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14924456 No.14924456 [Reply] [Original]

Should I read all of Incerto or just Black Swan ?

>> No.14924462

read some other arab

>> No.14924463

Do whatever you want. It's not like you'll stop being a retard.

>> No.14924468

>wash your hands
>try not to closetalk the virus
>try to survive if you can

>> No.14924469

Antifragile is better than Black Swan. If you don’t want to commit and read a big fat book, try the waters with Skin in the Game.

>> No.14924476

So I don't know anything about this dude but is he boring ?

Like for example take the title: Antifragile
Is he going to push that as a characteristic for things that are resilient or get harder to break the more they are exposed to something ?

I don't mean to offend because I know he's liked on /lit/ but I hate reading something if I feel like I already know what happens.

Tell me if I'm wrong.

>> No.14924576

Holy cringe, can you stop browsing Taleb threads and just go play with your butt plug or something? I never fail to spot your reddit samefaggotry.

>> No.14924614

In all honesty you're confusing me with someone else. I'm not baiting. Just tell me if I'm wrong on that.

>> No.14924654

Just start it you fucking stupid

>> No.14924744

I don't know man.
That's why I made the thread. To know which book to start with.
Why is Antifragile better than Black Swan in the first place ? Shouldn't it be about different things ?

>> No.14924821

Antifragile is his central work, and deals with everything, including Black Swan.

>> No.14924834

Skip it all and start with the technical incerto.

>> No.14924901

Ok man got it.
The what ?

>> No.14924935

Statistical Consequences of Fat Tails. PDF's available online for free, not on amazon yet.

>> No.14925046


I also found this.

>> No.14925048

Kill yourselves

>> No.14925108
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>> No.14926092

he's definitely not boring. his books are a fun read. anti fragile is about applying this ant fragile principle to many aspects of life. essentially fragility is when something breaks in response to shock. resilience means it doesn't break or improve. antifragile is the property by which something improves in response to shocks.

he just expands this principle across many areas. worth reading anon, its a very informative book which will make you giggle at how stupid/wicked our ruling class is.

>> No.14926218
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>randomly gives you a scholarship

The man is a saint

>> No.14926337

>Is he going to push that as a characteristic for things that are resilient or get harder to break the more they are exposed to something ?

>> No.14926346

100% gay