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/lit/ - Literature

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14915774 No.14915774 [Reply] [Original]

Any book to understand the male psychology?
Why are you guys so complicated ugh

>> No.14915784

'Principia Mathematica' by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell.

>> No.14915785

You want some male psychology. Here take a look this sweety. *unzips*

>> No.14915789

Complicated? Heck, I just want to grill!

>> No.14915795

It's funny that men will describe women in general as being 'complicated', but women don't say the same thing about men.

>> No.14915796

Single. Strike.

>> No.14915808

Wear dresses, dress somewhat modestly, don't cuss too much, don't wear too much makeup, be a virgin, know how to cook. Congratulations you are now what men that aren't basedboys want.

>> No.14915830

I know this post is pure bait, but fuck this, for any female reading this watch taxi driver and raging bull. The pure loneliness and anger in both of these movies are a daily theme for too many men, the inability to express emotions or insecurity that they can't talk about for the fear of getting laughed at. Also read phenomenology of the spirit and watch repulsion. Also this thread is garbage including this post(only ironic haha)

>> No.14915854

Guys literally only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.14915858
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>> No.14915865

>Guys literally only want one thing
and that thing is a 3 letter word called God

>> No.14915869

is that why in most relationships women end up as the boss?

>> No.14915871

based single strike anon

>> No.14915877

Most men really are just cumbrains tho.

>> No.14915881

I always have plans to read so many books and learn so many things but most of the time I'm so horny I can hardly even think and just fuck around on the internet all day. Sluts should be provided by the government for men to use

>> No.14915887


>> No.14915891

B b b b based. Jezebels need to become concubines or be put into state brothels

>> No.14915903

Tony was the boss

>> No.14915907

ironically, most women aren't that deep but a significant portion of men have much more going on under the hood.

>> No.14915911

Sex and Character

>> No.14915912

nigga please lmfao

>> No.14915914

i'd rather let the woman be the boss of "the relationship," and i'll just be the boss of both of our lives. this is how it should be, women are designed to think about nothing but relationships, also i'm way too schizo to maintain any. obviously you have the fnal say, but you just let her do all the work.

>> No.14915925

Are you under 18?

>> No.14915934

stfu roasty

>> No.14915965

why yes, my cock is under 18cm how could you tell?

>> No.14915994

>the average man is an incel
you're not necessarily the paradigmatic male, you know

>> No.14916000

Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for Life

>> No.14916001

Paradigmatic for 4chan at least

>> No.14916009
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>> No.14916019

Divine digits of truth. Free yourself from the eddy of pleasure

>> No.14916027


>> No.14916031

Woman will never be able to grasp the masculine spirit. The female spirit is preverted and crooked.

>> No.14916034

Neither of those movie characters are incels really. Travis Bickle is a bit borderline I guess but the boxer definitely is not.

I'd agree that they are not typical men though, they're both quite mentally ill

>> No.14916045

Larping hard huh?

>> No.14916047

You'd be surprised

>> No.14916048


>> No.14916054

ok incel

>> No.14916060

Suggest books about male psychology butters

>> No.14916070

You act as if that's an insult anymore, you whores have run it into the ground. All men are incels to women if they don't agree with them

>> No.14916077

I literally am an incel

>> No.14916078

have sex

>> No.14916090

You don’t need to talk politics to get laid bro

>> No.14916099

That's not an issue, most great men were "incels"

>> No.14916124

Wait isn't that by Newton

>> No.14916133

de Beauvoir spells it all out honey

>> No.14916145
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>> No.14916151

I haven’t even dabbled in it much. But look here >>14915896

>> No.14916152

You want to understand the man your thinking about? Talk to him.

>> No.14916178

Specific rec?

>> No.14916231


>> No.14916287

that Kanye workout song

>> No.14916295

why dont you want to get impregnated?

