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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 261 KB, 1600x900, borges-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14926244 No.14926244 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be him. What do?

>> No.14926248

Why be him if you can be you?

>> No.14926250

Read seriously and joyously.

>> No.14926252

Sorry, but he was the only author ever who got away with telling and not showing. You will never be able to imitate him.

>> No.14926308

Me too bro.

I started by reading all of his fiction. Working through his non-fiction now and I'm finding it's really given me much more of a look inside of his mind than his fiction did. I would almost say he could easily be a philosopher, more than a writer of short stories.

I think for the most part one can sum up Borgesian fiction in 10-20 of his short stories. That's about how many he has that I personally believe are worth reading and coming back to continually, and a lot of the rest are repetitions or early efforts at ideas better captured in other stories.

>> No.14926461

What's his best short stories?

>> No.14926509

some good starter ones are "The Garden of Forking Paths," "The Aleph," and "The Library of Babel."

IMO his best, or some of his most complicated stories which require careful study and rereading, are probably "Tlön Uqbar, Orbus Tertius," "Pierre Menard, Author the Quixote," and "The South."

>> No.14926647

Did you write a book about Greek myths in a different language at 7 years old?

No? ngmi

>> No.14927058
File: 56 KB, 400x526, Jorge_Luis_Borges_Hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go blind.
I'm serious, I think Borges' failing vision had as much an impact on his style as the fact that he read encyclopedias cover-to-cover as a child.

>> No.14927084

It's a good cure for ADD. No flashing lights and shiny baubles to distract you. Just serene darkness illumined by the inner fire of your own thoughts.

>> No.14927166

>One of the colors that the blind—or at least this blind man—do not see is black; another is red. Le rouge et le noir are the colors denied us. I, who was accustomed to sleeping in total darkness, was bothered for a long time at having to sleep in this world of mist, in the greenish or bluish mist, vaguely luminous, which is the world of the blind. I wanted to lie down in darkness. The world of the blind is not the night that people imagine.

>> No.14927919

*read until you go blind

>> No.14927930

The Writing of the God and The Immortal are also worth checking out

>> No.14927937

No. He was the equivalent of Ready Player One just jerking himself off to shit he knows. Remove references from his work and what do you got?

>> No.14927940

is the point of posts like this just to get replies, reviving the thread?

>> No.14927953

Read. Read. Read.
Seriously read like a motherfucker.
He said he was more proud of what he had read than what he had written.

>> No.14927960

I'm going to read him

>> No.14928073

lol no. he wrote his masterpiece Ficciones in the mid 30s. He went blind until the mid 50s.