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14928021 No.14928021 [Reply] [Original]

1. your favorite book
2. most outlandish conspiracy theory you entertain
>the brothers karamazov
>Tom Hanks is in australia to escape arrest for sex trafficking

>> No.14928025
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that is the nastiest pepe i have ever seen
and i've seen quite a few

>> No.14928060

Take that qfag schizo shit back to /x/

>> No.14928086
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Blood Meridian

Jews want to keep their blood lines pure and merge all goyim into one beige undercless to serve them while they stifle all opression by claiming to be "oppressed" even though they have the most money, influence, and wealth in Western nation

>> No.14928094

>Jews want to keep their blood lines pure and merge all goyim into one beige undercless to serve them while they stifle all opression by claiming to be "oppressed" even though they have the most money, influence, and wealth in Western nation
That's not very outlandish, anon.

>> No.14928095

God's identity is not who is represented in the bible. He is a troll who is messing with people's minds.

>> No.14928112

American Psycho
Without a doubt Pizzagate.

>> No.14928137

War and Peace.
Everyone hates me.

>> No.14928148

Titus Alone
Conservative western governments deliberately delayed their response to covid to cause economic upheaval they can exploit for their own ends and to thin the herd.

>> No.14928154

What does conservatism have anything to do with your theory?

>> No.14928155

So why'd the CCP delay their response?

>> No.14928156

The Third Policeman
Jackdaws are much more intelligent then they let on, they hide this for reasons above our understanding.

>> No.14928157

Harassment Architecture
Koalas aren't real.
Look into it.

>> No.14928170

Malaysians have a theory that orangutans are intelligent and can talk but they will never do so in front of a white man because they will be put to work.

>> No.14928282

Doktor Glas
the moon landing being faked

>> No.14928299

Do people actually still believe that the moonlanding was real? Thats hardly outlandish.

>> No.14928300

based in taste and ravenpilled

>> No.14928475

Why the fuck would the conservatives want to upheave the economy? This benfits liberal arguments

>> No.14928486
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7/11 was a part time job

>> No.14928495

Conservatives hate poor people which is idiotic because most of them are poor. Destroying the economy hurts poor people the most

>> No.14928501

This is your brain on ideology

>> No.14928502

Rofl you just said destroying the economy benefits liberals

>> No.14928523
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1. Samuel Beckett - Molloy

2. See pic related. Further, as an extension of the CNS into simulated/virtual space, our neural network is just a way of augmenting and heightening our sensitivity to pain, suffering, despair, etc.. consciousness is simply the tendency of organic matter towards self-annihilation, to return to the inorganic exteriority from which we all came.

>> No.14928593

No, upheaving the economy and reforming it would benefit the liberals. Winnie the Flu gives them a pretense to do such things
Conservatives are all about perserving the status que, they'd in no way prefer this. In fact this hurts conservative governments quite a bit as any failor at containment will reflect poorly on their stances

>> No.14928599

>Anna Karenina
>Dumas is Pushkin

>> No.14928679

It's really just common sense but instead of generalizing them "jews" it's better to call them Zionists as some can be Jews but not Zionists.

>> No.14928690

>our neural network is just a way of augmenting and heightening our sensitivity to pain
And joy, you sadboy.

>> No.14928720

The elite ruling overclass of your choice is aggressively pushing against local communities having identity and for a grey uniform controllable population

>> No.14928740

Not really. The more we heighten our sensitivity to anything, the more pleasure becomes akin to pain. That is precisely what cognition does, it takes our base senses and expands on them until we hear nothing but the entire universe screaming out in agony. The more conscious we become, the more we are acutely aware of every twinge in the spine, every knot in our shoulders, every crippling headache, and the more desperately we wish to tear out our spinal cord from the brain stem down. The CNS is nothing more than a parasite. Schopenhauer was right, reality is nothing more than nervous stimulation, but he simply didn't go far enough.

>> No.14928764

>People start doubting and pointing proof that koalas don't exist
>Suddenly a massive fire makes them disappear.

