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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 183 KB, 569x344, live-laugh-fucking-die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14912312 No.14912312 [Reply] [Original]

This is it.

This is the thing that decides your fate. Years of writing, honing, revising, pouring your soul into your manuscript, and this thing has the power to squash everything like a bug.

Look at that thing. The soulless eyes. The pasty, overweight flesh. The problem glasses. The fucking LIVE LAUGH LOVE writing on the wall behind her!

Fucking Christ, she looks like a sexist stereotype that came to life straight from the mind of an alt-righter, like Athena from Zeus (I started with the greeks).

And the creature in pic related is only one of the seven (7) literary agents in this video, where they explain the main reasons that bring them to reject a manuscript:


Seven literary agents. All women. All with the same cookie-cutter mentality. All with the same view of what a book "should" be. All cells of the same modern femi-lefty hivemind.

Behold, the gatekeepers of contemporary literature.

(Fun game: try to imagine how many of your favorite authors would have never been published and would have died pennyless and forgotten, if they had to be judged by entities like those.)

>> No.14912316

>reddit spacing

>> No.14912325
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Suck a dick and bow to your judges.

>> No.14912339
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This is who you have to impress and please. God forbid your book doesn't have a Strong Cunt Character that can do everything on first try and openly mocks the males around her while breaking their skulls even though they're 220 pounds and she's 120.

>> No.14912345

They're not hired to be arbiters of culture or taste, but to judge what's profitable to their publisher. Same reason HR decides who to hire.

Also don't forget that women buy more.

>> No.14912349

This is a worse hell than Satan could have imagined.

>> No.14912360

You wanted to rub shoulders with the (((intelligensia))) and be a respectable little dog, don't complain now. For months I told you it was all sissy-hypno, but you insist on considering before dismissing, and by doing so you open yourself up to their abrahamic spell.

>> No.14912363

Really? This is your worst hell? A publishing company having editors from a culture you hate?

>> No.14912376

You’re looking at women’s pop lit and ya fantasy publishers. They are also really tiny agencies, not people like Penguin, FSG, Scribner’s, etc..

>> No.14912378
File: 412 KB, 756x416, omg-so-offensive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pic related is my worst hell.

(That and commenters on frog-raising chilean forums that take hyperboles literally in an attempt to look smart and end up looking like nitpicky little shits.)

>> No.14912386

>They are also really tiny agencies, not people like Penguin, FSG, Scribner’s

Larger publishers are exactly the same, just with a bit more civil veneer going on.

>> No.14912387

What a stupid statement. Satan according to biblical mythology is going to be suffering in hell along with everyone else. He’s not going to be some ruler there.

>> No.14912390

Offensive or unnecessary. And who the fuck decides if a scene is "offensive" or "unnecessary"? This bitch?

George R. R. Martin would've never been published. Or early Stephen King.

>> No.14912395

Again, you’ve purposely picked out agents specifically going for genre fiction/YA writers. And your only point seems to be that their appearance is disagreeable to you.

>> No.14912397

>not people like Penguin, FSG, Scribner’s, etc..
You think they employ differently minded people? That they want to risk defying the zeitgeist?

>> No.14912407

It just seems like a minor thing to complain about. If you had to publish your book you could go through other channels.

>> No.14912409

He's not OP.

>> No.14912422

>you’ve purposely picked out agents specifically going for genre fiction/YA writers.
Doesn't every agent go for this kind of shit nowadays?

>a minor thing to complain about.
Really? Having your access to literature gatekept by mediocre zealots of a vagina-ultraliberal cult that doesn't allow any opposing voice and has the power to simply silence it, is a minor thing?

>> No.14912426

Not really. They don’t publish primarily sci-fi/fantasy/romance stuff. You can also look into who is publishing the work of the authors you like and submit to their publishers. Pynchon, McCarthy, Rushdie, and many other great/decent authors have published books in the 2000s or 2010s.

>> No.14912428

>mediocre zealots of a vagina-ultraliberal cult that doesn't allow any opposing voice
And you know this because... you don’t like their appearance

>> No.14912433

Or, you know, because of the shit they say?

>> No.14912441

Lmaoooo just self-publish dog it's just human beings publishing a book idiot they have no power over you loollllllllllllllllllllllll

>> No.14912443

What did they say? You’ve shown us a picture and said how ugly she looks, from which you’ve inferred that she’s a bad agent.

>> No.14912452

Lmao how are literary agents even real? I mean nigga just walk away. Just self-publish lmao.

>> No.14912459

I'm glad someone gets it. Publishing houses (all businesses) are just spooks at the end of the day anyway.

>> No.14912461

Mongoloid. Even just the screenshots show that they judge books based on prejudiced shit like "problematic representation" and "offensive scenes" where poor women get hurt. You don't even need to watch the linked video. And you still managed not to get it.

>> No.14912469
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This hero in the comments summarizes it well.

>> No.14912477
File: 371 KB, 752x417, muh stereotypes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, only the stereotypes they approve of are fine. Anything else is a HARMFUL STEREOTYPE and into the trash it goes.

