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/lit/ - Literature

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1492212 No.1492212 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/ let's get a nice thread going.
Last read, currently reading, to read. Feel free to discuss books you've read/plan to read!

Last read:
Metamorphosis and other stories - Franz Kafka
Didn't really dig this collection, took a while to plough through but i think i'll try reading it again after i'm done with The Trial

Currently Reading:
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Only about 100 pages into this but starting to enjoy it now, not a fan of the prose personally however i think this may just be my bad translation.
Hope it gets better, starting to pick up a little!

To Read:
Not sure about this one, i still have some physical books i need to burn through but i think im going to devote the entirity of the next few days to reading. Hopefully getting through that list and then moving onto my ebooks i need to read!

post yours

>> No.1492226

How much do you actually read? I'm sure you were reading those since like before christmas.

>> No.1492228

Last read: The first half of The Stranger

Currently reading: Manifesto by Anonymous

Next read: The second half of The Stranger

>> No.1492230


well i've been reading a fuck ton of essays and textbooks but i didn't want to bog it down with all of those.

my 'serious' reading mainly consists of text books and essays which is kinda sucky, but now all my essays are almost in (nothing more needs to be marked for my final mark!) i should have time to burn through these properly

>> No.1492229

I'm trying to get through the Metamorphosis in German.

>> No.1492234

Last Read:
>The Trial - Franz Kafka
wtfamireading.jpg Interesting though

Currently Reading:
>How To Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe - Charles Yu
Interesting, not light reading as I expected, but interesting.
>The Lies of Locke Lamora - Scott Lynch
Fantasy, some parts are pretty cool, but the flashback parts are crap. Not really far in yet.
>Wasp - Eric Frank Russell
This is fucking awesome. Great prose, funny, easy. I love it.

To Read:
>Armor - John Steakley
Got it for Christmas, haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

>> No.1492237

>Last read - Vladimir Bartol - Alamut
Liked it very much. Story came together quite well. The ending was satisfying. And the way the characters were developed and presented you couldn't bring yourself to hate them no matter what they did.

>Currently reading - The Magus
Didn't really like it at first, but a 150 pages in, I must say that it's really beginning to captivate me.

>To read - Nietzsche - Beyond good and evil (german edition)
Thank god I grew up in Germany. Being able to read Nietzsche, Goethe, Kafka & co exactly the way the authors have written them is great.

>> No.1492240

Last read:
The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
I wish I had actually read this in high school instead of pretending to read it and just getting the plot points necessary from class to pass.

Currently reading:
Crome Yellow - Aldous Huxley
Probably the last thing I'm going to read by Huxley for a while. Pretty damn good. It's like South Park for the twenties.

To read:
Walden - Henry David Thereou
The Beautiful and the Damned - F Scott Fitzgerald
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

>> No.1492241

> Last Read - Old Man's War.
Kinda Mary Sueish, but I enjoyed the aliens.
> Re-reading - Neuromancer.
Might very well be my favorite book.
> Will read - The Algebraist
Felt the urge for Banks after this.

>> No.1492265

Last read: To Kill a Mockingbird - loved it.
Currently Reading: Pride and Prejudice - about 40 pages off the end.
To read: And the Ass Saw the Angel - Not quite sure to expect. /lit/ recommended it, so I'm interested to see how it goes.

>> No.1492285

> Last read: An Artist of the Floating World - Kazuo Ishiguro

Beautiful prose. The feels like the perfect book tow write, as well as read

> Reading: Norwegian Wood - Murakami

My first Murakami, and I'm almost finished. It's a departure from the usual stuff, but it's going well. I'll read more.

> Next up: The Plague - Camus

Read The Fall a month or two ago, and loved it. Got this one to follow up, then we'll see how it goes.

>> No.1492343


>> No.1492357

>Last read
The Academy (Bentley Little), it was my 3rd Little book. He's not the best writer and some of it is a little eye-rolly, but I like his ideas. In this one a school gets changed over to a charter schoo and then everything starts going crazy. At first it's small things, like forcing parents to volunteer and punishing students whose parents don't, but it escalates into making mothers pose nude for art class, students disappearing, a student army being built, etc.

