own people distinct from Americans and I want them to retain their own traditions and culture.

I agree with you on the mistake of residential schools, but I feel like there needs to be a way for native cultures to be a part of their modern country. I worry that native tradition and culture will be at odds with national identity (not that it means either needs to be removed, but that there needs to be some kind of congruence or symbiosis that brings them together). And to make it even more difficult, native Canadian/American groups were hardly a monoculture, and "native" as an identity ignores the variety of peoples that lived here.

When you say
>I think the indigenous nations are their own people distinct from Americans and I want them to retain their own traditions and culture
I think I agree, but I feel like there needs to be some kind of overarching unity between these groups that binds them together (like brothers and not as assimilation). I wonder how many people feel a connection and responsibility to others as their countrymen; if the people of a country feel at odds with each other, then certainly the country is weak in culture and in its collective people.

>Russia is bigger than both of us and China is around the same size. If they can do it, why can't we?

Have they accomplished this successfully? China is totalitarian and known for going after "subversive" groups, and I don't think Russia is historically much better. (I don't know much of their history, but I think as much is true.) These are also countries with seemingly much longer histories, and a different makeup when it comes to ethnicity and immigrant populations. Both also seem to have strong collectivist ideologies at a higher level.

Canada and the USA seem like different beasts to me when it comes to effectively pursuing collective unity. How do we work toward that today? I feel like the experience of rebellion and civil war in the USA lends itself to historic identity, but you're right about that being lost and distant to the modern American. (I struggle to think of what events helped define Canadians culturally apart from the world wars.)

What do you think changed in the mentality of Americans once "the nation of immigrants and WW2 myths" overtook the old ones?

>> No.14944283

people who casually advocate for genocide

>> No.14944319

Yeah, I hope casual genocide fans go away too. You can be a nationalist or identitarian without being a genocidal maniac

>> No.14944351

genocide is a buzzword with zero statistical relevance in a world with 7.8 billion people and counting. the holocaust was a century late.

>> No.14944354

>t. nigger

>> No.14944359

>You can be a nationalist or identitarian without being a genocidal maniac
You can't, actually. If you aren't willing to cleanse your nation, you're nothing but a phony posing cuck.

>> No.14944375

Should I watch this movie? Quarantined and looking for recs

>> No.14944389

The only good thing about it is Daniel Day's acting.

>> No.14944399

So you have to have a 100% one ethnic group nation or else you're a cuck? So Bismarck was a cuck? Napoleon was a cuck? The only 100% one ethnic group nation right now is the DPRK. Also, ethnic cleansing does not have to be genocidal. You can pay them to or force them to leave without killing them.

>> No.14944408

Anyone with that attitude is full of resentment. You don't love your own race, you just hate others.

>> No.14944420

That's why I advocate for slow invisible elimination, not downright genocide.

>> No.14944425

white juche now

>> No.14944434

I don't hate others. Just want them out of my nation. They can live happily in their place of origin and I don't care.

>> No.14944439

>So you have to have a 100% one ethnic group nation or else you're a cuck?

>> No.14944440

What does slow invisible elimimination entail? Also, do you just want a 100% white country or do you also care about this American ethnic group stuff?

>> No.14944461

try again, i'm probably more white than you are

>> No.14944472

>t. nigger-simping cuck

>> No.14944482

>t. mindless beast of burden, probably works a shitty job and lives in a trailer or something

>> No.14944508

Couldn't be further from the truth. We don't live like pigs like in America. But do continue simping for the niggers, I'm sure your country will get better as a result.

>> No.14944515

The Negroes got here before your ancestors, Amerimutt.

>> No.14944526

>when the white progressive goes to insult white racists he without fail uses insults that apply more to black people than the white racists

>> No.14944527

>simping for American white nationalists
>not even an American

stop projecting your muslim hate complex on us please, we don't want to be like you

>> No.14944534

"Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America" by David Hackett Fischer.

>> No.14944537

That doesn't mean they assimilated. A lot of them are good people in my experience but they're a different ethnic group, not Americans.

Where are you from?

>> No.14944539

>we don't want to be like you
Posts like OP's show that there's a concern about these issue.
>we don't want to be like you
You are already on your way to be even worse.

>> No.14944544

>A lot of them are good people in my experience but they're a different ethnic group, not Americans.
They are among the first Americans after native Americans. Whites will never be truly American.

>> No.14944570

I'm Native American and whites have a very strong spirit that fundamentally is US American. A thing of their own. Negroes are not at all American and they have no business living in this continent. It's like a Chinese living in Congo. Makes no sense.

>> No.14944615

They can be citizens while also being recognized as distinct ethnic groups. The indigenous nations are different from Americans.

