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File: 95 KB, 638x479, materialism-2-6-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14929892 No.14929892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So now that materialism has been refuted, what's next?

>> No.14929894

tentacle hentai

>> No.14929921

Objective idealism; that matter is effete mind, inveterate habits becoming physical law.

>> No.14929952


>> No.14929988
File: 19 KB, 338x499, 41VdhgiT7mL._SX336_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So now that materialism has been refuted
damn, we better inform the faculty at Harvard and Oxford and Cambridge who are all still poor misguided materialists I guess whose courses still teach the validity of materialism and whose research still yields evidence that proves materialism but i guess they are all wrong and it's some rando on an incel support group forum who really knows how reality works and of course all of the evidence he provided for his claims totally convinced me as well.

read pic related you utter imbecile

>> No.14930001


The only thing that exists is a material substrata composed entirely of facts. "Matter" is actually a misnomer, the only thing that can be said to exist is what is the matter (at hand), which is actually just the cumulative totality of facts, he said, matter-of-factly.

>> No.14930054


>> No.14930057

Idealism for retards

>> No.14930065

it would be a waste to read anything materialism related given its fatal unsalvagable flaws

>> No.14930072

Once philosophers read Guenon and Shankara they'll understand that the truth has always been known by the ancient sages and that philosophy is entirely superfluous

>> No.14930085

I've checked out some of the stuff they teach at Cambridge, especially since you have free access to all their stuff during coronavirus. They literally teach about "whiteness" and how all whites are guilty but can't see it because their whiteness prevents them from seeing their privilege. Top fucking kek

>> No.14930108

One of the books prescribed for a class, I think it was political philosophy but I might be wrong, literally spent like a 1/4 of the book analyzing claims from a third rate jamaican academic about this "whiteness" stuff. I can't take appeals to top academic institutions seriously anymore after that.

>> No.14930116

by definiton materialism can't be refuted
i don't know what you mean
philosophy isn't a competition

>> No.14930123


>college teaches about current issues that are relevant to soceity

and this is funny because... ?

>> No.14930132
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, 1584056725165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the deep prejudices that the age of mechanism instilled in our culture, and that infects our religious and materialist fundamentalisms alike, is a version of the so-called genetic fallacy: to wit, the mistake of thinking that to have described a thing’s material history or physical origins is to have explained that thing exhaustively. We tend to presume that if one can discover the temporally prior physical causes of some object—the world, an organism, a behavior, a religion, a mental event, an experience, or anything else—one has thereby eliminated all other possible causal explanations of that object. But this is a principle that is true only if materialism is true, and materialism is true only if this principle is true, and logical circles should not set the rules for our thinking.

>> No.14930134

>Churchland describes new research in evolution, genetics, and visual neuroscience, among other areas, arguing that the philosophical significance of these new findings lies in the support they tend to give to the reductive and eliminative versions of materialism.

WOW. Fields filled with academics using methods that presuppose materialism then churn out claims that reinforce materialism. NO FUCKING WAY BRO. Not reading this garbage.

>> No.14930149

because it's garbage drivel

>> No.14930170


It's funny because the existence of white people isn't any more or less relevant to current society than, say, the existence of oxygen. But it's prejudiced we have to breath oxygen to live, while there are plenty of other gasses on Earth!