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/lit/ - Literature

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14935355 No.14935355 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ zine, PINECONE MAGAZINE is now open for submissions.

>What kind of submissions?

This issue will be an anthology of poetry based only on topics from the big conspiracy chart.

This pastebin has all the topics and links for more details: https://pastebin.com/LQpXqwkr

The better ones are halfway down and lower

>Is there a format?

Use the topic as the title. The type of poem is up to you. If you need inspiration for form:


And inspiration for methods:
http://rhetoric.byu.edu/ See the column on the right side

>How do I submit?

If you want your name or nom de guerre attached, email your submission to pineconemagazine at gmail dot com. Otherwise, submissions within the thread and in the proper format (title followed by poem) will be considered as anonymous submissions.

>When does the window for submissions close?

Sunday April 12th. Publication will be on April 19th.

>Umm okay?

Here is the previous issue: https://files.catbox.moe/cqy414.pdf

>> No.14935383
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Ok guys, is esotericism a meme or is it actually based? Also, has anyone read pic related?

>> No.14935393

This OP image has to be a joke

>> No.14935459
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>> No.14935638

I thought so until I found that pastebin

>> No.14935645

Start with the esoteric re-reading of Calvin & Hobbes (not kidding)

>> No.14935674

English language only?

>> No.14935805


>> No.14935878

Can you post the rest of them

>> No.14935904


>> No.14935940
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>> No.14935962

Gotta love /x/ and /lit/ crossover episodes

>> No.14936177
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>> No.14936184


>> No.14936364


>> No.14936378

gl with the magazine!

>> No.14936383

Why does it always devolve to the joos?
Why does every fucking conspiracy theory hole ends in the joos? It's so boring.

>> No.14936395

The racist caricature of a protected class at the bottom? Who cares? Forget it Jake, it's 4chan...

>> No.14936407

Where's my fucking Joo conspiracy check in the mail? It seems we control the world, lost control, will gain control, want to ruin it, elevate it, transform it, ban pork, feed pork to goys, change Judaism so we can eat pork, kill god, revive god, unite god, make a god, become the god, keep ourself pure, racemix the goys - turn the goys to Jews, Spanish Jews are also goys, Ashkenazi are the goys, everyone are goys except the secret Zion circle. Is that why my check doesn't come? Because I'm secretly a goy? They cut me dick off, like they want to do to all the goys - but also to themselves and also keep the goys goys.joos joos joos joos.

>> No.14936423

>get kicked out of every country
>constantly persecuted
>still has the world by its balls

>> No.14936428


>> No.14936433

>still don't have art and literature by its balls

>> No.14936436

why does everyone strawman race realism into "all blacks are retarded" or "all jews are greedy", jesus fucking christ even the most racist jew hating motherfucker will tell you outliers exist

>> No.14936480


>> No.14936483

they have the highest verbal iq LMFAO

>> No.14936489
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>> No.14936497

But why won't (can't?) it translate into anything?

>> No.14936549


missing the racial soul man, also, I've only looked far into the documents in part I. Part II and V have book rec's but not more than that. Where would one start with hermetic cultures?

>> No.14936580

Jung also.

>> No.14936588
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>> No.14936676
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>> No.14936863

>Pinecone magazine
>Poetry submissions
Unbased. Now I can't submit my enthropy short stories.

>> No.14936899

Trying to avoid ppl's runoff & inspire something fresh

>> No.14936944

if you just have poems after poems it will get repetitive, have some short stories or something more, it will get banal poem after poem. Especially since it isen't some kind of poetry collection of one person so it won't have a specific theme or anything, rather it'll be different theme and flow each time SO, do other stuff to man.

>> No.14937856
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>> No.14938070
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>> No.14938497

I only hope to one day become a pneumatic person

>> No.14938627
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>> No.14939190


I thought OPs thumbnail was going to be an iceberg tier list of obscure literature.

What would be on the lowest tier if it was? Finnigans Wake?

>> No.14939200


Hard to read I mean, not Obscure

>> No.14939258

Red Book by Jung would be there, but technically you might be inclined to put in a bunch of random religious/occult/mythological texts there as well

>> No.14939344


>> No.14939369
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>> No.14939513
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