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14942839 No.14942839 [Reply] [Original]

>you are on that philosophy conference open mic chat panel to celebrate finishing your phd like you always imagined
>pic related has paid you many compliments throughout the night as you jovially bat around a few ideas in regards to materialist dialectics, Deleuzian-Marxist hyper-feminist critiques, and anthropocene a-teleology
>he says, 'alright, anon, you seem pretty smart, so I'm wondering what your thoughts on the following are:'
>'Accordingly, where dialectics invariably orbits around the relation of relation and non-relation as apex of reflexivity -- which is also the apex of idealist narcissism, since it converts every 'in-itself' into a 'for us' -- the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance exemplifies an reflexive and hence non-dialecticizable disjunction between objectifying transcendence and unobjectifiable immanence; one which embodies the non-relation of relation and non-relation.'?
wat do?

>> No.14942869

Don't mix business and pleasure dude. Tell him you're better as friends or something.

>> No.14942876

this is the apex of surrogate activity

>> No.14942880

I am become the Staff of Hermes, crusher of my own balls.

>> No.14942882

And the apey?

>> No.14942890

say no

>> No.14942892

Holy fuck, that's a real quote.

>> No.14942901

Not quite, I wondered why OP had put an reflexive. Why the subtle edits?

>> No.14942954

haha Ray Brassier more like Ray BRAAAAAAPer haha

>> No.14943017

>Accordingly, where dialectics invariably orbits around the relation of relation and non-relation as apex of reflexivity -- which is also the apex of idealist narcissism, since it converts every 'in-itself' into a 'for us' -- the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance exemplifies an reflexive and hence non-dialecticizable disjunction between objectifying transcendence and unobjectifiable immanence; one which embodies the non-relation of relation and non-relation.'
Gonna need a quick rundown

>> No.14943048

gonna need a quick translation into FUCKING ENGLISH

>> No.14943097

>*sniffs own farts* mmm yes my dear, quite pungent indeed... *sniff* is that eggs I smell? *sniff* mmmhhhhhuhhhhhh

>> No.14943099
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I keep rereading this over and over. My brain knows it's reading english words, but there's just blankness. I've never encountered something so inscrutable. Literally no familiar landmarks or cues that would orient me towards some definite meaning. It's neither heads nor tails holy shit I'm getting filtered hard

>> No.14943117

It would likely make a lot more sense in context, I would be interested to know what preceded it. That said, Brassier is known for being punishingly dense and long-winded, so don't worry too much.

>> No.14943129

You would probably understand it so well if you studied these things enough to be at such a place, and they would be lenient with a cute girl like you.

>> No.14943136
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Kill yourself.

>> No.14943142
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>all of the capital soi has created a yarmulke exhaust mechanism from his balding head
Is this achievable natty?

>> No.14943169


>> No.14943183

I can’t imagine how ashamed I’d be to “””know””” what that “””means”””

>> No.14943242
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>It would likely make a lot more sense in context
Heh, you'd think so...

>Unilateralization hamstrings dialectics. A unilateral duality is a structure comprising non-relation – the object X as unilateralizing identity – and the relation of relation and non-relation – objectifying thought as unilateralized difference between X and Y, identity and difference. Unlike more familiar instances of unilaterality in philosophy, which ultimately always retain two sides, the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance is a duality with only one side: the side of objectification as difference (relation) between X (non-relation) and Y (relation). Accordingly, where dialectics invariably orbits around the relation of relation and non-relation as apex of reflexivity -- which is also the apex of idealist narcissism, since it converts every 'in-itself' into a 'for us' -- the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance exemplifies an reflexive and hence non-dialecticizable disjunction between objectifying transcendence and unobjectifiable immanence; one which embodies the non-relation of relation and non-relation. Unlike every variety of reflection, whether transcendental or dialectical, determination-in-the-last-instance effectuates a unilateral duality with only one side – the side of objectifying transcendence. Since the latter is always two sided, i.e. dialectical, determination-in-the-last-instance effectively unilateralizes dialectics. Thus unilateralization cannot be dialectically re-inscribed.
That's what the entire paragraph looks like.

>> No.14943245

>Unilateralization hamstrings dialectics. A unilateral duality is a structure comprising non-relation – the object X as unilateralizing identity – and the relation of relation and non-relation – objectifying thought as unilateralized difference between X and Y, identity and difference. Unlike more familiar instances of unilaterality in philosophy, which ultimately always retain two sides, the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-in-the-last-instance is a duality with only one side: the side of objectification as difference (relation) between X (non-relation) and Y (relation). Accordingly, where dialectics invariably orbits around the relation of relation and non-relation as apex of reflexivity – which is also the apex of idealist narcissism, since it converts every ‘in-itself’ into a ‘for us’ – the unilateral duality effectuated by determination-inthe- last-instance exemplifies an irreflexive and hence non-dialecticizable disjunction between objectifying transcendence and unobjectifiable immanence; one which embodies the non-relation of relation and nonrelation. Unlike every variety of reflection, whether transcendental or dialectical, determination-in-the-last-instance effectuates a unilateral duality with only one side – the side of objectifying transcendence. Since the latter is always two sided, i.e. dialectical, determination-in-the-last-instance effectively unilateralizes dialectics. Thus unilateralization cannot be dialectically re-inscribed.

>> No.14943252

kek guess I'm a slowfag

>> No.14943259

It's literally qtard writing.
"When you become/are born a savant, and are blessed, and cursed, with a 136-IQ, THEN, and ONLY-THEN, will you have the "authority" to critique my correct usages-of-grammar, and -of-punctuation.
It is NOT my fault that you were never taught how to write in a high-form, which is an art, and that is why you never see this writing-style in-practice, among the common-masses.
Do you know what "speech-writing" is? My form-of-writing mimics that which you would experience, if I, or another subject, was speaking; the inflections are represented-by-capitalization, and the use-of-commas is indicated, when phrases are needed-to-be-joined.
Why don't you stick with running an electronics-shop, until you have to close-up-shop, and I will continue to write, as I do? I would think that you would be far-more-focused-on-keeping-afloat-your-business, than criticizing a form-of-writing that you have not encountered, until-recently?"

>> No.14943260

>as you jovially bat around a few ideas in regards to materialist dialectics, Deleuzian-Marxist hyper-feminist critiques, and anthropocene a-teleology
id rather be a homeless schizophrenic with shit smeared on my face

>> No.14943318
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