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/lit/ - Literature

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14937852 No.14937852 [Reply] [Original]

Share your work.

>> No.14937893

Her name.


>> No.14937922

All the girls sat around and listened.
“We started kissing and he got on top of me. Suddenly I felt very afraid and like I couldn’t move. I asked him to stop and he did. He sat listened and began kissing again, this time slower. I got on top of him, pulled my dress off over my head buried his face in my breasts. He grabbed his penis and slowly rubbed it against me before it went it like a fit key. I felt all of me suddenly unlock, all my love and passion set free to the love of my life. I trusted him and knew I would spend the rest of my life with him.” grandma said. “And that how I lost my virginity.” Just then grandpa walked in, and saw all the girls sitting around her. “Roasts ready!”

>> No.14937954
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>> No.14938487


>> No.14938613

>erotica general
>"And then they fucked, and he came, and she came, and it was all good".
>t. all of erotica
coomers may claim otherwise, but it's one thing to say a thing and another to demonstrate it.

>> No.14938655

I coom to whom

>> No.14938712

Adam was late getting back from practice, had to fetch the water carriage for Coach and had to take the rest of the guys' gear in as well. It took him a few extra minutes, but his lunch was right after so it wasn't a big deal if he missed the bell. He was often late getting back, to be honest. No big deal at all.

He tiptoed into the locker room, looking around for any of the other players. No one, he was alone. Not even Coach was there, probably off grabbing some free bread sticks from the cafeteria. Well then, Adam figured, I guess I can deal with a quick shower. He stripped off his sweaty jersey, kicked off his shoes and pulled down his pants. His body was lean, muscular, but small. The bulge of his cock was long but tucked down around his balls inside his tight underwear. He pulled these off as well, with one more quick glance around to see if anyone was watching. Then he walked naked into the shower room.

>> No.14938737

Reading erotica is like reading fiction, it's a waste of time.

>> No.14938741

Tyler was in there. Damnit, Adam thought, damnit damnit damnit. He turned around to leave, but Tyler had already noticed him. Adam couldn't help but feel embarrassed, feel nervous. He couldn't avoid glancing down at Tyler's body. They made quick eye contact and Adam broke it, ashamed.

"Hey man, haha, didn't know anyone else was in here."

Tyler turned back to the shower, saying nothing. He was tall, about 6'1", cut from obsidian and a cock like a horse. His ass was perfectly round, and looked amazing and so fuckable with the water running down it, the white soap contrasting with his black skin. Adam tried his best not to think about him, just went over to the far corner and turned on the shower head. He began washing himself, washing off the sweat and dirt from practice, but he could feel Tyler's presence and it made him start to get hard. He couldn't help it, his dick had a mind of its own. He kept thinking about that brief glimpse of Tyler's big cock, what it would feel like rubbing against his own. The water felt so good.

>> No.14938795

"Hey, Adam."

A voice from behind him. Tyler. Jesus fuck, Adam was already semi-erect. No way could he turn around.

"Wh-what's up, man?" he said nervously, trying hard to face directly away from Tyler, to focus on the soap on his chest.

"Adam... do you want to fuck?"

He dropped the bar of soap. He didn't even notice it. He couldn't speak, he just turned his head to look. Tyler was there, close to him, looking him in the eyes. He was rubbing his perfect chest and stomach, looking Adam over. Adam turned, unable to hide anymore, his erection hard and standing firm, already starting to drip. Tyler's cock was huge, and clung to his muscular thigh. Without even realizing what he was doing, Adam was down on his knees and Tyler was fucking his mouth.

>> No.14938850

The delicious cock filled his mouth, pressed against the back of his throat. His mouth drooled over the flesh with saliva, as his tongue licked and nestled with the squishy head. His lips graciously accepted the push and pull of Tyler's foreskin, and Adam jacked himself off as Tyler moaned.

"I always knew you were a fag, like me. We can't... you know... black people, we can't be..."

Adam sucked and let Tyler's big cock pop out of his slutty mouth. "Shut up and cum."

He wasn't ashamed anymore, wasn't embarrassed. Tyler pressed his dick back into his lips and he couldn't hold it anymore. He shot his load off, roping out over and over as Tyler grabbed the back of his head. It felt so good, so right, to be used like a hole to satisfy him. Tyler's cum tasted amazing, and he loved the feel as it pumped into him, and he swallowed it all and sucked for more.

Tyler let go of Adam's head and sighed. "That was great, man." Adam licked Tyler from balls to tip, and smiled. "Next time after practice, let's do this again."

They cleaned each other off, and looked at each other, and pressed their bodies together and kissed. After dressing, they went to the cafeteria with the other players. Coach was there. He waved them over, and had saved them some extra bread sticks.

>> No.14938869

So...no sauce?

