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14924407 No.14924407 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that describe this phenomenon the right calls "cultural Marxism".

>> No.14924419

there aren't because it doesn't exist
there were antropologists in the 60's that were marxist and taked into account cultural aspects, that's the closest "cultural marxism" came to be. after that is just right wing non sense.

>> No.14924423

Levi Strauss

>> No.14924427

cultural bolshevism is a good expression though

>> No.14924466

Explain left-wing entryism into the institutions of our society.

>> No.14924499

>Are there any good books that describe this phenomenon the right calls "cultural Marxism"
Any books on jewish tricks will do desu.
Corporate marxism is a thing.

>> No.14924526

every single political ideology is represented in "the institutions of our society"

>> No.14924529



>The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions.

>To extend the base of the student movement, Rudi Dutschke has proposed the strategy of the long march through the institutions: working against the established institutions while working within them, but not simply by 'boring from within', rather by 'doing the job', learning (how to program and read computers, how to teach at all levels of education, how to use the mass media, how to organize production, how to recognize and eschew planned obsolescence, how to design, et cetera), and at the same time preserving one's own consciousness in working with others.
The long march includes the concerted effort to build up counterinstitutions. They have long been an aim of the movement,but the lack of funds was greatly responsible for their weakness and their inferior quality. They must be made competitive.This is especially important for the development of radical, "free" media. The fact that the radical Left has no equal access to the great chains of information and indoctrination is largely responsible for its isolation.

>> No.14924530


>> No.14924539

yes, even "anarcho capitalists"

>> No.14924544

Lol. No they aren't. Just look at what happened with the paleoconservatives. They were completely ousted by the neocons because they rejected aspects of liberal dogma.

>> No.14924550

Even fascists? Even monarchists? You can't possibly believe this?

>> No.14924555

one of the most popular television pundits in all of america is a paleoconservative, which is more than i can say about any socialist

>> No.14924566

"cultural marxism" is a midwit meme, it's actually cultural liberalism

>> No.14924570

He serves the establishment liberal orthodoxy. That's just called being controlled opposition.

>> No.14924581

Why do Marxists promote it, then? Funny, because liberal countries didn't believe in racial equality, tgbt rights, etc., Until Marxists promoted them. I think you're being inherently dishonest.

>> No.14924586


>> No.14924587
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>groups endorsed by the system exist within the system
Wew. Call me when there's a Juche presence, or even a single white advocacy group.
Like it or not, critical theory and the like has its roots in marxism, not liberalism. Gramsci was not a liberal thinker.

>> No.14924590

What the right are referring to when they say cultural marxism is something like what other people call 'idpol' or 'intersectionalism'. The reason they call it that is because from their perspective the main dangerous enemy stopped being Marxists trying to rile up the lower class, and started being whatever the new guys are trying to rile up nonwhites, women, gays, etc.

>> No.14924597

This smells of not having read any marxian lit. Marxists don't promote it, it goes against the core of their system of analysis. Race and LGBT issues are fundamentally issues of class, hence why marxists promote them, but in a different way to the seperationist "one group for every struggle" liberal method.

>> No.14924599
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As for books, picrel, if you can read Italian.

>> No.14924603
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I'm a Frankfurt School fanboy myself but

>> No.14924605

Levi Strauss was critical towards western culture, but even more critical towards the end of it and its replacement with intercultural bullshit (which is actually no culture at all).

call it left-wing liberalism. Marx would have shat on it. What some people call 'cultural marxism' is something that favors capitalism.

>> No.14924623
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>new guys
Jews both times, marxism stopped being useful to jews in demolishing their host societies with the loss of strong hierarchical Western societies so they moved onto pure racial conflict and cultural warfare against the people.

>> No.14924625

>Even fascists?
yeah, especially in the military

>> No.14924627
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Welp I'm retarded, here's the gif I was looking for

>> No.14924636

>What some people call 'cultural marxism' is something that favors capitalism.
Doesn't matter, it's derived from marxist thought and yes, in the service of capitalism. Marxism is dead.

>> No.14924650

That blogpost is kind of funny to be honest.
>"To the people who still disagree: Fuck you, retards."
Ah yes, surely a brilliant mind.

>> No.14924662

the phenomenon the right calls "cultural Marxism" is quite different from what you will find in Gramsci or the writings of the Frankfurt School.

>> No.14924666

That is basically their mindset yes, except most of them wouldn't attribute it to Jews. Rather they'd say that Communists and Liberals and Progressives are all just different versions of 'leftism', and they define leftism as basically just chaos, anarchy, the degradation of civilization.

