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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 641x480, 1974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14933325 No.14933325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ way to spend your 40s?

>> No.14933334


>> No.14933348

it could've been epic lad

>> No.14933350

Stop using my pictures, please.

Currently reading a bunch of intros from my neat backlog.

>> No.14933352

>Currently reading a bunch of intros from my neat backlog.
you're currently decaying and posting on 4chan

>> No.14933367

Your life will amountn to nothing. It will not move the world any closer to your anarchkiddie dream. How does that make you feel?

>> No.14933370

I’m as healthy as a quarantined middle aged woman can be. Quite cozy right atm
Reading anything, kid?

>> No.14933377

>It will not move the world any closer to your anarchkiddie dream
Haven’t you noticed any global shifts lately? Check the news. I think they’re still talking about it.

>> No.14933382

Babysitting random kids as an excuse to talk to parents on playgrounds

>> No.14933390

The world is not moving toward anarchy. Just embrace Juche theory already

>> No.14933392

Reading, cigars, coffee, wine.

>> No.14933397

You're literally like a child lmao

>> No.14933399

why don't you have children
i want more little butterflies around

>> No.14933404

it would be selfish to raise an austistic spermdonor baby as a single mother at 46 years old. not to mention you can't post on 4chan for seven hours a day and simultaneously raise a child

>> No.14933406

>Said the immature 17 year old on failchan

>> No.14933413
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>> No.14933417

What intros are you reading, Ms. olersketjay? I’m reading mycelium running at your recommendation and enjoying myself.

>> No.14933418

>de botton
imagine reading a transparent grifter thinking he can teach you something about philosophy
a 46 year old woman typed this post. reflect on this anons

>> No.14933421

i really want butterfly to have my children

>> No.14933429

>you can't post on 4chan for seven hours a day and simultaneously raise a child
Heh, challenge accepted libtard.

>> No.14933430

She's quite ugly. Why are her photos reposted? Is that *the* joke or what?

>> No.14933432

I want butterfly to be my child.

>> No.14933438
File: 1022 KB, 756x9800, V7b5ZNU5xjVTfkLQw3uDqy6U7N3LsRqtBvl65-QUz6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're brave

>> No.14933441

It’s not being ugly. It’s being American. And it’s a disability. Please don’t laugh at her for it.

>> No.14933442

Molière, S—oyinka, Yourcenar.
Been reading more Wm. Morris and a little more of the Bookchin I’m in the middle of.

Hello 17 year old. No that isn’t my bottom nor book.

>> No.14933445

I'm 26 and married thank you very much. Have children. Read Derrida. Ta ta!

>> No.14933446

She just looks like a dude with a wig on.

>> No.14933452
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>> No.14933453

And what a failed father you’re pretending to be.
Still on this Japanese porn site. M-mm

>> No.14933455
File: 39 KB, 640x482, maturewomanatintellectualandfinancialpeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello 17 year old. No that isn’t my bottom nor book.
soon-to-be-geriatric hands typed this post. do you think this is normal, anons?

>> No.14933458

That’s my hair bitch

>> No.14933459
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop arguing

>> No.14933465
File: 1.03 MB, 900x1200, 1552546619553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not really bad looking and she has style

>> No.14933470

>Read Derrida.
Lmao. This from the moron who calls other people "children".

>> No.14933474

>felt cute. might shoot up a daycare later

>> No.14933478

women wearing suits is not stylish.

>> No.14933485

Derrida is based and makes reddit and butterflies seethe

>> No.14933494
File: 895 KB, 480x317, D7F882A6-4B7E-4890-8383-6753E1EFEDB8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were the one seething.

>> No.14933496

Imagine being a hip young chick and matching with this boring old bag on Tinder. You think it would be cool to go out with an older woman -- you're finding yourself after all -- and the date starts off OK. She makes you eggplant rolletinis and plies you with cheap wine while she discusses arthouse films she doesn't seem to have actually watched. She's kind of grabby, but maybe that was normal in the '90s? You're willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. You're even willing to overlook the swollen outline of varicose veins you can see pushing out of her hose. But what is she doing on her phone? She gets up to take a piss -- it seems like she pisses every 20 minutes -- and forgets her phone. You idly glance down and see she is posting on that 4chan sight your little brother talks about. You don't really understand what's going on, but it seems like she really hates religious people, enough to argue with them for hours. Maybe this isn't so normal? You bolt. She doesn't call, and you're relieved, but you can't think back on the day without a sense of vertigo, of nearly falling yourself into the pit of isolation and depravity this woman has created for herself

>> No.14933498

Are you crying right now?

>> No.14933503
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i dont agree with much of butterflies ideas
and we'd probably be shooting at eachother in another point of history

but why the personal attacks, even still while hiding behind your own anonymity. it just strikes me as poor taste. i'm sure you have pictures of yourself where you don't look your best either.

yes banter is fun, but this is just mean. at least be a little more considerate towards people.

>> No.14933505

>i'm sure you have pictures of yourself where you don't look your best either.
kek, but I don't post them on 4chan do I, retard?

