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14929340 No.14929340 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that the meaning of life was simply to live, because the existence of life is meaningful just by itself, and that all philosophy was bullshit?

>> No.14929351

at 9

>the existence of life is meaningful just by itself

literally every philosopher tells you this, they even made this the definition of philosophy

> and that all philosophy was bullshit


>> No.14929379

That's not 'meaning' it is simply coping with meaninglessness

>> No.14929407

not coping with meaninglessness is cringe

>> No.14929422

This. Yearn for living, always.

>> No.14930566
File: 95 KB, 500x366, when-life-is-hard-things-get-gritty-fight-everyday-for-21751530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and meaningless-pilled

>> No.14930654

Why do mountains and nature make me forget about my problems in an instant?

>> No.14931118

There's a reason why its called "mother earth." Nature is comforting like a mother.

>> No.14931146

Philosophy has nothing to do with "the meaning of life", cumguzzler.

>> No.14931234


nothing to do?

you do realise you said nothing.

you didn't say "is not everything"

you said nothing.

You are retarded. Leave this board.

>> No.14931244

That's simply existing and being an NPC. That's not living.

>> No.14931255

That's right: Philosophy has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with "the meaning of life". Read a book some time, pleb.

>> No.14931256

only thinking about life is existing. living it is living

>> No.14931312


In Platonism, the meaning of life is in attaining the highest form of knowledge, which is the Idea (Form) of the Good, from which all good and just things derive utility and value.

Aristotle's solution is the Highest Good, which is desirable for its own sake. It is its own goal. The Highest Good is not desirable for the sake of achieving some other good, and all other "goods" desirable for its sake. This involves achieving eudaemonia, usually translated as "happiness", "well-being", "flourishing", and "excellence".

Antisthenes, a pupil of Socrates, first outlined the themes of Cynicism, stating that the purpose of life is living a life of Virtue which agrees with Nature

According to existentialism, each man and each woman creates the essence (meaning) of their life; life is not determined by a supernatural god or an earthly authority, one is free. (This is Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.)

Literally every philosopher has grappled with this. Get a grip.

>> No.14931313
File: 64 KB, 800x600, pepespirit4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry amigo , its retarded you will eventually realize the meaning and purpose of humans is conscious union with god and you can only experience this ,its an inner realization of atman-brahman. .
You're atm in npc mode completely immersed in illusion matrix . I would help you out but merely telling one they are in a dream doesnt wake them up unless themselves realize this at the core of their being

>> No.14931328

Prove it.

>> No.14931333

if you are sitting in your room thinking about life that is not living

you might say I am wrong

good luck.

you will feel depressed and anxious

if not?

idk why we are talking about it then, sage

>> No.14931348

Living implies being conscious about what's happening to you and what you're doing.

>> No.14931369

None of those apply to plants or non-human animals, let alone single-celled organisms.

>> No.14931373

You take things too literally.

>> No.14931375

Wrong. There are non-conscious lifeforms like algae and bacteria.

>> No.14931382
File: 78 KB, 564x1410, 1582390112915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year, thanks to philosophy.
It's the logical consequence of Plato/Plotinus/Iamblichus/Proclus/Damascius.
If The One studied as first principle, we speak of him as pure Will, the will for everything to be. And this is the "act" and "being" of the One. But then I and the World, and all life, is the product of the longing of God, and it is our joy and suffering that is the very heart of the One's perfection. We are the Good's Good.
This is the beautiful mystery that Damascius beheld. The threefold One: which is beneath it, and beyond it, and is itself the Ineffable.

>> No.14931439

everything is conscious

>> No.14931447

But stagnating at home as an unemployed neet makes me really depressed and I believe it eventually makes anyone depressed in the end. You have to actually engage with the world in some way to extract meaning out of it. And there are better and worse ways to go about doing that. I don't think it's as simple as just living and breathing and being, although I wish it was.

>> No.14931460

Nope, no consciousness without a nervous system.

>> No.14931468

plants are conscious pleb

>> No.14931490

when i stuck my dick in the toaster and it hurt so mad that you're mom made me chicken dinner LOL

>> No.14931499

Nope, they lack the computational complexity.

>> No.14931549

you can't even understand that something doesn't need to be complex to be on the same level as something else. You lack critical thinking and the capacity to observe

>> No.14931587

>the existence of life is meaningful just by itself
life is riddled with meaninglessness, despair and tyranny. Empty platitudes and fucking tumblr wallpapers like your pic related do nothing to assuage the spiritual void at the heart of everything. Philosophy is therapy for those too cognisant for their own good. We can't all be blissfully ignorant cattle you know, some of us know and fear what the slaughter-house is.

>> No.14931609

Oh I see she called the dinner chicken because that can barely even be called a cock lmao

>> No.14931634

Oh woe is you, you truly are too intelligent and aware for this world

>> No.14931662
File: 64 KB, 979x664, 1572185964404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The meaning of life is to make decisions