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14922059 No.14922059 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any kind of philosophy, or mindset when it comes to avoiding meaninglessness/existential dread, that ultimately isn't a cope at the end of the day?

>> No.14922064

Read Guenon(PBUH) brother and understand the primordial tradition that leads to realization of the true metaphysics

>> No.14922071


>> No.14922076

All is one brother, if you hate Guenon(PBUH) that means you must hate yourself

>> No.14922080

Trivialism, zen,
ding an sich,

in frueds day everything, no matter what was a cope for sex and death .
I'd say in this modern day, everything is a cope for nothingness and boredom.

Its that whole existentialist thing about existance preceeding essense, being is muted immutability. We need to do shit becuase nothing drives us insane. Neitzche knew this but never saw it coming.

>> No.14922094

Do you hate hylics or heretics or transhumanists etc?

>> No.14922107

Of course just as I hate myself when I do not follow Guenon's(PBUH) guidance

>> No.14922128

Have you read The Denial of Death?

>> No.14922135
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Paradise engineering


>> No.14922137


>> No.14922207
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Embrace your nature. It is your nature to assign value/meaning, it is your nature to live and die, it is your nature to feel and reason. Understand that reasons do not precede you — you are the reasoner.

Remind yourself often, that things don't have to be perfect or eternal to be worthwhile.

>> No.14922211

read the worm at the core

>> No.14922294

No there is not any reason you need to exist. Everyone just comes up with some cope for why they shouldn't kill themselves.

>> No.14922304

Samkhya philosophy and Buddhi Yoga/Raja Yoga. Ordinary life is misery, that's why Indians sought liberation.

>> No.14922314

Fuck, this thread gave me a dread I haven't felt in years. Please help me.

>> No.14922341

Sorry bud, can't really help. Religion is the best cope, if you don't want to go insane then I suggest you devote your life to convincing yourself to adopt a religion. You might be well into adulthood by that time though LOOOOOOOOOOL. What a stupid fucking existence this is.

>> No.14922364


>> No.14922382

I've found Stoicism along with Zen philosophy both have kind of turned the whole existential shit on their head when I tried them out. I thin they might preserve a more natural form of being for man, while the existential dread of dying might be something unnaturally produced from our lack of ambition and activity during day to day life, whenever I'm actually busy I never have it its only when I have nothing to do. I guess the Unabomber's Manifesto as well explains this well.

>> No.14922513

Paper 102. The Foundations of Religious Faith

102:0.1.TO THE unbelieving materialist, man is simply an evolutionary accident. His hopes of survival are strung on a figment of mortal imagination; his fears, loves, longings, and beliefs are but the reaction of the incidental juxtaposition of certain lifeless atoms of matter. No display of energy nor expression of trust can carry him beyond the grave. The devotional labors and inspirational genius of the best of men are doomed to be extinguished by death, the long and lonely night of eternal oblivion and soul extinction. Nameless despair is man's only reward for living and toiling under the temporal sun of mortal existence. Each day of life slowly and surely tightens the grasp of a pitiless doom which a hostile and relentless universe of matter has decreed shall be the crowning insult to everything in human desire which is beautiful, noble, lofty, and good.

102:0.2.But such is not man's end and eternal destiny; such a vision is but the cry of despair uttered by some wandering soul who has become lost in spiritual darkness, and who bravely struggles on in the face of the mechanistic sophistries of a material philosophy, blinded by the confusion and distortion of a complex learning. And all this doom of darkness and all this destiny of despair are forever dispelled by one brave stretch of faith on the part of the most humble and unlearned of God's children on earth.

102:0.3.This saving faith has its birth in the human heart when the moral consciousness of man realizes that human values may be translated in mortal experience from the material to the spiritual, from the human to the divine, from time to eternity.

>> No.14922528

your question, monsieur, is completely loaded. you see, one's feelings about life are not a product of which philosopher one subscribes to entirely. often the feelings come first, in mysterious ways, through hardship or difficulties, and then one looks for explanations, comes synchronously to those that fit the bill, and then post hoc rationalises one's suffering in a dreary declaration. and at the same time, someone with a different experience, is now seeking a higher validation of the unbounded joyousness of life, looking forward to tomorrow, and actually enjoying waking up. and here, monsieur, we have you, who has become such a poor case, have wound yourself up so much and into such a state, that you upload that picture and that message to an anonymous message board, because you're so terrified of asking for help from those around you, who have perhaps forsaken you, or you have only imagined them to, after suffering whatever you have suffered and become such a sad case. such a sad case, monsieur, that you honestly seem to think that philosophy is only a coping mechanism for not feeling what you now feel, rather than a massive endeavour led by thousands of geniuses who felt and lived and thought far differently from a depressed millennial shitbag.

