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/lit/ - Literature

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14918624 No.14918624 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for work? Is it a literature related career?

>> No.14918631

I don't work. University is not work.

>> No.14918637

I'm a welder. I have lots of downtime.

>> No.14918680

I work on staff at a University. It’s possible the least /lit/ job I could imagine.

>> No.14918711

most people here are either trust fund babies or neets.

>> No.14918714

Software Engineer

>> No.14918719

I'm a butcher, 12 years ago I failed the game of life and found nothing better.

>> No.14918721

an escort for rich old women

>> No.14918723

at least you had a chance to redeem yourself whereas we had none

>> No.14918750

business consultant, i have lots of evenings in the hotel to read

>> No.14918815

I cleaned after people who watch movies
Now i may go to a call center or whatever

>> No.14918820


>> No.14918840

no ransom, I escape from my thoughts/failures with work, and then escape from reality/work with literature.

>> No.14918850

Med student, so I use books, but they are the most boring shit ever. Only thing worth reading is psychiatry.

>> No.14918852

I'm trying to enlist, but I need a moral waiver.

>> No.14918903

Can you go into detail on what the typical welder's day looks like? TY in advance

>> No.14918911

Is the pay really as lucrative as people online make it out to be? Did you attend a trade school?

>> No.14918925


>> No.14918946

That’s a respectable occupation and far better than the corporate hustle in my opinion.

>> No.14919136

This please, college isn't an option for me right now, but I'm trying to choose between IT and the trades

>> No.14919143

Busdriver lol

>> No.14919152

Over the last 5 years I've worked in a printing press, in a factory, been a police officer, worked in a bank, worked in finance recruitment and am currently tutoring English which finishing my degree. Been unstable as fuck but I've got to travel a lot and experience a great deal which has definitely improved my writing.

>> No.14919186

office wageslavery. i despise every second and it makes me want to kill myself. feel trapped and idk how to get out.

>> No.14919188


I did go to trade school for a year in Canada. I got picked up by a union and completed my apprenticeship. I hold a Red Seal in Welding and multiple pressure tickets in stick and tig welding. I make ~$45/hr plus $120 per diem.

Right now I'm working at an oil refinery. Most days are 10 hours days and I've been working 4 days a week. I assist with maintenance day to day and there's not much welding but when something goes down I'm the guy.

There is lots of work on shutdowns where they can be 1 or 2 days or months long. They can be up to 7 days a week and 14 hour shifts. If that's not your thing there is work in shops which isn't as hard on the body. It's hard work but I really enjoy it and it is incredibly satisfying to me.

>> No.14919190

I don't work. I live with my parents.

>> No.14919212
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Thank you. I even capped your reply

>> No.14919379

Station manager in an airport

>> No.14919945

minimum wage retail. I want to end it everyday.

>> No.14920021

I feel the same. I would just up and quit if it weren’t for my student loan payments.

>> No.14920028


It's not very lit related but it does mean I can spend most of the day thinking about the books I'm reading.

>> No.14920034
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Officially lost my job due to corona virus! Yayyyyyy time to get on unemployment and be a NEET for at least a few weeks.

>> No.14920074

What are you going to read in celebration, anon?

>> No.14920201

Copywriter. It’s ruining my enjoyment of words.

>> No.14920256

English tutor. I worked in a learning center by a shopping mall, it was going well for a while

>> No.14920282
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I do computer work (industrial automation) for all sorts of factories. i wouldn't call it "/lit/" but I like it, there is good variety

>> No.14920287
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milkman at walmart

>> No.14920887

My initial unemployment claim just got denied so what I'm going to read would be The Complete Suicide Manual.

I'm gonna work on my manuscripts so I have somewhere to direct my anxiety other than thoughts of suicide. Well, hey, I hear grocery stores are hiring stock boys. Why not.

>> No.14920903

I do data entry for a scientific nonprofit research center. I'm working from home right now thanks to the virus.

>> No.14920940
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>> No.14920942
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i’m a sprinkler fitter, it’s like a big puzzle made from heavy steel. I love my job

>> No.14921069

college or no?