It's not hard to see why these things have all been called 'leftwing' at one time. The liberals represented a battle against political hierarchy, the communists against economic hierarchy, and the progressives against racial and sexual hierarchy. For your extreme far right type these are all basically destructive things to do to what they see as functioning systems, that will be replaced only with anarchy and tyranny.

>> No.14924669

society is made out of people with different ways of thinking
that's it
yes, but a different thing that "cultural marxism"
yes, as the sophist were the first teachers of the western tradition
marxism also happened to be quite popular an accesible to the working class
i think it's more accurate to say that every "relevant" political ideology is included in the "institutions of our society".
there is a difference between promoting certain agenda and not directly oppose it.
>like it or not, critical theory has its roots in marxism
there is a problem there. a simple one. "roots" and "influence" are very ambiguous terms.
one could argue that every contemporary ideology has it's roots in classic liberalism and it wouldn't be wrong.
Denying will make one selective about what ideologies one prefers to alignate to.
stupid people like this also say that sports and competition are fascistic in nature.

in the end one must not confuse the concepts of the State with Society but also one must not think of them as opposites.

>> No.14924679

This. Lmao if you think Adorno or Marcuse were trying to bring about the contemporary discourse on identity politics

>> No.14924692

>stupid people like this also say that sports and competition are fascistic in nature.
You don't even need to believe that america's foreign wars are fascistic (which, who cares? they're evil regardless). I was referring to fascist groups using the military to get training/recruit

>> No.14924697

>Race and LGBT issues are fundamentally issues of class.
The working class opposes LGBT and race issues for good reasons. Immigration destroys their communities and drives down their wages. Female sexual liberation destroys male investment in his offspring, which hurts the community. Both race and LGBT issues are promoted by oligarchs and the upper middle class. Why do Marxists assist these two groups in attacking the working class?

>> No.14924698

There's plenty of people who say it's wrong, but find me a marxist who isn't some black supremacist, pro lgbt shit and essentially pro capitalism and I'll eat my hat. Marxism has been subverted, it shan't produce any more revolutionaries. Only Gay furries backed by the establishment, working for the corporate sector in cushy jobs and beating up the white working class that dares to dissent openly while wearing the masks of the antifa are the ones who proclaim themselves marxist today.

Yes, I know Marx would have cringed, I know Lenin and Stalin would have had them shot, but this is what Marxism is now. Marxism is some spic academic calling for the genocide of white people in America, marxism is people celebrating corporate welfare. Marxism isn't what it used to be. Maybe these aren't "true" marxist, but are there any at all?

>> No.14924710

Liberals didn't create this stuff, though. Marxists and communists did. Critical race theory, colonialism studies, gender studies, etc. are all products of the Frankfurt school and Marxism. Lysenkoism, another ridiculous anti-biology idea was promoted by Marxists in the east, so this isn't exactly a new phenomenon.

>> No.14924714

Adorno did kind of approach to what is called cultmarx with his Authoritarian Personality. It might surprise you but the right really, really despise that paper. They see the bits about attitudes towards family, religion, and race as being exactly proto cultmarx.

I think it may have been the chapter about it in CoC that first made it a meme for the new right in recent decades.

>> No.14924719

I invite you to step back for a moment and contemplate the fact that your mind has been so poisoned by the Internet that you think literal "gay furries" are the ones pulling the strings of liberal capitalist democracy.

>> No.14924721

The left is working on destroying that, though.

>> No.14924727

>Read the Communist Manifesto and you should notice that the overarching aims of Marx and Engels can be boiled down to four key points (http://archive.vn/UtFPO):1.. Destruction of Family2. Destruction of Nation3. Destruction of Religion4. Destruction of Private Property
>You may be aware of the fact that the term “racism” was popularized by these very Communists. Occasionally this is presented via the claim that “Leon Trotsky invented the word racism,” which is not entirely accurate, but close enough.
>While it is true that there was some oppression of minority groups within the USSR (especially under Stalin) few people understand that this was the result of anti-racist policies. That sounds insane, doesn’t it? How can a state oppress minorities in the name of anti-racism? Think of the president-day situation in South Africa.
Dunno, but go read protocols of zion and you will be perfectly satisfied.
>Genetics research was functionally eradicated within the USSR, until the death of Stalin, when Lysenkoism began to lose influence.
>Almost every single feminist and LGBT movement in history has been riddled with or led by Marxists,

Dunno, but if you gobble up this level of writing, you might as well go for the Protocols of Zion or the The International Jew by Ford and you will be perfectly satisfied.