>> No.14922530

I'm already a muslim trad w/o ever reading guenon tho.

Although I must say I'm studying more about mantrayana buddhism rn.

>> No.14922808
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But that doesn't mean there aren't better and worse copes. And copes that aren't so good that they can make us thrive.
The thing is, things just aren't perfect, yet. We have to play our part. One day it may no longer be a cope. We need to take the responsibility to achieve that.

>> No.14922814


If everything is not cope, then best find those that correspond to truth the most.

If everything is cope, examine the degree of cost imposed such as to remain productive and in accordance with your purpose.

I.E., if your cope strategy requires a lot of investment of time and energy, you may find yourself sacrificing one set of your goals for another.

>> No.14922815
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including the cope that everything, or something, is "just cope"

>> No.14922859


>> No.14922955

What personal reasons? I also feel this way about Guenon and Evola but I don’t hate them. I just don’t see how I can emulate their studies.

>> No.14923665

Everything is cope. But the meme word “cope” really signifies that your cope is particularly bad, weak, half-baked, reaching, etc.

>> No.14923713
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It's only a cope if you root for the losing side

Entropy, dark energy, and natural selection are your best bets. Art, civilization or yourself aren't

>> No.14923722

A declaration of nothingness is still a declaration of something and thus invalidates its own premise. As such, it is the most retarded of all copes.

>> No.14923753

nihilism is a cope

>> No.14923818

The Foundation for Exploration

>> No.14923842
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you're assuming that your inner feelings are being generated by the thought that the world is meaningless. that may be so, but then it would only require for you to stop believing that the world is meaningless. you can do that through action, because action is a form of meaning in itself.

In other words, I believe your thoughts and feelings are being caused by inactivity. You can stop them through activity. Thinking that you can read or think your way out of it is the cope.

>> No.14923860
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>> No.14924453

The problem isn't meaninglessness, the problem is the unfulfilled desire for meaning. It doesn't work to displace this onto something premised on escaping the world to another world that is meaningful, because that's the basest cope of them all. It is possible to accept meaninglessness into your life, but there's no book or philosophy or religion that'll get you there, for reasons you've basically outlined.

>> No.14924467

Give me one(1) proof of the existence of the christian God as described in the Bible right now.

>> No.14924482

you mean God (Eli) or strawman YHWH?

>> No.14924489

2.18 billion Christians believe in God

>> No.14924507

And how many people believe in Muslim God?

>> No.14924522

Almost as many more. And they're both the same God so that makes it even more likely

>> No.14924658

It’s all cope. I’ve even realized that my political views were all a mask for my nihilism, hiding a gaping void of a human being behind it

>> No.14924681

I cope therefore I am
t. Arnold Scwarzeleps

>> No.14924736


>> No.14924765

Going along with suffering and pleasure at the same time. How would that be coping?

>> No.14924814

The World is a sacred temple and as you were born you were initiated in its mysteries. The contemplation of the eternal things is enough to dispell the contrary force of this sense of meaningless. This force is completely dependent on your own force, on your own existence, without which it couldn't even exist. Our lives are not Lives but struggle toward real Life.

>> No.14924864

a strict religious method, leading to a healthy spiritual life.
the flesh can not solve the problems of the flesh.

>> No.14924918

simply and well put

>> No.14924926

after I contemplated the eternal things what comes then? infinite boredom?

>> No.14925040

The best philosophy is simply to be yourself.

>> No.14925091

>reality is derived from democratic consensus

>> No.14925171

Absurdism. It embraces death and then continues from where Nihilists left off.

>> No.14925765

Powerful advice.

>> No.14926554

Are you talking about Terror Management Theory?

>> No.14926584

Dread of what? A life lacking in meaning?
If anything, this is the blank canvas for originality and the truest expression of the human soul.
You must devote your life to art, anon. Lit, paint, cook, music, etc.

And psychs