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14921320 No.14921320 [Reply] [Original]

I have to read Ted for a class I'm in and I'm wondering why he's such a meme on the right and if anyone has any critiques of his manifesto.
My main one is on his technological determinism. While I have long agreed that the biggest environmental factor explaining history is technological development, Ted completely ignores the genetic component and the Jew. He seems to think we live in an optimal technological society and the only way to improve it is to remove technology, whereas I have long recognized that the Jew uses technology to parasite off the white race and if the Jew were removed we could keep technology and society would be greatly improved.
Post thoughts

>> No.14921577
File: 1.29 MB, 1109x1556, techskep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno desu, but "phobia" is a hard trigger. Ken Liu also has a nice short story in "paper menagerie" about technoskep.

>> No.14921597

>I have to read Ted for a class I'm in
The conceit of these threads are getting less and less believable.

>> No.14921602

The last podcast on the left did a unibomber episode that was pretty tolerable also and tend to thoroughly research solid sources and aren't exceedingly cringy.

Exploitation comes natural to all humans, Jews are just better at it.

>> No.14921636
File: 167 KB, 857x1025, (67).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would seem some of your views are in line with those of Christopher Langan's. If the following posts of his interests you, you might want to read "Metareligion as the Human Singularity" (2018).

>> No.14921637
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>> No.14921656
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>> No.14922043

Dude, Ted was a Jew. You have issues fucking Nazi

>> No.14922049

You're essentially asking to remove the man who manifested the idea in the first place.

>> No.14922271


>> No.14922334
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 1159051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a Pole. Kaczka means duck in Polish. Kaczynski means "of the duck".

>> No.14922346

based & Mumfordpilled

>> No.14922349

Fuck off kike

>> No.14922839

>I'm wondering why he's such a meme on the right
? anglos have been politicized so much their brain is fried. Ask them about drinking water and they'll tell you if it's either left or right wing. Pathetic. Kill yourself. TK dismantled your juvenile politics.

>> No.14923302

Rousseau is good to have on that list because I find Kaczynki's conception of the natural state to be as a naive as Rousseau's. Hobbes was right btw, the natural state is actually brutish, gross, and life is short and man is a slave to nature, no freer than he is now, and the master is no more kind or forgiving.

>> No.14923314

Glad to see my views also have a 160 IQ patron. Is Langan jwoke or at least aware of the Jews? Ted's complete ignorance of them is a red flag to me. You don't have to be an antisemite but virtually all great thinkers on history have commented on them

>> No.14923326

Not sure what you mean. It's just some freshman year liberal arts course where you choose a literally anyone who put out their philosophy and write a paper about it. I was gonna read him anyway so I figure I might as well get some credit hours for it instead of reading some obese feminist whinge

>> No.14923334

>I'm in and I'm wondering why he's such a meme on the right
Because they typically don't read Ellul.

>> No.14923395

No, he has very European features, his early life just says he's a pole, and he doesn't write like a Jew. His first name is also Greek (from Theodoros), and typically Jews have very Biblical names like David, etc.
Now if he were a Jew, it would make more since why he never approached the JQ, but that wouldn't mean I wouldn't be interested in his work.
Anyway, I don't have a problem, the fact that I am aware of the Jews does not mean that I cannot consider Jewish ideas. I have gained a lot from the works of Freud, for example.

>> No.14923408

I like his use of the term "oligarchy". I have called my philosophy (which I'm still forming) "oligarchism" because it's clear that those are what wield power. This guy is very based

>> No.14923410
File: 539 KB, 750x3039, (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Langan jwoke or at least aware of the Jews?
Absolutely. Since you are interested, I'll just give you the resources to read him yourself. His work revolves around his "theory of everything" called the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU), which is apparently a logical proof of God's existence.

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!XyQBBaZI!RDkSxKI7DVJ23u5MzDmnSA
CTMU Knowledge Base [password: ctmu-kb]: http://knowledgebase.ctmu.net/question/what-are-your-thoughts-on-judaism-as-a-whole-what-about-secular-jews/

>> No.14923558

That's a very uncultured opinion, because anything the jew can do any other race can.
The fact that jews are the ones predominantly doing it doesn't mean it will stop if you remove them, someone will take their place
The real problem isn't technology, it's how people are being mass manipulated psychologically
Marketing is the most dangerous influence on the west today and has been for decades
You don't need to be a communist or any other leftist flavor to be against the absolute demon that is marketing and the way capitalism has evolved to rely on it
From a theoretic libertarian point of view, marketing can be seen as even worse than state intervention or illegal price fixing, because it messes with the consumer's judgment
I don't have the time or patience to go into detail, but there are many books you can read about this

>> No.14923797

>That's a very uncultured opinion, because anything the jew can do any other race can.
And that's a very statistically ignorant opinion, because what the Jew is likely to do no other race is.
>The fact that jews are the ones predominantly doing it doesn't mean it will stop if you remove them, someone will take their place
Of course, someone like me, a philosopher kang, would have to fill the power vacuum and try to implement a solution in eugenics.
>The real problem isn't technology, it's how people are being mass manipulated psychologically
This is only a problem because of the elite people who are putting out the propaganda. This had been an issue for ever, it is the natural neoserf problem today and historically when he was a serf or a slave it was still a problem, as he was controlled via religious propaganda and otherwise, although today the propaganda is much more potent and frequent, with movies and TV shows being the worst offenders.
To solve the problem good people must take power and control propaganda and allow only righteous propaganda.