>> No.14928821

Jews don't have such a concept of racial 'purity'. As long as there is a reasonably recent jewish lineage and share a few ideas, you're considered 'one of them'. There is not one definite phenotype in modern jews. There are jews that look like arabs, jews that look like europeans but with black hair, jews who look just like europeans, jews of asian descent and so on.

>> No.14928872

Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself

>> No.14928885

>Jews don't have such a concept of racial 'purity'.
You might want to look into that, lad.

>> No.14928910

>Jews don't have such a concept of racial 'purity'
What are you talking about, racial purity is not and never has been grounded on scientific assumptions about phenotypes. Racial purity is the result of totally irrational ideas, like (for example) suggesting you can only be part of the "chosen people" if your mother was also part of it.

>> No.14928914

>"outlandish conspiracy"
Everyone who isn't in a semi-catatonic state knows that Epstein's death wasn't suicide, m8.

>> No.14928932

-There is, in fact, a plan -- or cohort, at least -- to establish a one-world government. It's not even exactly subtle, anymore.


>> No.14928956
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>The Man Without Qualities
>The Nobody egregore is the aggregate of all tulpas

>So why'd the CCP delay their response?
>"Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle…. We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘cleaning up’ America all of a sudden." -- General Chi Haotian

>Koalas aren't real.
This is the reason for the Finno-Korean hyper war.

>the moon landing being faked
To conceal the actual methods from the public and the Soviets

>aggressively pushing against local communities
The Renaissance & Weimar, competing neighboring regions/cities -- provincialism ftw

>> No.14928998

>to cause economic upheaval they can exploit for their own ends
britbong here, our conservative government is currently implementing left-wing economic policies that not even Jeremy Corbyn (likely the most "socialist" labour leader in decades) could dream up. They definitely did not want to do this, I think their delayed response was genuinely due to underestimating the severity of the pandemic.

>to thin the herd
this however, is very likely, given that what they actually meant by "herd immunity" is picking off the weaker cattle to protect the healthy majority. It's also why they stopped using the term, as its incredibly retarded to reveal your master plan that early on in the game.

>> No.14929014

1. LOTR or Dune
2. The highest tanked Freemasons have access to godlike knowledge

>> No.14929200

On the Marble Cliffs

Anime was a CIA psyop against the Japanese, and now its being used as a psyop to pacify and feminize American men

>> No.14929220

Ah, been awhile since I read King Solomon's Ring. ..All the corvines are, anon, excluding grackles (the lummoxes) but especially ravens even more than daws. Crows are the midwits of the corvine family fwiw.

>> No.14929223 [SPOILER] 
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>Diary of Anne Frank
>there is a secret international Jewish conspiracy to destroy Western civilization by flooding it with degenerate mud races

>> No.14929232

>Common-as-mud antisemitic conspiracy
OP asked for "outlandish". This is literally the most predictable conspiracy on the internet

>> No.14930156

Look up what they do to Ethiopian Jews who move to Israel

>> No.14930178

As long as your mother is Jewish, you are.
You also divide to movements in Judaism according to askhenazi(east Europe), Spaniards(west Europe), Yemen, morroco, Ethiopians, eastern, and a few more. While it's not a division set in law's ithe more orthodox you get the more they care which type of hat you wear because your parents did.

>> No.14930581

The Aeneid
That the Obama administration bankrolled the production and proliferation of cuck porn in order to demoralize white males.

>> No.14930663

always nice to see my frog posted

>> No.14930665

yeah haha thats a pretty outlandish conspiracy theory haha

>> No.14930730

>"post an outlandish conspiracy theory"
>everyone posts generic "world bad cuz jews" /pol/ shit, prompting everyone else to nod eagerly in agreement
conspiracy theories became so fucking boring after 9/11.

>> No.14930748

Your victimhood complex knows no limits, does it, mutt?

>> No.14930775

Thank god the 95 IQ Enlightened One is here to tell us what retards we are.

>> No.14930797


"Identity politics" is a psy-op to get moderates and centrists onto the fringes of the political spectrum and create civil unrest over ultimately meaningless formalities.