>> No.14916318

Nah women don't understand men
In the end we are all the same

>> No.14916338


>> No.14916692

read SIEGE by James Mason

>> No.14916764

Understanding male ideas is easy. Just read anything from the history of philosophy, science, art, technology, mathematics, culture, politics, economics, and anything else you can think of, and chances are a man created it, and other men spent centuries perfecting it.

Understanding women is harder because they don't do anything. They haven't changed at all or contributed anything to society since the dawn of civilization. So when you try to probe woman's unconscious, you might as well be asking a female baboon why it loves to show its red asscheeks to men, or asking a bird why it sits on its eggs. Surely it has some "idea" of "why" it does it. Women and birds are both "thinking," in at least some sense. But it's not conscious thought, it can't be articulated or conceptualized.

Actually, human women may have far less consciousness than female members of other species, because so much of the responsibility of human maternity is outsourced to the tribe, to society. If a mother squirrel could talk, she'd probably tell you something beautiful about her maternal duty toward her babies. A squirrel's thoughts are probably demi-conceptual, structured in terms of pre-rational "reasons" and "imperatives," in at least some way (my babies are in trouble; I "must" do this; etc.).

Human women are more like plants, they are completely passive and inert. They periodically open their palms to receive money from men, but who's to say this is any more conscious than a venus flytrap opening its maw? Are women really conscious at all, or are they just hydraulic machines, a complicated series of pressure valves opening and closing at precisely coordinated intervals to collect money and cum from men, and occasionally incubate a child? No one knows. Presumably if women had souls they would have done something other than just passively exist by now.

>> No.14916801
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Women are relational, and as a result hold to something of the "law of the land" as Hegel put it interpreting the Oresteia. Men however, have an object directed sense of experience and as a result differs completely as everyone has known since eternity.

Mix this with some Jungian psychology obviously like the anima/animus and it makes a lot of sense. But that doesn't mean you-as a male- will know at all what it's like to be a woman. The absolute truest testament of yourself is masculine or male, you cannot envisage what it is like to be female, and vice versa. For example, women are only disadvantaged by modernity by how men sit in it, men are primarily(poetically in their own doing) suffering with modernity itself. The crushing blows of depression only they can feel from it, a godless world you could extrapolate. Women have no understanding of this, they are relational, and self sufficient, you see the ageing of man and the ageing of woman and you should know what I mean.

It's not expressed perfectly in eros and psyche, as that is a poetic representation and so not complete holding its purpose to other ends, not scientific- but it does hold much truth in it.

>> No.14916807

Men rise out of the rhizome of the female, and can destroy that if they wish, and have or are at least attempting to do so now. Women are morally to blame, but it really is not their fault.

Though it is a horrible idea to compare men to animals and women to plants in a serious scientific(psychological) endeavour. Give these comparisons up, they will do you no good and only hurt the other.

>> No.14917187

Once you realise that women stop developing emotionally and intellectually in adolescence, their behaviour and psychology becomes extremely simple to understand.
If you view their behaviour through the same lens that you view children's, it all makes sense.
They are infantile non-adults whose entire existence revolves around being impregnated, and everything that involves. This also explains why women are literally incapable of comprehending male sentiments like honour, loyalty, dignity, respect, brotherhood, glory, perserverence, etc., and why all social interactions that women have are simply games in the pursuit of social status and the ideal mate that comes with it.

>> No.14917191
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this is it

>> No.14917492

I'm curious, why do you put so much energy on hating women? You literally wrote two paragraphs.

>> No.14917507

Send this message to your mom.

>> No.14917511

They represent extremes of forces that drive many normal men to get embarrassingly angry or to do odd things. In a normal man this might manifest in a fight over a parking space that pops up out of nowhere.

>> No.14917541

Im just gonna go ahead and say what no one else dares


>> No.14917546

the iliad

>> No.14917579

Doesn't seem like he considers women worth hating. No where does he say he hates or even dislikes women. If he is sincere in his thinking, it should be opposite, excusing behaviour as women's nature and entirely accepting things that in another perception (such as the standard equal-but-not we are given) might cause hatred.