>> No.14921078

Fireworks salesman

>> No.14921093


Tell me about your retard chamber.

>> No.14921154

yeah that joke literally never gets old

>> No.14921166

Corporate banker
I work a lot and don't have as much time as i would like to read but i traded it for money

>> No.14921538


>> No.14921810

Imagine working

>> No.14921814

Soon I will have to

>> No.14921819

I'm in the Coast Guard

>> No.14921825

Im a NEET but i need to get a job soon

>> No.14921831

Good luck

>> No.14921972

I've read that you should appeal. Most claims get denied first apparently and if you appeal you're likelier to get it. good luck anon

>> No.14922379

I'm a bum. I just sit around all day.

>> No.14922491

I'm a deckhand/bridgewatchman, but I haven't worked since Christmas. I'm currently on employment insurance from my job before that, so I've just been sitting home for the last 3 months. It's nice when I'm out at sea though, I can do my shiftwork and then just read or sleep in my room until the next shift.

>> No.14922536


>> No.14922587

Tell me more about this. What’s it like? How does one get this job?

>> No.14922597

Officer or Enlisted? 26 years old here. Just started looking into the Coast Guard.

>> No.14923358


>> No.14923479

Stats say the average welder's salary is 40k a year. Either you're making shit up or you're not mentionning something crucial.

>> No.14923489
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well, i had people on here say my lifestyle is very /lit/.
t. part-time horse worker

>> No.14923498

Go back to your horse country, the jobs here are for humans

>> No.14923508

>Is the pay really as lucrative as people online make it out to be?
Fuck no, at least not when you're like most welders and not part of the very top industries which are the ones the media only talks about.

>> No.14923509

that's very lit. outdoors, with animals...nice.

>> No.14923512
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ngl i cracked a smile at (You)

>> No.14923517

interesting. care to tell a bit about what the job looks like? what sort of company employs you and who are your clients?

>> No.14923525

i am an english as a foreign language teacher. Because i dont have a degree yet, much less so master's, i'm stuck teaching children. I hate it. Smartphones are the worst thing that has happened to education.

I want to get a master's and eventually a phd to teach at a college level and get more into linguistics and all the academic stuff.LAnguage teaching is kinda useless too.

>> No.14923528
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i always shill farm work on here for people like >>14920887 or NEETs.
working with animals is the noblest job, there might be unpleasant people around or above you, but it just stops mattering when the animals start recognizing you and you notice how grateful and nice they are.
literally impossible to have your soul crushed like some office-imprisoned wagie's
pictured: free kots they have at every barn or farm

>> No.14923535

i can't agree more. have a nice day anon

>> No.14923537

very cute poofs

>> No.14923570

PhD candidate, but I've worked a ton of jobs before this

>> No.14923693

well, huh. thanks friend. i sent them an email that was about as polite as i could make it given the circumstances. i'll start an appeal on their site as well.
>tfw not the landed owner of some vineyard in the old country
>tfw no olive farm on a rocky coastal plot of land in the mediterranean

>> No.14923761

studying what? academia seems like the pits apparently, unless it's STEM "master race"

>> No.14923820

Which Asian country do you teach at?

>> No.14923864
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> mfw no land

>> No.14923884

Forestry MSc. Working as a geotechnical engineer/advisor, a lot of administration and cookie cutter methodology at work, 0 room for invention. Pretty boring shit right now, but the future prospects look good. I wanna focus on environmental issues eventually, I got huge ideas manifesting in my head for years.

He's working offshore. That's very high paying my dude.

>> No.14923948

My personal experience is it pays next to nothing while taking all of your time though. Here in the US, you work from sunrise to sunset for pennies basically unless you manage to get a manager position at a big operation which often requires a lot of experience and probably a degree.

>> No.14923959

Sometimes I wish I had studied something like forestry, agriculture, or even geology.

>> No.14924002

data entry cuck. pays surprisingly well but makes me want to kms

>> No.14924092

Philosophy. I love it, but I would not recommend it for most people. Unless you can't picture yourself doing anything else, it will be frustrating

>> No.14924119

I love El!