>Have they accomplished this successfully? China is totalitarian and known for going after "subversive" groups, and I don't think Russia is historically much better.

I don't know a lot about China's treatment of its minorities but what I do know doesn't sound good. Russia has autonomous areas for them and Putin is currently quite popular with many minority groups in Russia, especially Chechens, so it seems to me like Russia has done a good job integrating its minorities without assimilating them. Russia is also an example used by other American nationalists I've seen talking about the need to revive the identity online.

>Canada and the USA seem like different beasts to me when it comes to effectively pursuing collective unity. How do we work toward that today?

Outside of raising awareness online, I'm not sure. That's why I'm looking for books on the topic.

>What do you think changed in the mentality of Americans once "the nation of immigrants and WW2 myths" overtook the old ones?

We started seeing ourselves as a mass of rootless individuals defending liberalism instead of a distinct nation with Anglo-Saxon roots. The liberalism was always present in our self-image as well but not to the extent that it is today. Most Americans don't realize that the concept of an American ethnic group ever existed. If anything, they associate terms like that with the indigenous nations.

That's pure nonsense.

Yes. Some parts of it are a bit silly but it's overall a really good film and DDL's character is awesome.

Thanks, I've heard of this but haven't read it yet.

>> No.14944620

Sounds pretty vague and subjective. Whites should be confined to Northern Europe, where they belong.

>> No.14944622

>That's pure nonsense.
It isn't. You talk the talk but do you walk the walk? That's what matters. Otherwise it's nothing but whine.

>> No.14944632

Negroes should be confined to Sub-Saharan Africa where they spawned from.

>> No.14944661

I don't think that eliminating entire ethnic groups is necessary to protect the existence of my people. If Russians can exist with other groups within their borders, why can't we? As long as they're not a demographic threat, I don't think they're that big of a problem, especially if they are mostly confined to their own part of the country.

>> No.14944687

It's simply not possible and they're all over the nation. When your gold standard is "the Russians", then you're not fine in the head. America is a failed state in this aspect. Currently the only succesful state is Japan.

>> No.14944710

How do you want to gradually eliminate them?

>> No.14944756

There's a plan out there in certain circles and dedicated people already executing it, but you very much sound like a glowie so I'm not telling. Why would we tell our plan if we knew you could stop it? Either way it's invisible and non-violent and that's all you need to know.

>> No.14944790

I thought this was all hypothetical. I didn't realize this was something you were actively carrying out at this very moment. I guess that explains why you were so hesitant to say what it is.

>> No.14944802

I'm joking, you silly faggot. I don't care at all what happens in America.

>> No.14944830

Then why are you posting in this thread?

>> No.14944837

There was once, and still in some parts, an American identity. Like many western nations, however, it was globalised and exported.

>> No.14944853

Can it be brought back?

>> No.14944855

American Nativism is the term you're looking for fren.

>> No.14944863

I'm bored and waiting for a download to end. But goodbye, I'll go grab some food.

>> No.14944870
File: 15 KB, 399x370, 78ad52aa416c93e956799140045094ef5843eee848681d2340a3d2ba78d8072b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You either mean the anglo or the amerimutt.

>> No.14944962

The Anglo

>> No.14945002

Probably not. I've never thought of it too much because I haven't cared about the American identity. I feel no attachment to the US, just the Western states where my family is from.
I'm not anti-union however, I believe it's necessary.

>> No.14945581


>> No.14945716

Honestly, I used to ask this question but then I woke up to the fact that there is no American identity. There never really has been. There’s simply a pan-European identity which America happened to have for a while. America is today and always has been a mere legal vehicle for materialism - the pursuit of happiness as they say. That’s really all there is to it. You can’t have notions of individualism and democracy and not end up where we ended up to be honest. The American dream was always to subordinate the person to the individual and the individual to the merely socioeconomic. Everything in between is interchangeable.

>> No.14945838

Do you think new identities will emerge out of the current American mass?

>> No.14945959

>America is today and always has been a mere legal vehicle for materialism
Literal pleb view. Jefferson viewed happiness and the American ideal as land ownership and living a self sustaining life. Nothing about consumerism was apart of early american culture until the Industrial revolution came about.

>> No.14946236
File: 278 KB, 450x300, psyop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up Mindwar

>> No.14946458


>> No.14946632

I’ve often thought that a “new” American man will emerge. This man is at risk to becoming mongrolized though through race mixing.

If there was a new white ethnic man to emerge as an American he’ll most likely come from the Midwest/heartland. That’s where most of the whites are mixing with whites. The coasts will be browner and browner. He will have an explorer nature within him.

>> No.14946661


>> No.14946664

Aren't you already though?

>> No.14946666

The Awakening of American Nationalism: 1815 - 1828