>> No.14917587

I want a hug and a meal

>> No.14917592

>Not admitting women are in fact dumb because he has a mom or sister
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.14917594

Mein Kampf

>> No.14917601

If you can't send this to your mom, you feel guilt about your 'theories' yourself

>> No.14917655

Basically the whole concept of manhood is a limited version of the breadth of human existence. Holding yourself to strict standard is difficult, if not impossible. You always feel you have to strive to be better. In the end, suffering is what it means to be a man.

>> No.14917658

It's a matter of practicality, not guilt. If your family are useful it makes sense not to piss them off.

>> No.14917762

Cringe. The entire history of religion, philosophy, the arts and sciences, and you pick Mein Kampf

>> No.14917931
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>> No.14917963

What the fuck is wrong with women and their obsession with killing their children

>> No.14917996

Not him but I have, but to be fair I'm just a misanthrope with a female focus, and I don't bother anymore because my mum is stubborn and impossible to reason with.

>> No.14918058


>> No.14918063

>Why are you guys so complicated ugh

i think that´s female projection

>> No.14918072

>On /lit/
>two paragraphs is "so much energy"

>> No.14918084


>> No.14918085

Men force women to act a certain way -> Women act that way -> "huh I guess that really is the true nature of femoids™"

>> No.14918163

You are arguing with a tr00n. It is not capable of reasoning, only spewing vapid buzzwords in an attempt to get some measure of fleeting attention on the internet

>> No.14918213

the only way of truly talking with a man is to let them think you are a man, otherwise this thread is the kind of shit that happens

we are not the same mentally, I think that its like describing colors to a blind person.

you aren't too wrong but it's not an accurate statement either. Women are biologically weaker than men, so they have always been dismissed because of that. Then, when physical strenght wasnt all that important, women were already underappreciated by default and thats why women don't appear a lot in history. EIther most were never given the chance or their accomplishments were buried. And thats why as women gain more "recognition", there are more women internationally that seem to accomplish things, because now they have the chance to.

>> No.14918236

Not an issue of pissing off, you're scared that your mom is gonna regret the son she has raised.

>> No.14918242

umm.... based department?

>> No.14918245

Ok guys now this is based

>> No.14918328

I can't, women have unrealistic standards

>> No.14918342

Read Esther Vilar

>> No.14918346

Most of em are coomers and have unrealistic expectations from women.
>Fellow coomer

>> No.14918386

Men are subject less and therefore must project all their feelings and desires unto a feminine "true" subjectivity. If you have ever been in love, you know this. The unattainable object of desire, or maternal love, these stem from unudultered male desire as projection. The feminine is therefore not just relational but an object of desire, the masculine is this active master narrative. There is no sexual relationship, just communication and miscommunication of desires.

>> No.14918395

look at literally anything western MAN has accomplished.

>> No.14918406


>> No.14918423


>> No.14918428

dangerously based

>> No.14918437

Imagine spending your youth posting misogyny on the internet instead of fucking cuties, LMAO.

>> No.14918445

tis the fate of ugly fucks who cant talk to anyone lmfao

>> No.14918452

Wrong. Angela was the boss.

>> No.14918460

Also regular looking dudes who don't know how to talk to people. And more rarely, the very attractive guys who don't know how to talk to people.

>> No.14918467

not everyone seeing being a sad degenerate as ideal

>> No.14918470
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I fall in the middle of those two.

>> No.14918474

hahaha gay

>> No.14918485


You're welcome

>> No.14918491
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Buy your own hookers commie

>> No.14918492

Based and redpilled

>> No.14918493

imagine thinking this is a good argument. women are not capable of reason and he doesn't fell like having his mom get overly emotional and angry from the reaction she has been conditioned to have to ideas like this.

>> No.14918502

>assuming the middle aged broad can't be wrong.
post tits.