>> No.14912483

Politics always been a problem for publishing. Animal farm is the usual anecdote. Deal with it

>> No.14912485
File: 399 KB, 758x426, add-some-more-faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and of course you need more REPRESANTASCHUN for lgbtqfmos8+ deformed mentally ill faggots.

>> No.14912494

>deal with it
>accept that bug people like that control literature
>just accept it
>don't fight it in any way
>don't even point it out
>just deal with it
>accept it

>> No.14912508

Meh, cest la vie.

>> No.14912513

Lmao what? I saw a picture of them with a question next to their face. How am I supposed to know how they answered the question?
Either way, all publishers look for something different. A children’s literature agent will not want to include anything that’s not kid friendly for example. If these agents aren’t looking for violence or “problematic representation” I guess they’re not looking for serious fiction but entertainment like YA/Genre fiction.

I very very much doubt a serious literary agent who is looking for serious fiction will be against violent scenes and “problematic representation”.

>> No.14912526

This explains a lot why it's been several decades since we've got a groundbreaking book.

>> No.14912533

>I saw a picture of them with a question next to their face.
...no... that... that was their answer... my god, you're actually trisomic...

>I very very much doubt a serious literary agent who is looking for serious fiction will be against violent scenes and “problematic representation”.
I sure hope so, but the current state of our bookshops makes me doubt it.

>> No.14912540
File: 18 KB, 340x340, A286AB38-58A0-400D-AD8E-426DB39810E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O.k incel

>> No.14912541

>It's not happening
>They're just an internet strawman
>You're crazy
>Actually it is happening and its a good thing
>It was always like this <= you're here

>> No.14912557

It's exactly how I imagined they would look. If you look up any YA novel on Goodreads you'll see the review section filled with these copy and pasted people. I don't think they're really human.

>> No.14912566
File: 184 KB, 665x662, reeeeee-fucking-femoids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shoo dirty femoids.

>> No.14912576

Nah, I just don't care much.
If I'll want a real book published, I won't care about readership. I'm working on books tailored to make the most money possible so it's meh if they are trash.
And if they're 'affecting society's... I'm too old to be affected anymore and I don't care about the latest trend. No kids either.
You should chill.

>> No.14912591

Imagine seething this much about gay people who don't influence your life in the slightest

>> No.14912593

Publishers are all mentally challenged except for a select few historic outliers like Gordon Lish and Ezra Pound. In the literary world agents and publishers are like children hanging on the coattails of the writer, because without the writer what are they? A failed writer. Treat them like retards because they are. They do not understand writers, but they envy them. Submit often, and develop a track record by publishing in lit journals, and when your query letter says “my work has appeared in (insert prestigious literary journal here)” watch how they magically start loving your writing. Fucking inbred tards.

>> No.14912594

Well one of the most popular novels recently was 50 shades of grey, which included graphic sex scenes. I’m not saying 50SOG is a good book but if we took your video as gospel it could never have been published.

Contact some serious literary agents who like your style of literature if you want to get published. Obviously if you’re writing literary fiction you’re not gonna have success with agents who only care about teen/YA genre fiction.

>> No.14912596

Cont. I think >>14912591 put it succintly

>> No.14912606

>who don't influence your life in the slightest
The mere fact that literary agents nowadays are desperate to cater to lgbt otherwise they throw tantrums, and if you don't cater to them as well, your ideas are automatically excluded from the literary marketplace, is a pretty big influence.

>> No.14912612

only the most retarded people struggle to understand the effects of something when they are not direct or immediate. fags affect society, which affects you.

>> No.14912618

50sofg was porn for females. The sex scenes were framed as "hot" and even "empowering" for women because yes, the main character was being tied up and sodomized, but it was from a hot 26 year old billionaire, so women liked it. That is COMPLETELY different from books that describe women raped or hurt.

I would say that 50sofg proves conclusively that retarded women control the literary landscape nowadays, otherwise a piece of shit like that would've never been published.

>> No.14912634

You know these people aren't the only editors out there, right? Plenty of edgy genre shit still gets published

>> No.14912637

If you are writing to get published, you are a faggot. These femcel literary agents are merely the material expression of what you had coming.

>> No.14912647

So submit to Martin or King’s publishers, stupid.

>> No.14912651

It's the MFA hivemind

>> No.14912653

Shut the fuck up you huge bitch, fucking hell. It's always women this, niggers that with you people. Live your fucking life and stop complaining, goddamn. These people have little bearing on your life unless you actually work in publishing or have submitted a manuscript. Stop getting mad at youtube videos and write something

>> No.14912662

>yes goy, never let your ideas out into the world
>keep them hidden in your drawer
>don't express your talent
>don't build a better life
>keep wageslaving until you die
>nice and quiet
>good goy

>> No.14912667

neither of them would have easily been published today desu

>> No.14912672

You'd need a time machine and submit stuff to them 30 years ago, when the general mentality was different.

>live your life
>don't complain about unfairness
>don't complain about people that make it impossible to live your life
>just be quiet
>keep toiling
>stop complaining
>stop pointing out obvious flaws

>> No.14912676


>> No.14912692

Either way it included graphic sex scenes, which your video said was a dealbreaker.

