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/lit/ - Literature

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1493898 No.1493898 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Allrighty then/Awkward moments when reading

>Reading a book called "Evolutions Darling", by some childrens author (if I remember correctly)
>Awright time to relive a bit of my childhood!
>withing 30 pages in the prologue there is a incredibly detailed part about how this 16something year old girl fucks a AI in order to give it complete intelligence and sentience.
>finish reading that part
>look up into nowhere

Post your /lit/

>> No.1493900

>post yours
fixed myself

>> No.1493905

>jailbatit fucks AI to get it sentience
Excuse me, wat

>> No.1493913
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Yes. Pretty much she grew up with it for her entire life and that bonding made it move toward sentience. Daddy could not afford to buy a new AI (cause once it gets sentient its a official person) so he shuts it out of all ship systems and spends half a week at the controls hyped up on drugs trying to pilot the ship.


His daughter who loves the AI more then her dad decided to give it the last push toward sentience.
How? She decided to wire the AI into a mass of smartwires that look like tentacles.

Que her fucking the AI. For 4 days straight with the wonderful aid of stims.

It was a pretty strange book to tell you the truth...

>> No.1493915
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>Read Richard K. Morgan's "Altered Carbon" while at school.
>Book opens with the main character smashing someone's skull against the pavement, "like a cantaloupe."
>Later, insane drug fueled orgies
>Try to conceal shock/boner respectively.

>> No.1493917

that sounds like a fantastic example of american society. Metaphors and all.

>> No.1493920
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>Reading in school to pass the time
>Get to a part where the author hints at the two main characters fucking
>Get huge erection
>Try to cover it up with the hardback book
>Dick pierces book and everyone sees it
>Fall to ground crying in embarrassment
>Realize my hands are hairy and actually paws
>I'm in fucking bear mode
>Go crazy stealing picnic baskets and slashing peoples
>Everyone does the alligator
>Greentext stories on /lit/

>> No.1493934

Bears don't slash....

>> No.1493935

>vampire novel
>vampire seduces priest
>vampire fucks priest
>vampire turns priest into sex slave/slut
>later, pegging and kinky bondage with, you guessed it, the priest ensure
>mom wants to read it
>mom is a catholic
>try to disuade
>nope i want to read it
>later I found the book next to 3 dildos, a buttplug, a gag, a hood and some extreme bondage magazines in my moms drawer.
No face can describe that moment

>> No.1493940

Novels by charles stross. Seriously, I was not a sci fi fan before I read his books. I still love books that are like his but I can't really find any...

>> No.1493950

um name of this novel

>> No.1493953

>Reading the short story Bubba Ho-Tep by Joe Lansdale
>The first paragraph
>"Elvis dreamed he had his dick out checking to see if the bump on the head of it had filled with pus again. If it had he was going to name the bump Priscilla, after his ex-wife, and bust it by jacking off. Or thats what he like to think he'd do. Truth was, he hadn't had a hard on in years."
>The best short story I ever read.

>> No.1493965

Niggerbastard screamed, giving the shape in the
window a double-handed flip-off. Mr. Moneyballs
could go fuck himself.

remember this /lit/?

>> No.1493994

/lit/ and /co/ are a classic responsible/uptight - slacker/goodhearted retard romantic comedy odd couple

>> No.1493995

whoops, awkward moments when posting in the wrong thread

>> No.1493997

...then just delete the comment you dumb fuck.

>> No.1494021
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>talking about books with a friend of a friend
>he sounds interested in it
>lend him my copy because i had it there with me in my bag
>talking later to friend, he says "friend of friend thought you were gay and cute and wanted me to ask you out" i had to explain to him that you're not.
>my face when the book i lent him was "the steel remains" which is about a gay protagonist and has multiple rather explicit gay scenes in it throughout it

>> No.1494022

sex scenes i meant.

>> No.1494027
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>>>lyrical genius

>> No.1494046
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>> No.1494057

Part of me wants to stab it with a volleyball net pole.
but its so goddamn catchy...

>> No.1494168



>> No.1494928


>> No.1494950

if any one else was interested I uploaded a copy


>> No.1494970 [DELETED] 

>On bus reading 'To Have and Have Not'
>Be from SE London: large black population
>people are able to read over my shoulder
>look down at page
>'He's good for a Nigger', 'What's up with that negro?', 'The Nigger said'

I didn't want them to think I was racist.