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14938049 No.14938049 [Reply] [Original]

Modern people find Machiavelli philosophy so awful, when in fact it's very practical and necessary.

Anyways, what do you think of this guy?I want to know.

>> No.14938059

I like him. I still believe he wrote Il Principe as a sarcastic commentary.

>> No.14938123

modern people can suck my trad cock. machiavelli is based

>> No.14938153

Machiavellian thinking gives rise to people like Nixon

>> No.14938162

Only brainlets read Machiavelli as an instruction rather than a cautionary tale

>> No.14938174

Machiavelli was an artist, he wrote to the prince in suggestion that he too could be an artist of the state - creating, maintaining, and living it as the prince would be the ultimate ruling principle of the principality

>> No.14938176

Like Nixon

>> No.14938184

Only thing I know about Machiavelli is that everyone is an asshole.

>> No.14938311

He doesn't meant that, he meant that everyone has its self-interest and you shouldn't subestimate this fact

>> No.14938321

He's not trad btw, the tradcucks live in a fantasy, he didn't.

>> No.14938322

Capitalists/entrepeneurs and the like tend to take it seriously, but such people are generally moral nihilists so it works well for them

>> No.14938334

How could you read my mind, and discover that me as a capitalist take him seriously? How dare you?!

>> No.14938359

I don't think so, but i don't think it's impossible

Anyone who read philosophy or literature as a manual for life is a brainlet.
Machiavelli has some good insights, anyways.

>> No.14938360

His concept of virtu is still pretty up to date. Had to read the principe in first semester of political theory at Uni in Germany

>> No.14938367

Partially true. It's the wannabe entrepreneurs that praise Art of War and The Prince without having the ability to understand either.

>> No.14938386

The same brand that read stoicism as it was some kind of lifr-hack, entrepreneurial mindset, self-help. They miss the very essence of stoicism, that is following reason over passion.

>> No.14938394
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yes...the uninitiated will always take away a surface level understanding...

>> No.14938405

It's pure trash that serves nobody but the Prince himself.

>> No.14938431

and people who read it

>> No.14938440

You're the prince of your reign, that is you govern your life.

Also a good prince will be better for the people than a bad in the Machiavellic sense. As Machiavelli stated is better to a prince to not be hated.

>> No.14938494

>be nice to people around you so that they like you
Wow, what a cold-hearted philosophical outlook

>> No.14938495

Bro machiavelli was a die hard republican, he wrote Il Principe as a warning and a final fuck you to all the despots that had fucked him over before.
Read his other works and you'll understand

>> No.14938503

>implying what is good for the machiavellian prince isn't good for the principality in the end

>> No.14938507

You didn't get, machiavelli was warning you about all the fucked up shit prince's will do to keep power.

>> No.14938553


>> No.14938561

Be kind and see yourself being cucked by every person alive in your area.

>> No.14938576

Be mean and see yourself socially isolated and starved of opprotunity

>> No.14938579

Unironical pseuds

>> No.14938584


>> No.14938592

machiavelli BTFO the greeks. don't bother with the greek pseudofaggotry

>> No.14938593

How unmachiavellian of you

>> No.14938599

Wait no, I meant to reply to the guy you were replying

>> No.14938624

>Be kind and see yourself being cucked by every person alive in your area.
funny coming from someone who probably thinks if you see a black guy and white girl kissing in a tv commercial then you're cucked

>> No.14938636

You're more obsessed than the immaginary poster you have inside your mind

>> No.14938640

Beggin' ya to read the discourses on livy

>> No.14938711

I think that he's great. The perfect way to weed out the pseuds who read and understand through the memes they've been taught by the pop culture (le evil machiavelli, le it was actually satire) and those who consciously study the time period, context of his ideas and how the text itself works.

>> No.14938726

Confirmed pseud

>> No.14938728 [DELETED] 

Modern "people" LARP as moralists in public then read Machiavelli and his self-help derivatives in their closets. 21th century was a mistake.

>> No.14938730

Holy based...

>> No.14938739

>>14938049 (OP)
Modern "people" LARP as moralists in public then read Machiavelli and his self-help derivatives in their closets. 21st century was a mistake.

>> No.14938743
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I am an actual cutthroat capitalist. I don't care if others get burned by what I do because they're NPCs easily replaceable by anyone. It truly is a doggy dog world and the unwashed masses are a diamond dozen. People don't have inherent value. You gotta make something out of yourself and earn value.
Any questions?

>> No.14938749

What do you do?