>> No.14930808

>Il Decameron
>the wars we fight provide the blood needed to summon the great Destroyer

>> No.14930812


1. Genealogy of Morals
2. The Gulf War never happened

>> No.14930813

I just think that the push by institutions to mainstream the rhetoric of critical race theory and the flooding of tube sites seemed a little too fishy. I also believe that the government has had a hand in the porn industry since the 90s and uses it for propaganda purposes.

>> No.14930882
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>I also believe that the government has had a hand in the porn industry since the 90s and uses it for propaganda purposes.
this is plausible but I hardly think it is explicitly intended to demoralise white males. I think its simply trying to normalise interracial coupling.

That stuff is definitely still weird though, you take it to its extreme conclusion and you end up with shit like pic related, which even black and ethnic minority people have a problem with due to its total whitewashing of distinct phenotypes.

>> No.14930894

Intentional psyop or not, this is literally what has been happening for the last decade.

>> No.14930906

>this is plausible but I hardly think it is explicitly intended to demoralise white males.
You don't know the jews well enough then.

>> No.14930910
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>genesis apocryphas
>the pyramid globalization in ancient times

>> No.14930934

>>the pyramid globalization in ancient times
tell me more pls

>> No.14930954

No, but as a white male I am more than aware of how fragile we are, so your response is predictably banal. Why can't you just take ownership for the way cuck porn makes you feel insecure?

>> No.14930976

As a jew I'm aware of how absolutely degenerate and spiteful we are of the amalek, it's okay to call it out, anon. I don't like kike porn producers either. If we didn't pour all this bile and racial hatred out all the time maybe we wouldn't have gotten kicked out of nations so often.

>> No.14931085
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To begin with, I don't know what the pyramids were made for, most likely some of them had served a pratical purpose and some of them were just copies devoid of the original intend.

>underground river found beneath Itza

>pyramid was a giant battery using a aquifer theory

I could accept that many pyramids would appear around the globe since the shape isn't something hard to come up with but the more times passes these "coincidences goy" start to appear. There is also the whole orion belt stuff.

>> No.14931132

>this is plausible but I hardly think it is explicitly intended to demoralise white males. I think its simply trying to normalise interracial coupling.
If that were the case, you would think they would try to make interracial porn without the themes of racial domination, rather than centralizing and and intensifying it. The messaging this kind of porn has is explicit. I think that it was deliberate propagated in order to make white males less resistant to changes in a discourse (which as seen here (>>14930954) you have adopted) that would inherently disadvantage them.
As far as your second comment is concerned, yes it does make me feel insecure. I'm not hiding that. I'm even going as far as to say that it was likely designed in the cultural studies/sociology equivalent of a lab to maximize my feeling of insecurity and then mass produced. I'm not fragile. Fragility is a term crafted by the academic elite to denigrate those who wish to defend themselves from the agenda of the broader left. The truly fragile people are those who would tolerate the institutionalization of their flagellation in order to not appear insecure. And just let let you know, your post betrays your lack of self awareness when you call someone else's banal while doing nothing but repeating the buzzwords you;ve been trained to say.

>> No.14931170

>that would inherently disadvantage them.
How would it inherently disadvantage them? Are you suggesting it makes white males obsolete or impotent in the sexual market? I might be speaking inappropriately from experience here, but I haven't found that to be the case.

>Fragility is a term crafted by the academic elite to denigrate those who wish to defend themselves from the agenda of the broader left
You wouldn't be labelled as fragile if you didn't inherently perceive it as a threat. It's a litmus test. You don't have to rise to whatever ridiculous game you think they're playing, you know. Real life is not what is propagated by porn.

>The truly fragile people are those who would tolerate the institutionalization of their flagellation in order to not appear insecure
How does that even make sense? "tolerance" and "fragility" could not be more oppositional concepts. If one is fragile, one has a frail constitution– IE, a weak tolerance for something. These mental gymnastics are not convincing at all.

>repeating the buzzwords you;ve been trained to say
I even pointed out my own issues with race mixing propaganda, but that point seems to have sailed you clean by, hasn't it? You know, maybe this could all be solved if you just stopped watching porn. Regular porn, cuck porn, blacked... Just cut it all out dude. It's not good for your mental health, no matter what subgenre you're into. The only people who are bothered by propaganda in porn are the ones who watch so much of it that they begin to pick up on it.