>> No.14924728

I think he's just upset about dishonest Marxists who don't want to admit the roots of globohomo ideology

>> No.14924731

That may be true, but this is the ultimate outcome of those ideas.

>> No.14924735

They're not the ones pulling the strings, they're the useful idiots the marxists have been reduced to by the plutocrats. Big nosed merchants are pulling most of the strings as evident by American foreign policy and who you are allowed to talk about in what way.

>> No.14924742

Current times seem more like something they were warning against. Especially Adorno.

>> No.14924756
File: 14 KB, 180x286, 6986445-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxists see it from a very different perspective

>> No.14924757

Wars can't be fascist, but they can be zionist. Just saying.

>> No.14924760

idk what marxist are you reffering to
but Althusser said that "the intellectual has no business criticizing the working class" he argued that because intellectuals were "petite bourgeoisie" with a different class consciousness that blinded them from the historical struggles of the working class".
you need to have a very simplistic way of looking at the world to say that.
but yes, Lisenko was retarded
the Frankfurt people literally predict fascism

>> No.14924771

Does Engels reference LGBT there? IIRC he only made some off-hand jokes about faggots (e.g. "War to cunts, peace to assholes"), but he never adressed the issue.

>> No.14924773

The authoritarian personality is pure shit. It demonized healthy human family Dynamics needed to sustain society as "repressive". Only someone who comes from a privileged upper middle class background could think in the way Adorno does in that book. All things in this world require intolerance to maintain their existence. 1+1=4 must be rejected as a concept if we wish to maintain that 1+1=2.

The ultimate conclusion of that book is the deconstruction of all things that make us human and the transformation of the human being into a sexless, identity less, cultureless blob.
Sorry, but that book is disgusting.

>> No.14924774

I don't know any specifiek books, but you should look into the Frankfurt School (Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse mainly) if you want to know about that!

>> No.14924780

Is he wrong?

>> No.14924781

it's not even fully made by Adorno, he literally came after the research was finished

>> No.14924783

Have you read it? I'm pretty sure that 's from some letter correspondence if at all, not the book pictured. He does address it.

>> No.14924785

I actually liked some of Adornos work. I hate the authoritarian personality, though.

>> No.14924799

Just read Adorno, for the love of christ. Reading him as a crypto-reactionary isn't even difficult.

>> No.14924805

No, I´ve only heard about people referencing it. That´s why I´m asking you to show the passages you are speaking about.

>I'm pretty sure that 's from some letter correspondence
That´s what I meant by off hand remarks.

Duh? Stalin´s "racist" policies had nothing to do with present day south africa. It was just your ordinary Velkorussian settlement policy mixed with punishment for collaboration during BOB.

>> No.14924809

How to they see it? I was a communist, so I'm curious as to how my diagnosis is wrong.

>> No.14924815

Literally every Marxist I know denounces working class xenophobia and sexual mores.

>> No.14924820
File: 73 KB, 931x767, myancesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For your extreme far right type these are all basically destructive things to do to what they see as functioning systems, that will be replaced only with anarchy and tyranny.
No, these things are temporary, anarchy is just a power vacuum. They simply get replaced with other hierarchies and the problem is that they're not of the people but imposed on the people and are working against the people. The people being the volk, not some loose citizenry. On the "far-right" the people as an organic collective comes first, not the market, not even material wealth and certainly not silly notions of utopianism and egalitarianism.

t. Ridiculously "far-right" extremist

>> No.14924825

the destruction of what you perceive as healthy family dynamics. I could imagine better ways for the family to be organized

>> No.14924838

I have

>> No.14924847

Shouldn't have put his name on it.
Also, aspects of that book contradict his own philosophy with regards to mass culture and art!

>> No.14924850

It's much more accurate

>> No.14924855

>Also, aspects of that book contradict his own philosophy with regards to mass culture and art!
My wild guess would be that you havent read either. Just some C-tier summaries of B-tier summaries.

>> No.14924856

Guys, Marxism is NOT always Communism. Communism is based on Marxism, but Marx is not a communist, nor were all of his followers. Some just interpreted Marx in the wrong way and became communists. Just thought I had to put this out here to avoid the generalization of Marxism as communism

>> No.14924857

I've read Adorno. I'm an ex Marxist. Adorno was a crypto-reactionary in my view, anyway. I agree with most of his work, but I hate the authoritarian personality.

>> No.14924873

You do know you aren't any different from a liberal, right? Fuck, marxism was fake opposition from the start. I wish you'd just stop pretending to care about the economy and spend more time arranging your polycuck relationship.

