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14941621 No.14941621 [Reply] [Original]

Dugin has ascended. Landfags obliterated

>> No.14941633

Dugin is a schizo

>> No.14941649
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Dugin is the TAD of philosophy and political theory, a mad genius and probably one of the most important persons of our age.

>> No.14941676

Thanks for bringing this to my knowledge. He is ill...

>> No.14941685

uh.. based?

>> No.14941701

Yes his mentally ill rambling in OP’s post is
>mad genius
status. Yes tell me more

>> No.14941705

Nah, I've seen him on InfoWars a few times. He's a really sound guy.

>> No.14941738

Reza would be fucking PISSED to read how Dugin is misappropriating his ideas, not to mention conflating acceleration (the positive feedback loop of technocapital) with natural mechanisms of exponential growth (which is what the virus is). Its spread might be inflamed by the immediacy of capitalism, but Dugin here is just playing into another ecofascist teleology where it doesn't belong.

>> No.14941744

>the closure of churches
masses are being held by priest and get streamed live

>> No.14941767

What the fuck is he on about

>> No.14941776

Which part are you struggling with? It's pretty coherent.
>Reza would be fucking PISSED

>> No.14941781

hypno-sissies are making themselves worthy of the accelerative process in your area by pumping themselves full of estrogen to immunise themselves against the virus so they can continue to spread it as asymptomatic carriers, thus destabilising the human security system, and basically, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.14941789

If you agree with Dugin you are unironically as retarded as Land. There is no hope for you.

>> No.14941792

kek, dugin is a schizoposter, who would've thought.

>> No.14941794

Is Foundations of Geopolitics worth reading? Does it have meaningful insight or is it just thinly veiled propaganda? I don't trust anything Western establishment media has to say about it.

>> No.14941800

are shizoposters just esl trying to effortpost?

>> No.14941808

Yes, it's a great work.

>> No.14941828

is there some link between accelarationism and the black plague?

>> No.14941962

Dugin seems mentally ill in this post but what's wrong with Land?

>> No.14942539
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Whoa... Totally basedino

>> No.14942570
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They are like the starving artists exiled from the Soviet Writers Union. Except it is all voluntary and their plight only makes them more loyal to the dying regime.
It is clear that they are as shocked by this entire event as the toilet paper hoarders. So much for being ahead of the curve.

>> No.14942660
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>> No.14942695

How does Dugin seem mentally ill to you but not Land?

But I digress... Land isn't THAT bad desu, in fact I really did like his latest Jacobite article on disintegration. My contention with him is pretty much that he turns a natural/non-intentional process (IE, exponential growth/positive feedback loops) into the ultimate nihilist teleology. Despite the fact that, y'know, nihilism by definition shouldn't HAVE a teleology. The process becomes the product, and then literally anything (even things which directly contradict him, even memes that ridicule accelerationism) can still be used in service of that end. It's like an "everything-proof shield" and it gets very tiresome.

>> No.14942704

Ray Brassier more like Ray BRAAAAPPer haha

>> No.14942778
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>> No.14942861

This is similar to my own criticisms.
Dugin's position is quite a risk. I'm not sure that many see the manipulation that is occurring in these ideas, which is most clear in the idea of gnon. What occurs is essentially a corruption of metaphysical laws, even the natural and theological. Some on the right saw this as a useful bridge for opposing movements on the right to work together, but in reality it forces the metaphysical/traditionalist groups to cede their ground and fight on the territory of the nihilists.
It is a classic liberal subversion technique, similar to how free speech functions. And conservatives made the very same mistake back in the 18th century.

>> No.14944188

>But I digress
You have to go back

>> No.14944205

accfags don't get to tell anyone to go back. wtf is wrong with you gender amoebas?

>> No.14944356

he looks kinda based. should I grow out a beard like this too to gain extra philosopher cred?

>> No.14944407

Yes, without it you're not a proper one.

>> No.14944411

>Dugin's position is quite a risk.
He seems to be a cringe-tier gnostic. That tells you all you need to know about his ``philosophy''.

>> No.14944435

how long does it take to get to proper philosopher levels of beard?

>> No.14944470
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Tbqh I think you're putting the cart before the horse here and have fallen for his tricks yourself, but it would be interesting if you could expand upon why you think so.

And conservatives never preserved anything, they have always been the rear end of the liberal conga dance, it wasn't a mistake as much as it was their function.

>> No.14944660

I can try, but you should clarify what you mean by putting the cart before the horse and how I've fallen for his tricks. Those are just blank statements.
I don't think the conservative position is as simple as you suggest. In many areas, especially Germany, there was only a conservative position, or at least it laid the ground for the liberals to later lead.

>> No.14944671


>> No.14944823
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>but you should clarify what you mean
I don't think he actually comes from a position of philosophy at all but bases everything around his geopolitics and goes from there, which makes a lot of sense to me. Don't think he's necessarily striving to subvert traditionalist groups into nihilism but rather to use movements for his own purposes, even if that may be the end result. It's all a vehicle for Eurasianism and I don't think the details really matters to him. If something doesn't suit him then he twists it until it does.

As for conservatism I don't think there was ever any hope for any of it, what was needed was an explosive force of renewed vitality, a new confidence and determination. Conservatism never represented that.

>> No.14944961

Perhaps we are talking past each other.
I should clarify that by philosophical manipulation I am referring to the accelerationists/speculative realists, and although Dugin may be certain in his ability not to be fooled others may not.
And of course, the risky position is often necessary, it may even be the best position to take. Although I doubt how significant acc really is, they may only have a name because there is such a void of intellectual thought in the west.

I think the geopolitical position is quite good, and much closer to correct than others. A lot of significant events have occurred and they are largely ignored in favour of marxist theory and other detached academic pursuits. Philosophy should return to power rather than this endless criticism and negation which has no grounding in reality nor any bearing on life.

I suppose it depends on how broadly we define conservatism. Generally I would agree, although there was some hope for certain elements of the right, those surrounding Nietzsche for example. A 'renewed vitality' would most likely require going beyond the left/right division.

>> No.14945127

Ah, that makes sense, I misread your post. Agree with everything you wrote, very based and duginpilled.

>> No.14945632

100% agree. You’re the first other poster I’ve ever seen convey this.

>> No.14945688

not gonna lie, extremely based.

>> No.14945715
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>Generally I would agree, although there was some hope for certain elements of the right, those surrounding Nietzsche for example. A 'renewed vitality' would most likely require going beyond the left/right division.
So I should be boning up on my BAP and Dugin this Summer?
(I can probably afford 3-4 of Dugin's books. Haven't read anything by him yet but I want a deep dive.)

>> No.14945748

>I think the geopolitical position is quite good
tldr for brainlets? What's his master plan?

>> No.14946104

you talk like a stupid imp

>> No.14947272

>ambassadors of the Roman Pope, i.e. some type of insane cunt from the point of view of Russian tradition.
Based beyond measure

>> No.14947282


>> No.14948457