>> No.14931187

Cosmos (Witold Gombrowicz)
Ghengis Khan wasn't real

>take ownership of
You are taking your vocabulary from someone else, think about who that might be and why they want you to think that way.

>> No.14931220
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I don't fren!

>> No.14931224

>non-descript phrases are "vocabulary taken from someone else"
>yet all of the predictible /pol/ easy think® claims about jews are proliferated by free, independent, rational agents who are not part of an internet-based hivemind whatsoever
fuck off ya chode

>> No.14931250

What is it with this new NPC script?

>> No.14931257

>Waiting for Godot
>The EU is formed by a bunch of marxist-lenninists to revive the soviet union through the fake ideal of free trade, open borders and shit until every nation submits to their full power and then they will start their second stage communism plan

>> No.14931263

yer bums oot tae windae ya fuckin buftie

>> No.14931273

Why would your favourite book be written by Samuel Beckett when he was an ardent supporter of the EU?

>> No.14931287

The EU was formed with the idea of free trade among european nations like it was intended in the Marshall plan but now it's been taken over by communists like Merkel, Macron and Putin who just want to make the soviet plans through. You can't compare how the EU worked in Beckett's time to how it works now.

>> No.14931304

An Eurasian neo-communist bloc would be based. Sadly it's just one big pile of judeo-liberalism with strong anti-nativist characteristics.

>> No.14931344

1. no idea
2. dolphins are fucking up to something

>> No.14931364

1. Moby Dick
2. Dinosaurs did not exist

>> No.14931378

>dolphins are fucking up to something
yo this guy fucks

>> No.14931405

>Look Homeward, Angel
>9/11 was an inside job

>> No.14931725

Crime & Punishment
McVeigh was working with the fed in some capacity. whether he was sheep dipped or just some nut whose successful terrorist attack was the result of a botched entrapment trick is where i entertain myself.

>> No.14931734

Based and underrated

the theory ofc

>> No.14931757

1. Lonesome Dove
2. Either that the military-industrial complex assassinated JFK to escalate the Vietnam War and create our interventionist foreign policy, or that the FBI framed Kaczynski.

>> No.14931808

Titus Groan

The world's ultra-wealthy use the blood and organs of children to attempt to preserve their lives.

>> No.14931864

''Power of now''- eckhart tolle
>all of religions are cults of sun(cult of Anu) worship , the elite commit to occult initiation to Anus current to gain and maintain more power while being in service to Anu the biggest manipulator of mankind.

second conspiracy that egregores(mass thought based entities) are sentient to extent and feed on human emotion and energy examples ( political right,left, rival foodball teams , college etc any group think)

>> No.14931881
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1: The Supernaturalists

2: Dmt probably helps our brain tap into a type of sixth sense and lets us see something we normally can't, like how some animals are equipped to see ultraviolet light.

>> No.14931934

>occult initiation to Anus

Sounds painful

>> No.14931967

kek had a good chuckle meant to type to Anu*

>> No.14932055

- Never let me go
- Humanity has been created by another civilization/ a higher deity as an experiment or as "developing" slaves

>> No.14933183

>all of religions are cults of sun
>the elite commit to occult initiation to Anus current to gain and maintain more power while being in service to Anu the biggest manipulator of mankind
The elites are in complete opposition to the solar.

>> No.14933207
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The Bible

The Jews invented the Easter Bunny to take out Jesus Christ from the Easter holiday using their control over popular media.

>> No.14933219

>The Jews invented the Easter Bunny to take out Jesus Christ from the Easter holiday using their control over popular media.
That's just a fact, do you seriously not have any actually outlandish stuff? Like the Atlantean and Hyperborean war caused the loss of flight for man or something like that? Jews invented Rudolf as an self-insert story too and push that shit to remove the element of Christ from Christmas too.

>> No.14934230

>Inferno by Dante
>Aliens influenced our past, expecially with the creation of some structures. Also, in some countries freemasonry is still really powerful

>> No.14934249