>> No.14924881

>marxism was fake opposition from the start.
>you aren't any different from a liberal

Wait..Are you saying that the cold war was one big ruse?

>> No.14924882

It's the way most families work. Try creating a positive alternative before upending society and unleashing anarchy. I don't even believe the 1950s family structure was ideal, but only a fool wouldn't see that things like feminism weren't pushed by Oligarchs to promote the global market.

>> No.14924887


>> No.14924891

Again, I've read it. I'm an ex communist for the last time. Even back when I was a communist I couldn't understand why someone like Adorno would promote a book like the authoritarian personality.

>> No.14924896

I learned about this at my university through a text called "New forms of control" by Herbert Marcuse. Maybe that could be useful to get clear what Cultural Marxism is?

>> No.14924898

And that´s why you will never be taken seriously.

>> No.14924903

Explain differences you see in the two concepts.

>> No.14924905

>I'm an ex communist
Every time I´ve heard this phrase on this site, it was followed by hillariously stupid understanding of the basic communist concepts.

>> No.14924908


>> No.14924909
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It sort of was desu.

>> No.14924914

>>14924896 You're welcome!!

>> No.14924916

Marxism is always gay, communism and stalinism actually works to a degree and is much less gay.

>> No.14924920

I think the primary conflict in the cold war wasn't communist vs. capitalist, but merely which population block would dominate global trade and economic markets. If you look what the logical conclusions of communism and liberalism, a lot of it is very similar.

>> No.14924927

>Anyone who disagrees with communism doesn't understand communism.
>Communism has never been tried.

>> No.14924934

They are pretty much identical, communism not being quite as degenerate.

>> No.14924938

Stalinism is pretty okay, actually, despite the conservative bitching about the purges. Purges are literally characteristic of all revolutionary upheavals.

>> No.14924946

>a lot of it is very similar.
If you look at any two ideologies from the correct angle they are very simmiliar. Some Marxists think that liberalism and fascism are very simmiliar. Yet that doesn´t mean it´s not stupid.

>> No.14924975

I agree. The US wouldn't be in nearly the amount of trouble it is in if it weren't for a radical liberal principles.

>> No.14924987

Oh you mean the conspiracy theory cooked up in the 90s by Lind and Buchanan.


The identity politics that occur falls squarely on capitalism and falls within American history.

>> No.14924991

Well, Marx wanted to warn against a dominant ideology of the 'bourgeois', he wanted to warn the workers they were 'mindlessly' following this ideology, without considering if they were actually free. Marx said that they'd have to see they are not free, and that the bourgeois are accumulating capital while they remain stuck in the C --> M --> C circle, just exchanging commodities for commodities. Marx wanted to bring about social change, waking people up from their alienated life. He was all about bringing social change.
Communism is the radicalization of these ideas in saying that everyone should be equal always and that there's no private property whatsoever and thus everything is common good. Communists in short, are more practical than Marxists. Marxism is there to let people think, while Communism is one strand in which Marxism was interpreted and then implemented as a political system

>> No.14924992

There would be no US without radical liberal principles.

>> No.14925002

Purges are good, there are many within the US that need purging for the good of the people. 100% unironically.

>> No.14925007

isn't prison papers literally what the right is talking about when they're talking about cultural marxism? it seems like leftoids just don't want their militant orientation towards culture and cultural change to be on open display. i guess they must think something along the lines of "cultural marxism is an open conspiracy amongst my milieu so don't call it a real conspiracy you poopoohead". as a paranoid reactionary i can admit that those thoughts are really going on in the minds of what commies call "radlibs" for the most part tho

>> No.14925019

Isn't that just critiquing what's already occurring? It's not an instruction manual.

>> No.14925020

Also, I'm the same person btw, I want to add that Marxists believe that there have been hierarchies in history from the first civilizations onwards and that it will still take a long long long time to arrive to this 'classless' society. Communism is not the 'classless society' that Marx was talking about in this sense

>> No.14925024

Ohhh no it definitely isn't an instruction manual. But if you read that, you understand what they are criticizing about society.

>> No.14925041

I could be wrong yes, sorry, it was a long time ago I read that. But it would be useful to know what Cultural Marxists' critique on society is right?

>> No.14925050

>Citing the splc
Also, of it's entire the fault of capitalism, why do communists promote it?

>> No.14925058

Good. The US is a cancer

>> No.14925063

>But muh human rights!