>Currently Reading
Crime and Punishment. Technically I've been reading this for like 3 months lol. Some interesting points but mostly boring to me.

>Next Read
I've got the 2nd Wheel of Time and Sophie by Guy Burt in the mail. Not too clear about what Sophie is about, apparently 2 kids recounting a strange childhood. I'm guessing one or both is a psychopath. I loved The Hole by Burt (trickster locks a group of teens in a cellar, promises to come back in 3 days, doesn't) so I'll probably go for that one first.

>> No.1492366

Last read:
2666 by Roberto Bolaño
Quite impressive but kinda 2deep4me.

Currently Reading:
The Possessed by Dostoevsty. Hope it's as good as C&P.

To read:
Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

>> No.1492368

> Okay /lit/ let's get a nice thread going.
> Last read, currently reading, to read. Feel free to discuss books you've read/plan to read!

and you startet out so nice with your first sentence....

>> No.1492376

You don't like discussing books? Seems to me that these kinds of threads are the staple of a literature board.

>> No.1492385

Why do you ADHD faggots have to read two books at once?

>> No.1492400
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Last Read
>Great Gatsby(re-read)
Read The spark notes to get through High School english, Thought it was brilliant.
Currently Reading
>One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest
30 pages left. First 2 parts were a little slow but Part 3 and 4 have been amazing.
To Read:
Got a stack of books one my desk. But most likely next up will be some Bukowski

>> No.1492413

sage for Brownshit

>> No.1492429

Last read:
Evasion by Anonymous

Currently reading:
Capital vol. 1 by Karl Marx
The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
Utopia by Thomas More
The History of King Richard III by Thomas More

Plan to read:
Hell if I know. I've got enough on my plate.

>> No.1492434


I know, imagine a literature thread on a literature board


I have a perfect image macro in reply to tgi's post, however you'll have to wait til I get home so that I can post it (on the bus so shouldn't be long)

just imagine it for now, it's a 2 panel vertical with the first caption being 'what sagers think is happening' and the second panel is titled 'what is really happening'

Needless to say the second panel ridicules those who use sage.

>> No.1492438

Last Read:
Pale Fire by Nabokov. Read this because I loved Lolita, and loved this too.

Currently Reading:
Rabbit, Run by Updike. Started it a few hours ago, 65 pages in and I'm liking it so far. I'm also slowly beginning to love Updike's style.

To Read:
Got an email from my University's library earlier today saying that they've got the copy of Orwell's Animal Farm that I reserved before the end of last semester, so I guess that's what I'm reading next.

>> No.1492455
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Last Read:
Sarah's Key - an incredibly depressing novel about the Holocaust and a sister who locked her brother in a cupboard to hide him, was captured, and was too late by the time she returned to him.

Currently Reading:
Oryx and Crake. About 1/4 through, started yesterday. So far I like it. I was initially looking for stories similar to this and Lord of the Flies (desertion and triumph stories.) If you have any suggestions they'd be very much appreciated.

To Read: Moby Dick. Got it for my birthday. Also currently reading various Conan Doyle novels in between seperate novels.

>> No.1492481

>Last Read
Othello by William Shakespeare
It was all right, but mediocre, I think, compared to the likes of Hamlet, Macbeth, or Julius Caesar.
>Currently Reading
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Fucking hilarious book. I'm only about 100 pages in and I've laughed out loud at least 6 times, and giggled many more.
>To Read
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Actually my first James Joyce read. I'm excited.

>> No.1492509

Last read: Animal Farm - Really enjoyed it, very funny and fluid

Current read: Siddharta - Enjoying it so far, really refreshing

Next read: Dunno yet, looking for ideas in previous posts

>> No.1492513

here, I read one actual book, one ebook and one audiobook. The actual book on normal occasions, the ebook when I'm traveling and the audiobook when I'm exercising.

>> No.1492514
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home now, here's that image

>> No.1492539


>> No.1492550 [DELETED] 

Sure is High School in here.