>> No.14933506

that's not a suit

>> No.14933507

Imagine projecting this hard.

>> No.14933509

I'm fucking your mother rntbqhfam

>> No.14933510

i know nothing about butterfly. i just find it funny.

>> No.14933515

Shut the fuck up, Jew.

>> No.14933517

yeah but they're are from like, 10 years ago

>> No.14933520

what do you think projecting means?

>> No.14933522

Look it up, brainlet.

>> No.14933523

thats not him though

>> No.14933524
File: 63 KB, 500x493, 295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm unironic natsoc tho

>> No.14933525

You can't really tell how someone looks by a stupid face. If someone's best photo is a weird grimace then they sure aint pretty.
I don't even know if it is actually you because you're the most obnoxious trip faggot with people pretending they're you full time, making your faggotry the worst kind this website has witnessed beside furries and gay spam on /soc/. You're like the people the guy in Trainspotting describes, minus the Scottish stuff.
>Were the lowest of the low, we're scum of the earf
It's not the same person. Still looks like a plain woman. She's not even young, why have you zero taste?
Gayest thing I've heard. Woman doesn't need to be stylish, just pretty and rest follows.

>> No.14933526

don't care. she could post anonymously or even use a different trip. as far as I am concerned it's entirely on her

>> No.14933530

kek, put your trip back on you toxoplasmotic spinster

>> No.14933531

I'm not a tranny. I hate trannies and think they should be sent before the firing squad.

>> No.14933536


>> No.14933547

look at this seething schizo go

>> No.14933548

Get lost, faker. I am reclaiming my old trip from the Fash-holes.

>> No.14933562

Word soup.

>> No.14933563
File: 830 KB, 250x250, 83FF00B4-415F-41F8-B47A-7DFD27E58E9E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I’ve had several trips. This is just the old easily hacked one.

>> No.14933572

You belong there with all the garbage spam. This thread isn't even literature related. Due to your same faggotry and stupid shit an actual literature thread died. You've no idea how much I despise you. You look like deer anus.

>> No.14933581

Fash-hole detected

>> No.14933584

Take a break, dude. You're having a meltdown.

>> No.14933588
File: 34 KB, 329x500, FEA601B9-43AA-4203-AD40-A039D55B078B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want your threads with my pictures on them, ass.
Yeah, I made a literature thread the other day and you ignored it and kept on with your shit threads. You, Anonymous, are responsible for the shit threads

>> No.14933596
File: 8 KB, 268x188, RIPclement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14933603

I'm not. She is the worst thing that has happened to this board. I mean it's obvious this board doesn't even actually read books and just jerks off to an idea of being intellectuals. On /sci/ you even at least have people who can do mathematics but here posting some ugly hag from 10 years amounts to """literature""" discussion.
Then don't post your photos here holy shit, why even show your stupid face here in the first place unless you are an attentionwhore ( you are ). Now you pay attention: I'm pretty and you're not. Simple as.

>> No.14933608

Gtfo my board, faggot

>> No.14933611

i didn't know you used naughty words like that

>> No.14933624
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1579870776996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're also a lesbian you will be the biggest walking caricature man has ever witnessed.

>> No.14933628

>I'm pretty
Prove it.

>> No.14933629

By getting knocked up by a /lit/anon and abandoning your sexual perversions.

>> No.14933631


jesus i wish i could stomp your fucking head in, your post is so bad it actually makes me sick. what a non-contribution, i hope for your sake that you're a woman so you at least have an excuse to be such an awful, humorless, whinging faggot wet blanket of a poster. your post seriously makes me feel nauseous and i really hope someone stabs you in the chest and stomach you humorless fucking pig.

>> No.14933632

can someone give me a rundown on butterfly and why some people seem to hate her?

>> No.14933633

So this is a women
kindof looks like it is though

>> No.14933638

nonreader vintage tripfag. nothing interesting about her really. check out the archives

>> No.14933639

making mommy domme asmr gfd videos for lonely boys

>> No.14933640

My girlfriend and all the rest before worshipped me, I've no need to attention whore here when I can fuck my girlfriend in ass rn if I want to.

>> No.14933655

Despite acting only as stupid as most of Anonymous on a regular basis, "butterfly" has accumulated a very negative name and attention because of her choice to use a tripfag which people pin her gradual growth of shortcomings.

>> No.14933656

Yes, I’m a woman, no that is not my bottom up there. Nor am I this woman >>14933465 I simply post things and people want to project.

>> No.14933658

>people want to project
why do pseuds have such a hard time understanding what psychological projection is

>> No.14933664

So in other words: you have no proof that you're pretty, then. You can leave now, tranny.

>> No.14933674

Take your meds, nutjob.

>> No.14933677

You're nothing but a tramp and a useless bum, butterfly. I'm the prettiest.

>> No.14933682

Delete this.