>> No.14924123

Forestry is a meme that requires at least a MSc to be even remotely competitive against civil engineers or ecologists or other relative specialists in a volatile job market. It doesn't emphasise singular fields of science, but a broad spectrum, which seems great at first, however you will soon learn that the job market is compartmentalised into specific specialties that shun broad knowledge under one common umbrella.

Agriculture and geology are always good choices however, especially the latter.

>> No.14924136

Psychiatry is trash

>> No.14924168

Nice, enjoy anon. I considered going back for phil and even started a masters but a) I'm just not smart enough for academic phil and b) the job market is just in the absolute pits. Do what you love tho, I commend that

>> No.14924171

this. i worked under the table for an estate in the adirondacks as a teenager. made $9/hr but without NY payroll tax that was a good amount more than most of my friends made. did alot of stuff like building a little sawmill, taking care of 30 something miles trails and a fishing pond, maintaining a vacation house the owners rented out, and helping out with the little highland cattle/pig/horse farm they had. got to use a 4 wheeler alot. the owners were incredibly rich and lived in manhattan most of the year, but were from the area and very nice people. it was exhausting work but the best i've ever had. it's pitiful that most people will never experience this sort of work.

>> No.14924175

Oh and fuck Brian Leiter, something about him and his blog rubs me the wrong way

>> No.14924226

Oil. Travelling. Not being stationary will make you bank.

>> No.14924380

Did you do your undergrad in something else? I did and am considering the switch to philosophy though I have no interest in academic philosophy.

>> No.14924418

Yes, my undergrad was stem related. I would not recommend making the switch to Phil unless a) you want to do grad level stuff - and it sounds like you don't since you don't like academic phil or b) you already have a plan to be a lawyer / doctor / something that requires more schooling or c) you come from money and don't need to worry about acquiring more money

Get a more practical degree, minor in philosophy, read it in your spare time, and shitpost with the rest of us on /lit/

>> No.14924676

I already have an economics degree. I’m not worried about cost but otherwise you’re right. My issue is I kind of want to go back to school since I hate my degree so much but I don’t know what to do it in.

>> No.14924717

I'm a software engineer. But I'm not really /lit/. I mostly only come heare when I need help fomulating something that is meant to be readable to humans.

>> No.14924824

I worked in a grocery store for a few years, but quit recently to finish a degree related to history.

>> No.14924844

Surveyor. It's not lit. But working outdoors is nice.

>> No.14924922

Currently studying to become a minister/chaplain depending on where the Lord leads me.

>> No.14924929

good luck - yeah that's tough. i've always admired econ (check out The Foundation by Asmiov, kinda makes me want to do something like it), though I'm idealizing, I have no idea what the day to day econ guy does..probably sites in a cube and grinds stuff out like the rest of us

>> No.14925109

Translator, studied literature and it landed me some lit related jobs. Currently I'm translating erotic literature.

>> No.14925318

Yeah, pretty much. You don’t even really need an econ education to do that stuff. You can get into pretty complex mathematical models and theory at higher levels, but at the end of the day you’re almost always still just crunching numbers for some bank or corporation in a cube somewhere. I have a negative view of the field and I pretty much reject this whole myth of socioeconomic engineering us into the future to be honest.

>> No.14925421

>and I pretty much reject this whole myth of socioeconomic engineering us into the future to be honest.

i can see why you're looking elsewhere then, good luck.

>> No.14925497

Thanks. Just curious why exactly did you not like Phil? Is it just the professional implications or do you feel like the education itself wasn’t worth it?

>> No.14925509

Town Planner

I write boring essays and argue with architects for work

>> No.14925677

well the biggest reason (even assuming I had unlimited money) is that I don't necessarily think that the pursuit of it - full time as a career - is worthwhile. that's deflationary and shames academic philosophers, whom I respect, but I just couldn't personally do it. I couldn't sit and read and write all day and occasionally collaborate with colleagues. I'd love to teach it, but that bleeds into my second point, which is academic jobs seem to a) pay shit and b) be unicorns in general, you can't find the jobs anywhere. you have to get up and move your family to go work for Ohio State and when you're from Maine and your roots are there.

in general the education and study of it is worth it in and of itself but (as the cliche goes..) the more I read, the less I know.