I wholeheartedly agree

>> No.14925088

Communists don't give a shit about identity politics, even going as far as to call them idpols (who are just regular everyday liberals anyway). It's a sideshow away from the struggle and liberation of the common man. Not to say the struggle of certain groups don't matter, but they all occur within the system and umbrella of capitalism, leaving it completely untouched. So "cultural marxism" is quite literally an oxymoron.

>> No.14925105

>why do communists promote it
Last time I checked it was the US using gays against communists, not the other way.


>> No.14925173

Again, why do communists promote it? Why did Lenin and Trotsky promote homosexuality and abortion?

>> No.14925214

Yeah such hard essential doctrine, that it was recriminalized again a little more than a decade later. There's no connection or "promotion."

>> No.14925253


>> No.14925254

>Not to say the struggle of certain groups don't matter
Which is to say you're just as much into racial struggle and shit as your regular /pol/ack and as into feminism and fag rights as liberals, it's just that you have this autistic economy-filter over everything and that supposedly makes it okay for some reason.

>> No.14925255

It was criminalised by stalin because it's inefficient.

>> No.14925270

Both commies and capitalists want global Brazilification, if for different reasons

>> No.14925273

Stalin didn´t gave two fucks, he just through sodomita=pidor=pederast=pedofil.

>> No.14925287
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they can't keep getting away with it bros...

>> No.14925288

Why are you ignoring the overwhelming acceptance of deviants during the early revolution?

>> No.14925302

The USSR cancelled funding for genetics research because it provided no tangible benefit to production/the economy, not out of some moral stance on race

>> No.14925328

>overwhelming acceptance of deviants during the early
First, there wasn´t "overwhelming acceptance". Second even Freikorps was choke full of cocksuckers in those times.

>> No.14925339

>Marxists and communists did
You're delusional. Critical race theory etc came out of American law schools.

>> No.14925365

If only there was a third way.

>> No.14925393

>A-Adorno was the guardian of western culture all along, guise! He totally wasn't a subversive kike!

This meme is retarded, you faggots know he was literally put in charge of brainwashing post war germany right? Identifying negative ways capitalism and modernity affects people isn't the same as finding it "evil" or trying to stop it. The frankfurt school absolutely used their observations and encouraged modern pathologies for their own gain.

If you wanted to actually find people who made these observations and didn't think "hey lets abuse all this shit for our own benefit" You could look to any number of religious or traditional philosophies. The frankfurt school sees the culture industry as one parasitic giant machine designed to take normie hyperpeasant pre-conceptual consciousness and metastasize it. Take the average person's pathetic cringing fear of being different or excluded, their barely-human, mostly animal "MUST APPEASE HERD" roil of affects and social cues, and plug it into a giant network of social structures designed to reinforce it, appease it, flatter it, make it worse in every way.

>> No.14925437

Answer why Trotsky and Lenin promoted deviant, cosmopolitan values as part of the revolution.

>> No.14925440

>Being against the culture industry is the same as being for it if you really think about it
>religious or traditional philosophies were never abused for personal benefit

>> No.14925446

>Answer why Trotsky and Lenin promoted deviant, cosmopolitan values as part of the revolution.
Not that Anon, but they didn't. Hell, Lenin had an entire rant against deviant activity in his interview with Zetkin.

>> No.14925447

Not what I said. Try again, r*dditor.

>> No.14925472

I am of course like any sincerely benevolent person a national socialist, but the power of these evil materialists is not yet broken, so I will continue to lift and do what I can for Europe

>> No.14925486

Which were swarming with Marxists. You people are delusional

>> No.14925520

>deviant, cosmopolitan values

>> No.14925543

Lol. In your dreams.

>> No.14925566

You're confusing promotion and with them lifting all the tsarist laws at the time, which happened to have included what you're trying to imply was some big priority. You're conflating some sort of legalism and some moral crusade being done (which is completely abstract and pie in the sky and not materially grounded), which is just your worries being projected onto what was actually the real concern, the overthrow of capitalism in Tsarist Russia.

This comes back again to what marxists are actually concerned with, which are the material conditions that are in place that allow capitalism to thrive. Not Jamal being cast in your favorite movie series or video game.

>> No.14925606

You really should read Karl Marx. You can do it anon.
The Marxist you refer to are no more Marxist than /poltards are Nazis.
Let's be honest, these idpol you refer to never read Das Kapital.

>> No.14925615

>Critical race theor didn't come from the heavily Marxist Black power movment, anon! Don't believe your lying eyes!

>> No.14925629

Again, I'm an ex-communist. Every fucking communist I knew was an idpol retard. Why are you people being so fucking dishonest?
Also, at least /pol/ is realistic about the realities of race and the mistakes Marxists have made in promoting multi-culturalism.

