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/lit/ - Literature

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14917561 No.14917561 [Reply] [Original]

Bless your cotton stocks, my love,
pull them tight up to your thighs
let the garter band that holds
them firm bring water to your eyes,
next turn around and lift your frock
so that your backsides bare
i see you've intelligently recalled
to dress in girdled underwear
so that your cheeks and well exposed
whilst your little belly's held in tight
and i think with this matching frock
a sudden gust will send a fright
that clasps your buttocks with the
icy grip of old Jack Frost all right(!)
aye, love, we'll walk along along the river front
you'll be sure to walk with care
and hold your little nose up high
aye, be proud of what you wear,
my love, don't worry that the icy gust has turned your inner thighs to frozen mutton
just relish how much warm you feel when my hand runs up your bottom
and just think of how much proud you'll be when father gets the call
that his darling dainty daughter here has just dropped out of school
and that she's taken up with scallywags and ruffians and such
and that she's waltzing up and down the promenade showing off her stuff
to all the envoys from the Oil States and grand visitors from France
and how she doesn't give a damn to go right low in lurid dance
for the love of half the bloody city, eh? and half the gentry all the more,
oh well, when priapus comes calling, eh, you can hardly shut the door.*
*because his cock is too big 'to' shut the door