>> No.14925682

I'm a student.

>> No.14925695

Not mentally.

>> No.14926926

What language are you translating from and to?

>> No.14927671


English Danish Norwegian Swedish into Swedish or English. Love my work, king of the castle, money's insane.

>> No.14927721

I won the lottery when I was 23. Never worked a day since.

>> No.14928190
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Computer programmer.

>> No.14928242

Supermarket night crew/shelf stocker.
Just found out that we’re getting a two dollar an hour raise for hazard pay.
Will be nice to have a little extra money if I live.

>> No.14928768

Technical writer. It's boring but you make a lot of money if you're good.

>> No.14929316


What languages?

>> No.14929327

How the fuck do you get into this line of work? I got my degree in English with an emphasis on professional writing and editing last year and still haven't found a job in my field.

>> No.14929355

nice. how do you occupy your time? admittedly I think I would go crazy if I didn't work..i just don't have enough hobbies and shit to do all day 24-7

>> No.14929567


Obviously you need to have a passable knowledge of English grammar and usage. Honestly though I haven't found this to be as important as I expected going into this line of work. You need to have a writing sample ready; make sure you know MS Word inside and out (look up how to use templates/developer tools and do advanced formatting stuff) and make sure you're good at track changes.

Then search "technical writer" and "technical editor" on LinkedIn and apply to every job that you can. Make sure you're tailoring your applications to the job. Read the job requirements, then put the exact keywords from the job requirements somewhere on your resume. The round-1 HR gatekeepers you're trying to get through are retarded and just use these things as filters. Another thing -- don't skip applying for something just because you don't have enough experience. If they ask for ~5 years of experience, that really means the job is entry level and you don't need any actual work exp.

Then just make sure you look good for the interview and don't act weird. I hated my first job (technical editor at a shitty company that was basically a sweatshop and everyone was passive aggressive) but it was worth it to get my foot in the door and get experience.

Technical writing is a really broad field, so you'll probably want to specialize as you go. You can work on engineering/science-type stuff, IT, telecom, etc. This can also depend on where you're located. I live in the greater DC area, and here there's a high demand for writers w/ a clearance who can do cybersecurity. Pretty easy to clear six figures with not that much exp.

Hope that helps, and best of luck anon.

>> No.14929586
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i work for free to help my sister and be with horseys. low-skill farm jobs to pay very little, but horse jobs in particular can be alright pay-wise. it'll take years to learn enough to be a trainer or bereitor, but a simple groom (cleaning and tacking up the horses, doing ground work) can get enough qualification in a month and work with several horses, it adds up to a decent sum
based. meaningful physical work clears your mind

>> No.14929604

I'm getting a PhD in something /lit/-related

I get paid way too much money for it and the torturous parts are mostly over, so I'm basically a NEET who gets to do his gay hobby 24/7. It's fun

>> No.14929773

I'm a Neurology resident, it's kind of lit in that I see how different people feel and act, on the patient side as well as on the side of coworkers in different health professions, and also suffering and death.
OTOH often that's not Shakespeare and I haven't really read any fiction since I started studying medicine.

>> No.14930282


>> No.14930401

What field?

>> No.14930412

Based Edelgard poster

>> No.14930464

I'm this too - shocked there's more than one.

>> No.14930487

How much you making/how long have you been a consultant?

>> No.14930594

86k, will go to 90 or 95k in May. This is my second year out of undergrad

>> No.14930687

Software Engineer. I wish I was something more comfy like a furniture maker, but I live in the bug hive and I can't have woodworking tools in my apartment otherwise the neighbors will complain about the noise.-

>> No.14930699


>> No.14930736
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Proffesional NEET

>> No.14930898

Sounds pretty solid

>> No.14930974

Infantry, 0331 to be exact

>> No.14931131

I'm a frycook