>> No.14925633

In the origin of family, he don't directly adress homosexuality, however he criticize pederasty as being disgusting.
Also i didn't read 100% of Marx and Engels writings (by far), but some reliable source said that Marx wrote somewhere that the future of Capitalism was to promote gay culture. Nice intuition from the lion, as often.

>> No.14925658

>Again, I'm an ex-communist. Every fucking communist I knew was an idpol retard.
Oh great, more unfalsifiable irrelevant claims.

How about you actual name one of the active Marxist regimes, instead of personal anecdotes?

>> No.14925696

Classical Marxists were based as fuck. I never denied that, hence why I used to be a Marxist. Modern Marxists are idpol retards, hence why I want nothing to do with them

>> No.14925699

(...) okay, you should read the book, but since there are so many misconception about Marx and Engels, here it goes (about pederasty in the origin of family). Translation from french from myself:
"Those ones, who would have been ashamed to show love for their wifes, had fun with all sorts of love intrigues with their courtesans; but the degrading of women had it's revenge in men's degrading, and degreaded them until they fall into the disgusting practice of pederasty and to dishonor themselves by dishonoring their gods by the myth of Ganymede.

>> No.14925700

Imagine being this ignorant.

>> No.14925704

>Modern Marxists
Yes, that´s why I said "Active Marxist regimes". I´m not speaking about people in your head.

>> No.14925707

>Modern Marxists are idpol retards
That's like saying "modern women have penises or neo-vaginas".

>> No.14925711

Maybe in america. In europa, we have based Marxists. Francis Cousin, not to name him, is anti-immigration, anti-LGBT, anti feminist. He is very clear about this.

>> No.14925734

Marxism has different expressions in different countries, in different periods of time, and under different historical circumstances.

>> No.14925740

The closest thing we have to that in America is the far-right. Which is what I am at this point. Fuck the left. They're entirely delusional and ruled by ideology.

>> No.14925741

No. It (obviously) refers to Marx's perspective on class struggle, which is intrinsically grounded in material conditions.

>> No.14925749


>> No.14925758

Problem is, those thing (immigration, LGBT, feminism), are promoted by the Capital. Capitalism in it's late stage need them.

>> No.14925764

cope. Enjoy your trannies and your radfems, lefty scum.

>> No.14925772

This is basically
>Marxism is everything I don't like!

>> No.14925776

Which is why I'm not a capitalist. I'm not a Marxist because Marxists are trannies, radfems, self-haters, and sexual degenerates.
I'm not a capitalist because capitalists are trannies, radfems, sexual degenerates, and exploitative to the working class.

>> No.14925784

Link to his work?

>> No.14925795

>No true Scotsman!
The modern communist movement is dominated by trannies and sexual degenerates. I'd there any denying it at this point?

>> No.14925799

Those that were Marxist in the black power movement were concerned about being left behind in the overall discourse. Critical race theory finds itself in opposition to Marx, focusing on a specific group instead of the class consciousness of all.

>> No.14925812

This is massive cope...

>> No.14925820

Those are rightwing phenomena, you ignorant libshit.

>> No.14925821

Let me guess, you must be a national socialist. Sadly, national socialism is not a mode of production. Nasdap today would have promoted mass immigration from muslim countries, and also feminism, perhaps in less insufferable forms, but still. Same for LGBT. Even japs who are supposed to be pretty trad are going into transexual hentai recently.

>> No.14925828

t. never read Marx

>> No.14925831

You can't possibly believe this... Lol. The right is the only side fighting that shit

>> No.14925837

Nah. I'm just an ultranationalist who believes a lot of Marxist stuff.

>> No.14925841
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>The modern communist movement is dominated by trannies and sexual degenerates.
Dude, you have some pretty interesting insider knowledge about what happens in old people´s homes.

>> No.14925844

Far right fight the consequences (mass immigration, feminism, LGBT culture), but not the cause: Capitalism. Thus Far right is ineffective.

>> No.14925847

Sure I have. There's a difference between theory and practice. Marx was right on a lot of things in theory. In practice, his sphere of influence is the domain of trannies and degenerates.

>> No.14925848

Lol, that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. All these degenerate social perversions are being promoted by the ruling class, not the proletariat.

>> No.14925855

That's not even the right application of no true Scotsman, which is claiming something that's non-essential as essential. Face it you're out of your league in this discussion, how about actually reading a book for once instead of parroting whatever ever clouds /pol/ is yelling at.

