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14909665 No.14909665 [Reply] [Original]

wtf im a cultural marxist now

>> No.14909683

we haven't been allowed to use that term since a self-declared communist wikipedia poweruser deleted the article on the matter and redirected it to an article about so-called conspiracy theories

>> No.14909695

It does not follow, then, that all nations are equal.

>> No.14909748

it's called critical theory and lots of it sucks (like Marcuse) and was influential in the growth of 3rd wave feminism and critical racial theory and lots of shitty scholarship in humanities in general, but when you use stupid catch all terms like Cultural Marxist or SJW it makes you sound dumb.

>> No.14909867

I actually don't get why "cultural marxism" is such a taboo term. Was not most of post WW2 progressive and leftist policies founded on such movements as the Frankfurt School or Poststrualists such as Derrida who described their philosophy as a "radical form of Marxism"? Were these movements not attacking capitalist society from a social/cultural vantage, rather than an economic? Sure it may not be a 100% accurate term but neither is Idealist, or Postmodernist or Hegelian. I think the term is often misappropriated by the right, but it still seems to hold valid weight.

>> No.14909883

>In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony nation's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.

>> No.14910225

You are stringing words together again.

>> No.14910244
File: 71 KB, 696x960, 1485779315202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which she can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in a foreign nation to which she doesn't belong. She is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing herself for her own inferiority.

>> No.14910262

either lousy bait or ridiculously out of touch. 2016 was 4 years ago.

>> No.14910279
File: 135 KB, 1024x605, 1496584642387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fine.

>> No.14910352

Marxism is an even bigger cope than nationalism.

>> No.14910379

>I'm a retard with no skills
>Everyone hates me and I fuck up everything I do
>I'm not to blame, the system is!

>> No.14910388


absolutely based

>> No.14910406

haha, gottem

>> No.14910424

Schopenhauer didn't like Jews or Islam though.

>> No.14910434

It's not taboo it's just fucking retarded. It is a rebranding of the Nazi conspiracy theory about Cultural Bolshevism, and the only reason (some) conservatives use it is because they are illiterate peasants who don't know the actual names of the philosophies they talk about.

>> No.14910536

smells like a fake quote

>> No.14910620

it's taboo because Communists, like subversive Jews, absolutely hate being called out for what they are

>> No.14910630

Nationalism is a cope

>> No.14910638

did he write anything more on idpol? i'm looking to peel away my made up layers of identity

>> No.14910649

because cultural marxism creates a utopia for pigs.

>> No.14910658

2015 was five years ago.

>> No.14910688


>> No.14910749

marxism isn't philosophy, neither is postmodernism

>> No.14911142

nobody in this thread, nobody in this fucking board reads

>> No.14911191

kill all niggers

>> No.14911202

2014 was six years ago

>> No.14911209

i live outside of time as my ideals are eternal- perfection

>> No.14911212

>picking and choosing his quotes to support your ideology

>> No.14912560

>change nation with a class