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14923428 No.14923428 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book actually good or just weeb shit?

>> No.14923438

It is good if you are a weeb

>> No.14923515

I started it but it just seemed like a YA sorta thing...

>> No.14923891

if i am forced to concede its status as a YA novel, i must say that is a YA novel with a very delicate/sentimental atmosphere/aesthetics and towards the "eros", though admittedly i couldn't be bothered to finish it (i barely finish any of my books these days), though i thought Norwegian Wood was very good (and finished it)

>> No.14925158

read the hagakure if you want to be a chad weeb

>> No.14925181

I fucking love norweigan wood.. It might be YA trash but I found it at just the 'right' time. V kino book to read on a long train journey

>> No.14925200

I'm not a weeb and it's in my top 10-20 of all time range.

>> No.14925221

only if you are young and hormonal and feel a sense of wonder towards the world

it's not weeb shit though because murakami is a westaboo

>> No.14925292

I enjoyed most of it. The narrative mainly follows two characters, if you‘re unaware. One is Kafka, the other is a homeless man named Nakata. The Nakata parts are in my opinion more interesting. The Kafka story at some point leaves the realm of magical realism (think cien años de soledad) and goes full esoteric.

>> No.14925387

one of the least capable authors who gets popular approval on /lit/, displaying this boards pseud status.

>> No.14925417

It's good. Not his best work. I really liked the truck driver dude who hung out the old catbender. Also for some reason I vividly remember all the parts about driving the Miata. It was a pretty comfy read.

>> No.14926364

i read nor. wood in a single day, into the late-night, and went to sleep devastated

>> No.14926757

it solidified my desire for an asian cougar desu
also it gets pretty dream-like towards the end.

>> No.14926765

Don't know about weeb shit I just thought it was shit shit.

>> No.14926856

Quit being a teenage and put down the Murakami. It's for babies.

>> No.14927266

what would you recommend? please do not list the western canon