>> No.14925856

Trannies and degenerates get gulagged "in practice". What are you even talking about?

>> No.14925867

Well, what I'm describing is probably mostly an American phenomenon.

>> No.14925873

We are fighting capitalism. That's literally why we were drawn to Trump and protectionism. We can't go full "workers control of the means of production" because the moderate right is...more moderate.

>> No.14925877

It's also being promoted by self processed Marxists like Zizek, as well as the upper-middle class. You guys are lying. I was literally a commie before they became so degenerate even I couldn't stand them.

>> No.14925880

These people are the one who have been forsaken after the USSR collapse. Often poor people who lived better during State socialism than with the new neoliberal Capitalism. That's kinda sad and tragic.

>> No.14925881

>Nitpicking instead of addressing my overall point.
Nice pilpul.

>> No.14925884

America is the epicenter of neoliberal capitalism and should be nuked off the map.

>> No.14925886

Then don´t say Marxists, but Americans. American leftists were faggots even Marx himself wanted to purge for being faggots.

But more importantly they are very small and irrelevant fraction.

>> No.14925887

If Marxists were to take power and purge the degenerates along with the ruling class, I would literally be the most ardent supporter of the revolution. Instead, were getting something more akin to anarcho-tyranny.

>> No.14925891

America needs to be destroyed, I agree.

>> No.14925892

>We are fighting capitalism.
>That's literally why we were drawn to Trump
>Donald Trump
Time to wake up.

>> No.14925896

Okay, American Marxists are disgusting degenerates. I have yet to meet a European Marxist that isn't sympathetic to rapefugees, though.

>> No.14925902

You do not purge the ruling class. It's like killing a nest of cockroaches, and expecting the future cockrach that arrive to behave. You abolish the ruling class.

>> No.14925906

Francis Cousin. He wrote 3 books. Sadly not translated in English. There a collective called "guerre de classe" (class struggle). They are clearly anti-immigration, feminism and LGBT culture.

>> No.14925912

Dude, Trump was a failure. We knew this since 2017. He's a Zionist shill. That doesn't change the fact that we had aspirations for a working class centered Republican party in 2016.

>> No.14925913

Calling yourself a Marxist doesn't make you one.

>> No.14925920

>working class
>Republican party
How delusional can you get?

>> No.14925924

The thing is, you should have known before the election. All political economy is shit. All of it. Marxist political economy included.

>> No.14925925

>I have yet to meet a European Marxist that isn't sympathetic to rapefugees, though.
No proper Marxist wouldn´t be sympathetic to them. But there´s difference between communist sympathies and liberal sympathies.

Communists are more like
>This is result of American imperialism! USA must withdraw from the middle east!
They don´t care much about the "symptom" of refugees and mostly refuse them. But they feel strongly about the underlying cause. With the exception of Russian communist of course, they are fully accepting of Ukrainian refugees.

While liberals are like
>omg, these poor people are fleeing war, we must help them!
They ignore what caused the war, but focus on the humanitarian side of things.

>> No.14925937

Same shit. I want the former ruling class in my country to be beheaded, french revolution style, though. I want then to pay for destroying my fucking country and my town.

>> No.14925943

There's nothing for us in the Dem party

>> No.14925946

I did, but I became idealistic from the sheer meme magic of it all.

>> No.14925956

Do basically, the Marxists have the same response as the far right here in America.

>> No.14925961

I'm not sure you understood. I meant, you abolish the ruling class, and then manage society in a classless society, without any ruling class, and without a State, obviously.

>> No.14925968


>> No.14925978

I follow you. I still want all the people currently running my society to be beheaded, though.

>> No.14925986

If normal people abandon the Dems, then you leave it to the crazies. Like it or not, the Democratic party is the only option for Amerilards. The GOP's sole purpose is protecting capital.

>> No.14925991

fascism generally does cover it. and rather interestingly, communism always ends up being more like fascism in practice then communist theory, because it is realistically workable.

>> No.14926001

In the end, they are pieces of shit, but they are the result of the mode of production mostly. There is a theory that they are getting weaker because of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. So there is a possibility that currently they basically are a blowfish. Future will tell.

>> No.14926002
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I saw otherwise in the whole Soleimani debacle. They don´t give a flying fuck about foreign civvies, it´s either some variation of the "YEAH KILLEM" meme or "fuck this, it´s too expensive".

>> No.14926015

Well, we're in the process of subverting them right now, so we'll see how that goes. I've gotten a few resident Marxists to jump ship.