>> No.14918506

I didn’t become a misogynist until I started fucking girls desu

>> No.14918507

no one has been forcing women for to do anything for far longer than you have lived, and that is the problem

>> No.14918517

unironically all true

>> No.14918518

>their accomplishments were buried. And thats why as women gain more "recognition", there are more women internationally that seem to accomplish things, because now they have the chance to.
cope. you just aren't capable and that is why you were never humoured in the past.

>> No.14918528

Nice copypasta bro

>> No.14918547

I'm average and know how to talk to people and I still can't get some. Everyday that passes I become more and more convinced that you need to be giga Chad to get laid.

>> No.14918548

If this isn't the best setup for an infinite string of "no true scotsmen" fallacies, I don't know what is

>> No.14918568
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>I wish.... I had written.... more anonymous comments about women..... being stupid... on the internet... BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

>> No.14918580

based, it's never too late to start

>> No.14918581
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>glad.... i can die with my purity intact...fuckin women.........

>> No.14918585


>> No.14918625


>> No.14918678

if they had a choice they wouldn't have taken the former

>> No.14918684

>if you post things you believe them
>I'm going to make fun of someone for not having sex on the gayest website in existence

>> No.14918692

why would u post things u dont believe in? that literally doesn't make sense

>> No.14918697

to fish for (You)s

>> No.14918709

Why do you assume everyone's relationship to their mom is the same? I regularly talk through with my mother about her being stupid, and women in general being dumber than men. If you don't see it this way, then you are one delusional dude.

>> No.14918737

>am woman
>think honour, loyalty, dignity, brotherhood etc are all overblown social constructs to force men to be soldiers and comply the most with their masters

I never understood why others don’t think the same thing.
This may more be due to my personality than my womanhood, as I am what some would call a social deviant, being an artist as my profession.

You think that these things are so important but you’re just brainwashed.

>> No.14918738

based and redpilled

>> No.14918752

>women proves she doesn't understand
>still assumes she's right

>> No.14918758
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>> No.14918764

You’re just a cuck, mate.

>> No.14918775

Do you see all service and unselfish behaviour as a result of brainwashing?

>> No.14918780


>> No.14918795

>This also explains why women are literally incapable of comprehending male sentiments like honour, loyalty, dignity, respect, brotherhood, glory, perserverence, etc.,
Add truth and justice to your list. Research confirms it, too.

>> No.14918802

absolutely based and, dare I say, redpilled?

>> No.14918804

>teamwork is brainwashing

>> No.14918813

Always interesting to see how people "read" what they want to read.

>> No.14918818

obeying the 'master' is following the leader is building civilization itself. that's not noble? you should probably go find your master (a man) to follow, and do the same.

>> No.14918821
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>> No.14918824

Yep, that's based.

>> No.14918825
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>> No.14918839

wew brootal women btfo

>> No.14918854
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I've gotten myself entangled in FB "debates," and they're pretty useless and unproductive. I've found that most people are entrenched in their belief systems and it takes mountains of evidence for most people to concede an inch. It's simply not worth the effort, and it's not my responsibility to educate people who are uneducatable. Your shaming tactics won't work here.

>> No.14918884

why do you make up fairy tales to make yourself feel better? why do you have no evidence other than appealing to common consensus that "women were never given the chance to achieve things"? are you ignoring the likes of Sappho and telesilla, some of the greatest poets of antiquity? the likes of cleopatra, tomyris, thais, and telesilla (again) for their military and leadership ability? even looking at the Islamic world, there is Aisha, responsible for a great deal of scholarship and even military ability (battle of camel). women also played a crucial role in leadership in Shia Islam and the in Kurdistan, even to a pathetic degree in the latter, where women became the majority of the land-owning class.
let's face the facts, something that has been obvious for a long time: on average, women are more capable than men (mentally), but when you get to the extremes (greatest of all time), men occupy that area a lot more, and hence make the more important contributions to academic fields and in art.
what "oppression" you are describing is largely a product of the industrial revolution and modernity, where women were situated in the home and only the home, and from a dialectic perspective were eventually taken out of the home because they are more economically useful that way, all under the guise of "progress".
once you look at history, you realize that women weren't oppressed at all, unless you count social values as oppression.