>> No.14938752

If someone did that same to you, just fucked your shit up, how would you respond emotionally?

>> No.14938754

Ok, cuck just everyone nice and wait for them to piss in your face. Don't be a brainlet and understand that you should be nice to few people and the rest be nice only to sell something. Otherwise you're a perfect victim to psichos out there

>> No.14938770

No ones advocating for blind trust, but the way you actually build a useful reputation and power base is through kindness and generosity. No one will want you to be their boss if you whip them and rape their wives for not fufilling their daily quota

>> No.14938772

Go treat yourself. You're projecting your homo fantasy of sucking bbc

>>14938636 Maybe he's bored of the pol/tards. I emphasize with him

>> No.14938780

Yeah, people can't leave the facade of good guy. God... it's all so tiresome.

>> No.14938788

Anon, you realize that the mass majority of people aren't looking to slit your throat right?

>> No.14938806

You're redpilled. It's painful to the normies to realize it. Can we be friends? You know, take some redpills, play chess, watch got

>> No.14938920

So what meaning is to be taken out of it, o wise one?

>> No.14938955

The Prince contained unironic advices written so the Medici family applied them, noticed that they worked and let Macchiavelli have his old position in Florence.
Macchiavelli believed every single thing that he wrote in the Prince.
The people who keep citing the Discourses to defend le satire meme either read neither books, or lack any kind of ability to discern context, to understand how human beings work, or simply lack sharpness.

>> No.14939043

Only takes one.

>> No.14939116

I thought Lorenzo de Medici never read it

>> No.14939544
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>the prince was satire

>> No.14939564

Nixon was a genius though, last great president of the Republic

>> No.14939581

You've clearly never read the prince. Why do you comment on a book (that's short enough to be read in an afternoon) when ll you know about it is memes?

>> No.14939618

No you're not. Know how I know? Because capitalists, i.e elites tell the peons this
> You gotta make something out of yourself and earn value
shit to make them impotent while they do fucking nothing and 90% of the time are blithering retards born with some connections.

>> No.14939621

Machiavelli's work is descriptive not normative

>> No.14939826

Stop being a bitching peasant. You're not going to create a better life for yourself by moralizing your suffering or developing pathologies around success.

Successful people have a vastly different mentality than poorfags. In particular they tend to value their time a lot more and are more driven towards material success (shocking).

>> No.14940257

The world is ruled by psychopaths, he just put some rulles on the paper.

>> No.14940319

>Took the U S. off the gold standard
>opened up trade relations with sneaky chinks

>> No.14940516

I thought it was dog-eat-dog world

>> No.14940520

Oversocialized people can only think of moral reasons to defend positions

>> No.14940523

>hurr durr it was satire, he thought this was a bad way to rule

What the fuck? Are you guys retarded or sweetly and innocently naive?

He didn't write this in concern of the welfare of the Prince. He was concerned with the welfare of the Res Publica (common wealth) first and foremost, and he simply laid out the facts that for a good ruler seeking to protect his people, he needs to be ruthless with the ones at the top.

>> No.14940571

Anything aside from the tacit agreement that the world is a moral place and the people ruling us must be outstandingly good people (at least the ones we like) is taken as a sign of moral failure by pseuds and retards.

It's not like the Prince even recommends the rulers do particularly bad things, there's nothing about brutally torturing your enemies or raping woman or the best ways to steal and murder. It's just decent advice like 'save your generosity for when its appreciated because people are ficky and will take you for granted' and 'standing armies have more loyalty than mercenaries'. But because it's a book written with more nuance than "sharing=good" NPCs get their circuits crossed trying to digest it all and find it easier to retreat to the comfort of moral platitudes while condemning Machiavelli as either a monster or a fool.

>> No.14940572

yes I do: how can you make anything out of yourself by saying stuff like "it's a doggy dog world out there" like lmao learn to spell champ

>> No.14940771

This. People apparently lack quite basic reading comprehension. For a certain anaysis I did in school years ago I pulled out exact quotes where he warns about the most "immoral" methods - they can bring you power and success but will not bring *glory*, which is obviously a category of greater ethical value to him, but he explicitly warns that he is not concerned with that in this particular text.
>E, parlando del primo modo, si mostrerà con duoi esempi, l’uno antico, l’altro moderno, senza entrare altrimenti ne’ meriti di questa parte...
>senza entrare altrimenti ne’ meriti di questa parte
Admittedly, I looked up an English translation on Project Gutenberg and it is horrifying bad:
>And speaking of the first method, it will be illustrated by two examples—one ancient, the other modern—and without entering further into the subject...
Completely losing his original distinction and the key word - merito - and basically writing gibberish (entering further into what subject?) even if read in wider context. I suppose such "translations" are what creates these misconceptions about Machiavelli.

