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14924546 No.14924546 [Reply] [Original]

>only think about upcoming events in the future, daydream about certain scenarios. a better me, a better life
>only think about the past, what did i do wrong, regrets, what if i did x different, maybe i would be in y spot now
>live in my head walking or jogging or lifting for hours on end
>switch from depressive and maniac episodes
>zero awareness of my surroundings, ignore the present
>even when i achieve certain materialistic goals or nut in a 9/10, its actually never as good as i thought it would be. the imagination of doing it is nicer than actually living it
>slowly going crazy because of this
im 24 years old now and i cant cope living like this anymore. what books should i read to fix this

>> No.14924564

If I ran into her snow wouldn't be the only white stuff she would be coated with

>> No.14924585

learn to relax and enjoy yourself. Mandatory fun time with wine and sex.

also building things or gardening or winemaking, etc, is a good outlet for that itch you're trying to tap with bodybuilding.

>> No.14924609

From time to time I go to my garden shed and pay a visit to the SS Officer who my father had sheltered over half a century ago. He'd put me in charge of taking care of Hans and making sure he was okay and well. But he told Hans that the whole world had been destroyed in 1953, so when I climb down into the bunker I have to wear a rad suit and we just talk about the apocalypse and how much fun it'll be when the flowers start to grow again.

It's a tonic.

>> No.14924702

too relatable

>> No.14924725

I day dream a lot, I don't fully operate in reality and I've noticed that it really bothers people. For me the line is always blurred between dream and objective truth, like a playful interaction between God and his creature. It's all just a good time, nothing to take too seriously.

>> No.14924753


>> No.14924862

Bumb got the same problem

>> No.14924869



>> No.14924884


Normally we live in imagination, about the present or the past "memories", we don't live in the present, most of the time we are not aware that we are in a body, we aren't aware that we are 'here'. We're only aware of the thoughts, imagination. It's closer to sleep than real consciousness.

Meditation trains your attention to remain 'here', when your mind drifts off into imagination, you come back 'here'. As this state of presence is prolonged, and eventually brought into ordinary life, all those things you describe will eventually go away, you 'wake up' and your life is transformed.

It's not easy though.

>> No.14924913

>switch from depressive and maniac episodes
I recommend you search professional advice. Go to therapy.

>> No.14924983

Immerse empathetically within fiction.

>> No.14924985

how many boards have you posted this on

>> No.14925011

my 3 boards i frequent, fit lit and biz.

>> No.14925241

realize a sufistic perspective on free will:

the only truly free choice a man has is the choice whether or not to bow to God. everything else flows to and from this choice. Everything.

>> No.14925250

so the book I'm recommending is the holy Qur'an, which espouses this perspective imo

>> No.14925264

why are you being meek on blacked.com

>> No.14925279

because Allah alam

>> No.14925450

degenerates earn and deserve this, stop complaining.

>> No.14925827

you do not stop the ego you make friends with the ego

>> No.14925853
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>> No.14926018

sounds great, but following islam isn't following the will of god.

most of the things muslims do are the made up by man

>> No.14926029

based and 3boardspilled

>> No.14926571
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You didn't read any of these books anon.

>> No.14926833

can't relate