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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.14932595[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to understand financial markets? I don't really want to trade, but I'd like to be able to at least interpret financial news. Do I need to start with macro textbooks?

>> No.14932600

read hayek

>> No.14932621
File: 14 KB, 329x499, 31dAaWOs9cL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the basics, pic related does an ok enough job. Or just enter some university website and get their econ 101 sylabus and bibliography

>> No.14932672

I don't want to get memed by his ideology when I don't understand basic macro. Can you dumb it down a shade?
Is this my best bet? It's where I'm leaning (copying a syllabus that is)

>> No.14932717

Depends on how much time and motivation you have.

>> No.14932736

I could put in an hour a day, more on the weekends, indefinitely

>> No.14932817

to really boil down hayek and the austrian school to one idea; economic analysis should be based on the actions and motivations of individuals rather than the economy as a whole which is distinctive from its parts. therefore economics and its application should be a study of human action and the purposes behind it.

>> No.14932843

if you want to learn finance, there's a very good introductory textbook by John Hull. the financial markets are a very broad topic.

>> No.14932859

which one?

>> No.14932889

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.14932893
File: 42 KB, 318x428, Macroeconomics_Mitchell_Wray_Watts_2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Macroeconomics" by Bill Mitchell, L. Randall Wray, and Martin Watts.

>> No.14932896

Individual human actions are completely unpredictable, so the whole thing is a scam.

>> No.14932948

looks good anon. I might drop $60 on this (cannot read on computers)

>> No.14932962

It's by far the best econ textbook on the market. Well-written too.

>> No.14932967

Micro is the only part that has any empirical validity. Most macro is hardly more than wishful thinking, its predictive ability is worse than psychology's.

Economics should be understood primarily as a system of individual behaviour from which arises phenomena like interest rates and unemployment. >>14932621 does a solid job of emphasising that without getting too deep into ideologies.

>> No.14933004

>[Sowell] does a solid job of emphasising that without getting too deep into ideologies.
Oh for fuck's sake, anon.

>> No.14933026

that premise is pants-on-head retarded. what gives you such an impression?

>> No.14933037

What premise?

>> No.14933092

Basic Economics is pretty restrained as Sowell goes, but yeah, that was probably pushing it. Still I think the view he emphasises, that economics is the distribution of resources, is the right way to approach the subject. It dispels a lot of misconceptions that plague public discourse. You can certainly read all Sowell's odes to free market and still believe that intervention isn't unwarranted in all cases.

The problem is that it's very hard to get away from ideology in economics; the entire field is interpretation of data with real-world implications. There's not really an objective footing to fall back on so any coherent book will be advocating a particular model, even if it's implicit. Like anything, read alternative viewpoints.

>> No.14934400

'sowell is crap

read The ascent of money. There is a tv documentary too, but it doesnt go that much into the theory as the book does.

you will see people online reccomend the intelligent investor. But it is pretty boring and not that relevant in 2020.

Corporate finance text books are a good way to understand the financing of firms and option pricing and so on.

>> No.14934401
File: 167 KB, 1200x769, Bayes' Theorem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this blog:

>> No.14934402

a book? seriously? just lurk zerohedge for a year, try your best to read the articles, interpet boomer comments after