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/lit/ - Literature

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14911004 No.14911004 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many famous authors and philosophers plagued by depression, despair, and other forms of internal suffering?

>> No.14911013

Writing is a palliative.

>> No.14911019

Because their minds are the playthings of Shaytaan

>> No.14911020

Most people are, writers aren't unique, they just wrote something and people assumed their lives were unique and worthwhile because of that, get over yourself and know that all writer's lives existed irrespective of their art.

>> No.14911023

Writers yes, philosophers no. Their were very little philosophers who were plagued by these things, maybe had eccentricities but nothing more than that. Schopenhauer was never plagued by depression maybe Kierkegaard, doubtful though. Camus neither. Maybe at the slightest Cioran? I don't really count Nietzsche senile later years or Deleuze's suicide(he was in immense pain and about to die).

>> No.14912198


Writers like artists in general tend to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.

Philosophers can be a bit eccentric like many academics but I wouldn't describe them as generally depressed or full of angst.

>> No.14912777

People who write meaningful things have a higher intellect, being smarter in this world means increased awareness of the sad reality of our existence and the suffering around us

>> No.14913141

i looked exactly like that when I was 22 except for smoking, liking DFW and the jacket was def. sincere.

>> No.14913164

Because that's the natural condition of intelligent adults.

>> No.14913622

Art and literature is most brilliant when made by a tortured soul.

>> No.14913697

Non-depressed non suffering chads are getting poosy instead of being a nerd and writing about sad bads

>> No.14913905


>> No.14913932


>> No.14914189

Holy shit is this whole thread a joke? Get over yourselves you angsty teenagers

>> No.14914292

alpha male alert

>> No.14914337

This is the true answer.

>> No.14914856
File: 59 KB, 500x519, suicidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination of ambition, narcissism, self-critique and too much self contemplation. That's what I feel like at least.

>> No.14914872

Shaytaan only fuck with pure and pious people. Why the fuck would he fuck with his own allies?

>> No.14914928

Essential DFW other than Infinite Jest? I've only read the compilation that included the cruise and state fair essays, which I found to be pretty good reads.

>> No.14914967

Just read infinite jest its his best. that being said maybe brief interviews and pale king but neither are as good

>> No.14914992

The Pale King would've been his best novel

>> No.14915283

What is the source of the problem?

>> No.14915303

The west idolizes suffering in it's art.

>> No.14915328

more pain makes sublimation more better

>> No.14915350

Because they are losers who used their intelligence to create complicated systems of thought in order to cope with the fact that they are the cause of their shitty lives.

>> No.14915375


They think too much.

>> No.14915541

I enjoyed broom of the system a lot

>> No.14915655

Syphilis, mostly.

>> No.14915697


>> No.14916813

to be in the mode of writing something meaningful, you expose yourself to terrible things. moreover, writing demands a lot of thinking and little doing, which also damages the soul. the spotless minds are the blessed

>> No.14916892

I love watching DFW interviews

His idiosyncrasies and over-introspection are so fascinating to watch.

>> No.14916893

You generalization is clever but not right. Many great authors were happy men, that took pride in what little they wrote and enjoyed every second of existence. It seems that an inquiry over doomer literature was the source for your meaningless argument.

>> No.14916944
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They stared too long into the abyss. Or perhaps not long enough.

>> No.14918325

Writing is a suicidal act

>> No.14918351

Uh, so does the east, who is Yukio Mishima?

>> No.14919634

It's possible to be an intellectual and still happy?

>> No.14919818

Consider the Lobster essays are pretty phenomenal

>> No.14919823

How hard is Infinite Jest?

>> No.14919826


>> No.14920823

not all statements you think are true

>> No.14920832

this is the correct answer