>> No.14940905

Every wannabee Warren Buffet and polisci twats have the prince and sun tzu on their meagre bookshelf

>> No.14941083

It's more likely that he wrote it so that he could find a job

>> No.14941186

Anon, you must understand the anglo is an evil and deformed creature. Everything it touches, it turns to filth.
Don't reason with an anglo: kill him, or use him as a slave.

>> No.14941276
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Idealists will hate him. Fools and cowards will not even open the prince, in fear of what they might find.

Being good is not about saying nice things, and neither is it about being kind. It is about doing what needs to be done, what is required for stability and harmony to reign. When there is harmony trade flourishes, knowledge increases and lives get better. When there is chaos and struggle things regress, people hide in their homes, no one trusts anyone enough to trade.

Machiavelli does not advocate tyranny, but a heavy hand in the service of peace.

>> No.14941374

lmao at doggy dog world, stealing that

>> No.14941424

>doggy dog world, not dog eat dog
>diamond dozen, not dime a dozen

High quality bait.

>> No.14941719

It's difficult to translate from latin based languages to Germanic based languages. I've read in Portuguese and i found the translation very clear on what Machiavelli was about. But there are people that seem to have read those broken translations and misunderstood completely.
Nowadays this is called Realpolitik. If Machiavelli was relevant today they would never let the immigrants in in Europe.

>> No.14941739

The Prince was a realist manual for ruling and anyone saying its satire, a warning, art, ect. is literally retarded. Machiavelli wanted a job and Il Principe was supposed to demonstrate his genius.

Also, if it was anything but a manual, why have some of the most powerful men in history kept it by their sides?

>> No.14941813

Nerds, basedboys etc like to think they are smarter or otherwise superior than most powerful men like Kissinger, Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Richard Lionheart, Charlemagne, Caesar, Alexander, Cortez etc

>> No.14941832

Neither of those things would have been a problem if Nixon succeeded in reorganizing the executive

>> No.14941992

Machiavelli is not important if you read him too literally, because we now live in a world where repressentative democracy reigns supreme.

But he is important too cure ideas like "anarchism" or "antiimperialism"

The Machiavellian today takes its form in national security, imperialism, and financial institutions.

Sometimes you see retarded marxists and pinkos reject the IMF or american imperialism, without noticing that these makes democracy and free trade possible, and is aggressively spreading then globaly.

>> No.14942090
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>this entire post

>> No.14942147
File: 100 KB, 500x346, img782 copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dim bulbs think Machiavelli meant you should be a heartless shitlord
>he actually meant you should be a good person in a world of heartless shitlords, but know and use all their tricks, because being a loser and a good person is bullshit, but being a loser and saying it's only because you're a good person is some kind of cosmic bullshit cop-out

>> No.14942179

Because a literal reading of it seems like a licence to be a galloping cunt.
That's why you've heard of Ayn Rand, all her work is "It's okay to shit on people" and she died on welfare.

>> No.14942191

>too broad a list
Napoleon was a smart, razor-sharp heavy, while Hitler was a half-educated punk installed by ugly old men.

>> No.14942360

Hitler was a political and military genius.
Yes, military genius, you read that right, he was unironically better than Rommel

>> No.14942936

Ayn Rand is not about being an asshole. Oh, god. Why don't you read her books and stop spreading common sense bs about her. She was never into bullying people, instead she thought that a man should have self-esteem and follow your own interest

>> No.14944204

Pretty based

>> No.14944228

Based School Of Life watcher
Tbf while they get things wrong sometimes I think they're on the money with this.

>> No.14944237

>modern people

>> No.14944672

He is the beginning of modern political philosophy. A close reading of Chapter 15 is of incredible value. I highly recommend Strauss, Viroli, and Mansfield's stuff on Machiavelli.

>> No.14944918

NO “I” AM am an actual cutthroat capitalist. I don't care if others get frozen by what I do because they're NPCs easily substituted by anybody. It truly is a dog meat dog world and the unwashed asses are a dying doesn’t. People don't have apparent value. You gotta make something out of your elf and earn valor.
¿Any questionés?

>> No.14944946

lmao is that Patches from Dark Souls?