>> No.14918932

That's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica.

>> No.14918947

Not him but I do count traditional social values as oppression.
>Naming royalty as evidence that women weren't oppressed
Denying that women didn't have nearly as much freedom as men did is just denying history. You can debate about whether they preferred being relegated to kitchens or whether they were oppressed or not but they definitely didn't have equal opportunities. Even if you look at the few women that did have the guts to go against the entire society and become artists, they were slut shamed by their contemporaries (Baudelaire to George Sand.)

>> No.14918954

fuck off, wojak poster

>> No.14918956

women are fucking retarded

if you don’t think so, you’re a simp/cuck/faggot

if you understand that women are fucking retarded, then you are ready to join the ranks of the smartest humans of all (which “coincidentally” happen to be men)

get fucked dirty bitches

>> No.14918961
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>> No.14918972

me want pusy

>> No.14918991

>Not him but I do count traditional social values as oppression.
lmao ok retard
>>Naming royalty as evidence that women weren't oppressed
not really royalty, that's more of a monarchistic term, I mean the aristocracy, which is where any worthwhile contributions for the majority of history were made, for both genders. if I wanted to mention the great men of history, I would look at people like Caesar or Goethe
>Even if you look at the few women that did have the guts to go against the entire society and become artists, they were slut shamed by their contemporaries
that's because they most likely were sluts
I don't see women not having the right to vote as "oppression", or them being unable to be whores as depriving them of "equal opportunites"

>> No.14918992

posts like these hit me harder than gore, what darkness brought these words forth

>> No.14919033


>> No.14919069

Wow, two WHOLE paragraphs

>> No.14919077
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>> No.14919091

Based and redpilled.

>> No.14919133
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This is what I want.

>> No.14919233

My mother is more misogynist than I am and I think >>14916764 is based and redpilled.

Physical strength has very little to do with it. Social norms play a part but ridiculously exaggerated for coping purposes.
Males cripples and literal slaves (not being the usual family cook, actual chattel slavery) have achieved far more than women (all women) in terms of 'high culture'.
Anon is perfectly right to mention aristocracy (whether the strict sense of just 'upper classes') because a very large numbers of high achievers come from this class which has virtually as many women than men. The women as the men were never expected to do much in terms of servile or just time consuming work. Yet it is male aristocrats that sometimes stopped backstabbing each other or hunting in the forest (which is based) to write about history or mathematics. Whereas the female aristocrats switched between having tea parties and cuckholding their husband with the gardener.

>> No.14919244

>My mother is more misogynist
Most boomers are misogynist

>> No.14919349
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>unrealistic expectations from women.
Note that your post and pic related do not contradict each other. These actually are unrealistic expectations.

>> No.14919425

It shows how little herbivore men are capable or willing to give women too. That picture is really, really, intensely dumb, and I honestly don't know what else to say if someone sees no false equivalence when likening a human relationship to looking at a programmed hologram. In order for that equivalence to even make sense, I'd need to be so severely autistic that I cannot even imagine it in thought.

>> No.14919440

Let me write that story for you.

Show up naked, bring beer

>> No.14920141

Take a woman, and add reason and responsibility.

>> No.14920270
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>> No.14920357

h-h-h-h-holy b-b-b-based...

>> No.14920539


>> No.14920685

I think a good deal of people think this until they experience true brotherhood and loyalty or understand what it is like to live when you have your honour and dignity intact, and others treat you as such.

Men aren't that stupid.