>> No.14933685

Tripfag from earliest days of the board, back when it was mostly a chatroom and tinychat staging post for a small group of tripfags. Unbearably horrible even way back then. All those tripfags are now dead from AIDS, but Butterfly is still inexplicably here and has famously never, ever, not even once, made a good post. In her forties, but shamelessly turns any thread she enters into a back-and-forth between her and her haters. No one can quite figure out what she gets out of any of this. Unwarrantedly smug as hell, standoffish, never friendly to anybody, no ability to take a joke or banter. Almost the epitome of tripfaggotry, in that every post she makes is absolutely dripping with the tacit assumption that she's the star of the show, she's important by default, her opinions and posts matter because they're HER opinions and posts (not because of their content).

All of this fuels more hate, which fuels whatever weird abusive relationship she has with the place, which fuels more hate, etc.

>> No.14933689
File: 18 KB, 294x300, FABA7632-2136-44BE-A5C0-B8172D5B1CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffalo Bill posting

>> No.14933691

>She is the worst thing that has happened to this board.
You can't be serious. 99% of the posts in this place are completely retarded and have nothing to do with literature, yet you think one of the few solid contributors here is "the worst thing"? Get a fucking grip, poseur.

>> No.14933696

>solid contributor
antennae typed this post

>> No.14933706

I see what you did there.

>> No.14933707

Schedule an emergency session with your shrink.

>> No.14933710


>> No.14933718

He's not wrong, you know.

>> No.14933719

it's cowardly to take off your trip to defend yourself. either you post with the trip all the time or never

>> No.14933722

Uh oh, looks like the paranoia is starting to kick in, anon. Call for help before it's too late.

>> No.14933725

her life has already amounted to the most popular tulpa on 4chan /lit/. our mother, our martyr, our autogynophiliac lesbian persona

>> No.14933733

are you actually a tranny? even if you’re not you should still kill yourself because a women’s value is determined solely by their looks and you being as hideous as you are makes you effectively worthless.

>> No.14933740
File: 156 KB, 800x1088, MarkVanderloo_GQChina-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question to butterdup, have you ever been with a man? Or is your fake lesbianism simply a cope with the lack of attention you got from men growing up and you now deal with this further by attentionwhoring in this place? Yet you won't take it all the way despite wanting too, you despise men for not giving you what you need so you won't give them what they want either, you may post selfies and such but you won't post a pic of your arse.

You know what though? I could straighten you out if we met for sure, as can many other men. So why don't you just gather a bit of courage and try it out? If you're not insecure about things then would a date with a handsome man really be such a big deal, huh?

>> No.14933882

yoooooo why do lesbians orgasm when they're raped by men?? Makes ya think ey?

>> No.14933931

Dead. You should have died in your 30s if you truly were /lit/

>> No.14933953 [DELETED] 

Why do you have 2 different tripcodes? Why should we believe you're the same as that other poster?

>> No.14933968

By that age you should be a famous writer and have fucked many many of the young men and women that admired your works. Your life is over, basically. The skill of every artists peaks in their 20s and decays from then on. Shotgun to the dome, crimson arc writ below the belly, or gas yourself, anything that brings the body to a sensual union with the earth. These are the only ways to be true /lit/, otherwise get the fuck out.

>> No.14933975

i want to nut in her barren womb and fill her sad life with meaning via my cock i want her to scream my name as im pulverizing het

>> No.14933993

As a Zen Buddhist monk

>> No.14934020
File: 27 KB, 536x479, 1584398587771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttercuck was past geriatric minimum five years ago. Imagine that pffftHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14934027

she's never been dicked before IN HER LIFE, anon. so much wish fulfillment would probably cause brain damage. cumming inside her might kill her.

>> No.14934034

Butterfly responded to a thread I posted 8 years ago so I have a soft spot for her.

>> No.14934039

>t.faceblind autismo

>> No.14934051

You make it sound like it's a difficult thing, to get her to post in your thread.

>> No.14934059
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 1562277930578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker, this was eight years ago. Why the fuck do you remember that?

>> No.14934133

>he doesn't have every thread he's ever been in permanently stored in his head

>> No.14934154
File: 86 KB, 670x424, 0a98757f2a3b6ee97035c1dd3e7f1be037f568cb19c0e9ea83c905d7474aea22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to impregnate and breed you, butters.

>> No.14934176

Depressed, re-reading Harry Potter and Guenon before your inevitable suicide

>> No.14934209

she's almost fifty years old, fucker will be retarded

>> No.14934231

If that's her at 46 she looks fine for her age.

>> No.14934235
File: 42 KB, 462x461, f3e7bfbac82032ae2c0a39cbeefca37aef6f899047a5c887dd704e90fd74b595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is butters were talking about, so that's a given. Even so, I want to nut inside her cobweb filled womb and produce another autistic girl.

>> No.14934337

The pic is from like 15 years ago.

>> No.14934416
File: 42 KB, 700x466, 02385901-6372-46BD-B78B-713B81ED1271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you guys laughing at her are talking to your future selves tho

>> No.14934558

Sup butterfly

>> No.14934764

this isn't the real butterfly you retards