>> No.1492551 [DELETED] 

>animal farm
Sure is S1 English class in here.

>> No.1492553

Currently reading: The DaVinci Code. It's absolutely amazing. I'm going to read The Road next.

>> No.1492554
File: 87 KB, 255x264, DavidMitchell23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Road is fantastic.

>> No.1492556

Oh I've heard. He won a Noble Prize for it, you know?

>> No.1492558
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I did not know.
Enjoy it.

>> No.1492563

The Road. Amazing work. Story is kind of unoriginal, set in apocalyptic wasteland, but the symbolism and the father-son relationship in the book is incredible..

>> No.1492566

>not a fan of the prose personally however i think this may just be my bad translation.

What langue did you have it translated in. Mine is in Dutch and I have the same problem as you. Same thing with Das Schloss (The Castle).

>> No.1492570

It sounds like it is! I sure am enjoying this Dan Brown stuff, though. He's a great writer!

>> No.1492577

Now I know you're trolling.
You would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for the exclamation mark.

>> No.1492578

You got trolled for calling purposefully obvious trolling on the fact that is is trolling.

>> No.1492584

I'm reading the 52 Deck of Books this year. Ya'll remember that?

>Last Read
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I'm surprised how much I liked this book. I had always heard that it was just about "Book burning in the future!" which struck me as sort of preachy and simple. But I was very happy to find that the language of the book was beautiful, and the ideas were sharp, without being sententious.

>Currently Reading
Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein. I've started this one before, and really liked it, but never gotten through it. Reading it now, I'm starting to understand all of the criticisms of the book that I see here on /lit/, but I'm still enjoying it.

>To read
Well, all of the other cards in my deck, but the one on deck right now is The Atrocity Archives, by Charles Stross. Stross seems to be one of the newest SF celebrities, and I'm hoping this will be a good introduction to his work. The premise certainly sounds cool enough.

>> No.1492591

>Last Read: Starship Troopers by Heinlen.
I remember liking it in high school, but I have to admit to skimming through some sections this time around. I was a little bored.
>Currently reading: The Adventures of Robin Hood. Yes, I am enjoying childrens stories. They're fun.
>To Read: Learning To Lose by David Trueba

>> No.1492615


mine is the english translated but it's a dated one

>> No.1492627

>last read
darkness at noon

>currently reading
crime and punishment

>to read
paradise lost

>> No.1492636
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last read:
The Death of Danton by Georg Büchner
>loved this, it's hard to understand but one of the best plays i've read so far

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Ecco
>didn't like it at first but i'm starting to get into it. kinda sums up the whole european philosopy/theology of the middle age.

next read:
The Castle by Kafka
>i hope this is not as boring as the trial or amerika

>> No.1492642

Last Read: The Great Gatsby - Well you probably know this book by heart. I am no native English speaker and we read this in our English class. I liked it.

Currently reading: The Brothers Karamazov - Beautiful. I am grappled by the characters who are well characterized and unique. About halfway through.

To Red: I began reading As I Lay Dying by Faulker but it is quite difficult so I put that one on hold (as I did with Paradise Lost). Still got House of Leaves,
A Clockwork Orange and 2-3 Vonnegut novels to read.

>> No.1492643
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>noble prize for Cormac McCarthy

>> No.1492671
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Last Read:
>Broken Angels - Richard Morgan
Good read. Fun SF romp with a whole shitload of twists and turns, perhaps not quite as good as the previous novel, Altered Carbon, but a rather well-crafted piece of mystery, and incredibly easy to read.

Currently Reading:
>The Rattle Bag (anthology) - edited by Seamus Heaney and Ted Hughes
Not usually a poetry fan, reading it for a class, but goddamn some of these are pretty good.
>The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester
Damn, I love Bester. Dat delicious prose and storytelling.

To Read:
>The Crow Road - Ian Banks
>Fahrenheit 45 - Ray Bradbury

>> No.1492686
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Last read: Under the Frog by Tibor Fischer. Very funny.
Currently Reading: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. Not read much of it yet it is from a banned books colection from penguin.
To read: probeally another book from banned books colection, maybe 1984 again.