>> No.14938877

So good

>> No.14938898

that's retarded, i mean i agree that erotica is ass but generally, imaginative literature, especially those by great authors such as Homer, Dante, etc., are definitely not a waste of time. there's so much you could learn from fiction, and it's even more hard to learn from fiction than actual expository books because in expository books, the primary aim is to educate you but fiction's aim is to make you experience/enjoy, so the style makes it even harder for you to learn. a lot of fiction have philosophical concepts that they give importance to, even shows like Fargo do that. books like Flatland even go as far as to teach laymen mathematics through storytelling.

>> No.14938999

5'9 womanlet vs 5'5 manlet

>> No.14939009

lustybooks dot com

>> No.14939154
File: 108 KB, 467x524, 1555178954729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the classics of erotica?

>> No.14939326

>the jewish gentleman held the invisible chain attached to the dog collar of the transexual

>> No.14939496

I genuinely believe most people on /lit/ can't write and just read. Threads like this, or threads with an image and a writing prompt, almost never get OC made for them. Come on, if you're a writer you should be able to write, and people on this website are fucked anyway, so let's see some smut.
t.writer of >>14938712

>> No.14939539


>> No.14939666


>> No.14939687

His name's John. Don't know about the bitch on the left though.

>> No.14939691

I don’t think it’s a tranny

>> No.14939696

Sade and Bataille

>> No.14939717

FUCK YOU. I want HER real name and I want it now!

>> No.14939962

that's a lot of poop for a small horse like her

>> No.14939981

I've written some erotica but only for my particular fetishes.

>> No.14939996

Which are?

>> No.14939999

Weight gain and fat girls. I actually used to write really vile stuff that would probably make the average /lit/ user vomit. These days I barely write erotic stuff at all, and when I do I've tried to make it at least somewhat "wholesome," strange as that may sound.

>> No.14940020
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> mfw all clergy fiction that's somehow erotic is either badly written by retarded women or way too degenerate
as a schizo, in my head i construct my own lighthearted, semi-innocent playful erotic novellas with a lovable kind priest as MC but i'll die from shame if i ever write down a word of it

>> No.14940021
File: 56 KB, 640x853, z2w28rto8bg21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, a patrician then. Plump girls are wonderful.

>> No.14940026

Here's the most recent thing I've written:


>> No.14940029

>I actually used to write really vile stuff that would probably make the average /lit/ user vomit.
fucking please

>> No.14940041
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>Carol Masterson pushed open the door of the ice cream parlor, and with plodding, wobbling steps, walked inside.
Already I was at full mast and in pursuit of some great whale. It was quite good, anon, you should consider publishing it on say Amazon or some such platform.

>> No.14940048

I'm glad you liked it, Anon. I suppose I could always publish under pseudonym. I'm also a "real" writer and I'd rather not let it be well known that I have huge amounts of weight gain erotica drifting around the internet.

>> No.14940051
File: 106 KB, 720x871, IMG_20181201_111802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started reading out of curiosity, light and decent, actually reads like someone's real life story. you're good.
i love plump girls and you made me recalll my "demonic" OC (pic) that encourages gluttony and joyful feasts. i'd love to illustrate a story about her playfully cheering and leading some girl's weight gain, but im too ESL to write that well, i'd need a coauthor/editor, whatdya think? i might draw for other stories as well, yours is comfy

>> No.14940056

Here's something I wrote. I haven't proof read it or anything.

What it might feel like to have sex with a Celebrity

We would rent some paddleboats for the day and ride around the lake. The weather would be just right. She would be wearing something appropriate to the season, but also glamorous. I don't know what, I don't know about clothes. It would be red and it would cost a lot of money. We would rent out the paddleboat company's entire stock, so that the surface of the lake would be empty except for us. When our boat reached the middle of the lake, I would take my shirt off and unzip and unbutton my pants. She would wordlessly take me in her mouth. The paparazzi would take pictures of us from the shore, but she wouldn't care. In fact, she would revel in it, if only mildly.

>> No.14940068

I'll think about it. Like I said, I really don't write erotica like I used to do. It's a thing I've tried to move away from. I honestly do it these days mostly to stop from masturbating. I get really powerful erotic fantasies related to my fetishes, and I've found that turning them into stories gets them out of my head and allows me to move past them before they can do much damage.

Since there's been interest in my writing, here's another recent short story. This one's even more wholesome, because it involves a fat married couple:


>> No.14940079

Who is that?

>> No.14940086


>> No.14940094
File: 95 KB, 720x1084, IMG_20181212_181556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ight and thanks for another story. i'm not that much into weight gain, but it's somehow more "kind" than other fetishes and sparks morbid curiosity.
here's my discord if you ever make your mind gurochan#4539 i myself mostly write gore, surrealism and magic socrealism, but only in russian since there's no one to share english writing with