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14936663 No.14936663 [Reply] [Original]

>state of exception
>more like state of exceptionalism

>> No.14936701

If this 5'6 computer nerd told me that I should have political power proportionate to my private property, I would snap his flabby little neck like a wet twig. I deadlift 550 pounds. I could rip his spine apart without breaking a sweat.

>> No.14936712


>> No.14936736

Taleb is here.

>> No.14936740
File: 199 KB, 963x596, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend years of effort, time, money developing your body
>be btfod by manlet skelly with pointy stick

>> No.14936752

does he vape so much because his chinese wife smells too much like garlic?

>> No.14936762

My hero
I really doubt that mouldbug can use that.

>> No.14936767

agamben via schmitt is the way to go.

>> No.14936768

Armchair provocateur. This sort of wordplay works well to impress edgy teenagers, but the polemical is seldom analitically relevant. Hence thee question: what did he mean by this?

>> No.14936797

What is this faggotry?

>> No.14937175

>peak silicon valley bug creates peak bug ideology
Peak and bugpilled.

>> No.14938485

>don't believe in violent politics.

>> No.14938540

The fit on that jacket is so bad. Holy shit.

>> No.14939488

Your attempt to rag on him would sting more if you could actually fucking spell

>> No.14939521

Depends on the fit you're after. The sleeves should be much slimmer, but if you're after, say, a Rick-ish fit, the extra-long sleeves work.

>> No.14939684

It's perfect on him.

>> No.14939693

A strong guy like you would make a very good slave.

>> No.14939745

Moldbug is the ultimate example of the maxim "Those who can't do, teach". All his pontificating about power and reaction and yet you can tell he'll never have any real power of his own. It's like Nietzsche and Napoleon. Nietzsche wrote so much about the overman, but he could never be the overman himself. Meanwhile, Napoleon WAS the overman, and yet he never wrote anything about the subject of triumphant humanity. Those who can do have no need to teach.

>> No.14939786

Moldbug didn't even start writing until he'd already become independently wealthy off some tech thing and then gotten Thiel to fund his Urbit autism. He's not like super successful but he did fine for himself.

It is extremely amusing to me though that a sort of edgy late 00s blogger has garnered this much attention from people. It was fucking surreal when whoever it was, maybe Bannon namedropped the guy I thought of as 'that fringe far right blog guy I was linked to by /pol/'. Especially since the entire content of his writing can basically be condensed to
>what if like...everything you thought you knew...was actually a lie...because our society is under a NEW RELIGION
>and this new religion spread because it is an...ADAPTIVE MEMEPLEX
>read thomas carlyle, kings are cool

>> No.14940055

And yet Nietzsche has been able to extend his power well beyond that of Napoleon.

>> No.14940108

Influence is not power if it flee your meaning.

>> No.14940316


>> No.14940828

yea but lets be honest, that's an important message and I think he gets it across pretty damn well. he's one of the good guys.

>> No.14940904

Bazed and retpilled.

>> No.14940927


>> No.14940948
File: 404 KB, 1240x892, sotsid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either you
1) are butthurt leftist
which would be giga cringe
2) are one of the "muh jews" type
which would be giga cringe
3) think entry-level thinkers are somehow beneath you
which would be giga cringe

>> No.14940952

More like Schmidt via Agamben lmao

>> No.14940954

Three fails retard.

>> No.14941653

>think entry-level thinkers are somehow beneath you which would be mega based

FTFY. Besides, Moldbug isn't an entry-level thinker. He is guilty of what STEMfags accuse continental philosophers of, namely, hiding an extremely simple message beneath an endless stream of shitty verbiage.

>> No.14941682

Stemfags have autism and should stick to their niche.

>> No.14941712

>Will get knocked out in the first fight.

>> No.14942207

>entry-level thinker
Exactly, he's even lower.

>> No.14943063

He's entertaining to read sure, but anyone who is vaguely intellectually honest knows our society is lying through their teeth just by noticing the contradictions in what they say and their desire to censor dissent. And about quite a bit more than what Moldbug talks about.

If you need a Moldbug to tell you that you're just going to adopt his opinions, you're not actually thinking for yourself.

>> No.14943626

Moldbug's worst tell is that he has read good thinkers but he still turned out an ancap.