>> No.1492704
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>> No.1492720

>Last Read
Hotel Iris by Yoko Ogawa. A lot darker and more sexual than the other Ogawa books I've read, and I didn't really enjoy it as much. The surprise twist kind of ending in this one was a little predictable.

>Currently Reading
Country Teacher by Katai Tayama. I'm in some kind of non-fiction mood right now, and this is really satiating it. It's still actually fiction, but being based on the guy's diary and attempting realism is close enough!

>Next Read
Not sure. Some that I'm thinking of are Botchan by Natsume Soseki, Hojoki by Kamo no Chomei, or maybe Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki, if I want to continue the old man/young girl theme from Hotel Iris.

>> No.1492892

>Last read

it was a fun thing to get acquainted with
>Currently reading
Paradise Lost

It doesn't suit my tastes, but i could easily see why it's so esteemed
>next to read
I don't do this

>> No.1494413




>> No.1494422

> Last read
Young Hearts Crying. Really enjoyed this.

> Currently reading
The Sun Also Rises. Just started reading this last night.

> To read
The Road. Okay, so I'm a bit late in reading this, but it never really appealed to me. I'm on break at the moment though, so I thought "why not?"

>> No.1494424

last read: "The Spy" by Nabokov, it was amazing, short but so powerful like a gunshot.

currently reading: "The Magic Mountain" Thomas Mann. Weird stuff. I try not to read foreign lit, since the translation usually sucks, but this one is really impressive.

to read: Mikhail Sholohov "And quiet flows the Don" - started it once but dropped. Brilliant language, so alive, makes you want to throw away the book, beat your wife silly and ride away in the steppes on your horse.

>> No.1494426

>Last read: American Gods
Pretty good book. It was nice reading something modern after reading a couple history books in a row.

>Currently reading: A Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich
Never seen this book mentioned here. My buddy's gf lent it to me after she finished a report on it. I'm not far in but like it so far.

>To read: ?

I can never decide ahead of time. I've got about 8 books I haven't read yet.

>> No.1494427

Last Read: Working & Thinking on the Waterfront 1958-1959, Eric Hoffer

Currently Reading: Blueprint for Action, Thomas Barnett

To Read: Mindstorms, Seymore Papert


>> No.1494432

last read:
breakfast at tiffanies
was absolutely fantastic!

currently reading:
the stranger by camus
so far really enjoying it, I just finished part 1 and I hope part 2 will help everything make more sense.

next read:
whatever i find at my shit local library. maybe pynchon. Im trying to branch out from the typical depressing shit i usually read like bukowski, mishima, dostoevsky. Although there is still tons of that type of stuff on my pile... fante, the bell jar..

>> No.1494439

I am currently reading book 2 from the Twilight saga from Stephenie Meyer. So far, it is fascinating watching the friction between Bella, Edward, and Jacob develop into something beautifully complicated. I am at a toss up on who Bella should pick to mate with though. I highly recommend the series from Stephenie Meyer. It is terribly underrated as it views society and the complications of finding a mate in a beautiful satirical way.

>> No.1494448


>> No.1494461

>Least Read- The Naked Ape - Desmond Morris
It was quite interesting but I get the feeling a lot of it was bullshit speculation.

>Currently reading: Walden - Henry David Thoreau

>To read: Voss - Patrick White or the House of the dead. Or whatever I don't know.

>> No.1494472


i was not in a mood for such story back then, so i decided to put it away for a while. Now i think it's time.

>> No.1494478


>> No.1494479

good choice bro, glad i could help you come upon it.