>> No.14926032

Those were disinfo shills funded by conservatism inc. the vast majority of the locals in pol opposed that hit in Iran.
We aren't neocons

>> No.14926042

>Those were disinfo shills
lmao, I was there. American flags were supporting it, non-Americans were shouting "death to America"

>> No.14926056

I think he's right. There were paid shills. There are lots on the board anyway, covering many subjects.

>> No.14926071

(...) Moslty, they are easy to spot, because they are very agressive, and use again and again the divide and conquer strategy.

>> No.14926072

Nah, I was there as well. There were a lot of TPUSA people flooding the board. The vast majority of natives opposed it. Fuentes even got shit for not being outraged enough

>> No.14926073

It's only wrong because the entire Marxism isn't there in cultural Marxism. What they took from Marxism is the revolutionary element, and the oppression. The working class thing has been abandoned instead. What it really is, it's this sort of weird identity-based constant critique of everyhting western and normative and agitation for a cultural revolution against it. It's entirely a negative project, they have no creative idea in mind (and I've yet to decide if that's for better or worse) but they are doing an excellent job of destroying the building blocks of our society. To me it feels like an elaborate hissy fit based on ressentiment. Somebody should have told these people that they are mentally ill and should work on fixing themselves instead of trying to destroy everything because they feel oppressed by people who are normative and do not bow down to their specific brand of mental illness. The technique is clearly Marxist but it's transmuted to a different thing. Cultural Marxism? It's not too far off the mark.

>> No.14926079

in theory i'm mostly fine with communism (mostly), but every communist I have encountered has either been a disgusting faggot of a slimy scumbag. I have no interest in associating myself with them desu.
fundamentally leftoid and rightoid anti capitalists want something that is basically a reworking of a feudal distributive model anyway, varying on who is in charge and the details of distribution.
political, ideological structures and the groups around them are spooks to distract one from doing the wisest thing for a given situation btw.
communist will tell you that the globohomo (what they refer to with cultural marxism + globalist element) stuff is a liberal thing while ignoring that the liberals adopted it from communists to appease and to exploit minorities groups and loud outcasts, largely the same reason communists did it. the problem is that it is built on communist class oppression dogma extrapolated to any other group perceived to be oppressed.
also, an interesting read: http://spandrell.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism/

>> No.14926082

Yup. They're always on there attacking Fuentes because he's effective at attacking Charlie Kirk. Conservatism inc. is literally working with antifa right now.

>> No.14926088


>> No.14926097

You underestimate the amount of zoomers and /r/thedonald that came during 2016. I mean there was simmiliar case even today, if you were at /int/ in the shouting match over China you would have seen that American flags were angrily pushing the "The Virus started in China!" narrative, while Euros largely maintained their anti-American stance.

>> No.14926104
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>also, an interesting read: http://spandrell.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism/
Oh yes, another case of "American tries to have opinion on Russian history".

>> No.14926109

americans once again the only reasonable people around. how's that little yellow cock taste? batty undertones?

>> No.14926115

i just said it was interesting, not 100% correct. i do think parts of the core proposal are correct.

>> No.14926121

Too bad it´s impossible to identify "natives" from "TPUSA".

Is this guy >>14926109 a native?

>> No.14926124

Perhaps. however, never forget that you can have your own paid shill for $500 a month. With the amount of dollars hidden in black projects, the deep State could have hundreds of thousands of paid shills, from all nationalities (indians are super cheap, but poor western NEETs might do the job as well).

>> No.14926126

Degrading women is based

>> No.14926128

What core parts? I´ve read it a while ago and it was hillariously stupid.

>> No.14926142

Are they hiring though? With coronachan on the loose, I would appreciate some more neetbux.

>> No.14926143

He's just retarded

>> No.14926164

i'm 'this guy'
/pol/ and /int/ are not boards i would care to use. fuck tpusa

>> No.14926182

i haven't read it in probably close to two years either so i'd need to go through it a bit for that, possibly i can/might do that and get back to you before this thread is gone or maybe i'll now find it gay.

>> No.14926192

I generally don't believe believe any of the avowed communists i have encountered have read marx and engles very much.

>> No.14926260


>> No.14927360
File: 52 KB, 385x600, ob_52add09122f127891ceeccd7c09726df_nazbol-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pffffhahaha, they're exactly the same as the GOP, only more invested in "idpol" and negroid supremacy. There's no fucking difference between the two parties when it comes to capital. You lazy bum, you wish you could vote the system into communism but the only way is through violent class struggle.

>> No.14927463

Nothing to the right of William F. Buckley is represented in our academic or media institutions.