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1493397 No.1493397 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive me /lit/, but I can't finish this book. I've never dropped a book - ever - but I just can't finish this. I'm only 200 pages in and about half of it has been exposition. Not exposition used to introduce characters, no, but exposition to supplement the setting. This is the kind of amateur exposition that tells the reader, to their face, about the world. It doesn't allow the world to rise along with the conflict; the incessant rants on the Party's obscenity are thrown in your face, and somehow you are expected to find it interesting.

Fuck this, Orwell couldn't give exposition to save his life. The only good moments are when Julia and Winston interact, but even those can be so formulaic.

inb4 I get demeaned for vilifying a classic

>> No.1493404
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in during validity.

>> No.1493416

Finish it.

>> No.1493421

Orwell's prose was awful, but that's hardly the point. Isn't the social significance of it enough to hold your attention?

>> No.1493439

Its a fucking ordeal to read it I'll admit.

But I love that fucking book with all of my being. After you read the Goldsteins book part of it, it really picks up. Man the fuck up!

>> No.1493452

I might as well finish it at this point. I thought I was alone in thinking that it was literally painful to read.

Why was this book such a social phenomenon, though? Was the setting what sparked so much interest?

>> No.1493468

You dense motherfucker.
Who wrote it?
What is the title?
When was it written?
Where is it set?
Why was it written?

>> No.1493469

It's not meant to be enjoyable to read. It's a commentary on a dystopian future not far from ours.

It is very interesting to compare the themes of a police state with how the world is ran today. Not to mention how it seems the world will be ran in the future.

The most inportant things to draw from this novel:
-Remember! BB is watching you!
-BB love's you!

>> No.1493478
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Here again...

Remember there isn't really a BB, the inner party have lost sight of the ultimate goal.

also remember is explains that those who win wars are those who write history and CHANGE it!

Just as the party rewrites history all the time

>> No.1493481

God forbid he tries to start a conversation.

Pretty much this.

>It's not meant to be enjoyable to read.
This, however, I do not agree with. It's not enjoyable in the sense that everything is happy and carefree, but it's enjoyable to take in.

>> No.1493490


I will agree with you >>1493481
I used a poor choice of words.

I really meant that it is not something you read as a story but more a social commentary which make's you think about gov't and stuff. Which in itself is very interesting.

>> No.1493512

OP I tried reading that book and stopped after the first few chapters, but only because there have been >9000 subsequent movies and books about oppressive dystopian futures, and I've already seen / read a good enough portion of them. Heck, even my dad published a book about a post nuclear dystopian future, and I couldn't bring myself to read it because it was all so cliche

>> No.1493527

>book written in 1949
>dystrophy future cliche

>> No.1493552

Or who ever controls the internet. think about how easy it is to manipulate a website. also, or think about how easy it was for the Bush administration to scew the threat in favour of invading iraq. due to WMDs if i remember correctly. how quickly was WMD erased from the conversation of the day after there non-existence became evident, because the reason then to invade iraq was to bring democracy to the iraqis, and justice for the kurds who were gased by saddam.