>> No.14920711


>> No.14920713


>> No.14920732

The most painful truth is that personality is what is required to get pussy in most cases, and its a lot harder to change your personality than it is to mold a physique. Even if you were a giga-chad but you played vidya all day and lived a life of resentment and depression and pseudo-superiority you would struggle to get any meaningful pussy from anyone worthwhile, further perpetuating your own misery about how vapid women are and then even further perpetuating how little valuable pussy you will get.

>> No.14920778

It’s not due to your personality. It’s due to your womanhood, particularly your modern womanhood, which is your personality whether you want to admit it or not. That same modern womanhood is what leads you to believe that all ways of existing in the world are just social constructs and not super human principles.

>> No.14920790

I think we view them as complex, but it's because we make the mistake of seeing them as our equal. We struggle to understand them because we automatically assume that their mental processes are similar to our own. As another anon has noted, once we drop this facade and accept that their behaviours are puerile and should be viewed as such, suddenly they become quite easy to understand.

>> No.14920791
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Read this and all your questions will be answered.

I don't date women who don't read or get this book, on principle.

>> No.14920804
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>> No.14920814

This is easily the greatest post ever made on /lit/. Thank you anon. I implore you to write an essay on this topic. I'd love to read more.

>> No.14920817

>It shows how little herbivore men are capable or willing to give women too
Herbivore men keep society running for you, it’s honestly tragic to watch
>muh false equivalence
The average woman is less human and less useful than a programmed hologram

>> No.14920831

>if you criticize anything about women, clearly you must just hate them

No. Women are easy to criticize because they are terrible. Nothing to do with hatred, just objective facts being expressed.

>> No.14920836

This just made me realise why God made women the bearer of children.

Us men have an innate ability to serve a higher cause. Women don't.
So, to reign them in, God made them serve their own children.

>> No.14920855

Implying having sex with women is at all enjoyable.
The vast majority of them are absolutely insufferable, especially in bed.

Why do you think we are like this in the first place?

>> No.14920886

>Herbivore men keep society running for you
They do, and they always have. Under a patriarchy they were rewarded with a woman and a family, with a future. Now they get nothing because of women's "free choice". Surprise, society is crumbling.

>> No.14921018

pH 13

>> No.14921024

Complicated is just a euphemism for irrational

>> No.14921046

The irony is they’ll say we don’t understand them instead.

>> No.14921110

A master is someone who sets the order.

>> No.14921112
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wen I see femoid I want to put penis inside

>> No.14921130

Apple Horse.

>> No.14921176

This is actually just delusional, you have your own counterargument in your post. Women can't leave society, or become truly independent, i.e. a desert wanderer as Nietzsche implores, because they need society to pass on children when all men need is a passing night in an inn or something of the sort. Women, additionally, know almost every man could kill them if they tried, physically, so they need society not only to give birth, but to avoid death. That being said, the psychology of any genius, forsakes the world entirely and puts it as his equal, or his ideas as above everything. Women are trapped, not that they're less intelligent, and trust me if you want to believe they're puerile you can marry a dotard and have a dullard son, but don't believe women are just simply less conscious - their only method of survival or continuation is predicated on them fitting in.

>> No.14921182

Most refreshing post ITT! I don't think women are weak. I think women has their own strengths which are grossly understated for many reasons. I think women can be great leaders, and hopefully we will see more of this in the coming times. This will also make it easier to correct this understatement. I do not agree that
>women weren't oppressed at all,
and this statement certainly does not hold for men either. I have the impression that the type of oppression has differed much more than the amount, but this may be about to change right now if we are not able to clear up our perceptions.

>> No.14921185

what the fuck

>> No.14921188

>I think women can be great leaders, and hopefully we will see more of this in the coming times
what makes you think this

>> No.14921325

I am not completely sure. I think this impression comes from my understanding of the relationship between men and women. The different roles they have historically had in society, and the changes that has occurred and continues to occur to society. Women seems very adept and comfortable with "navigating" large and disordered networks of people, and they do so in a more implicit way. Men seems to be more explicit and have a tendency to enforce strict hierarchies to reduce the complexity. Thus men and women fulfill each other in leadership. They have different strengths. The combined leadership is stronger.

