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14920979 No.14920979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I posted this on pol but it archived after like 20 minutes, as is typical of that board (don't judge me for using it, I've been here for a long time as well. >>>/pol/249275598

I wanted to respond to a few responses I got over there. They were Landian faggotry and I know there's a lot of those on this board so I figure you guys will bite.
>Ted wasn't concerned with the Jew because the system encompasses so much more than the Jew. Honestly in the grand scheme of things from Ted's viewpoint, the Jew hardly even matters.
Thinking the G compenent of GxE doesn't matter is naive at best and retarded at worst. The gene pool of the ruling class absolutely does matter. The fact that he never even grapples with the JQ reveals Ted as someone who was wrong.
"Technocapital" and whatever this "machine" thing is is complete babble. People are ultimately the decision makes. Do I believe in freewill? No, but genetics absolutely matter. If the genetics of the ruling class are inferior then life could greatly benefit by removing them from the gene pool and replacing them with the proper rulers that make the correct, ethical decisions. Technology has the potential to free man and make him a god; it does not have to doom man to slavery.

>> No.14920981
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Babbling about feedback loops is retarded. Humans cannot lose control of feedback loops because history is decided by the elite's genetic responses to the environment. They still have control in the same way any man has control of his behavior. Technology is the way forward and can secure the existence of the species and anything short of paradise from technology is the fault of the flawed genetic responses of the elites who make the decisions. The answer is not to remove technology but to remove them and replace them with the perfect ruler. Removing technology would be the cope of eternity. But anyway saying humans have lost control is the most braindead thing, and is no more intelligent than saying the builder has lost control of his hammer and now his hammer directs his behavior. Until conscious technology that makes its own decisions and responds to the environment is created, every technology no matter how advanced is a tool of man and it is elite men who decide how it is used. If your freedoms are being taken away it is not because of technology, it is because of the decisions of the inferiors that rule us currently. Their decisions are braindead as and in no way determined by technological advancement, as can be demonstrated by the massive differences between 20th century ideologies and by dives into the rationals and necessities behind many of the restrictions they place on us cattle and neoserfs today. For example, the education system. It is a fact beyond all doubt that man will prosper most if the education system of today were cut down to just K-8 for 80% of the population, and specific training for the rest. The fact that the neoserf sits in schooling facilities until 22 ubiquitously today is a sign of the absolute incompetence of the ruling class.
He talks about the System a lot and seems to imply every where that it is some technologically determined abstraction, ie that the "system" he speaks of is the set of human actions that benefit the advancement of technology, yet no where does he ever define what he speaks of. This is the sign of a charlatan.

>> No.14920986

>People are ultimately the decision makes

>> No.14920998

>If the genetics of the ruling class are inferior then life could greatly benefit by removing them from the gene pool and replacing them with the proper rulers
the people who rule are superior by definition dummy, that’s why they’re ruling

>> No.14921001

Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.14921002

Keep it in /pol/.

>> No.14921006

>the people who rule are superior by definition dummy, that’s why they’re ruling
Philosophical optimism is such a cancer. This is not true, is the coronavirus a superior lifeform to humanity? No. The inferiors often infect and plague what is actually good in the world.

>> No.14921011

kys, I should have just posted this here. This is more /lit/ than /pol/ considering it's serious discussion about a philosophical work

>> No.14921136

>Landian faggotry
Don't insult faggots like that