>piece of shit like that shouldn’t have gotten published
Why not? Not everything that is published has to be for literary people. Most people read books for entertainment. Literary fiction is a niche subset of the book industry. If you want to get published, you’ll contact agents who work within that subset.

>> No.14912698

Not what I'm saying. Are you working on a book, or do you have one written? Have you started shopping it around to agents? If not, then these people aren't doing anything to affect your life

>> No.14912712

>it included graphic sex scenes, which your video said was a dealbreaker.
They were talking about sex scenes that degrade women, not the ones that make them feel moist and all "empowered". God. Can't you speak cunt a bit?

>why not?
50sofg had shitty prose, shitty characters, retarded predictable plot and absolutely no redeeming quality, as expected from a goddamn twilight porn fanfiction written by a frustrated housewife oh god how did we end up at a point where THIS is the best sold book of all times?

Nothing against fiction and reading for entertainment, I do it too. But it must be GOOD fiction, not a bucket of fermenting shit.

>> No.14912714

>make it impossible to live your life
Someone not actively enabling your dreams isn't making your life impossible to live. If your writing is good, why would self-publication be a barrier to success?

>> No.14912721

>these people aren't doing anything to affect your life
Filling up the bookstores with their mind poison is something that affects me. It changes our general mentality, it shiftes the overton window, it makes bullshit acceptable and true things "problematic" and unspeakable. You're being really dense and shallow.

>> No.14912734

>why wouldn't you succeed simply by throwing your book into an ocean of self-published stuff that is either smut or utterly unreadable trash, so that your book gets lost and is impossible to find even for the readers that would've loved it, since it got zero advertisement from a publishing house?

>> No.14912744

What is this problematic truth?

>> No.14912789

I agree that these women look stupid as hell and talk stupid as hell too.

I don’t really think they are the gatekeepers though when it comes to the kind of writing I want to do and that most anons here probably are interested in. I have no interest in the YA Fantasy readership at all. So this really doesn’t bother me much.

For sure, the publishing world is quite left of center and a bit annoying but there are writers that flout these expectations and make people seethe, yet succeed tremendously. Look at Houllebecq. Pynchon has lots of things that would be deemed problematic, he has big lipped jiving black niggers in his novels who primarily serve the purpose of comedy relief, yet his last book was published in like 2013, right? The guy who just won the Nobel Prize for Literature was a nationalist/fascist sympathizer, there were people all over twitter seething about it.

>> No.14912797

the only people who are being dense and shallow are faggots like you. /lit/ is a bisexual board. Don't like it, go back to /pol/.

>> No.14912829

If your ideas were any good, they'd thrive anyways. You are living in the internet era. These literary agents are actually helping you cope; blame it on them, you wouldn't have gotten published anyways.
Imagine thinking your writing is good enough to get published but somehow got stopped by women, holy shit.

>> No.14912844

Anon you seem to have confused my heartfelt advice with an attack. No matter what 'barriers' there are to your goal, you can take steps toward reaching it. Raging against the heavens over stuff outside your control is only going to hurt you when you could be improving your lot by other means. I'm sorry you aren't being given advertising, but that is by no means necessary for success.

>> No.14913200
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>(Fun game: try to imagine how many of your favorite authors would have never been published and would have died pennyless and forgotten, if they had to be judged by entities like those.)

The thought of never seeing Tolkien's work is maddening.

Pic related is a book of an other who got blackballed by these cunts. If he was not already so popular he would never be published at all, so he still able to get books out through small greedy publishing houses.

>> No.14913204

Your prose sucks and I, a misogynistic male, would never publish your shit.

>> No.14913226

Already finding excuses for when your shitty manuscript won't get published. YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY HOLY SHIT. Anyway there is selfpublishing and if you have so much faith in your literary masterpiece why not do it. Lots of people are making money that way. But again seek help

>> No.14913254
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He seems upset.

>> No.14913320
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>Nothing against fiction and reading for entertainment, I do it too. But it must be GOOD fiction, not a bucket of fermenting shit.

See, that's just it.

Have you seen the statistics on mass IQ levels? They've dropped like 15-20 points in the last 50 years. The average person out there is borderline retarded, somewhere in vicinity of 90-100 IQ. And to think half those people are even dumber, under 90.

When my IQ was tested back in HS, I was scored at 115, and I felt then that I was a box of rocks. I can't even imagine being a 90.

So, these big publishers need to sell to a population of knuckle draggers, so they have the same as literary agents. You need to be an idiot to know what idiots are going to buy, right?

>> No.14913624

Why are the majority of posts defending something so obviously disgusting?
>posters: 22
Oh interesting

>> No.14913826
File: 317 KB, 968x517, CF1F3E00-513F-4E15-97BA-4ACACB512A1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Yeah bro (((white))) liberal New Yorker Karens totally don’t control the publishing industry”

>> No.14913891

life's not fair pussy. If you want to get what you want, you need to put the work in. stop making excuses

>> No.14914031

lmaoing @ anglo literary """culture"""

how did yall niggas fall off so damn hard

>> No.14914057

the free market at work, bitch
suck it up :^)

>> No.14914131

Yep. The most you can hope is that all publishing companies go bankrupt.