>> No.14921349
File: 66 KB, 605x767, ETl4W5fXQAAA1LU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it in a sexually metaphysical way, the man is always the one who penetrates. Which role would you rather be led by? The greatest female leaders are hot musclegirls and/or hereditary monarchs

>> No.14921556


>> No.14921584

Is this what you call an answer?

>> No.14921598
File: 68 KB, 640x640, mummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about it...

>> No.14921605


>> No.14921626
File: 458 KB, 1800x1200, 02_BestChurchesInParis__EgliseDeLaMadeleine_shutterstock_117388036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a psychologist but like many others have said in this thread all ready men are not complicated. Once you separate out the things that are universal between men in women i think the main thing you are left with in men is a desire to build something and for that thing to stand the test of time. The men i have met in my life who do not build something, anything are miserable like they are living an unfulfilled life. Every happy man i have ever met builds something that they can take a sense of pride or accomplishment in. That thing might vary from man to man. One guy I know builds computers another builds sandrails another is a graphic designer and builds brands for companies. I think in all men is the desire to build and I believe its an attribute largely absent from women. This is just my observation maybe someone on here might be able to shed more light on the idea.

>> No.14921632

part of being a man is being able to distinguish between these virtues and manipulations that take their appearance.

>> No.14921635

Literally wheezing at that picture

>> No.14921920

I would slightly disagree. I think it's because they serve their children, they are unable to serve a higher cause

>> No.14921975

my diary desu

>> No.14921992

That’s assuming most people in general have the self-awareness to actually understand anything about themselves. Most of the time if you ask people any personal questions they’ll give innocuous and specious replies so as to not make themselves vulnerable or ruffle any feathers. You can’t trust people to be honest about themselves during the early stages of any relationship.

>> No.14922017

Based girardfag

>> No.14922031

>You can’t trust people to be honest about themselves during the early stages of any relationship.
Agreed anon. Don't want to lose that steady supply of sex and emotional validation.

I would expand on this by saying that further in a relationship when people start "opening up" the "introspection" they engage is puerile at best. Most people are retarded. And for those who aren't, good luck getting them to truly admit the thoughts that reside in the deepest recesses of their mind (for various reasons). This analysis goes for both sexes. The distinction between the sexes perhaps resides in what generally lays in these recesses - but this is now only conjecture. I feel as though men have a lot more darkness there. Again, conjecture.

>> No.14922082

"The Book of Men"
by Garrison Keillor

>> No.14922105


>> No.14922106
File: 541 KB, 1600x2400, 918Nw0VLY2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any book to understand the male psychology?
He: Understanding Masculine Psychology by Robert A. Johnson

>> No.14922112

Just stop with the coping, woman.

If you understood the IQ differences between men and women you'd come to realise high intelligence is essentially an inherently male trait.

>> No.14922160

>comply with their masters
Absolutely based post. Everyone responding is missing your point.

>> No.14922168

just dont put out until the 25th maybe 30th date ideally until marriage and youre good

>> No.14922474
File: 1.92 MB, 4194x2292, 1578902425592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this image confuses the femoid

>> No.14922608

what does it mean

>> No.14922619

Women give affection for money.
Men give sex for affection.

>> No.14922620
File: 405 KB, 785x847, 1584529328229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a family.

>> No.14922621

jokes aside, how did this white nationalist taylor swift meme even start? did she say something?

>> No.14922625

First of all some book written by a gamma male or veronica 30 years ago isn't going to help you. Only thing that will help is talking to living humans today.

>> No.14922692

God I wish I were a privateer

>> No.14922704

Yeah, well that's just like.... your opinion, man.

>> No.14922710

According to White Supremacists, she is the epitome of Aryan beauty lol