>> No.1494482


>> No.1494485


Jesus fucking christ. You are trying so fucking hard to troll. I can't believe this shit. I know you're trying desperately to troll, but I am still mad because you don't give a FUCK about anything, just as long as people fucking pay attention to you, good or bad. You were probably raised by shitty fucking parents who had you on accident and didn't want a child and were too fucking retarded to know how to raise a kid. That's why you're so fucked up that you love any kind of attention, good or bad. I bet you're the kind of person who was a dick to girls because you thought they'd like it. I bet your daddy beat you when you broke his shit and you liked it. I bet you would take a Bear's(and by bear I mean large hairy gay man) giant cock in the ass every day if it meant he payed attention to you. I bet you do all this and look like an arrogant, happy faggot when people give you attention, but secretly deep down inside you know you don't know how to actually have anyone like you because you're a fucked up piece of shit waste of space that should be wiped off the fucking face of the earth. You are scum, your genes are shit, you will never have a good life. No matter how much you can say it here to try to boost your shitty morale and lie to yourself, it doesn't stop it from being true. And us getting mad is good, because it shows that we actually have the common decency to realize when someone is the floating turd a kid crapped in the gene pool. Enjoy having a shitty lineage, I hope your kids (only way you'll get that is if you find a masochist chick) hate you because you're a shitty father, and I hope they tell their kids that their dad was a bad person so your legacy of terrible can live on forever and ever.
Fuck you.

>> No.1494490

>Fahrenheit 45 - Ray Bradbury

the temperature at which I don a sweater, and shiver

>> No.1494498


This is so... aimless. And like, not accurate, hard-hitting or insightful at all. Half of the shit in there hardly makes sense. I hope that's some shitty copypasta and you didn't take the time to write it out... (Not the guy you directed that towards btw.)

>> No.1494509

I am the guy that that was directed towards. It is me who fearlessly will admit my admiration and respect for Stephenie Meyer as both an author and artist. No where in that ridiculously long reply reply of yours did you mention any context from my post. In conclusion, I strongly believe your post was copy-pasta.

Also, tl;dr. (all of it at least lol)


>> No.1494512


it's a copy pasta that was directed to a twilight thread a while ago which was basically the same post the guy it was directed too copy and pasted.

i thought more people would've seen that thread :(
also, saw it reposted on /tv/ so thought it'd be alright to post it

>> No.1494532

>Last read:
Notes From The Underground

>Currently reading:
Dead Souls

>Next to read:
War and Peace.

Also learning Russian.

>> No.1494539


you read those in english?

>> No.1494549


Yeah English Translations. Not fluent enough to read them in Russian, though that's the plan eventually.

>> No.1494554

Some Chekhov is possible to read without a massive amount of fluency.

>> No.1494557

Any recommendations?

>> No.1494556


good luck in that. I tried to check out famous russian classics in english (Chehov, Tolstoy), it was such a bullshit, i really wonder how can you guys appreciate this, it sounds entirely different.
I guess that's the problem of all translated books.

>> No.1494560

Last Read:
>The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope

Current Read:
>The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency - Alexander McCall Smith

Next Read:
>The Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde
>Neuromancer - William Gibson

>> No.1494575

Any of the shorter short stories pretty much, like The Beggar. There was one slightly longer one that I can't remember the title of, but was about some kind of love triangle, and at the end he's like "I know all this cuz I was that guy, now buy me a beer". Been a while.

>> No.1494582

Last Read: Equus. It's a play, but whatever. I rather enjoyed it.

Reading now: Lolita and textbook chapters for school. My main problem is that I read while I wait for class to start normally, and Lolita is one of the only books that has made me feel uncomfortable while reading it in public.

>> No.1494593

Doesn't Harry Potter fuck a horse with Gandalf or something?

>> No.1494598


There isn't any actual sex in the original anyway. I don't know about the adaption Radcliff was in.

>> No.1494603

Last Read:
>Beyond The Pleasure Principle-Sigmund Freud
Enjoyed some of the Ideas, but I don't think I'll be returning to Freud in a long time.

Next read:

>> No.1494604


>> No.1494616

Last read:
Demonology - Rick Moody: Third shorts stories about whathefuckman. Rate: 3/5

Current reading:
2666 - Bolaño
How it can be so GOOD? I'm on second part and cant stopping reading. 4/5

To read:
I dont know, I'm think about Dark Tower, maybe.

>> No.1494620

>To read:
>Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco
It was really boring, I couldn't finish this book. I loved The name of the Rose, but the others books are so booooooriiiingg